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 Nov 2011 Faeri Shankar
A stem is gone,
The leaves won’t shiver,
As the wind swirl around

A portrait that is blank,
A sky, austere as dust
Sprinkle on the blue view

Of your eyes that see no stem,

That holds petals
And leaves,
That won’t quiver,

Because the earth is wrinkled.
Manila, 2008
Whirl up, sea—
Whirl your pointed pines.
Splash your great pines
On our rocks.
Hurl your green over us—
Cover us with your pools of fir.
Have you ever held your hand still
Just above a river’s passing water
Liquid rushing by reaching for your skin
Jumping up; eager to commune with you
Beckoning you to dip a finger in
Your smile
tastes of mint smoke.
It’s refreshing
against the taste of my tears
and the drink you gave me
to stop them.
Your eyes
trace their way down
my body
every little sweet spot
long forgotten.
Your hands
melt into mine;
a connection revisited.
And for a moment
I see in your gaze
that (love lust longing) we shared.
I blink
and it is gone
in the moonlight
and blinking light
from your clock.
So I close my eyes
and let the smell of tobacco
in your hair
and the smile against my lips
bring me
to a dark connection
I know far too well.
We can be together.
Just one more time.
Just for tonight.
 Nov 2011 Faeri Shankar
as the father once
told his son
                 "just wait"
I'm noticing more and more of these 10 word poems making the rounds on Hellopoetry, so I figured I'd give this new structure a shot.
 Nov 2011 Faeri Shankar
 Nov 2011 Faeri Shankar
A frivolous fire crept 'tween some toes
Climbed up a calf and met with a knee
Danced past a waist that nobody knows
Up through all that blind fingers see
It crawled its way over the length of the skin
And over full mountains of rib-cages when
It got to the heart
And found you there

— The End —