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I feel
the darkness

I just don't
- trust it -
too much
May 2017 · 350
it's all
to be.

— Yoda
May 2017 · 936
yes to the mess
yes to the lessons
yes to the illusions

yes to me
yes to being
yes to releasing
past ashes

yes to living

yes to showing up broken
yes to rising in blue and black
yes to bandaging crimson scar-chars

yes to

yes to love
in infinite resurrections
May 2017 · 441
all the things are possible
recently, I took a ****
in a metal torpedo
flushed, washed and
checked my hairdo
before siting down
in cranked A/C
Wi-Fi accessing
songs by-the-million
and got solicited
a mid-air cocktail

not long ago
people were dying
on the Oregon Trail
and I could probably DL
that old crApple game
right now - at 34,000 ft -
buy some oxen and ****
before I die of dysentery
while I go from DC to FL
in two ******* hours

you know one day
kids are gonna be playing
21st-century games
wildwildwest replaced with
archaic world wars and
monopolistic rat races
wondering what it was like
to jet through the clouds
when you couldn't just
hop in your portal
to get wherever

every last bit
of what we take for granted
would seem nothing short
of witchcraftical magic
to eyes from past

because somebody
imagined that ****
and made it

we are fingertips of God
spinning new worlds
on the threads of
our dreams

come spin
with me

you shouldn't ever
have to wonder

if you'll be meeting
your unborn child
on the other side

instead of in
this life

and the last thing
you'll ever see

is his hateful mug
feeling zero remorse
as you claw
for air
but unless you integrate
really do the inner work
not just Be Dazzle your ego
with illumination memoirs

after something
skims your surface
you might go from repping
solfeggio frequencies
to singing, get on my level ***
finger flinging in the face
of head-spun girl wondering
what the **** have I done
got to Ctrl + Z
trapass stuck keys


patterns will reemerge
unless you hack the ****
outta perspective lit up

(be it LSD or other
luminous peaks)
May 2017 · 284
when ready meets
crystal reciprocity
seeing beings being
May 2017 · 1.3k
happy light trails
those brains are delicious
- my favorite, in fact -

but let them rest
for a white-hot minute

rouse that ancient
heart center hum
om home, love

I hope
you make it

or without me
I have a nexus
inside my mouth
but the problem is

how not to
further bind you
in paralyzing webs

it's gonna be whoa
it's gonna be more
than you think

I'd prefer to
connect our dots
in open-heart throes
therapy sesh dosed

on a day
when we're ready
to say hello, let go
and scatter brimstone

fall up into roots
climb trees into pink
2,000 feet tall (at least)
opened fists laced
eyes blown by aerials
of this darklight karmic
forest we've grown
May 2017 · 678
there was no choice
one day out of nowhere
the silenced inside simply found
a swift route to the outside

metal clink *******
words burst forth
telling stories I
did not know
I had in me

and ever since, I know
if I'm not inking myself
I'm hiding

from me

I can quit
for a while
but the longer I go
the stronger it grows

and more forcibly, terribly, it
makes its way up from my belly
when it breaks loose

I should know better by now
the repercussions of shutting down
thoughts lining up to ricochet
but sometimes

I just can't

when it makes me feel more
of what is already unbearable

when it all seems so pale
in comparison to abysmal palette

when I'd rather avoid
looking in the mirror...

I never chose
to be a writer

the words just surged
as soon as my fingers
found their home

just like it was
with us
May 2017 · 291
paint it white
you can't
erase the tries
outside the lines

but you can
paint over them
May 2017 · 548
snorting petrichor
from afternoon thunderstorms
while the sun still shines
and the sky crackles
a hypnotic lullaby
this intergalactic
electric ecstatic dakini
spinning enchantments
to launch dew souls
Rocky Mountain hiiiiiiighhhh
brewing bitchinest dreams
inside lenticular lookout
fixin to spit stitches
at broken globular
after I mend my frays
who babbles hypothetically
thru abstruse WTFerland
wants you to know:

I do

in thinks and its
holy whattheshits

here there

all. of. it.
May 2017 · 1.1k
fractured artifacts
while you're
down there

I will
be here

to see me
like I see you

eyeing the shine
not picking at
the cracks

filling them
with gold dust
lacquered soul

winking at flecks
in the fissures

I hope you find
what's calling you
to the bottom

and swim it to
the serifed shore

I'll help you
pick the seaweed
from your sunken shatters

and lick the grit
till I unlock
your lips
May 2017 · 512
for our insides
a while back
I changed my
Evernote font

to Palatino Linotype

I know, I know
but yeah…

it means a lot
to my insides
I know
a room
holding a soul
hostage inside it.

among other bones,
it indexes my ribs, there,
on the other side of the drywall.

I, bound
by knotted knowing wires,
writhe along its dividing line:
dissecting the silence
that forever ticks
our timedlines
as such.
kid: what are those words?
me: I'm writing poetry.

kid: party tray?
me: poetry.

kid: polo tree?
me: poetry.

kid: poe uh chee?
me: close enough.

I love it like when people sing incorrect lyrics. But more, because kid has the cute and is missing a tooth.
May 2017 · 2.6k
delicious silence
I'm so lonely
for someone I
can be alone with

a million tongue notes
flicked upon a rogue
scale of silence

echoing unsaids
across flesh parallax

seeing you seeing me
is enough, it's so much
I can barely handle it
and it all stays
in mouth
or drips

down the corners
where I lick
May 2017 · 1.2k
melt with me
in eternal summer
tan white hot lines
on the sands of time
May 2017 · 694
existence is
******* magical
despite psychopaths
running the shitshow
egoic stoic will unfold
as origami hearts turn
etheric tissue paper
interdimensional winged
aglow in palm
May 2017 · 328
rages rearranged
spun splays delayed
faded fates in disarray

balmy balsamic
accumulating cyclonic
ruminative cumulonimbus

wet flecks foretelling
saturate somethings
this way coming

rinse, repeat
annoint me
I guess
poetry can be used
to inspire resolve

but I'm looking for
the kind of direct, boldface salve
that spawns trust, eats doubt
and sifts the tar from under my ribs

"The medium is the message."
- **** McLuhan said
May 2017 · 333
I hope
we get to sit
next to each other
when the Akashic record
vids flip in inter-D
hand in hand

maybe then
we'll understand
Apr 2017 · 871
high contrast
I lean toward the light
but am rather fluent
in the tongue of night

a full house lies
beneath corseted wings
slipped in ripped nylons
upper thigh clings

deal me yours -
iron fangs, claws, force
scrawl impassioned pains
branding your name
primal submitting
heart catharsis

you probably
should know

I can play
as good (or better)
than possessedkitten
if you push me
too far

my core
is prism pure
but I can make you
question that
Apr 2017 · 732
pin me
like the pain
strung you up inside

seize me at the scalp
by a fistful unannounced
like the haunts startled you
from behind

drain me at the jugular
like the want bled you dry
then turn me out

unhinge you into me
like the doorslam stripped
that oxidized adamantine

exorcise we
entertain these demons
till they are screaming
safe words
Apr 2017 · 1.5k
grey, black & red morning
I picked grey for the sheets
to cocoon our tangles
and black for the curtains
to block out the light
after sleepless skin bliss
in the morning we'd drift
merging aural wires
where flesh cannot press
unified on a fraction
of new foam mattress
dew lattice charted upon
have breakfast in bed
then get up and eat
giggling over tea steams
poured in black and red
Japanese porcelain cups
I found at the thrift shop
with cherry blossoms
fired on their insides
Apr 2017 · 822
room 331
work tripping #3 in 6 weeks
it's good they're investing in me
but it makes me feel
like I owe them things
and I probably do
it suffocates my anxiety
makes me consider a brisk walk
over the sill in 331 onto the Tarmac
in this quaintish Kentucky town
I've seen all 3 hours of but 100% know
it reeks of Igottagetthefuckout
homesick not for my home
but for beings and places that feel
like I don't need an escape route
or have to shove my thoughts down
and pull a thing out that isn't myself
I find myself going in the bathroom
at my parents house just to get away
because I can't engage with them
for long without alcohol to fuzzy
the thoughts I don't want to think
the feelings I'd rather disown
my dad buys too much wine
and I am so good at drinking it
I'm never alone enough
and when I am I just stare
into thoughts that go circular
everywhere and nowhere
it's all I want - to be alone and still
with nothing to do for days on end
no one to feed or bathe or need things
but wallow free in my lethargy and
get to all those dots on the ceiling
and not have to pretend anything
I have so many things I wanna do
but am lacking the proper thing
that propels things and does
the motion and I've gotten good
at doing the minimum but
I wanna be Onnit like Joe Rogan
but feel I can't afford that ****
though maybe I should rethink that...
and you know, I should be thrilled -
I got a free upgrade - a 2-BR suite
almost as big as my apartment
but it makes me feel guilty
for all the days I can't focus
because the ache inside wants things -
attention mostly, and just to cry
and sit and do nothing you know
I'm always half-assing even though
I'm terrible at half-assing things
because I either want to do it full-tilt
or not at all, so basically
I even half-*** my half-assing
so it's really more like a 1/4-assing
that wishes it were zero-assing
and I'm pretty sure I'm even
half-assing my lethargy
trying to sort out the other half of ****
I'm not focusing on when I should be
I always have these fantasies
of how I'll be in a hotel alone -
sipping wine in a bubbly tub
pampering myself, feeling sparkly
but I always end up feeling
in unfamiliar cookie cutter hole
wasting hours on godknowswhat
with nothing to show for it
except some ****** poetry
or whatever this genre of ***** is
but the little white rectangle light
makes me feel not so alone
and expectorating the thoughts
into somewhere else -
my little RGB bottle in digital sea -
and knowing that maybe
others who long to be alone
just so they can wallow
in wretched unprocessed feelings
and be utterly ******* useless
aren't alone in wanting that

tonight I'll lie to myself
pretend you're across the living room
with the abrasive polyester couch
probably switching back and forth
between the two beds doing
whatever it is that you do
when you lock yourself down inside
and I'll ignore the screaming children
who must each weigh 300 lbs
running SWAT drills down the hall
and just imagine you're close enough
to be almost here
with me

and we're somewhere near
being whatever we are
or are not
and it's all OK because
we don't have to pretend
or half-*** anything
or devise an escape

we could play Marco Polo
even if no one ever wins
we can just keep role-switching
but I could hear your voice
and your pace pacing inside you
and be there close by just in case
you wanted to peek out
and chuck your shoe at my door
just for fun or maybe because
my nothing's too ******* loud

imagining you'd be OK with that -
doing proto-Wolverine impressions
or whatever ridiculous, wild, quirky
or boring, stupid, pissy things
you do when you're strapped up
in your own mechanical devices
in the space across the way -

it stretches my ribs a little
makes them want to be ready
to crack open
for good
you might be repressed if
the universe tells you to
buy hi-vibe crystalline
heal, align, energize
and rock her
holy alive
Apr 2017 · 598
buffets are overrated
my palate favors
particular concoctions
over too many pots
and helpings spurned

I don’t need
to taste everything
imported from China
suped-up HFCS and MSG
the first bites are yum
across hungry tongue
but the rest are all meh
instigating regretful churns
and nutrient deficiencies

I just want that
raw, organic, GMO-free
concentrated, satiating
perfected recipe
crafted expertly
on my tongue

Apr 2017 · 317
scope it
whatever you are, allow it
wherever feel creeps, follow it
whenever rage leaks, catch it
ever in your spiral, route it
under your spectroscope
finesse the focus until
your pupils explode
Original Lite-Brite
patterns magnify
stills emerge
inner space
Apr 2017 · 282
I want you
and all your molecules
blissfully unruly
Apr 2017 · 1.7k
lucky numbers
it's real easy to feel like
we've done it all

phenomenal fuckyes then
phantasmagoric fear ragers
perpetual pity *******
blood middle knuckle crush
regretful bets hedged
hunched frozen tongues
and pointy unsaids

but sometimes
with mind wide-eyed
and heart roots writhing

I've seen it
way differently

a vantage point
where pushpull face-plants
are winning lotto tickets

because maybe
we were kindling of yes
unable to keep it burning yet
and we would have fumbled it
far beyond repair

I'm fairly certain
our heartfelt invites
to instant cohabitation
would have ended

traumas tripping
over hair triggers
in a 3-legged race
two smoking pistols
and four red feet

even Hello
seems too intense
to mouth

and from this
particular perspective
I can see how
every decision made in fear
led to whinging karmarang
tied with two strings

I daresay
one day we might
look back with a smile
that it went down this way

because the initial who
were not strong enough
to shoulder the immensity
nor surrendered enough
to float the fragility
of newborn carbon
gossamer whorl

in fact
I push all my chips
toward that

maybe there is
fortune in false starts
we make plans
but I bet The One
has better ones

so I'm pretty sure
we should sit down
and listen

for that breeze
to whisper
Apr 2017 · 667
lines broken
made by inserting line breaks into the top chunk of my 8.0k words*

know like
just thing inside
**** maybe
life things think
soul time real love
day lines **** mind eyes

got feel
want words trying
left matter
tongue feet hands
door cold

space holy
bones way wanna *******
we're walked walls
truth open
end line best
years ***** ink heart
little moments stories says
dust hand
free hope trust

sad wish
hell rising past inner fingers
night white teeth sit deep
dunno tell crystal
sure wanted make pull sky
remember dropped felt knees
brimming poetry

******* air seen
lips palms spin
lonely black mouth  
hard page
really dreams ready

fear other's crack  
corner survival broken
hollow home
clear tears coming
edge high pain
thought bubbles wet

push imperfect bloom  
breaking skin motions
mystical flow say lost
direct warm red
use having meant  
there's floor shaking
friendship grey  
arms wrong cracked

ride doubt escape
knew look
bare right girl
wonder feeling
finger days
Apr 2017 · 1.3k
ley lines
lithe on corridors

slink up and down
sliding hollows underground
outstretched on the edge
underscoring ley lines

I cuddle the crevice
ear pressing the cold
awaiting your gait
tick talk

our primordial
past chisels hum
verbing part lips

to bridge these walls

so I can
taste myself
on your mouth

I miss it like hell
Apr 2017 · 427
I've been left
pacing these
tightly coiled corners
dipping, rising
saddling neurons
bucking then

the vacant
is my best friend
reflect ricocheting
in echoes

the longer
I simmer solo
the more I drown
in things I’d rather
keep down

and all the
bottom residue
gets a little excited

it may just get
hacked up yet

Apr 2017 · 320
the wildest thing
is how my mood
(current longing latitude)
affects how deep ink seeps
and flavors it releases

I’m numb to it

but when I set down
shield and doubt

feels sucker-punch me
imprint other pattern
stain singe teeth felt
Apr 2017 · 247
there are so many things
I know
that you don’t

and you know
that I don’t

and I know
that you don’t
know I know

and prolly
vice versa

that make
all the things

kinda more

all I can say is
this karmic rubber band
is tighter than a *****

and I’m not
the only one

that’s clueless
with red welts
Apr 2017 · 692
your thumbs go here
supple skin braille
concave instigating
letterpress caress

crescent palms grasp
milkrose hourglass
suppressing sand

as we
glide the sky
midnight to bright

Venus dimples
when she smiles
from behind
Apr 2017 · 1.4k
the rendering
I am not
the prettiest girl
or the sexiest

not the smartest
or most talented

but I am a unique
array assembled
of whozeewhatsits

(razor blade analogies
fluorescent petal lips
coloring book flips shifting
hues and lines in real time
intense passion pigments
softened by maniacal sillies
black glitter, tears, tongue, teeth
synaptic syntax screams
billowing belly cavern
sacred swallows swimming
serifs seeping thru sweat
into fluffiest warm cotton
pinksugar dewbloom)

that will render
equivalent yet opposing
inverted complementary
juxta pair of anglepants

exquisitely speechless
with sheer me-ness

hallow mirrors blinding
four egoic eyes igniting
incinerating the dim

and in that stillness
I will feel their them
and feel it feeling
my me

betwixt twisting
our empty brimming
with eternity


or maybe
that happened

Apr 2017 · 686
a PhD in survivalism
hangs upon my bleak
wall bleached by

above a filing cabinet
storing thesis research
from The Trauma Institute
Campus at Stockholm
Apr 2017 · 1.2k
we can never
truly feel the impact
of old school swears

and that makes me sad

I can only hope
in four hundred years
after we're dead

some poor HS freshman
is searching the new wave
hologram CliffsNotes
to define idgaf
Apr 2017 · 1.2k
f this.
and that.
f the soul-******* siphons.
f the **** ******* on all the things.
f the wretched that ravages souls.
f plundering the vast unknown. f the broken that breaks us apart. f the pain that can’t find the exit door. f the non sequiturs that never stop. f all the thinks I'll never get to know. f the desert that evaporates technicolor dreams. f the reams of unsung ink.

f getting up too early. f never enough sleep.
f having no focus because mind is always trying to escape.
f the architects of this unending industrialized violent puppet reality TV.

f not having patience for utmost important because basic survival in this free range slave menagerie is just too overwhelming and chips away daily at already threadbare sanity.

f the aches under these ribs always begging for more.
f the abyss that eats cravings caved in for breakfast.

f the knowing that knows how awesomely amazingly brilliant loving flipping mind-glowingly ecstatic and jovial like a MF this existence could be.

it haunts me:

iridescent reflective ascendant peacocked wings
fluttering phoenixflies burst from ill-fit cocoons
surfing air so ******* fresh
even the Lorax ain’t got **** to say - he’s dancing
with kombucha in one hand and a DMT pipe in the other
at the festival called, I dunno, Just Because it’s ******* Monday

and we could
love and make and dream and play
all day every day every year every life...

and I look over
at this giddy ******
epic little boy version of me
and I think:

I have to keep trying
keep believing in the things
because the thought of leaving him
in this world, as-is
without me

is the hardest thing
I’ve ever had to think
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
for the love of god
learn some UX/UI best practices
and above all the annoyances,
PLEASE STOP trying to be cute
with the perpetual edits
to the HP name

it's annoying
and distracting
from actual things
I want to read

Apr 2017 · 516
smoked paprika
pimiento angeldust,
where have you been
all my life?

though I wish
I met you sooner
let's not bemoan
days gone by

but start now
in agape mouth
with a thorough intro
upon eggs and 'cado

and this tongue
that loves you so
Apr 2017 · 623
the curiouser
wants to know things

how many times
I've curled the edges
of that holy mouth

how many flutters
almost caved the roof
on that blood-red lockbox

how many times we've climbed
each other's walls, coming down
on soft dew clouds
inside your mind

how many times

you held yourself shaking
when I wasn't there

these things matter
to me

and I wish
I could overlay

my parallel trend line
Apr 2017 · 388
every inch of me
is tattooed

with lines
of you
Mar 2017 · 356
one of those
you know the days
the ones where you regret
every stupid thing you’ve ever done

look back over your shoulder
wistful at wisps wilted and slipped
through numbly fumbling fingers

while you were busy tightening
your heavy cloak of unlovability
the love you longed got stuck inside
the mirror of nonsensical symmetry

we are like children
inexperienced and naive
never taught how to handle
snow globes brimming with God

disagreeing over methodologies
to get it across the finish line
self-righteously wronging
from craves crumbled
to do it right

because it’s Us in there
enshrined in white orbitals
frosted characters waiting
for whirls to still
so they can be seen
on collapsed knees

to the same page
at the same line


is one of those
Mar 2017 · 269
it's hard to tell
if my writing is getting worse
or if I’m just trying less
to make it good

either way, it’s OK
it doesn’t need to be

other than

smoke signs for other
caged reflections to breathe
transitory fragments branding screen
that felt fleeting happened indeed

and for a moment
this was me
Mar 2017 · 547
aerie in flames
without friendship
we have nothing

no substrate sustainable
nest on fire fallout

we play with matches
kindling tilt hips
but these skins chill
so fast

in the absence
of underlying structure:

woodpyre pyramid ascent
pointing at blackdrop
where fractured lights
dance against

contorting shadowsong
upon crooked wings
Mar 2017 · 191
I wish
my tongue
could strip you bare

the way the doorslam
and sound of my steps

seem to
so effectively
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