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407 · Jul 2014
You're 16!
Evergreen Pines Jul 2014
16 years ago,
your soul was given a form,
for the world to see.

10 years after that,
was the year we became friends...
(I think, not quite sure)

Today is your day.
Make the most while you still can.
Happy sweet 16!
it's one of my close friend's birthday today
(even though she doesn't have an account on this i was waiting for today to post it)
406 · Jan 2014
Why Should I!?
Evergreen Pines Jan 2014
I know what I have.
I know there's help out there.
But why should I go?

You say this'll help me,
You say i'll benefit from it.
But why should I go?

The help out there is a crutch.
It won't help me in life.
So why should I use it?

What I have isn't a broken leg.
It's a hurtle, one i'll not trip over.
Why should I use this crutch?

If i'll beat this, it'll be my way.
I know I can do this myself,
I can do better I WILL push myself.
'Cause I know i'm capable of high marks.
I will continue to, I will not let my hurtle make me trip.
if I trip, it'll be on my own feet.

so I ask you again:
Why should I take this crutch,
when I know I can fly?
Just so you don't think I have an addiction or anything like that. My hurtle is English, I'm allowed extra help and time if needed, but I never use it 'cause I never need it.
369 · Aug 2014
thoughts of life III
Evergreen Pines Aug 2014
the reason we cry for the dead is not that they left us behind,
but that they'll never come back
and we'll never see them again.
368 · Aug 2013
Evergreen Pines Aug 2013
you know the old saying:
'if you love something set it free.
if it comes back it yours,
if not it never was'?
well I love you and...
I would free you but...
you see, I can't.
I want you to be mine.
but, I fear,
if you're released,
you won't return.
it's quite sad.
I'm too afraid to not trust you,
I'm too afraid to let you go,
but most of all...
I'm too afraid to be left alone.
364 · Dec 2013
Evergreen Pines Dec 2013
Nothing can compare to you.
You are the one everyone needs.
Only you can guide them.
Only you can save them.
For you will answer my prays.
You are the one I call to.
You are my angle.
You are my savour.
Only you can do it.
Only you can put me on the right path.
But I can only help.
Without me you wouldn't be here,
without you I couldn't live.
You need me.
But most of all,
I need you
For you are...
...My angle.
now if only I could see them

— The End —