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 Mar 2014 Eth Sykes
Maman Screams
Your touch melts my skin
Seconds passed as the sunset sinks
Your pipe blew me breeze
Different night but same old routine
Sitting by this window pane
Interacting alone with selfless pain
Why have you brought me here again
In this dark space empty terrain
Please give me an answer
I'm desperate to ask questions
Mind intercepted while words devoured
Disconnecting me from your reality
My heart just want to keep me real

@2014 Maman Screams
 Feb 2014 Eth Sykes
All of hell's angels and all of heaven's demonic beauties
Could not spare me the fools folly from once I came
And all at once I wished selfishly for a world undid
For my mortal soul should have been left to the clay
This breath is not life
This bane of unseen puppeteer
Who doth set the stage
Whose cross am I left to bare as the bell tolls and the raven flies
For evil and heaven lay in the same eye of fate
But it is us who controls the puppeteer
 Feb 2014 Eth Sykes
Maman Screams
I ran far beyond my wildest dreams
Cutting traces from this cruelty
Weighing choices are made from within
Throwing options away indubitably

Is this how we all choose to breathe
Reeling lies in our deadliest sleeps
Digging trenches deep so low beneath
Waiting silently in hope for fate to leap

Is this how we're suppose to breathe
Who are they kidding in the beginning
Applying scientific fictions rotting pleas
Infusing chlorine in their brainwashing scheme

Is this how they have always breathe
Remaking history into a theatrical comedy
Relinquish hopes for a cinematic filth
Draining youth of their liberties

Is this how we should continue to breathe
Or shall we rise above towering castles
Chasing infinity throughout the universe
Owning our rights
To love...
To hope...
To dream...
 Feb 2014 Eth Sykes
Maman Screams
You got a chance to spat out the truth
Your sweet coated lies paralyzing fools
Your synchronized wrath tearing spaces in two
Bitter sweet tragedy couldn't last through
Don't you say you didn't knew
Now your credits got no pool
Your lies piggy bank dried up for the monsoon
Didn't the lady forecast well informed you
There'll be storm in the afternoon
Well I guess this is where you'll wait for the cue
For you'll see...
Karma's my ***** too!

©2014 Maman Screams
 Feb 2014 Eth Sykes
Maman Screams
Broken glasses beneath my roots
Scattered memories of a girl I knew
Penetrating fragments through my open wounds
Would it be simpler to be abuse
Leaving taints as the march's wind blew
Opening circles of rendezvous
Dreams may now seems like a dejavu
Was it really you the girl I knew
Now just became part of the muse
The girl I once knew

©2014 Maman Screams
 Feb 2014 Eth Sykes
 Feb 2014 Eth Sykes
I walked through hell for you.
I know you didn't ask me to do it but I did it anyway;
I had a reason.  
Because I loved you too much and cared way too much and worries way much more than you deserve.
But I walked through hell anyway, For a very stupid reason.
As I walked through hell I sighed.
It didn't feel wrong or right.
It felt as if my demons were home and my sins were about to die and I couldn't feel anymore peaceful and less dangerous.
I was already in flames when I remembered you asking me; ******* your sins without killing yourself?
I couldn't answer back then because I couldn't lie and I couldn't ****** you with the truth but since we all are dead now I tell you;

you don't **** them...
unless you die with them.
I'm falling like the rain
Spinning and colliding with everything.
It's all so lovely,
But it's the pungent smell of lust
That takes my breath away.

You wore a magnificent disguise
You were so beautiful
That I thought you would break the curse
Of my bruised and ****** heart
With every vein intact.

When we kissed,
It was electric
But I never asked you to go farther.
I didn't want to do the things
That you wanted to do
But "no" and "not here"
Were some letters strung together
That you could not identify.

After your strong will honed in on me
Threatened me
Violated me and then threw me away
I did not know what to make of it.

Shades of grey, that's what it was.
It was not black and white as I expected
Any type of ****** manipulation to be.

I just assumed that
If that happened to me
I would know it
Press charges
And tell someone.

Victim blaming would not affect me.
After all, I am a feminist, right?
But much to my surprise,
It took a brutal toll on my existence.

So many dangerous, pernicious things
Can sparkle beautifully.
They catch your eye
As if to trick you
And make you second guess yourself.
That's how they **** you in.

You always think in hypotheticals
That it will look clear as day.
Until it happens to you.

— The End —