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espaic09 May 2017
ayer saque tus memorias de paseo
de la mano caminamos por viejos senderos
oliendo flores buscando amparo
en juegos, recuerdos y amores
donde la alegria imperaba y tambien moría

contamos petalos llenos de pudor
y sus colores de dolor
acariciando nubes de locura
anduvimos riendonos del sabor viejo de la amargura

ya viendo el ocaso
las ternuras marchitaban
tu sombra lloraba y mi mano soltaba

se rompía

veia como se dividia en par
por que la puesta del sol me recibía

ahí la dejé entre llantos y sonrisas
balbuceando un arrullo sin matiz
al rato solo los coquís se oían
y con su canto borraban
tu sombra de raíz
en mi vida
espaic09 May 2017
These words hold on
to the last thread
of your existence
in my life

as you persist
in all the planes
of my mind

it is long
almost infinite
dear Elysium
dont forget me

i will strongly grasp
the erroded clasps
of our chain

until roots sprout
from my veins
let us be
soul and air
again and again
espaic09 May 2017
here I sit, as I have
countless times, yeah

with liquid bread
and my thoughts
for my self

I peered into my empty bottle
realizing I spent hours
admiring a craft
mostly flawed
but revered by many

as perfection creeps
cloaked she already knows
she is unreachable and lonely

I bet God feels the same way

as I uncap another vessel
I realize that it is twenty four past two
so I sketch a few moments
but a few moments now
permanent on my sketch book

time I won't get back
and I can see it
it's ink, a doodle
on a worthless piece of paper

I stare at my text
this and these are moments
I wont get back

so much for perfection.

I hope God isnt as lonely
because it's sad
even with a all these humans
loneliness finds a way
always disguised
espaic09 May 2017
Title: tryin'

i struggle every day like the rest
problem is, i ain't.
this but a test to prove myself and conquer
places i havent been deep in my abyss
lamenting what couldve been
i ****** up feeling like a would've been, i shouldve been
a proponent of my own benefit
i cried said i tried, but the shoe wouldn't fit
and when it did, heaven screamed
kicked and stomped on my heel
it dreamed, failure wouldn't bend
a problem i couldn't tend,
lets say i couldn't pay its rent

i struggle every day like the rest
problem is, i ain't. this but a test
to make and break the bread that will set you free
of dreams only known to people with the cream

be beautiful, bold and stupid
study hard, be bards,
tell tales of truth, blues and values

cos life is short,
this aint nothin but a walk in gods remorse
espaic09 Oct 2016
I often question the reason for my existence
why I depend and others depend on me

I often question why my humanity depends on things, physical or not

My wants and needs are but fleeting specks of the tiniest time measurement in the universe

What can i possibly accomplish in the widest spectrum of things

To become better if not impossibly perfect?

To help another soar through life amazingly?

If, and only if I, as a human can accomplish absolute humility

Because as an animal i feel my existence is but a blade of grass in the garden of natural selection

Most of my regret comes from my meager path towards accrementition

The illusion taught from birth that only the best conquer and others are but cogs of your clock.

sticking out like a broken bone, rest assured that life wont **** you.
At the very least it will most likely shatter whatever crumb of happiness emanated from your soul.

For death is only momentary

...And life is too.

— The End —