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Erin Brown Jun 2017
I would talk to her everyday knowing that she would listen.
I would cry, smile and she was always there to support me.
But then, it was different.
I no longer felt her with me.
I felt afraid.
But I knew it had to be done.
I am glad that she is happy.
Knowing that, I believe I can do this on my own.
Erin Brown Jun 2017
There are only a few that do not take the chance to find love.
They are too impatient so they risk their own lives.
This causes them to never find out what would have gone right for them.
Personally, I do not believe in love, but I am still going to take that chance to find the "person of my dreams".
Sure call me clique, but who cares?
We all do it.
At least for the most part.
How I see it is that there is only a 50/50 percent chance that you live happily ever after.
Did you know that there are more than just one soulmate depending on what decisions you decipher?
They only downfall is that not everyone gets so lucky.
They make mistakes, never find the one, or are so caught up in the attention that they are receiving, that they get think that they are in true love.
So let me ask you.
Are you willing to take that leap of hope to find true love?
Or are you going to take the safest yet most dangerous route just to find solidarity?
Just because you don't believe doesn't mean that it isn't true.
Erin Brown May 2017
When I looked at you, everything else seemed to disappear.
When I touched you, it is like I have never felt something so similar in my life.
When you held me, I felt safe like no-one could come near us.
But then,
You moved away.
I could have gone with you but you made it seem so hard.
You made me feel trapped in this small town with nothing to do.
I was scared and lonely because you were not there to protect me.
I was so mad and angry at you for so long.
You made me feel weak inside and out.
But then you came back.
I was finally able to see myself again.
I was finally able to see that spark.
But remembering how you made be feel without you was too much.
I couldn't bare myself to get attached to you one more time.
So I'm sorry to do this again, but I hope for the best.
The one you lost before
Erin Brown May 2017
How is it that one can control someones life, but also be able to have their own destiny?
The feeling of pressure and sadness by another can lead you into depression.
Everyone has a choice on how they want to live their life.
They just do not know it yet and can't seem to figure out how.
Your life is like a blank canvas.
You do not know what to paint until you get a little inspiration.
Someone can make you happy and lead you into doing what you have always wanted to do.
Someone can make you sad and this then leads you into a lifetime of grief.
Knowing your boundaries and your weaknesses can help you become a better person as well as to being able to fulfill the life that you have always dreamed of.
Don't let other people control who you are.
Erin Brown May 2017
Always imagining what it will be like when I finally find "the one".
We find our true love by the paths that we take.
Not by fate,
Not by blood.
We find our second half by following what we think is right.
So I ask myself, when it will happen for me?
Of course not till long because I am still a kid you see.
People in movies and books find their love when they are in desperate need.
So I ask you, where is my prince charming?
Am I just too stupid to see him?
Or am I too afraid of what they may say?
I hope I find you one day.
And when I do,
I hope you will love me for who I am.
I hope all of you find your happily every after <3.
Erin Brown May 2017
The feeling of being crammed in a box.
Afraid of what others may say.
You may think that I am okay,
But really I'm scared.
I feel helpless.
Like I'm in a hole that has no end.
Erin Brown May 2017
I want to talk to you but I am afraid.
I know you are too lazy to help so what is the point?
The others don't think it is a big deal since they have lived through something so similar.
But now, we grow up in a different time which means a different way of dealing with things.
How come you don't think ahead?
You know that one day it will happen again.
So why wait and get comfortable?
We both know that once we settle in, it will all come crashing down.
I feel as though I am misplaced and no one can see what is hiding.
My personality has changed and has made me more self aware of what people can do.
I know that if we leave now, it will all be so confusing.
But at least then we would know that everything will be okay.
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