In the middle of the night, when everyone is asleep,
I let myself cry, and I let myself think.
Daddys are suppose to remember when their daughters turn 13...14....and 15.
And Mommys aren't suppose to be sick and ill.
Best friends are suppose to be forever and never let you down.
Love is suppose to make you happy, not second guess everything.
And so, as I lie on my bed, in this dark, dark room,
I let myself cry, for all of my life's woes.
I try to be silent and not wake anyone up, but it's so hard, don't you know, when you're all choked up.
I want to cry myself a river.
I want to cry myself a river and float away.
Cry me a river and drown my sorrows with each tear that falls.
Drown myself in a River of Tears.