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Nov 2015 · 196
Eriko Nov 2015
Sometimes I feel
As if I'm sunlight
Filtering through the trees
Fighting to stay conscious
In a world I would rather
Nov 2015 · 245
Eriko Nov 2015
sometimes one of the most*
impossible things to do
to yourself
is to convince yourself
*that nothing is there
Nov 2015 · 209
Hold on
Eriko Nov 2015
Staring down at my two feet
I feel like I can't breathe
My hands numb from the pulsing sleet
I can't keep a quiet mind

Thoughts travel unorthodox
Stupid and ****** up
And as the music winds to a stop
I can't keep the tears
Rolling down from the top

Keep away, keep away
I try to say yet from what?
Hold on against the
Current of the mad fray

Hold on just for the moment
And the static relays
Buzzing in my head
Will eventually ebb away
Nov 2015 · 294
Eriko Nov 2015
the riptide have ****** in
all that your chest can carry,
the salt is grating coldly
against the inside of your head,
leaving behind trails of grit,
killing the rippling thoughts
where the desperate ****
you hold onto cannot keep afloat
as the fury come crashing down,
thundering and screaming
a piercing whistle in your ears,
and that knotted, twisted clench
squirming underneath your ribcage,
you fight for a breath of air
yet the sea ***** you relentless
"where has gone the light?"
you ask,
"where has gone all the joy
of the world?"
you sink fast,
until the darkness starts
to drown in your head
do not cry, do not weep
do not lie in your bed alone
while your soul is weeping with sleet,
my dear,
you are never alone
the sun will come to filter
golden warmth on your sheets  
and crashing tides will steady
and the fury will clear,
guiding way to a life of tranquility
Nov 2015 · 534
This Is Not A Love Story
Eriko Nov 2015
a cavern grinning with flashes of teeth
to smile with those white things,
my love, my heart cannot help but seep
into the soft, soft soil it burrows down
and stretches its roots so that petals
and floral pigments radiate with heat
my love, I was brought to my knees
and the skies a turmoil of gray,
when you told me I couldn't be
yours to keep that day,
and so the days wore by
and my hands rummaged with
paradox melodies,
cracked with paint and sores
wondering at how I possible can
feel alone

the reminiscent of your laughter
crooked gently in the stern of your chin
and the corners of your eyes
kissing the ends of your cheeks,
the fly of words a blushing fury
of the most beautiful syllables,
softly pecking at the strings
which stitched the folds of my heart
when I thought it would tear me apart,
to always exist along your side,
but to never have your hands folded around mine

the echo of the past still travels steadfast
and the petals which have bloomed in contrast
have drunk the glory while it last,
yet, my love, the sun is sinking fast
and the cold winter is creeping to steal
what was mine stolen by the flickering fireside,
connections burrowed deeper and the seed
grown into a magnificent willow in breathtaking strife
the jargon infused of salt, ridden from the shore
feels like a home where the prints from the sand
won't be blown away,
at night the waves play a silent game
with the tug of the moon and the succulent
kisses trickling in the gorgeous fray,
now by your side there is no where else
I would rather be,
kindling the fire to keep the permafrost
from creeping into your sheets
my friend, my dear, dear friend
heed my advice and believe,
scream at the sky with vigor and pulsing life
share the love you carry
from the mountainous caverns of your chest
and brighten the galaxy in everyone's night sky
like how you have done the same
for me
and soon, very soon, my dear friend,
as tragic as time endures unforeseen,
we would have to our part ways
so as long as we can,
lets hold our hands like how it used to be,
just like how it is now,
like how it is now
Nov 2015 · 460
Eriko Nov 2015
leap over bricked walls
with a dash of flying colors
actions stringed with paper weights
balanced on a scale
waiting to pounce upon hate
or false metaphors of fate
now, it's a glimmer of past memories
swarming in the outskirts of debate
I have seen the true colors
seeped into the broken promises
and neglected to waste
I try to die out the spark
in quick haste,
yet it still hurts
still, it burns
so I try not to look
and wait for the weather
and sweet sweet time
to erode the edges
and blur out the past
Oct 2015 · 418
Eriko Oct 2015

(courtesy of my baby brother, a.k.a Baby Ninja)

ninjas are awesome
so yes ninjas are awesome
ninjas are awesome
For the sake of randomness.
Oct 2015 · 239
Eriko Oct 2015
do you ever feel like*
you are a ship
with the walls
still being built
yet you still
float along
the cerulean surf
*of the salty seas
Oct 2015 · 316
cold tea
Eriko Oct 2015
I feel like I am a cup of cold tea in the morning*
I'm never too boisterous
to inflict pain
and unlike a hot cup of tea
I never simmer down
and watch the time take
the life from me
I am just always there
*just happy to be
Oct 2015 · 210
Eriko Oct 2015
you see*
our hearts beat to
its own death
so why not make the best
of our flesh, bone, and soul
while we still have
the vigor to scale
the tallest mountains
so when we reach the peak
we can see all that we
Oct 2015 · 246
Eriko Oct 2015
bring on the sunrise,
the delicate furies
the dusty pollen drifting
in the riveting fray,
the scope of mountains
the shower of rain drops
felt trickling down
the top of our heads
picking up all the confusion
and dark scribbles which surround
our thoughts with threads
so take me to the beginning
and we can watch our lives
unravel together,
through the entanglements
and shivering lonesome nights
watch the threads slowly untangle
and wonder, my friend
where the end would take us
Oct 2015 · 309
driven into the fog
Eriko Oct 2015
driven to madness*
by the thoughts
which punch in my face
generated by the inexplicable
things I can never have
so ******* miserable sometimes,
but everyone goes through that, right?
so is that okay?
is it ever okay to feel like this?
what, weather the storm?
I suppose I'll get through it
yet I don't want to plunge into
the salt ridden fury
all alone
so here I stand,
driven into the fog
where I feel like I thought
I saw the glimpse and understood
how the planets rotated in unison,
yet there was this streaking comet
spitting flares of breathtaking warmth
sweet like the particles of brown sugar
yet all in all the fog only thickened
and now I dwell in the depths
of a cluster **** solar system
and the planets even
may not spin at all
and now I walk
alone in the heaviness
*of a smothering fog
Oct 2015 · 126
side by...
Eriko Oct 2015
it feels like I'll never learn,
the silence can be so
the black windows
mirroring the only soul
by my pitiful side,

why is that so?
Oct 2015 · 410
Eriko Oct 2015
heedlessly spun out of control*
caress the flickering heat
which seethes into ruby monasteries
freshly flushed of an intimate cheek
the chatter of flashing white teeth
in the darkness encompassing
the silhouettes  of our laughter
and the giddy vigor
drifting, lurking unforeseen
the melting pool of stares
glimpsed through the chatter
of padded reminiscent sighs
and the lingering melody
of our glinting
*chipped feelings
Oct 2015 · 186
Eriko Oct 2015
if you exist,*
*I would like to know
Oct 2015 · 221
Eriko Oct 2015
an answer persisting*
of one word,
so sing me a lullaby
before the void
*swallows me again
Oct 2015 · 272
paper thin
Eriko Oct 2015
how the vessels of our body
wrinkles paper thin
when we decide
to finally crawl out from within

funny to think
that all the emotions
crashing against the barriers
brews in which no one can see

I can just imagine
a cloud of dark lines
brandished over my head
obscuring the lenses
which used to be so clear

and now I feel like
I see everything in black and white
just keep close and catch me before I veer
off the wrinkling piece of paper
Oct 2015 · 233
eight minutes from now
Eriko Oct 2015
is it not that the favorite time*
of our orbiting day
is the moment
held on an eclipse
when the world is sleeping
and it is just you
saying hello to the sun
only, don't pay attention
if whether or not
the sun is setting or rising
because eight minutes from now
*well...who knows, right?
Oct 2015 · 196
Eriko Oct 2015
the fabrics which sew
my **** together
have been unraveling
since the day
I have met you
Oct 2015 · 216
Eriko Oct 2015
I try to hide my own misery*
and ignore through laughter
yet it shows in my paintings
at how the brush strokes
bleed with raging emotion
and the color black
keeps on creeping back
sometimes I suffocate
in the irreversible essence
of music lacking in syllables  
like an abstract painting
the truth is hidden
only in the eye of the beholder
yet, the tragedy of all of this
is as the one who wields the brush
and select the palette of colors
I end up seeing myself
on the canvas
and it reeks sickly, sweetly, violently
and it screams
so all I can hear
is the misery
of my very own
Oct 2015 · 451
Parallel Comets
Eriko Oct 2015
it's strange to be back
after days of sleeping
in the crevasses
of a secluded cave
of an inconceivable dream
under the streak of comets
which have showered me
with the wings of butterfly
to stop the paint,
to stop time
from dripping off the canvas
and out of context,
please, tragic one
the comet whispered
your time will come
in the parallel universe
I have saved just for you
Oct 2015 · 136
living wake
Eriko Oct 2015
a visitation misshapen*
from the draining havoc
replaced by the embrace
*left in my living wake
Oct 2015 · 212
Eriko Oct 2015
The lifting sensation of morning light
Holding onto the things
Which have vanished with strife
Please, steady the pound of my fists
As I cling onto dear life
The grey masking, seething
Because the strokes of lightning strike
Ring in the contraption of my broken chin
Fly out into the opening expanse
And slather the paint on the gashes within
Holding, clinging onto this sheer flight
As the ground below me decide to plummet
Into an endless pit clashing tonight
Oct 2015 · 396
instinct marrow
Eriko Oct 2015
a smooth sailing into the blissful lilac sky*
feel the gentle ocean kiss
melt on the splintered white fists
the emeralds which twinkle
within every teeth of riptide
Kings and Queens of the
smiling, singing brink
they wrap in a lovely embrace
as the honey seeps into their marrow
*like instinct
Oct 2015 · 330
flower beds
Eriko Oct 2015
don’t want to be alone.
left in dismay.
with nowhere else to go.
the perpetual ignition
to the minds of synthetic decisions
left scattered like fall leaves
trailed for me to follow.
can’t always keep my weight
from crushing underneath.
the sinking punch plummeting
to the pit of my stomach.
left to reiterate the syllables
stranded for me to swallow.
can anyone hear.
sometimes I don’t think
there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
the cool misty crisp.
the pregnant clouds seething,
sinking to catch teeth
with the means of you and me.
a gullible shrill thundering across
the expanse of the big grey sky,
the spit of your words cut edge
like a shower of shrapnel clinging
to the teetering stance on a flower bed.
feeling the eclipse, the weight before
the swooning slip  
as you decided to let our grip
go into ****.
Sep 2015 · 237
Eriko Sep 2015
thinking it's okay
to still the rough embedded
in your head
chastise the shouts in flower beds
the swords clashing with dread
keep the ink from pooling on
your chest, obscuring
the hounds wandering in oblivion
barking up that rainy mess
just try to wade and spark a little more
lift your chin away from your claims
of shoveled depths, chained in
the metal compartments of your chest
don't tell me I don't hear the river
it's flowing regardless of your
****** up cluster
sometimes all needed to be known
is that breathing is enough
to take the gravity away
so for the while
be wary of the chlorine  
and clean out the static beginning to sing
my love, sometimes listen to the
pounding instead
Sep 2015 · 216
Eriko Sep 2015
a naked personality
sometimes treasured
peeled of the static
engraved and lathered
thickly like a suffocating stench~
I''ll eradicate it,
like a sheep's breath
warm as swaying hay
yet cool as dawning dew
gently soothing the screeching fray  
and now to sit vulnerable
and wear our identity
in the fabrics of our sleeves
don't lose sight as we
stare obsessively
wandering mindlessly
the direction of our time
as it ticks endlessly
as we yearn for
the mechanics
to make the pain
hurt less
Sep 2015 · 832
Eriko Sep 2015
the sporadic tension looming on shoulders
the creeping panic which eats minds alive
quick breaths, uneasy stances
the knotted fists held to mouths
afraid of the next vowels to slip
plunge into midnight terrains
at how waxy orange lamps
pool on blank pavements
and ridden sneakers scrape
and drag with all the fright  
the spilling of chilly freeze
bites in pockets of air
and crevasses deep inside the chest
the flesh of bones travel
where the feet may go,
having a mind of its own
the dew on each swaying grass blade
glinting like jewels on your feet
sitting on the cold concrete
here I wait for the shout of your presence
as you follow the tug of your dampened vigor
watching your shadow slide across
the blank howls of nightly ground
and as the lines tangle in your hair
and **** up that inner flare
remember, its okay to let go
and not to put everything within a timetable
there doesn't have to be a label
of our very own existence
Sep 2015 · 304
Eriko Sep 2015
blues splotches nestled
in grooves of wrists
the streaming of things
pulsing underneath the skin
as the warmth of each kin
slip through my grasp
how the strings in my ribcage knot  
please don't step on it
shall the bones render me
shatter into a thousand pieces
keep your knees close at ease
and chins snuggle in discreet
as I yearn from afar
the silhouetted body tangled
in reminiscent dreams
it's best not to wake you
your breaths whisk into distances
yet just don't forget about me
as I sit you drift
so the weight won't crush
what already have been embedded
Sep 2015 · 436
Eriko Sep 2015
all the noise which encompasses
the voices brought to static swoons
drenched architecture purchases
wrought with metal and iron to whisk
us to the pearly sheer moon

all plagued within busying decay
wilting upon thresholds of spinning stares
clinging onto flowers trafficked upon despair
how my palms are crossed and inked with delay

the soil gathering in roots
and stinging of clattering water drops
the garden shutter despite of love
as the voices carry in the breeze

yet I start to realize it is all
a facade to carry me away
and I cry out to the distant stars
like pebbles of emerald heroines,

"for all I have done, what in return?"

shall the heavens weep I shall sleep soundly
yet I feel the chatter in the marrow of my bones
maybe this twinkling sky isn't for me,
as it chuckles lightly oblivious to its bite

so plummet through this pearly moon
in search for that greater beyond
do not worry, my love
maybe I'll return in orbit soon
Sep 2015 · 156
Eriko Sep 2015
the most dangerous phrase*
in any language is

"We've always done it
this way"

Credit to my good friend who let me share this to everyone.
Sep 2015 · 289
Sitting Still
Eriko Sep 2015
sitting in place very, very still,
underneath the glimmer of the sky,
the liberals have arrived so don’t try to think,
I keep the strum of ruined heartstrings and pluck to a gateway bliss,
we all live and swim through sickness of strife as misfits,
pursue the gawking geese careening in the big blue sky,
look there, there we all point to the everlasting feast
the sheer of pretty pink and dripping orange marmalade skips a beat
I squeeze my knuckles so they go white, spending hours in the bright light,
oh how my lungs yearn for the touch of cold, cold sky breath,
caress the dazzling light which pierces through a curtain of death,
yet everyday spinal chords whistle out of tune
and painted carriers go out and dig out those buried runes,
so before falling, I look into irises and their missed faces
Yet, I only end up scratching the slippery opaque surfaces,
and those heartstrings render and contort, visions passing over the horizon
and those smudges of graphite I use to write are frightened,
leaving traces in the music I must have mistaken
as my own
Sep 2015 · 192
Eriko Sep 2015
This is harder than I thought.
To think in a way which requires me to orchestrate
The play of words and stringing of purpose
To build the dish rich in thickly coated metaphors
To drive the alphabet into something bigger than itself…
I stand in front of a window pane
And rain drizzling to dance on the glass
The dazzling lights washing anew in every wake
Of a stranger’s cigarette smoke and strangling guilt
Sorry, I didn’t even know
What I am meaning to say
I know it has been far too long
Since I have thought it out
And tried to grasp the time in soon sequel
I will look myself in that mirror
Within the space which surrounds my conscience
Like an overdose of juxtaposition idiocy
The buffering waivers sent out so the truth
Wont sputter our in our chests    
Burying ourselves in our own layers
Sep 2015 · 225
Eriko Sep 2015
I was told to do something different
Outside of comfort zone,
Far from the hemispheres
Where my eyes and keen might have grown  
Like the roots of lavender ruffled petals
Swinging in the breeze of morning snow
A sigh of cascading pollen and softened gestures
To elevate the weight burrowed within my marrow
Such a captivating complexion of afternoon glow
If only my permanence wasn’t as easy to replace
Please try, if only the hushed murmurs snuck behind
Gloved hands and concrete walls
I live in a world where reality sees me through
The passing of each moment meant to portray
The fact that we all are wandering astray
Born in a minute and live to die the next
Believing we know which way is right,
Which tree leans to the left,
How can I possibly erase all the ****
Which messes with my head
The intricate distractions I choose
To hold hands with and call my best friend
Why is a constant battle to argue
Upon thresholds of annihilated truths?
Sep 2015 · 364
Eriko Sep 2015
Anywhere the sly glance of fallen tapestries
Swinging restlessly in evening snare
The ringing sensation of a clinging majesty
Furrowed in miles of in-between stares

The chilly tang riveting in the air incomplete
The melting melodies of hovering lights
The echo of heels and ringing concrete
The hover of laughter caught by intoxicated sights

Skyscrapers reaching to kiss the dark woven sky
Sunsets skittering to isolated corners
As the darkness befalls to ascend in nigh
As the night comes alive with sight of starry killers
Sep 2015 · 398
life chapters
Eriko Sep 2015
do not be afraid to speak,
for when meeting someone,
a chapter begins

and once when that someone
becomes a part of your life,
a novel is born
and perhaps,
a sequel
Sep 2015 · 256
notes pt. IV
Eriko Sep 2015
this side of the room*
are filled with those
who chooses not to
fill in the blank
we feel entitled
to fill
Sep 2015 · 793
pseudo arguments
Eriko Sep 2015
a conclusive vocation
the righteous of power
the materialistic slur
enchants the vain
the egotistical roam
claiming to burst
while the humble keeps
a sincere throne
a pseudo argument
don't agree, don't argue
if you can't
dispense your lenses
don't fool yourself,
opinions aren't truths
and life isn't a monologue
or a one man show
Sep 2015 · 300
Eriko Sep 2015
an entitlement to sink teeth
despite running high,
these things which bite
keep still in kind, my love
as the swarming vowels
attack likes bees
stinging in past tenses
clinging to all the nonsense
keep eyes from gnashing to the moor
the floating whisper of smiles
delicate to gloss all in hurt
from the gravity of moors
and fill in the blank
you cringe as your face
there doesn't have to be
labels to speak in upper case
embrace the complexions
denied as innate fluidity
validation lies naught
in the eye of the beholder
Aug 2015 · 203
Eriko Aug 2015
don't romanticize who we are;*
*runaways like fire and brimstone
Aug 2015 · 289
glossy pavements
Eriko Aug 2015
I cannot even begin to say
how the dusk settles at fray
how the sky illuminates
fog slithering across wet pavement
glossy dark obsidian
a mirror to the inferno above
the vast expansion,
the twisting of light flares
melodious in unison
with wind and sky,
cloud and nigh
keep the closest thing
in reach with me
before I get lost
Aug 2015 · 393
Fence Post
Eriko Aug 2015
maybe one day
a stuttering light
will evade hindsight
to the paradox given
in the palms of my hand,
words spilled
~promises evaded
left to dwell alone
under the cast
of lampshade gone,
another severity
vastly overrated
sitting on a fence post
wild daisies swaying gently
seeking for the equilibrium
between earth and cloud
yet how can there ever be
such a thing
if the trees
only obscure the way
Aug 2015 · 247
Eriko Aug 2015
a capsizing rotation
axis spinning on solitary grins
the fingernails grating
scratching for that foundation
or this upside turn
the wind is howling
and ears a ringing
heads are spinning
for that small fact
of gray, gray matter
looking too truthfully
to oneself,
wandering astray
beside gravitational pulls
the fear of
searching too closely
maybe look in the mirror
see who is standing
behind morrow's wrong
who have been holding
the keys to the door
and the lock
in a
Aug 2015 · 115
Eriko Aug 2015
funny how we are*
taken to hidden spaces
*in writing
Aug 2015 · 266
Eriko Aug 2015
a woven fabric
stitched neglect from margins
the float of syllables
cascading like ripples
of rustic leaves,
or pawing of flakes
of dazzling snow
blanketing like endeavors
held onto without reason
~gnashing of teeth
glossy reflections
tearing down, so dwell
its okay to buffer
and expose the fill
the echo of thought
converge hindsight
today, the snow will
the leaves will
remember to keep
those things
Aug 2015 · 210
Eriko Aug 2015
the withered age
of crisply yellowed paper
binding leather and wary
print smeared by the
history it carries
the hearts which buried
deep within the narrative delicacies
the brush of fingertips
skimming over diction
poignant and loving
this collection of pages
almost feel your body and mind
fall into the contents with carries
the scent of prevailing
the stench of degrading
the stories soon to tell
we all need a little
of that something
Aug 2015 · 222
Eriko Aug 2015
a sweet spot glinting*
of rippling heights
*keep it close
Aug 2015 · 713
Eriko Aug 2015
the lurk of unsaid notions
twisting of knots and drum of fingers
a sullen parenthesis left to fill
the abbreviated thoughts spinning, floating
scattered by a breath's work
a moment passing
like glimmering water whispering by
the split cast of bridged resolutions
a blink of an eye
a quick catch, fast breath
the linger of touch
and warmth seeping through
folds of linen, woven
like entanglements racing pulses
and heat of cheek bones
and clashing knuckles
the sweetened gaze
brimming in the things left unsaid
a parenthesis left to fill
wonder where our feet
will follow
Aug 2015 · 107
mid day
Eriko Aug 2015
flashing by like sunlight*
streaming through
*branches with golden fright
Aug 2015 · 348
Old Lady
Eriko Aug 2015
the periodical gnashing of teeth
and withered frail skin
splotched and wrinkly like
dry sheets of crinkled paper
the shuffle of feet
cannot able to cast feat
what once made
that old man smile
shiny brims
and rounded spectacles
the smell of old leather books
clinging in pockets of old folds
the memories tucked away
preciously like rubies and stones
and ivory casts whisking time away
like sail boats speeding down
a storming tidal wave,
the grittiness of sugar
and flour and pumpkin pie
the smell of hardened green wood
this old lady walks down the
flower path
a noon a day
an evening to so say
carrying within her the year of age
and fairy tale visions
once in possible divisions
such prior to her olden age
wisdom welled deep
her days a flashing by
keep on dreaming
she still prevails
so to fight
living her very
last days
in utter
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