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Aug 2015 · 292
Eriko Aug 2015
to feel the pressure
building in your ears
like that thud contemplating
between two chords of hollow
resounding wood,
a twisting root manifesting
wiring squeezing skittering
across the surface we all fall~
there is naught in retrospect  
upon reflected conflicts and
toppling restrictions
hearts in chains like tail fins,
caught in a net cast deep into
frothy salty seas
hoping to trap what is not ours,
thinking what it was
thinking to grasp
gouging for a grip
into this vulnerable scare
slippery slip
Aug 2015 · 227
Eriko Aug 2015
the washing glimmer of sunlit sky
marble blue and streaked so cry
the ignited magenta and yellow and white
we call to the wind so the scent can wither

the breath and mind toiling together
as ones feet carry on into the yonder
the shadow dances upon the sweet pavement
and sweat toils of poignantly off of chilly skin  

the wind carries the leaves from trees
starkly contrast a darkening hue
the pace steady weaving through pockets of hills
and rounding corners, spinning likes mills

passing by the stare of wary signs
sometimes to pave our things away
the vigor running under the sky
we all have lives we care for into the night
Aug 2015 · 269
Pockets of Space
Eriko Aug 2015
silence streaming through  vacuums of space
spun like a knot and creased into folds
keep a key on it, there can never be a deal
to the things unsaid within like confusing strife
a shadow, a glimmer
the face illuminated by the rivers
pixels grouped so to elevate the meaning
words gone wired into the pockets of space
shrill of laughter filtering through
the touch of eye and word of mouth
the things which are said
sometimes are left
where we left them
on the other side
of a stark
Aug 2015 · 260
Eriko Aug 2015
our eyes are windows
to the things
within our entity
Aug 2015 · 332
Hidden Things
Eriko Aug 2015
the frisky scent
bedridden and daunt
lingering like earth
the topsoil rich
with heart's dearth
the cerulean musky hue
the whip of magenta
the fiery glow
of aurora yellow
keep the eyes
open to
the deep
Aug 2015 · 1.5k
Pollen Morning
Eriko Aug 2015
daunt, spun fast in sleek
of a respiratory gleam
of a momentum moment
in fast vivid sink
**** the tremor
and squander
away, away
still the vertebrate
and drink in
the reverberate sensation
calm the stuttering lurk
behind puckered lemon lips
a resolute dynamic
an opaque concentration
soaking through fabrics hung high
so the pollen can pool
and coat the white
woven thread
with glitters of gold
sweet and waxy
relative and warm
the pollen traces
across the threads
of white woven morning
Aug 2015 · 222
Notes Pt. III
Eriko Aug 2015
to lessen the clockwise
tick of saturated inner bliss
swirling in memory ,
to diminish the aching glare
and breathe a bit lighter,
easier, nicer....
to let go;
it is so ****
Aug 2015 · 223
Eriko Aug 2015
may I sleep soundly
rich with tepid vigor
on yawning hours
of wakeful day
yet may the
embrace of
nightly shadows
keep the
swimming dreams
warm so to steal
the hours
of tomorrow
Aug 2015 · 401
Eriko Aug 2015
the stench of nail polish
a stinging layer of milky ****
keep the layers orthodox
they shall not mix
just like the feelings
we keep in our chest
sometimes they are beautiful
yet they still hurt
to breathe in too closely  
we try to stay
a far distance, that is
polish all the flaws
the compartments
we believe need
to suffocate and hide
cover them up
distract with a hue
a layer of hardening glue
so the breath in our chests
won't penetrate through
Aug 2015 · 361
Autumn Days
Eriko Aug 2015
drift pleasantly into the wafting glimmer
the enunciated murmur of a purring simmer
the tickling breath chilly spite of the victor's vigor
the momentum upon present infatuations
sought for the hands of the lost bridal remnant

feet brushing the moistened soil
milky coral china topple the path
the splash of hotly brewed tea
lavender and jasmine and lemon ginger
seeping into the cool, hard ground

feel the air swirl in your lungs
the colors of the trees a respirator  
glinting their fiery embers
they embark far into the silly autumn night

cool blue shadows creep uphill
stretching and lengthening for night's full bloom
the hours have waned, the sun a lovely hue
as the woes of nature have come down to hunt
Aug 2015 · 219
Notes Pt. II
Eriko Aug 2015
I am not flint
dangling from
the edge of
you sleeve.
Aug 2015 · 548
Title: Optional
Eriko Aug 2015
Title (optional)
could it really be that simple
to wake up one spring morning
with streaming golden sunlight
through a window pane

or to open our eyes
to a shower of cascading snowflakes
twinkling with delicacies
authentic like temperamental daises
the waft of lavender laughter
sweeping through the crack of a door

can we really decide one day
at a five o'clock traffic jam
or a forty five minute tram
even while listening to the pound of our hearts
as we jog along a stand of trees
or the comfort of one's warmth
have our breaths' taken away
at the sight of the mahogany sunlit
settling time of treacherous days

could it really be that easy
to decide what we would want to be
to entitle our own rightful marrow
and to know that even
as the second ticks on now
that there is that optional

and for one's life to be like a poem
there does not always have to be a title
there is no one else more qualified to give it
but by the heart of the individual

so give it second
or a day
or a lifetime
there doesn't have to be a label
one can have one
only if one wants to

it is not bad
nor is it good
it is what it truly is
wrought by simplicity and virtue
people do have chances
and people are not
categorized into laminated labels
we all think to be true
like the glossy illustrations
of pop magazines
contaminated by the idea
that people are
or aren't

people are, in fact
they want to be
and they can write their own poem
how ever they wish
help to ease
into modern hostility

just wait for their fingers
to reach for the pen
and to touch the precious ink
they have all been waiting
to see what they have
always known to be
Aug 2015 · 326
Smears in Time
Eriko Aug 2015
how time is created
like strokes on paper
smeared with charcoal
and a youthful fray
so poignant, each mark
furnishes the emptiness
and carries on to further dates
yet remaining as one
they build on
one on top another
so that soon its hard to follow
which stroke led
or which smear was
the shadow of a day that bled
some are bold, darkened for the ever
yet another may be sightless
for the days which pinched
that fragile part unhinged in us most
and as the piece
is crafted together
one stroke in smiles or crime
the passing of day
builds to a greater time
remember, for each which passes by
there holds a power to treat it in kind
or to let it rupture in scars
to obscure the precious mind
Aug 2015 · 694
The Tale of Ego
Eriko Aug 2015
the spoils of ego
have created the vile
and the grasps of men's malevolence
will raise the hairs on the fallen arm
the snaking graze bringing diaphragms to a chill
and the eye of lost men reflecting to the churning sky
brimming with echos of lost contraptions in time
the pockets of dream viewers upon heart's decline
and the whisper of one final, sweet bliss
the clamor of doubt sunk like wounded icicles
the gleam of one's bone under lampshade glow
and the lingering touch of medallion thrones
the greed of man washes over ashore
upon the silhouetted fingers of children tomorrow
and the affection of what's promised will wander
soon to the forages of tabooed swelling yonder
simmering in the ashes broken into fragments
eroded into sands of time to slip through palms
and as the day spin on its axis
twisting men's gaze to crunch into manifesting feats
to brink a think that they must all abide
to the fists of iron and crunch of another bone
how they dare treat another soul
in such fruitless fashion
and ambition lacking in direction
their virtues of moral must stand on a compass
without it, they cease to be
pinned to a brick
because their heads are too thick
and don't for a second think
that they are able to keep
the walls fortified, for it too will sink
and they shall fall to their knees
if they refuse to listen
and keep their shiny egos
shaved to a comfortable narrow
Aug 2015 · 459
Rimmed Halos
Eriko Aug 2015
tonight, a ceaseless glare
the electricity flare into the bristling air
dank with the stench of cuts
inflicted by the shards of broken keeps

tonight, this beloved connection
seething into the desire to eye
drinking in the sight of one's such fright
the resounding thump of nervous swallow

shrink into the pit of an ice storm
limbs frozen, afraid to be betrayed
the pupils rimmed by bristling halos
sculpted hallow so that the other may fill it--

with memories of what shall soon become
Aug 2015 · 133
Eriko Aug 2015
To go on quietly
Or to compete with reality
I don't know,
only I am sorry.
My hands
do all the talking.
So my lips
cannot mouth
what is really brewing
Aug 2015 · 224
Eriko Aug 2015
how to circumnavigate the gap
the fall to opaque occupations
the chaos in deciphering what is our purpose
explorers we claim to be
yet to what spectrum of dancing feat
and which connection to tie in a knot
or to severe to never breathe life again
remorse can dig deep
regret will splice my knees
so that it will be impossible to walk
my eyes become scrutiny
feeding the voice registered in my head
how we are all of one
sublime complicated dimensions
toppling on lust and affection  
lost to feverish games
it all winds so I can't swallow
and at the end of the day
the wiring to my skull gone haywire
how can I ever channel everything inside of me
yearning for things that may never be
just keep on doing what
I know to do,
and someday,
just maybe
my feet will ground
and hinge my fragile spine
Aug 2015 · 369
Fast Fall
Eriko Aug 2015
Maybe a relative startup
a sequential ***** up
two pointed fingers to the head
the deviation which brinks into
fast-fall, go-for-the-hell-of-it
momentum, an all consuming
build up, edging to the cliff
fall to the expanse of water
plummet with head tilted first
Swimming through days
spinning to endure the suffocation
how one can never save oneself,
how the world's axis must sway opposite
in my head of direction, because
if it did, I would never have to feel like this
Maybe that's why the arrays of the sunshine
passes through me and not over me,
not to blessed by the reminiscent of halo glimmer
keep a still smile, wake to the smell of black coffee
how I am amazed how I haven't burst,
how emotions elapse and thoughts beat
against the side of my brain
and to keep a still smile
sometimes what will I give
for a still mind
and this very thought
scares me
Aug 2015 · 306
Starry Relays
Eriko Aug 2015
sometimes I don't know what to say
sometimes, there is nothing to say
I let the silence breathe
I let the connection seep
into those gaping wounds
inflicted soon to heal
keep a close eye
keep two toes in line
sometimes its hard
to be soft
yet to be strong
to be confident
yet terrified
of what will become
sometimes, I lose myself
sometimes, I lose the words to say
maybe even my own thoughts
whatever in a spinning galaxy
of starry relays
Aug 2015 · 251
Eriko Aug 2015
a strong fixation
in a starry oblivion
the wishes plummeted
to a shower of meteors
take an eye lash
a lucky penny
whisper to no one
but to the wind itself
no one knows who's listening
yet we all clutch our hearts
our desires and fears
our hopes and dreams
into the palm of our fists
and wonder if this small
token of appreciation
can grant the wishes
we all hope
in true passion
and helpless
Aug 2015 · 743
Flared Pink and Coral Blue
Eriko Aug 2015
gray whispering breaths brush against the shore
the salty sand shifts under bare feet
the seagulls streaking to the flared pink sky
as the water push and pull, frothy tongues
tracing a marble mirror on the bank of white sea corals

gently, the clouds surge across
and the foot prints trail to yonder
sea ***** shuffle like roaming rubies
and the salty air sweeps away all gone sour
tonight, we will feast on this magnificence
before the beauty in us all expires
Aug 2015 · 717
Dark Complexion
Eriko Aug 2015
my complexion darkened
by that skeletal wrist wrought with rust
dusted blood of what used to run  
an impression of who I used to be

strumming the strings to my spinal chord
that blissful music a sweet morphine
to still those poisonous lips registered
to the skittered voices taking refuge in my head

the morphine doesn't always hold
I search for that sweet spot too withdraw
the shrill eccentricity screeching I cannot suppress
the silly frigid air protrude with a single glare

breaths puff and heartbeats escalate
as eyes are met--green and brown
hazel to the cerulean blue  
the tepid synchronization of similar frequencies

how the night glimmering lights
illuminate the graffiti of complicated shadows
simmer into a wilting tilt of sorrowful flowers
how the roses are drowned and never to fill

how the match in my chest lights anew
I have to do my best to keep it alive
caress it but don't get burned by it
I can never see too far into the future

but I can only know what I am
off of glare at this present precision
how will I ever know who I am
if I cannot see two feet surrounding

alluring this flame through
the sky-scraping scent of night
delicate to the visionaries too steep
as the head begins to pound out of its keep

avoid those dark corners
I once used to brood
take a break on a flight of stairs
and gaze out the flashes blurring by

keep my teeth in my cheek
the tongue will slip out sharp and cut someone
keep the thoughts from rolling slickly off of it  
the top of my head is not a good place to stand
Aug 2015 · 339
The Usurper
Eriko Aug 2015
the usurper once cried
"you do not sit with me now"
to the detriments
which scoured
like pouring rain.
"I am found"
he says
Aug 2015 · 254
Eriko Aug 2015
ordinary strangers lost to a disfigured screen
the pixels diluted so that the eye cannot retrieve
a scurry of fuzzy people which skitter across
their faces lost to painted scoured masks
silhouettes hovering within retracing channels
my friend, the reception have gone haywire since
we have believed in everything shown on this screen
and now it's too late to cut the televised cable
it has ****** everything we were once able
and the batteries to the remote cannot handle
our detriments which begins to glare
and we lose sight to those ordinary people
Aug 2015 · 388
White Trails
Eriko Aug 2015
cannot catch the lanterns aflame  
the oil reeking, creases in the folds
the droning silence of deserted verses
the smoke piling from smothering affection

gone fragile, aboard a sailing boat
it cruises slowly going under
and as the salty kisses whisk the sails
the frothy waters, it leaves a white trail

twice I turned my back to the shore
where could I possibly go?
still as the compass spins encrusted upon frigid morals
gripping the ropes so the boat can stay afloat

thinking I had the steering in pins
thought I could set sail to the settling murmur
thought I could find the words to speak with,
the light retraced, now a surface of mirrors  

slowly the water ripples in coiling gleams
leading me on into a frightening wonder
lost at sea like a discarded ice berg
a lone passage, a nonexistent oar, I wonder
Aug 2015 · 529
Writers Like Rain
Eriko Aug 2015
pens scratch on paper
and thoughts splatter like rain
as minds once tied into knots, creators
unravels to reflect their tepid domain

how emotions fly, fluidity
scripted like a altruistic savior
such sublime niches of simplicity
as writers seep onto thin sheets of paper

their colors glow undead
the paper stains into withering, soften
as their drowning thoughts in their head
resurface to breath from conflicting complexions

their fragments to marvel
dot the blank verses on paper
like rain which pulled from foggy slopes
to scour the concrete in which they devour

remember their voices
a translation amidst clouds
pearly roaming choices
soon to dot the ground
Aug 2015 · 656
Eriko Aug 2015
a sculpturing group
that is what we are
millennials and second guessers
a shape shifting cluster
with no real answers
we don't do what we are told
we think only what we behold
we sculpt,
not annihilate
Aug 2015 · 394
Seeds of Mind
Eriko Aug 2015
Where I happen to be*
is sprawled on my bedroom floor
the dusty light which filters through
the folds of clothing which clutter each corner
the trails of paint
and papers in sync
I cannot possible stop my head
too heavy so it sinks

wrapped in my own train of thoughts
the school of fish which trails each--
caught memory caught laughter,
caught engravings soon gone after
the initial seeds of booming exploration
that deep curiosity for how things are stringed together
how one plus one equals two
and how time and space encompasses me and you
why do we sit as **** feels inclined
rule to what we feel and say
to what we think and action in constant replay
What, don't believe me?
carry out the day
and see what people
forced you to see, think and say
Aug 2015 · 311
Eriko Aug 2015
Listen to the sigh of the dwindling light
The sun which sinks from keen sight
The night which breaks the breaking shore
As the shoulders of youth whispers into the night
The garnished trees yearn for the glistening morn  
Skitter, the shadows prance unnoticed and degrade
The smooth nails of children’s scorn
Clutch the bark of solemn frozen trees  
Their faces opaque, round eyes set to the sky
Waiting for that element to spark another in kind
The wild unsettles and curses with sinking voices
Boxing the children so their minds cannot brink
The land with furrow and thrash with roots
Boots uprooted glimmering red and yellow
Crayons which stack to a melting peak
Bleeding of imagination which once was crowned king
The children become afraid of the dark
Synthetic realms which bleach their skin
They become afraid to what silence has to say
They are afraid what their hands can create
Aug 2015 · 452
Eriko Aug 2015
Fake plastic roses balanced in a ***
Fake plastic flowers adorn the patio
They say these flowers are beautiful
But no, they are simply synthetic to the skeletal

It’s like the things we think are cute
The things we think we are supposed to do
But simply living in an outer plastic mold
We burn that skin organic to our kin

Throw a little grit, paint a little bit
Unveil the perception which have filmed our minds
Give a little ****, care for that abandoned soul
We are not all numbers on a metric scale inclined

These plastic flowers glisten from the sunlight
Yet they are not there for photosynthesis in sight
They may be pretty to look at
But they are fake and plastic, if you haven’t known that
Aug 2015 · 286
Eriko Aug 2015
For once, try to live a little
They say, their sly slithering faces
Their rejection to an another intuition
Their fists pounding in faces

Try to live a little
I drink coffee at morning break
I drink tea at settling dusk
Yet I sit in glassed encased circle

I see everything in sight
Saturated with meaning and rich despite
Yet never can I touch the things wanted the most
Sitting in the middle of a relapsing circle

The glass doesn’t chip
My fingerprints fog the surface
I pound my fists
Yet leave an ocean of smudges

Blinded to the world
There is nothing I can do
Sometimes I feel like
My mind has diluted to mush
Aug 2015 · 368
Brimming Flourishes
Eriko Aug 2015
I sit in a place of concrete corners
Of spilling sunlight brimming poignantly
As the leaves go about swimming
On etchings of passing neighboring ghosts

The air cool to my cheek
And the sky baby blue in yawn
I sit in a place of concrete corners
Surrounded by elements my mother brought upon

See the nurture of her hands
The dew drops which bead the petals
The butterflies which flutter upon sunlight demand
And the soil which seeps in beckon to bite of metal  

Lonely I sit, surrounded by granite shavings
And a wandering mind which refuses to sink
I twist my fingers saturated with craving
For the nurture of her words and love without despite
Jul 2015 · 384
Eriko Jul 2015
Ever heard of ghoti?
Take a peek,
they are everywhere.

Swimming against currents of hardship
Of problems to solve and work to get done
To catapult through the puddles of rain
and early morning jogs with the sun stretching
To fill out charts and complicated equations
To finish stacks of papers to be written
To help pickup a stack of fallen belongings
The wisdom to say no,
The strength to say yes,

It's impossible to miss
these kind of people...
                                tough people

Riding the escalator
Waiting in line for a latte
Sitting on leather seats
smooth as sheets of polished obsidian
Or walking down the street
steps loud as the echoing dissonance
which resonates in the vast expanse
of concrete walls
Or the soft breaths
which kiss the curve of a flower petal

They are everywhere...
(and they are not hiding, either)

Well, have you been listening?
Have you been pay attention
The signs are everywhere
Species have been disappearing
off of the face of the earth
Or endangered
Or suffocating underneath the layer of
intoxicating oil
Or crippled and screaming and trashing
as another plastic wasteland
strips the water of purity

...Or you might have seen them
on a silver platter
or in a sandwich pertaining only to 45%
Or in glass tank
waiting to be flushed
when its fluttering heart stops beating
                   Don't understand? A little enunciation maybe?

They are everywhere
          tough people
come on.... practice a little
Jul 2015 · 197
Eriko Jul 2015
The implementation of vowels
The flirtation between us and them
...between me and you...

Sometimes I don't write
Sometimes I bleed
And sometimes I don't write to everybody
I certainly do not bleed for everybody
Well here is a ******* secret
Sometimes I bleed just for you

But you wouldn't know that
Have anyone told you that you are an idiot?
So that makes me an idiot.

Like you know how after reading
A really inspiring quote or phrase
Written by a wise white dead man
(because they all seem to be)  
You feel excited and intrigued and special
and feel like you actually can do something...

Sometimes, I wish you were that old inspiring quote
And make me believe
And make me feel like I can actually
feel special for once

Did you know
There is a division of happiness:
that one's happiness may be raw
and inflamed within the moment,
a streaking comet
which will grasp
the ******* world
in such raw vigor,
such wild, unpredictable beauty

And there's the other:
Happiness derived of meaning.
Level headed,
Guided by purpose,
To thrive upon thresholds
to be content within oneself
to serve the greater good...

The thing is
The difference between
and, well,

Is that one is selfish.
And one is selfless.
It's not rocket science:

To ******* take.
To give away.

I write to everybody
Occasionally, I write to nobody.  

But one thing I do is bleed
I think maybe it's time
to see the trail I have left behind.

And guess what?
It won't be difficult to see it,
I promise.
Writing clears my head, and sometimes it's easier to understand when I see my thoughts as a visual representation. But hey, I guess that's why we are all here.
Jul 2015 · 265
Sonnets and Walls
Eriko Jul 2015
Blue shadows slither uphill
The sun smothers behind the glade
Of trees--
                A barrier,
A fortification to the wounded kinks
                 In my chest

The silent vowels which breathes
Upon every current of pollen-carried breeze
The red,
                A lovely, dark malevolent glare
Which seeps into the soil at my feet
And top the soil like sprinkles of
                Ruby dew drops  

The grazing glance of blue--
Blue of the midnight,
              Blue of wild, turmoil waves
Which creep to my feet
Gusted by the pillar of trees

I sit still with knees held to my chest
Pondering at the beating against walls
Walls I refused to breach before

The drumming--
                        The unprecedented humming
Which rattle into the marrow of my bones
And echo, traveling the hollow curves
So that voices may carry
And whisper in my ear

This pulsing streak  
Radiates into the folds of my limbs
And I cannot possibly catch my breath
                 Waiting to catch,
                             Waiting to listen,
Waiting for something to happen

After years of silent of calls
                  Years of fortified smiles
Just to break the fall

One day,
            Maybe this day
It is time to

Sitting on the glossy bed of grass
Smells enriched by the scorch of suns and brass
The joy--
           The ecstasy--
To feel the stones crack
Break the wall created to deprive

And as the midnight blue
Shimmy onto my toes
             And travel up my feet--
Over my head,
             Tying a knot in my hair,

The dew drops twinkle
Now like pebbles of obsidian
And the field of green
               Is now an expanse of black

Where have I gone?
Jul 2015 · 678
Age of Decadence
Eriko Jul 2015
for all the things labeled  
in the exterior mirages
of turpentine reeking layers
worn lavishly by red lipstick
and silver tailored suits,

light illuminating marble counter tops
dusted by the next-thousand-block immigrant
the mother of four beautiful children
she clashes with the detriment of money

which filters back to champagne of that red lipstick,
the silver tailored suit a million floors above
encased within their own skeleton
they peel their skin so not to feel a thing

stuffed in a daycare tabooed because of its door handle
touched by mothers working wage to meet end's meet
children skipping their shoes
on the stains of the concrete underneath their feet
and not realizing a thing

the mother bustles through
alone but surrounded by grease
seething into the cracks of her heels
while her children grows by the tick
into the template configured by society

the smear of red lipstick
the wrinkle in the silver tailored suit
the system of trickle down economy
have gone down the throats of so many lives
as a diluted joker waving a flag sewn with white  

this age of decadence
chooses to blind its kin
reality has been remodeled
into a Hollywood basement
Jul 2015 · 233
Enough to Yourself
Eriko Jul 2015
all you need to know is
you are enough

there is no need
to try harder
to validate yourself
for the pleasure of others

to me
to all of you
you are enough

Jul 2015 · 241
Eriko Jul 2015
standing in front of the mirror
the reflection warped by perception
the water running, endlessly
the shadows are breaking
that inner part of me

standing in front of the mirror
watching the light soften upon
the bones swelling underneath
the sea of flesh and skin

standing in front of the mirror
and not seeing what I want to see
not understanding
why it never goes away

the thoughts in my head
the doubts clouding
my line of thread
the insecurities stinging that
golden color in me  

a swarm of wasps
****** endlessly
and my emotions run high
and swell so that it pushes
up my throat

the world begins to cascade
as the tears spill from my eyes
I break through the door
away from the ******* mirror

sometimes I wish
I could never see the image
reflected on its surface
ever again
bad day
Jul 2015 · 279
Stand Still
Eriko Jul 2015
keep your lips pulled tight
you might say something impolite
keep your eyes to the ground
so that it can forever graze
keep your hands still by your side
they whisper, "to keep it disciplined"
keep your feet locked-in straight
so that they can cut it off
whenever you start to walk
Jul 2015 · 191
I Am Not. She Is Not.
Eriko Jul 2015
I am not.
not two planes of ice
sliding across the expanse of one another
I am not.
not the echo of a hollow tree
creeping under the shadow of a hillside
I am not.
not a girl with two blind eyes
which can see perfectly clear
but does not always understand the context
which she captures with her vision
forever scarred within the folded linen
of her precious mind.
She sees.
sees everything etched into the clear
smooth surface of pixie glass
She sees.
sees how the light dances across the surface
the colors which speaks for itself
the form narrowing into two
shapeless ghosts of perception
thrown into the distance
She is not.
Not a folded piece of laundry
which can be cycled into a washer
so that when the cotton goes bad
and stains make her unbearable
she can be cleaned of all
what is there to be cleaned?
she is not a piece of laundry
she cannot be washed anew
in hope for a better version
she is.
I am.

there is nothing more to it
Jul 2015 · 244
Willow Land
Eriko Jul 2015
stand mesmerized
as the shadows prance across
the beaten crackle cement
stare in awe, in wonder
as the golden sun
spills across the chalky red brick
the air is sweet, thick
lick it from the cheeks and lips
the breeze ****** and scatters
across the swaying stalks of grass
the cattle dot the rolling land
with shadows thrown and muddled
keep the land locked in place
nestle it, gently
in the crook of your arm
and as the sun recedes
behind the horizon of mountains
the light pools in the crevasses
of the willow land
Jul 2015 · 456
The Ice Opera
Eriko Jul 2015
the noise murmurs
like an opera singer
throat spiraling into
symphonies piercingly raw and loud
captured by her grief
this opera singer strums
the strings of her vocal chords
into the ferocious howl of the wind
encased from the glance of heavens
as the tears weep from her opaque eyes
far away, her fingers may never scrape
the last little bit of what belonged to her
she screams and wails
beating her pale knuckles
into the dimples of her shrunken *******
they once were elements of life and beauty
of fertility sprung forth within the intimacy of dawn
yet the years have droned on
and have shaven the marble clarity
of her beautiful, beautiful skin

now, now this opera singer
she forever sits idle from the lime light
and watch sorrowfully as the whiteness
eradicate from her very existence
the marvelous glaciers which rose
with guild and pride
****** from the spoils of greed
her skin was once a city of ice towers
so sublime in its own untouched beauty

now, now she crumbles under her own weight
her shriveling curves of earthly beauty
her exposed sheets of molten dribbles
of melted starry light
the glimmering pebbles of her youth
now eroded into writhed swarms
cracking into a million shattered pieces
like chipped pieces of priceless china
or glossy surfaces of ancient porcelain
never to carry the fruits of tomorrow

the opera singer dutifully lays on her back
the stage have surfaced and drowned her skin
and as she sinks under the wretched toxins
her eyes will forever remain open
underneath the surface of extinction
and it swarms into her lungs
and scathe the dutiful orchestra
of her beautiful, beautiful voice
the remnants of her purity
bubbles upwards,
floating, far away,
as she dies, slowly
and echoes
Jul 2015 · 6.9k
Eriko Jul 2015
we hail from synonyms
replicate those isles of dirt
jagged colossal terrains of earth
which sprouts to scrape
the wisps of pearly clouds
where marble and stone
splintered scorches of gnarled bark  
where the soft paws of preying lions
roam within the sea of swaying golden grass
where each stroke of a feathered wing
flourishes the air with its mighty swing
and the threshold of mysterious beings
idle in mischief of deep blue seas
and those salty shores
swallow the iron hulk of ships
and ferocious savages of nature's call
groaning in mourn for her body
her crevasses and pools of spilling
crystal cerulean water
where the malachite moss
sits in stone of endless time
and trees groomed of wind and sun
prideful beneath the drink of the setting morrow
she yearns for the claim of her shape
for the purity of her waters like blood
her parched throat of sandy desert lands
amputated into wells of gorging oil
she suffocates from her very existence
a poison to herself
and as the days wan to a fast massacre
to her own suicidal mission
to feed our negligence
we label:
Jul 2015 · 165
Eriko Jul 2015
there are no instructions
I do not have any
just keep my eyes open
and ears ready to listen
I do not have instructions
just keep the days
rolling off of a silver platter
for me to fill
with memories and sugar
Jul 2015 · 336
Eriko Jul 2015
a couch of brown
and a headache too loud
which pinches at the thoughts
crashing in my head

put on a channel
a bag of potato slices
a hot tea to keep me warm
in this locked alley stone

the movies pass by
and the time ticks alone
keep the couch soft and warm
while waiting for those things
I always have to do

but not today
I am doing nothing
at this hour
and that is my story
for the day
Jul 2015 · 529
Guile in Tomorrow
Eriko Jul 2015
maybe today
maybe not tomorrow
I slather my skin
with adjectives of guile
and shrink at mention
of those emerald greens

those uniform teeth
whimsical saturation
and tessellates of wrinkles
where the armor have gone soft

a spray of fingers
which deft in shadow
tinkering with the time
as it narrows in capsules

the fruits have blurred
and the glimmer marginalized
sustain this eloquent guild
in the heart of Matilda
Jul 2015 · 168
Eriko Jul 2015
how the world could become
a better place
if there were no mirrors.
wouldn't it?

what does it truly reflect:
who we truly are
or who we ought to be
Jul 2015 · 284
Division in Ambitions
Eriko Jul 2015
as we drown before the florescent glow
of the lampshade sticky ****
and the ache washes over
the back of our heads
the soreness in our eye socket

books are propped and buried
deep in our faces
in the adolescent curve of noses
the smell of intelligence is supposed to waft
the scent of future and brightness,
the scent of bigger ambition

yet instead stench of synthetic obligations
tingle through the tunnel of our nostrils
and lingers in the back of our skulls
cloudy, sharp, confusing and mean
it bites my friend, it bites

the sound of pencil scratching on paper
keyboards clicking away
and mouths whitened from strenuous furrow
feel the bag underneath the eye
sag and droop, weakened and drained

feel the emptiness
the emptiness in purpose
shoved to drive us on
the dollar bills will not shaft well, my friend
if you don't meet our obligations,
and so they say

yet let me tell you
let me speak for you
the creamy glance of yellow light
which shafts across the wall of brick
the isles of easels mounted with canvases
pulled taught and hiding its willowy smile

let me tell you
how my heart flutters at the creak of floorboard
how my fingers handle the spine of brushes
and how paper speaks for itself
the studio plastered with splatters of whirling colors
the dusty smell of vast, open space
the echo of imagination reverberating into
seeds of exploration

let me tell you
how my eyes wander across the soft succulent surfaces
the worn golden door handle
the prickly screech of a hinge
the chalky scratch of charcoal
and the rows of inking presses
waiting to compress the next
monograph etches and linoleum spur

let me tell you,
to those who frown
to those who squint their ugly faces
to those who denied
let me tell you,
I would belong
than rather be replaced
Jul 2015 · 227
Eriko Jul 2015
(A haiku my nine year old brother wrote:)

space is fantastic
like a ball of purple yarn
inside a cat pool
Seath said, "I did it for randomness."
Jul 2015 · 322
Eriko Jul 2015
there is a forecast
brewing over the weeping landscape
thunderous clouds pound the earth
and bruised the cerulean sky
into purple emphasis of pain
the electricity rages
and cracks the horizon
the rain pelts in a single exhale
as I ran away

wait until the affection cedes
then as the storm ascends
pump your arms
pull your lip over your teeth
shut your eyes tight tight tight
as the forecast will rage tonight
yes it will, it will rage
upon the terrains of your chest
that inner specialness

don't stop running,
run run run run
don't worry about the mascara
or the ends of your shirt
dig your fingernails
into the betrayed flesh
of your palms
run run run run
the storm raging upon you
don't let it catch you
never turn back

what the hell were you doing there
you know you are a ******
a creep, an unlabeled something
a someone with no one
don't worry about your shoes
they fall, they always fall
keep your head down
and run as fast as you can

bury the keys to your gates
drop it in a well
right now all you have to do
is to protect yourself
from those anguished memories
the almost encounters and doubts
the insecurities and fragmented hopes
keep my head down
right now,
just escape
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