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Eric VandenBrink Oct 2016
Our lives, seem to finally
Quantumly split
A pain lifted up
And new flames lit

Attempts to fuel jealously
I hope will soon quit
I intend on living
And to forget all the ****

I will only hold
The precious moments dear
To live in the NOW
And forget all the fear

Lessons learned
Respect earned

To the new horizon
I bid you adieu
Farewell my special love
Lord knows I not deserve you
Peace be for all. Without honesty, we fall
Eric VandenBrink Jul 2016
Being alone
Has surely shown
That connection is essential

Why when thrown
A heavenly bone
My heart loses pure potential

Give me the strength
To forget the past
To live each day
As it were my last

Embrace the love
From high above
My souls one true credential
Give love to the fear, don't fear love
Eric VandenBrink Jan 2016
Been awhile
Thought I'd trial
A little rhyme
To make you smile

Life simply IS
Flat and Fizz
A time
Of knowledge and wiz....

.....Dom! Dumb!
What have I become!
Oh wait I just IS...
No need to succumb
I don't know? Do you?
Eric VandenBrink Oct 2015
A hand
Is not a foot

But they do belong
to the same body
  Sep 2015 Eric VandenBrink
The last man alive
raised his gun
and emptied it
into the sun
as it sank
out of sight
left alone
in the night
he couldn't decide
what he'd won.
what will we do when
there is nothing left to ****
and nothing left to die for?
Eric VandenBrink Sep 2015
**** *****
You only lose
Every time you hit snooze
On reality

Decisions made
Cords frayed
To some, it seems

The glassy glance
Of liquid romance
Is only a dance for two
Eric VandenBrink Sep 2015
Will it ever truly be
Overboard? In my head?
Probably not
But surely in this vessel

I see the ships sails
They are a different color
Then when I was aboard

They've set new course.
Brash pirates of the mortal liquid
Banding themselves with inebriation

Been aboard I have
And in this life
Never again

When the fog clears
And the wreckage settles
I will gather the pieces

I am on my course
And my compass
Points true north
Don't do drugs mmkay
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