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 Feb 2012 Eric Guitian
Lying is
an irresponsible state
of comfort
that we hold very dear
 Jan 2012 Eric Guitian
Cassie Mae
I wonder
is your chair still in the corner
do you still sit there every Saturday
with your pepsi and bag of chips

I wonder
is your life still fairly solitary
do you still walk after the sun sets
with your hands in your pockets

I wonder
is your favorite band still Snow Patrol
do you still turn up the bass for Postal Service
with your fingers tapping on the desk

I wonder
is your life still playing out the same
do you still dream of all you used to
with or without me by your side
(c) Cassie Mae Writings 2012
 Dec 2011 Eric Guitian
Cassie Mae
You say you're looking
but you're missing what's right in front of you.
You say you hope to find a love like your parents
when all you have to do is love me back then you'd have it.

When she breaks your heart
I'm there to mend it.
When you find a new "love"
I'm there to support it
but only because I'm waiting to be next.

Your next first kiss
your next love

Until then I'm still waiting,
you'll see you don't have to look so hard.
© Cassie Mae Writings 2011
I sat there vomiting words like it would save me.
Nothing could.
The vultures came in record time, picking away at the cells that
I thought could protect me, turning me into a skeleton.
I would dance for the people, making my bones clink like china.
The shackles jingling around my ankles like Christmas bells.
I would destroy myself to meet their ideals.
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