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  Dec 2018 xo
joy all around but none in my heart
laying my back against the wall as tears fall like stars
its hard to feel joy when there's sadness in your heart
i miss my love, its like we're miles away
its hard to enjoy Christmas when you can't celebrate it with your true love
just feeling some sadness since i'm on Christmas break but its so hard cause i cant text the girl that i love as much as i want to. i love her so much
xo Dec 2018
Take me to LAX
Take me to DXB
Take me to CDG
Take me to JRS

I want to go away
Just take me away
I want to be gone
I want to be alone .
#travel #international #away #alone #USA #UAE #UK #anywhere
xo Dec 2018
five years since you left earth
i still feel lost
i still feel alone
i wish i had more time to learn who you were
i am thankful for the times we had together
i wish you did not die

fukc cancer
it took you from me
when you had so much to teach me

i promise to live a Godly life
so i can be with you again
please look after me in the mean time
watch me live the live you wanted to live
i do this in your honor
its the least i can do

i love you, nan
#RIP #cancer #killer #death
xo Dec 2018
touches of yellow
its puts me a mood
plays with my emotions
leaves me with shivers
hot chocolate is only temperately
the marshmallows disappear
that is winter
that is you
winter .
this poem speaks of how one can go through a season with a partner and that relationship will sometimes be confusing and unpleasant, the treats -love- will feel great  until you're cold again and the love disappears. #RELATIONSHIP #LOVE #COMPASSION #WINTER

— The End —