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Emma Jul 2016
In a instant it tumbles
Everythibg ive worked
Scattered on the floor
In a million peices
That seem irratreivable
My education, my sanity
My self esteem
Beleif i could be something
But somehow
Your warm embrace
Gathers the shards
So sharp and cold
And welds them together
To remind me
The tears on my face
Have a rightful place
Anf that its okay
To not be play
Emma Jul 2016
It was always so obvious
That our act Was never an act
But the materialization of desire

Everyone knew, but we were blind
Too scared we would mess up
Too scared the other was out of reach
Too scared of denial

When in reality the other was feeling it too
The urge to say i love you and mean it
The urge to grab the other at lowest point
pull them up to be the skyscraper they are
The way we always saw eachother

We always yearned to hold one another
Empty space between our arms
Filled with people of lesser affection
Until we could no longer deny the truth
The urge to hold hands and say i love you
Too strong to fight. false affecions
started to smothered our light

So we let go of what we thought we knew
And reached for the unknown
An unknown Truth of i love you
Emma Jun 2016
Innocence, the idea
Of a pure white cloth
Radiating in all its purity
But mine is stained
With the most gruesome tie dye

Black edged holes
That burn against stark white
Like emptiness in my soul

Red and pink stains
From the lust and desire
That burns like a sinful fire

Green smudges
Of greed so vast
Abd envy so deep
it consumes me

Brown spots
Not to be glorified by poetry
Just to be called the **** in life

Purple and blue
Not for the sadness
But for the cuts and bruises
The ones unto others and to myself

My flag does not wave
In glorious white
Its purity is stained
With the dye of life
Emma Jun 2016
I look at my phone
Waiting for your text
Holding your sweatshirt.
Hoping that when i open my eyes
Your lingering smell woukd have materilized into you
And your electrobic words
Transformed into hushed whispers
And i open my eyes
And you're not here
And it's silence
All im left with is missing you
Emma Jun 2016
Ive never been a rule breaker
Ive been a good girl
But i learned from pop music
That good girls are bad girls
that havnt been caught
And its true
I was tangled in your arms
Caught in your embrace
In the early hours
When most slept we laughed
At the rude games we play
Teasing but to awkward not to laugh
Scrawny teenage bodies intertwined
I was caught ib the night
Caught in the moment
Caught in your arms calling you mine
Emma Jun 2016
I feel fragile
Like a hollow glass sculpture
A murky glass
That resembles the person i was
I can feel the fractures
From the intense change
From eccstasy to fear
Excitement to disinterest
Mountains to valleys
Glass cracks in change
I guess im starting to
But if i do, nothing will spill
The hollow of this sculpture
Is just that, empty
An empty, hollow, sculpture
of  who i used to be
Emma May 2016
i know i am a clumsy girl
but every time i see you i fall 10 times harder
I trip over my words
and fall on my face
the formation of coherent sentences is nearly impossible
but i don't mind falling
as long as i'm falling for you
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