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Emma Apr 2016
you always come back
but the timings never right
but maybe this time it is
but i'm torn
between certainty and spontaneity
my mind says don't hurt him
my mind says stop
my mind makes me feel guilty
but my hearts torn in two
because i care for him so much
but im sure its always been you
for four years i looked longing at the unattainable
and now that you are attainable i don't know what to do
I always said what if
but never thought it through
Emma Mar 2016
i never realized how much i was missing
with a group of friends not quite complete
but now that girl has finally set you free
and you can back to us
our band of amigos is finally complete
we laugh more than ever
leave lunch with tears in our eyes
and our stomachs ache
not because we are sad but because we can't stop laughing
Emma Mar 2016
I am not lazy I'm just sick
but not with the typical case of senioritis
but with the one where your breathing actually sounds like an old man
and old man that smokes five packs a day
the one where your hunched over in sheetz
coughing like you should be in the hospital
it could be my body trying to get rid of the mucus that's plagueing me
but maybe it's other toxins
maybe it people and habits
my body forcefully pushing them away
because I finally got the wisdom to say I'm done
Emma Mar 2016
my family always said you were bad news
I never believed them
I always stood up for you
even when you stood me up

I'd say your going through rough times
but we all knew it was an excuse
cause, I was going through some **** too
but I was always there for you

you were only there when you had an audience
or when I finally got to the fence
of I'm done with your *******
that's when I would take the hardest hit;
when i thought you were you again
but realized the girl I once new is irretrievable

So I'm done
I'm done with your games
being an extra in your show
a side character when the plot gets boring
I'm done being an understudy of a friend
I'm done withe this show
so close the curtain
this time i'm certain
I've torn of the script
I've got rid of all the ties
I'm done I'm sick and tired of your ******* and lies
Emma May 2015
there's a hunger in her eyes
for power, we called it ambition
she was going to do great things
she once did, we once all loved her
once upon a time she was friendly
but fairy tales don't exist, she told me that
she lead us, defended us
the power got her head
now she has horns and a hot head
her loyal follower, friends
want to see her reign end
her fairy tale land is about to fall
a rebellion is coming,
of people asking what happened to our leader?
perhaps she ate a rotten apple
perhaps she was never the fairest, the nicest, of us all
Emma May 2015
One day your "friends" will leave
and you'll come crawling back
to us,your friends you once had
But you see,
we are no longer friends
we will not take you back
and you can plead and say please
all you want, but it won't change.
because you treated us like ****
and we don't treat friends that way
Emma May 2015
no matter what i do, what i say
it's, it's never quite enough.
I stood up for you, made my self look stupid defending you
I tried helping you, I got you help
rubbed your back when you were upset
made you laugh when you were *******
reminded you of the light at the end of the tunnel
were there for you when you needed a friend
kept you from losing another friend
and all i get is sass, attitude, a look that could ****
you talk to someone for a week
and she is queen of the hill
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