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 Jan 2014 Emma Matson
Oli Nejad
I can't describe -
How the yearning hides.

How it waits
Until the dead of night,
To wear upon the mind.
 Jan 2014 Emma Matson
I don't sleep much anymore.
It's the same as when we first met,
even though it's not the same.
I used to think "alone" was an adjective,
now I know it's just the state
of not fitting anywhere.
I don't fit anywhere.
There's nowhere to call home.
I hate being awake,
it just reminds me you're not here.
I hate being asleep,
it just reminds me that I'll wake up.
I don't write much anymore.
I have nothing left.
Words can't describe the 
pounding in my head,
or the emptiness in my bones.
So when you ask, "What's wrong?",
I don't have much to say besides,
"I don't sleep much anymore."
When I die young
     don't say I was strong till the end
     don't say it took me by surprise
Tell them I was always weak
     I was always frail
    but I saw it coming and I was prepared
I'm no palm reader but I do read palms
    I knew that I would die while still young
    I met my faith and so I'll tell you
I watched the world through God's eyes
    I saw its beauty
    I heard its songs
And so I wasn't scared to die young
 Dec 2013 Emma Matson
Darling, I am not here to write about your eyes and the stars in them. I tried to count too many times and I got too lost in the dreams imbedded in your corneas. I'm not here to talk about how the sun only rises because you give it a reason to, because it still sets every evening so it doesn't have to hear your steady breathing while you sleep. I'm here to tell you about how you have words that cut me like a saw cuts bone and how my ribs are held together with cheap twine and my spine is duct taped together. Here to say that you make my heart race at a pace that my body cannot keep up with. I didn't come to tell you that the tides are kissing the shore every time you laugh, because that's not what your laugh is like. No, if the rusting of iron made a sound, it would be your laugh. There are no flowers woven in your hair - instead, there are hornets and their nests lay settled in your throat and your intention is to sting me every time you open your mouth to say something that isn't my name. This isn't about poetry I've read about the moon and the sun and the cosmic loneliness of every star despite the presence trillions of them in the same sky. This is about how some stars find your presence so alluring that they begin to tumble from the sky and this is what we wish upon. This is about bruised lips mumbling words carved into coffee tables and ****** fingers tracing the rim of your favorite coffee cup. This isn't about love. This is about you.
 Nov 2013 Emma Matson
Phoebe Mae
When we talk
We reckless teenagers
We rebels without causes
We James Deans of the world

We talk about wanted tattoos
"A 3 on my back"
"On my lip"

And piercings
"My nose"
"My belly button"

And alcohol
"Icelandic chocolate"

Because we want to do the things
We can't
We're on the edge
The brink

Does that make us reckless?
Something to be laughed at?
It makes us human.
We're greedy.

We want to be different
So we sit in circles
And curse and drink

And play stupid games
Like truth or dare
Because we're reckless
And we talk about ***
Talk back to our parents

Because we worship sarcasm
And complain about how poor we are.

What else can you expect
From artsy
New York kids?
bit by bit

beneath the grasp of your hand
against my neck        the pull
of my hair against my scalp
and the burning gasp
that is wrenched
from the confines of my throat
i will build it
bit by bit
stick by stick
pebble by pebble
and bone by bone
this city        paradise
stretched along the length of my back
a river flowing between
the blades of my shoulders
white fog along the edge
of my skin        blue
and purple flowers blooming
deep within the spaces
of my ribs
while the red crunch of autumn
dries clean and crusted
between my lips

and in the end
this is perfect        regardless
of your absence i
am still building
and growing and
constructing and colonizing
and reclaiming the land
you took
away from me

bit by bit
i'll pave over
the remainders
of your presence
 Nov 2013 Emma Matson
 Nov 2013 Emma Matson
Mother knows best
But, unfortunately, you're a daddy's girl
And none of the boys staring at your skirt
Want to hear about how you wish you'd listened
Now it's too late

The windows in your soul have been broken into
And everyone's robbing your brain
And all the tickets to your heart have been given up
In exchange for one wild ride with the devil
And you wish that your dad regretted leaving you
As much as you regretted being born

I can hear the fire crackling in your chest
But all they can feel is the heat from your breath
There are clouds beneath your fingernails
But all they feel is the storms digging into their backs

You like being used
Because you hate feeling useless
But then you're just garbage
And it won't matter how good you were with your hands

There's a ticket back to Where It's Safe
But you ripped it into pieces
The road is long and winding
And you're drunk and swerving towards the ditch
 Nov 2013 Emma Matson
Blow smoke rings the size of my neck and make me feel just as insignificant. My collarbones don't dissipate into the air when you touch them but I wish that I could sublimate when your fingers are barely touching my skin and gliding up. I shouldn't trust you as far as I can throw you, but I just want to throw myself against you and collide your mouth against mine as though our lips were two raindrops on the window crashing towards each other with no stopping, both thinking "oh my god oh my god oh my god" before we morph into one.
I am so used to feeling like garbage, so for once, pretend like the beads of sweat on my neck are diamonds and tell me I'm your precious stone and don't let this sapphire night escape us without drawing ruby drops of blood from my tongue.
There are some things my mother never told me, like "always make sure that the boy you meet is actually alive, and not just an empty puppet being pulled by the heart strings" and "never trust a boy with sleepy eyes", but it's always good to know these things ahead of time because one day he will have your heart in his hands and won't have anything for you and one day you will realize that he's always tired because he spends all of his time thinking about someone that isn't you. And knowing what I know now compared to what I knew then makes me wish I never ached to squirm under your hands and makes me regret every moment I spent longing to fill very space between your fingers because now I can't stop writing about it.
Do you know about the garden of dead boys? It can be found in the place where the roses die. There is a "keep out" sign designed to not seem so until it's too late.  Until then, it appears to say "I love you" and you will wander in. But if you find yourself asking him "where have you been all my life", that's the time to run while you can because maybe he never actually existed.
 Nov 2013 Emma Matson
I crossed a mountain to be with you
Not really, darling, it was just a hill
But hill or Everest, my love runs true
Across a great divide, I would love you still.
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