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Daydreaming, dreaming while one is still awake
The minds way of fantasying  
Wishing about another life or being just happy for once
Where reality end and something different begins
They keep people alive in a place where they can’t live
A place where no one else knows
Trying to figure out if I should stay or go
Away from all the worrying and regret
A place where I know no one else will understand
i know its not that great but i really did try
 Mar 2014 EmilyDidero
I have one last request. **** me.
Help me run away. Anything.
I sit here in agonizing pain as
I press my frozen fingertips
Into my burning eyes,
Murdering every tear that threatens to escape.
I feel chilled across every expanse of my skin and
I wait for the end that I have wanted for so long.
 Mar 2014 EmilyDidero
The fall
 Mar 2014 EmilyDidero
The unending fall
Without a beginning
Is no fall at all

Nobody falls
Without jumping
Or being pushed
She's got galaxies between her ribs
And dials in her eyes
She's got liberty and justice lips
She's got lilacs up her thighs

Her knee-high boots say everything
She's unbearable and kind
Her flannel's thin as phillo
But her insides are fleece lined

She walks into a coffee shop
Asks for something extra hot
The steamer screams and the cold milk groans
She stirs until there is no foam.

There's a man, that sits feet away
And he cannot stand the way she plays
With a strand of hair that's been ***** for days

Look at those ugly, misshapen scars
Her body like a project car
Does she think that she's mysterious?
Does she think bad clothes are who she is?

She stands so fast he can't look down
She spots him as she turns around
Sees the recent trace of judgement
So she walks away, and smiles

Just then, his lungs were made of marble
His heart started to rehearse
The story, of how she made
His world a universe.
 Feb 2014 EmilyDidero
 Feb 2014 EmilyDidero
why is it that you only remember kissing?

or fumbling with plastic buttons in dim hallways, or folding his pants alongside your dresses
or laughing, or heading home to a bed you both could call yours.
why is it that the nights you spend crying in the next room- why does that fade?
you remain always dusty. god, all those days and months seperated by borders and waters you spent rationing these precious packages of recollection, closing your eyes and watching from a distance, as a younger, softer you rested her head on a pair of shoulders that were always there, a pair of shoulders that grew arms to hold you with, and a mouth to kiss you with, and fingers that would trace you and taste you and smudge you. now you know everything about love with nothing to show for it. now the safest place is nowhere near you.

you remember reaching out in the middle of the night, you remember why you quit smoking, you remember how he tasted, how he pulled you closer under the covers on cold sunday mornings. you would make room now when you would never make room before. now that it's too late, now that you are not fine. you remember kissing.
What you're going through is normal
I don't feel normal

You have friends and family that love you and want to help you
I want him

Hurting yourself won't fix anything
That means it can't hurt anything, either

This feeling fades, it goes away
I don't want it to go away

It was a great love
It still is and I'm never letting go

I gave him everything

... Everything?

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