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Jul 2015 · 678
Post-grad Love Life Part 1
Emily Marie Jul 2015
"You aren't going to find Mr. Right at a bar"
That is what I am told
Of course I believe it
Where else shall I meet him?
Should I wear my hipster dress and sit at the local coffee shop,
Drinking herbal tea from environmentally friendly cups,
And hope the man of my dreams comes up and says,
"I love that book also you're intelligent and gorgeous and will you go out with me?"
No time for lounging at coffee shops
So maybe I'll frequent the....
Nope. Can't think of anywhere else.
Back to the bars I go!
Emily Marie Feb 2015
Muffled moaning
Rhythmic, robotic
Bleeding through walls
Is that what I sound like?
It doesn't sound fun
It sounds quite boring
Repetitive squeaks
In 3/4 time
I'd use rubato
I'd be espressivo
No etudes for me
Just ad libitum
But for now I lay
Sexiled to the couch
Wishing I had someone
To make music with

— The End —