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 May 2013 Emily Mary
 May 2013 Emily Mary
 May 2013 Emily Mary
When Twilight falls the Fairies
Play gracefully upon their
Enchanted instruments
Celtic harps and violas
Join in this beautiful solo
Double basses and violins
Ring out through the calm Night
The Fairies play from Twilight
'Til Midnight
Then move on somewhere else
And play upon their instruments
'Tis the Fairies' melody
For they love living in
Instrumental harmony
With happiness and smiles
From little pink lips
They play upon the prettiest
Bells and chimes ever
Celestas and harpsichords,
Pianos and organs
Raise their beautiful
But meek and humble voices
Creating a tapestry of music
The mandolin also follows
And lifts its voice
And the flute comes next
Beautiful sounding oboes
Sing sweetly on the Night breeze
Next come the wood winds and brass winds
And their beauty cries out
A bittersweet paradise
The most beautiful music
Played while
All humans are asleep
But when Fairies are awake

 May 2013 Emily Mary
Kelley Ann
I daydream a lot.
I get in trouble for it too.
I dream of world where I
have two sisters I love dearly
a dad with a skip in his step
a mom without bags under her sunken eyes
and a niece I love to hold

I daydream a lot.
I get it trouble for it too.
These cuts I make
Are small compared to my real pain
My wounds go deeper
Than any blade can cut
And they leave bigger marks
Than the simple scars
Blood flows out of my wounds
Yet I live on
My heart still pounds its steady beat
Even as I scream
My heart cries out for help
As do my lips
I will continue to cut and cry
Clutching to the knife
Clinging for dear life
Holding the handle steadily
At the end, a blade, quite deadly
Sinking the metal into your skin
To relieve the pressures within
Cuts deeper, longer
Slices steeper, stronger
Anger drips unto the ground
Anguish leaves your vocals bound
Tired of this numbing feel
Though the pain of it all is quite real
As the final droplets fall
You find that you have hit a wall
With the final breath you’ll take
Plunge the blade, your body breaks
To eat or not to eat that is the question?

Seems like the journey to the answer is the source of my depression.


Stressed out.

No doubt.

This is hell.

Touch the bones 
As we speak in playful tones about my ill pains

Seems as if everyday I struggle with the same thing
This disorder has me in chains 

Doing strange things for minor relief

Crazy how fourteen years of grief

Yet I still count the calories of air

Combing out hair 

The stress causes the remains of my life to break into pieces 

Slices of happiness never lasts seems as
I’m bathing in my own blood bath

The challenge is to finish last 

Slow down the binge 

Eat normal like your friends 


Think I can break habit just because it’s the right thing to do?

You think I enjoy this relationship with food?

I’d divorce my past and marry your future if it meant I’d be okay 

But I remain in this mess
I began when they told I’d be fat again.

Tell a friend 
I let weight meet me again.

Feels like a sin to some how feel joy.

**** the dreams of this skinny beast.

Hug the cookies and drink the wine 

This is the cry of a disordered mind. 

Welcome to my inner thoughts

My illness greets you.

Leave your sanity at the door for you wont need that silly thing anymore.

Now eat until you can’t move then starve yourself times two. 

Make the grades because if you’re intelligent then they remain away 

Telling you how much they wish their body looked like mine 

Silly envy I here all the time 
I wonder if they knew my fears 

Would they escape?

But much like me, 
Once you figure things out it’s much too late.
Innocent lily on a filthy pond
Young, untouched
Lost in Dark Wonderland
The biscuit, rabbit and drink
All is a trick
Run, take my hand
Let me save you
From the Red Queen's unholy land
The hatter is a beast
Who pays for a kiss
Alice, do not be deceived
It's the devil's hiss.
 May 2013 Emily Mary
Lynn For Now
This life was dying
A fire, begging to be extinguished
A sentence, begging for a period to end it forever
I wanted to find the courage
To finally say goodbye
The cowardly strength to pull the trigger
I wanted to be silenced forever

But you saw the fall and caught me
The candle was dimming, losing its strength,
The screaming fell to a whisper, a whimper,
Until you brought my voice back to its strength
You brought me to my feet and held me in your arms
And now, we dance together through life
Start dancing now, dance until dusk

But I’m slipping again
I’m near to drowning
The water is rising, up to my knees
It’s up to my waist,
Now to my shoulders, my neck, my chin
I feel it above my mouth, to my nose, up to my eyes
I’m seconds away from being fully submerged
And I desperately need you to pull me up.

You scream from above,
Toss down a lifeline
But I’m paralyzed.  
Can’t move, can’t see, can’t feel
I need you to pull me above the water,
Back into your arms.  
But time and distance are never on our side
So I wait, running out of oxygen by the second,
Waiting for you to save my soul once again

I know you’ll be here, but I can only wait so long.  
I can’t stay here, drowning
I need you to save me
Bring me back to life.

— The End —