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In a new world that's never been seen by me
Didnt know this was real but now I believe
So high that I look down at the earth
Didnt believe it before but now I know it works
Need it to stay in this high world that's so fine
There is nothing else like it nothing you will find
Can I live without it I don't ever want to know
Gotta have it again because this isn't as high as I can go
I have to have it so say a prayer for me please
Because your love has me high and it's all that I need
Your words were always hollow.
They never meant a thing.
I tried to know the meaning,
I even tried to follow.

It was all in vain,
but now I finally understand
that I have to make a stand
to end this excruciating pain.

Soon I will be gone.
You might not see me again.
I broke free from your chain,
my penitence is done.

If you ever want me back,
I won't be here anymore.
Now I'm rotten to the core.
Beware, because I'm about to attack.
What i am to them is an ornament.
My value is determined by the scales they use.

Freedom is a dream that looks far from reality.
Freedom is for the full who's destined for poverty.

A puppet of their play, they control me with strings.
Make me dance the mariet and clap hands and their so called brilliance.

A pawn in their game, they expect me to win.
Feed me steroids of spiritual wisdom and belief, to become the warrior destined to free them from their doom and misery.

The mascot they use to boost their fame.
Expect me to tell the world, they're the reason i am this way.
A well disciplined, obedient good mannered boy.

Parents and teacher.
The wardens of teenagers.
The tormentors of my soul.
Let time and space be captured in a picture, let the beauty of the world be found in one place.

Let me adore the treasure searched for by kings. Let me look at your face and believe paradise exists...
You know that feeling..
When your breathing stops,
But your heart still races.
When your eyes are closed,
But you can still see what's going on around you.

That's what it's like being with Him.
When his hands are around your throat,
But kisses you at the same time.
When he turns you away from Him,
But you know exactly what his expression is.

Trying to satisfy a never ending thirst.
Hoping you've done well when He doesn't look at you after.
Thinking you look disgusting but He reminds you otherwise.
Just to degrade you later.

A never-ending cycle of love, and disgust
Disgust, to lust
From lust to loving
Never ending. 
Always repeating and eating at me.
Making tears, laughter, moans, 
And those little kisses you wish you could save.

You know that feeling..
stolen from the naked eye
beyond understanding
floating in enlightenment—
you cannot be touched
you glow,
you shine,
you blind
an illusion, a mirror
beyond the depths of realism,
into skepticism;
a wall:
longing to be heard,
a whistle in the wind—
a shot in the dark
closing in,
an abyss;
past surrealism,
into oblivion
reach out..
make contact,
accept your call
don't delay,
time doesn't wait;
it is now—
or it is never
i am a blank page
open to all
inviting your words,
your sentiments
your emotions
write me a picture
draw me a story
perfect me,
create me
but do not erase me!
mistakes are welcome here
all part of the plan
you feel me,
i feel you
we are one,
pen to page
i fuel your soul
relax your mind
scribble away
its give and take with you and i
you give and give
and i take when i can get
its never enough though
you'll be back for more
because, you see,
our story never ends
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