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 Dec 2013 emily ann pittman
Your lips have been dethroned and disposed of properly.
In the filthy back bone of a jungle, they lie; never to rule again.
Medieval recycling is always honest, you know?
You know this.

Perhaps someone will write an Epic about it one day.
After ways are parted and enough people are broken; then unbroken.
Perhaps the life of fire starting isn't for me anymore.
Perhaps I've been burning for too long now.
You really never know with these things.
With these things you never really know.
There is a parasite in me
I'm beyond certain now
It's telling me it's helpful
Feeding off it's vows

It curled itself up in my chest
I never felt a thing
It started pumping, fluids false
And still I felt no sting

I think it is connected
To my warped spine
For though my brain says one thing
The worms word is divine

I have a pretty lover
Who sits with me and stays
But the thing says see the others
And my attention strays

I don't know if I can fight it
For though I know I strive
This nasty grotesque creature
Is keeping me alive
A duckling hatches, to see its mother
A ****** mess, a pile of flesh
The duckling, looking for another
Does not see the coming fox

The thing, so quick
Slips from the reeds
Breaks a stick
The duckling bleeds

This new thing, pain
So new, so cruel
Is like a stain
The duckling dies

The sun will rise
And make the dawn
This is the ground where I crumbled

My arms landed on the sidewalk with a thud
And my leg rolled into the street
My fingers sprinkled the pavement
In the radius of these 5 feet

While my toes tumbled downhill
My ribs spread open like a book
My spine slithered away
While my muscles spazzed and shook

My lips stuttered and tapped 3 blocks east
And my ears curled toward the ocean sound west

My ankles turned into diamonds and waited to be found
My blood boiled and sank, simmered through the ground
My hair curled in a flurry and like a tumbleweed swept away
My skull rattled and sighed, “oh darling not today”

My chest melted into the sidewalk
My thighs could run without the weight
My veins ran rivers, my capillaries cried “stop!”
But even they knew it was too late

So my hips skipped to a playground so they could finally swing
My throat cleared the road because it wanted to sing
My shoulders hunched and knew at once the number of candies in the jar
Then I pitched my eyes hard and fast who had never seen so far

My teeth assembled themselves in lines and marched off in a hurry
The knots in my back sprang loose and clung onto the nearest worry

My nails began scratching their stories into the busy road
My knees sank, relieved at last, of the lightened heavy load

My lungs inflated and like a balloon let go and floated
My tongue, without teeth, went and wagged and gloated

My feet followed my ears and sunk into the sand
My eyelashes, then drowning, sought to find dry land,

My skeleton
drummed out
the beat of
my heart

And that was the day
that I
im slowly slipping into crazy.
im laying down with lunacy
and asking her to lie close.

because i cant lie with myself
     if i expect to sleep,
and i cant lie with others
     if i expect to hope.

so ill call up crazy at two A.M.
and tell him i depend on our talks
and ask for him to sing me to sleep

and lunacy will keep me warm,
and when the birds sing the morning in,
i will finally fall asleep beside myself.
as I lay my head to sleep
I look you deeply in your shallow eyes,
pining for the grasp of your attention,
parting lips weakened by us,
these kisses are candor,
as we embrace each other,
overwrought by the moon,
lusting for the bare minimum  requirement of a heart,
pacing the trails of your impressions,
dedicated to the cadence of the mounting beats that I hear,
assurance of you here is evident in the sheets I wrestle,
but I wish you would leave
because I hate sleeping with,

 Dec 2013 emily ann pittman
I'm scared of forgetting you,
of not knowing what is true.
I'm scared of forgetting your face,
the craving for your embrace.
I'm scared of forgetting your smile,
of how you cant walk me down the aisle.
I'm scared of forgetting your smell,
that whilst your in heaven I'm in hell.
I'm scared of forgetting your love for the sea
But most of all I'm scared of you forgetting me.
i  envy your pillow
for it lets you
rest your head on it
while i couldn't

i envy your cup,
for it kisses your lips
tasting yours,
while i just stare at it,

i envy your blanket
it covers your skin
it touches every bit of you
while i couldn't

i envy your clothes
it touches your skin
every corner of it
every flaw
while i'm sitting here
typing this
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