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 Dec 2012 Emerald
Plastic Beauty
 Dec 2012 Emerald
B cup
C cup
but D cup, the better.

A nip,
a tuck—
reverse the clock.

For beauty’s the past,
and beauty’s the young.

reupholster the fruit of the womb
and iron the sags low.
Recapture the past glow,
for after all,
the future is wherever you don’t exist yet.;=1353822133&sr;=8-1&keywords;=olaf+last+king+of+nothing
 Dec 2012 Emerald
Tom Orr
Steam escapes the surface
Of infant mince pies.
It spirals upwards, dancing
Into the winter haze
Where headlights, opaquely visible,
Fight the fog.

The mist flurries atop the frozen pond,
Over brittle leaves, half caught.
The deer nuzzles in frosty thickets,
Searching the winter veil
For stray nut.

‘neath the tap my hands endure
The bitter cold of winter’s water;
But happily I return to my window,
And cast a gaze once more on winter Britain.
The fire leaves a smoky essence,
A homely smell.
December come.
Lost in words,
Lost myself,
Lost everything.

Still striving,
Lifelessly surviving,
Living by the hour.

Gone in 60 seconds,
Had to learn my lessons,
But it's far to late to turn back.

Metal bracelets,
Free car ride,
A bed, a blanket, breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Burned a bridge,
Tried to swim,

— The End —