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May 2016 · 451
embla May 2016
And truly, it is an unnerving feeling to be both absolutely infuriated and completely, utterly heartbroken.
May 2016 · 490
I Can Barely Say
embla May 2016
I've been gone so long
I can barely say
All I know is now I want to stay
Has it been too long since I went away?
Cause I'm trying to find the words but I can barely say
the fray
May 2016 · 430
One Line
embla May 2016
"Love you, see you Monday"

You immediately came back after your response in our emotion-charged talk and told me this.
My immediate reaction upon reading this simple line was to laugh (out of shock and happiness, of course), but it was immediately followed by unforeseen cying - no, *sobbing
- because you finally made it crystal clear.
I knew you cared about me.
They've been trying to convince me you don't, but I knew better.
Thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
May 2016 · 931
embla May 2016
I always saw stars in your eyes, but now.. my God, they're even brighter. They're so much brighter.
May 2016 · 412
behind a screen
embla May 2016
Sure, I can say whatever I want behind a phone screen and you'll never know otherwise.
But if you told me to look you in the eyes and sincerely say I didn't love you still, I couldn't do it.
I want you to ask.
Apr 2016 · 316
embla Apr 2016
I'm sorry she led me to believe I didn't care about either of you.
I love you both with my whole heart and soul - I don't think I'll ever stop.
Apr 2016 · 853
not one
embla Apr 2016
Not a single
will keep me from living for me
and living out the hopes, dreams, and light
that I have suppressed for so long
at the request of others around me.
Apr 2016 · 308
embla Apr 2016
Shocking, really, how quickly things can change,
largely due to this new burning and gleaming confidence.
I'm like a river - free, flowing, and coursing,
and nothing will ever confine me again.
Try to control me. You will fail.
Apr 2016 · 273
embla Apr 2016
It will never work out the way I've envisioned for so long.
Trying to be content.
Apr 2016 · 330
embla Apr 2016
You've always tried to keep me concealed, as if I was a weapon of sorts.
A weapon that could threaten everything you've built from the ground up.
I've never seen myself as dangerous.
I've never seen myself as needing to be handled with extreme caution, lest you accidentally shoot yourself in the foot.
Why is it that you see me as a loaded gun, love?
I'm not capable of such violence.

You've always been reckless when it came to me.
Why the sudden hesitation?
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
embla Apr 2016
Your sentences border on senseless
And you are paranoid in every paragraph
How they perceive you
Apr 2016 · 304
embla Apr 2016
"It's different with her."
Why am I always a different story?
Why am I always the exception?
It's been three years.
I still don't know.
It's been three years.
I *need
to know.
It's been three years.
I'm scared to know.
Apr 2016 · 256
embla Apr 2016
What is it about me that always leads you to push yourself away again?
Apr 2016 · 532
embla Apr 2016
.. *"and gets used by a man who can't love"
Prove it
Show everyone you can
I know you can
Apr 2016 · 281
you're late
embla Apr 2016
You haven't changed.
Back again to harm my already fragile heart, are you?

I've been expecting you.
Mar 2016 · 351
embla Mar 2016
Once again, I find myself entirely incapable of hate.
Physically impossible for me.
How could I purely hate someone I once loved so much?
Mar 2016 · 398
even now
embla Mar 2016
Still obsessed with what you lost, eh?
It's funny to think that you claim you aren't.
You're not good at acting like you don't care.
Mar 2016 · 716
embla Mar 2016
We are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it.

-- Rick Warren
Mar 2016 · 488
embla Mar 2016
I will, if only for my own sanity.
Mar 2016 · 805
embla Mar 2016
How dare you laugh at my faults when you're the epitome of human failure?
embla Mar 2016
i wonder what you would say if..
you knew you shattered my peace of mind.

i wonder what you would say if..
you knew you destroyed my self-confidence.

i wonder what you would say if..
you knew that seeing your face sends a shiver down my spine.

i wonder what you would say if..
you knew what we thought about you now.

i wonder what you would say if..
you knew that you crossed my mind every day.

i wonder what you would say if..
you knew i was simply trying to avoid change.

i wonder what you would say if..
you knew i forced myself to feel something.

i wonder what you would say if..
you knew i used you just like you used me -  but you used me knowingly.

i wonder what you would say if..
you knew that like you, i was just afraid of being alone.

i wonder what you would say if..
the tables were turned on you.

i wonder what you would say if..
*i said i never loved you.
What if I told you this entire poem was a lie?
Mar 2016 · 448
embla Mar 2016
Everything is about to change.
Whether it's for better or for worse is unknown to me.
I wanted change, so here it is.
Ask and you shall receive, I guess.
Mar 2016 · 436
alive again
embla Mar 2016
You've restored something in me that nobody else has been able to revive.
How do I begin to thank you?
embla Mar 2016
How was I pathetic for loving you?
Mar 2016 · 269
embla Mar 2016
I can't remember the exact color of your eyes anymore.
I find that frightening.
I feel like I'm missing a vital memory.
Mar 2016 · 263
one of two ways
embla Mar 2016
Couldn't it?
It could.
Feb 2016 · 508
embla Feb 2016
And sometimes, people aren't.
This can mean a lot of things. I feel like the word or characteristic you think of upon reading it can say a lot about your current situation. Who knows.
Feb 2016 · 249
embla Feb 2016
I hurt, and there's nothing poetic about it.
Feb 2016 · 375
embla Feb 2016
One gonna hold my memory, another gonna close the door              
One gonna leave me restless, another wanting more
"keepsake" // state radio
Feb 2016 · 254
embla Feb 2016
"With all due respect," I continue to say when I know none is deserved.
For the sake of politeness, although it seems to be a rather useless concept by this point because these people deserve none.
Feb 2016 · 407
i miss
embla Feb 2016
I miss my family
I miss my family I miss my family I miss my -
I miss being loved
Feb 2016 · 896
i'm sorry
embla Feb 2016
I will not change for you.
I understand, I understand, I understand.
You have never once asked me to.
But what you don't understand is that what you want would require me to change.
It would require me to stifle parts of my soul, of who I am to make it work.
I can't silence these pieces of me any longer.
I'm sorry, but I can't make that sacrifice.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, *I'm sorry.
Feb 2016 · 504
elastic heart
embla Feb 2016
And I want it, I want my life so bad
I'm doing everything I can

Well, I've got thick skin and an elastic heart,
But your blade - it might be too sharp
I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard
Yeah, I may snap and I move fast

But you won't see me fall apart
**'Cause I've got an elastic heart
by sia. not mine
Feb 2016 · 870
embla Feb 2016
I am tired of this place, I hope people change
I need time to replace what I gave away
And my hopes, they are high, I must keep them small
Though I try to resist..

I still want it all
FOOLS // Troye Sivan
Feb 2016 · 294
will i
embla Feb 2016
Will I ever feel like I have a place, a home?
Will I ever be enough?
Will I ever be a constant to somebody?

I think the answer is no, at this rate.
I thought it was starting to work itself out.
I suppose I was wrong.
Feb 2016 · 1.2k
you are not
embla Feb 2016
You are not your pain.
You are not your pain.
You are not your pain.

You are not what happened to you.
You are not what happened to you.
You are not what happened to you.

You are not what they did to you.
You are not what they did to you.
*You are not what they did to you.
By no means.
Say it until you believe it to be true.
Feb 2016 · 301
embla Feb 2016
Nobody believes it anymore, and those who still do don't know the extent of the damage done.
Give it up already. This is pathetic.
Feb 2016 · 530
bitter? me?
embla Feb 2016
No, I'm not bitter - I just don't have to stick around and tolerate your selfish stupidity.
Feb 2016 · 695
embla Feb 2016
Quit selling your soul to the temporary.
Feb 2016 · 1.0k
embla Feb 2016
You don't get to hurt me and then judge the way I respond.
Feb 2016 · 302
embla Feb 2016
There is not
one. single. person.
One person that I was close to in the past that is still in my life today.
Not a single person I loved once that still loves me in return.
Good riddance.
Feb 2016 · 292
embla Feb 2016
Get out of my dreams, get out, get out, get out.
I'm not going down this road again.
Please don't do this.
Although.. admittedly, it was the best dream I've had in a while. It wasn't a nightmare.. and I woke up happy.
Feb 2016 · 578
embla Feb 2016
They only hurt you after you hurt them.
Feb 2016 · 274
embla Feb 2016
I'm trying to find my way but I don't know which way to go.
How many paths do I actually have to choose from?
Feb 2016 · 245
embla Feb 2016
What the hell did I actually expect?
Right back at square one.
Feb 2016 · 674
embla Feb 2016
I joke about being lonely all the time, but I don't think anybody gets that it isn't a joke anymore.
***** this.
Feb 2016 · 268
embla Feb 2016
I've got this sinking feeling in my chest
and I'm scared nothing ever lasts.
Feb 2016 · 466
embla Feb 2016
"In a cold and sunshiny haze, I will forget about this."
Feb 2016 · 264
embla Feb 2016
You were the first to ask.
Feb 2016 · 350
embla Feb 2016
"Is there anything you're thankful for?"
*"Gradual transitions."
said by a classmate
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