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I didn't feel so conflicted
till I got in the moment
holdin' strong egos,
like chessin' opponents
who could hold out and show they're the strongest
of love
tryin' to hide they ever felt any
but how could they
when everyone's the enemy
why would I trust you, when I'd do to you,
what you might do to me?
So cat n' mouse chase
won't look ya right in the face
lying to myself that I don't miss the ****** embrace
why even care when its just a race
for that feel good first hit
when it aint found
claimin rights to quit
quit ******* what
ya man I'd be the first to tell ya
I've written a verse
on sacrificing myself for the own good
of the ******* earth
but hands on the shoulders
stopping the ******
from the right to shed skin
they're own contraband

n' now its tough
everyone thinks they're the diamond on the ruff
but told true to dwelling in the soul hard n gruff
keepin to the sunrise, lookin to the set
under nights hand guard
everyone's a threat
guns in the temple
consider em mental
for resenting the present social norm
of talking to everything and everyone
just to mold n conform

light n dark is a misconception
cuz there's lots of beautiful **** to be let in
by your own definition thas what matters
can't be bothered by other mad hatters perception
give what you need n always be freed
from the chains set in place by societies greedy ****** need

its all to ******* beautiful
to the human hating anti social
to admit they'd slice the life to their own sacrificial right
not abandoning light but the body gifted to the sight of others
that's what brings the sadness
cuz from the dirt, leaves and trees
is this made up ruling tyranny
madness to take flight n life
is just plain beautiful sadness
I had been at a wedding where my friends were getting married, an old lover was there, which is chill but both of us were awkward with each other, which is ok too.  It was actually kinda funny.  We have a habit of sending art or free flows to each other, I was sitting outside the venue drinking a beer and smoking when he left on his skateboard, and I vomited this free flow all over some paper.
sitting here
staring at these boring beige walls
with someone staring back at me
as I try to put my thoughts into words
don't sound stupid
no desperation
no neediness
no attention
being analyzed is an interesting thing
because you can feel the ****
of knowledgable eyes in your brain
so your walls go up
stop staring at me
because help doesn't exist
when you don't want it
and there is no cure
for the monsters in my brain
clawing at my psyche
sweet nothings into my subconscious
bland, practiced words stream out of my mouth
bubbling over with the dull tone of indifference
and ultimately,
cringe-worthy sadness.
if only you could actually understand
that the monsters are my friends
their darkness inspires me
reminds me of the heaven
found six feet below my own heels
now I'm standing,
with a rehearsed smile on my mask
and a hollow 'thank you'
before I return to the beige walls
I’ve walked the fires of Dante’s hell,
yet escaped to feel the rain,
I’ve conquered self deception,
lest it lie to me again.

I’ve seen the logic of insanity,
the chaos in the plan,
I’ve been witness to calamity,
man’s inhumanity to man.

I’ve endured a thousand sleepless nights,
shed tears, and muffled screams,
and tossed and turned a thousand more,
whence dragons ruled my dreams.

I’ve seen seconds pass like seasons,
been imprisoned in my mind,
I’ve been numb that felt like torture,
and known torture that was kind.

No angels stead beside me,
I’ve bourn the brunt of Satan’s wrath,
I’ve spat at Gods who stood the way,
for no God shall bar my path.

I’ve stared down death at my own hand,
yet healed to bear the scars,
It’s only us who have the power
to destroy what would be ours.

I’ve gazed upon the emptiness
kept hidden in my soul,
Yet returned, a weary traveler,
the wiser of my role.

I’ve survived to tell my tale,
to warn of dangers left unnamed,
“Here be tygers!” Aye, ‘tis true;
but tygers can be tamed.

Dan Bryce
Typecast within a role,
an empty actor w/o a soul,
to force a smile and flash a wink,
are just effects to make you think,
and camera tricks to let you know,
that I'm o.k. to let you go

Magnanimous loser, once again,
to hide my loss I wear a grin.

I'll kiss your cheek, and hug you brief,
a smile and wink, to hide my grief
and don my costume, once again,
magnanimous loser, my old friend.

I'll deny this one confession,
the latest in a long procession,
of broken hearted bedtime tales,
of hope that dies and love that fails

I'll play the role I know so well
the roll I've played and played to hell.
one more time won't hurt, I guess,
magnanimous loser, I confess.

You'll see me laugh, and socialize,
you'll think I'm strong, you'll think I'm wise,
for I won't cry, or wail and moan,
(at least 'till I get home alone).

sitting at my dressing table,
I wonder if I'll soon be able,
to paint a grin, and choke back tears,
and ignore the pounding in my ears.

Magnanimous loser, can't you see?
doomed to live in misery,
The bad boys win another round
the good guy's gone without a sound.

It's all become an old refrain,
another year, the same old pain
another one gone, another dream ends
another regret, what might have been.

I'll wear the mask, for all to see
that I'm just fine, as fine can be
magnanimous loser, once again,
just for once, I'd like to win.

So pass me up, for I don't mind
just give me time, and I'll be fine.
I'm sure that he's much better than I,
You’ll be so happy, and I’ll get by…

Dan Bryce
You know what most amazes me?
is not that so many need therapy,
but that so many people don’t!

I mean, it seems my life to me
is a daily test of my ability,
to hold on to my sanity,
to keep a grip on what’s real,
and what’s important,
to struggle for what’s right,
while so many of those around me,
seem bent on self-destruction,
it’s a tragedy beyond conception!

Which is why I need
time on my own,
in the mountains all alone,
no human face to haunt me,
but the faces in my mind.

Time to catch my breath,
a vacation from the motion
of all the mental commotion
the people moving
through the streets
‘till they seem to all stand still.

Now don’t get me wrong!
Life is the most beautiful thing there is,
but what is life, after all?
We must define it,
or forever search the darkness.
We must succeed,
or take the blame for the fall.

Is a rock alive?
Of course not!
but then again
the most modest grain of sand
will surely out-live you!

Is a virus alive?
or a bug, or grass or a squirrel?
These things “live”,
but without self-conception,
are nothing more
than nature’s automatons
reproducing, pain avoiding, pleasure seeking machines.
How can they be “alive”?

After all, what is life, without a knowledge of life?
to be alive, one must know one is alive,
and must also know
that life is no guarantee,
not even of life itself,
for we all must die.
The road we’re on will surely end,
life’s single guarantee,
is that death is our destiny!
Life is the journey!

It seems to me
we must seek to be
more than just automatons.
To think, before we act,
to choose temporary pain
over spirit killing fear,
to choose life over death,
and choose death
over a life not lived!

We must choose to help each other
for we shall surely need help ourselves,
I want to live in a world of love and understanding,
and the strength of forgiveness
toward those who trespass against me,
in hope that my trespasses
shall be forgiven in kind.

For what are we?
we are social creatures,
driven by our nature
toward contact with one another
for better or worse!
unlike air, food, water,
is not what makes life possible,
it’s what makes life worth living!

Which is why
I come down from my mountain,
to face the throngs,
and fight the crowds in their misery,
and repress the insanity,
if just for today,
to laugh and cry with my friends…

Dan Bryce
 Feb 2013 Ember Bryce
Tim Knight
A leer leapt across his face,
it was not a surf smirk
that rolls up from coral cheeks,
but a snide smile that
surprised everyone there.

Coffee shop stopped and halted,
for this man fell to his knees
and asked to wed,
a girlfriend of small brunette proportions,
whom sat next to him
basking in good fortune.

Golden orbit
of metal bound
and knit,
graced her finger, slipped
down the knuckle,
fused to the skin
as every buckle ever worn.

For these two would make it,
sworn to mourn when the other fell. >> like to receive poetry to your FB feed
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