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Ember Bryce Sep 2013
We write because there is an unexplainable magical phenomenon surrounding us called conscious.

It is what expanded in the very beginning, it's will evolved everything living.
It invented these elements, that binded to create compounds.
With the help of gravity and expansion, these natural chemical compounds slowly started structures.
Other elements were produced, binded, and reproduced, exponentially manifesting other life.

Thankfully, consciousness is beautiful.
And it has an exquisite pattern that boggles the mind. Astronomers, mathematicians, scientists, artists, and other mortal men are astounded by it (even if they don't know 'it' yet). Because of this pattern, known as The Fibonacci Sequence, also relates to geometry, dimensions, and space, creates "The Flower of Life".

Look up into the stars and you will see them all pointing out, all moving still as one, there will be one brighter star that seems to serve as the center point for the flower. But focus on another and you will see the flower there too. Howl at the stars and you will see a dimension of movement as they shine a tail reacting to your vibrations. (I wonder if that's what wolves always see).

It is because of this pattern that the compounds "fell" into place. They happened upon a dimensional line and shaped nicely into spheres that includes all their elements they were attracted too. They followed the Sun and other stars for the light and a leading center point. Our rock (this planet) just so happened to be perfectly away yet close enough to the Sun, and had the right kinda elements, that it was able to form a livable habitat for something..

It was the first four main elements that came alive with activity on the surface of this land. Earth, Water, Fire, and Air started oozing, spilling, swimming, forming, into a place that gave way for the compounds that make up the cells of plants to sprout. Bacteria grew also out of cells and atoms and ****. Bugs and other simple creatures where the first to be bestowed upon this mass. This consciousness just wanted to grow, however way it can or does, it did. Even as reptiles, as dinosaurs, as birds, as sea creatures. The consciousness that started the craziness was snot stopping any time soon. It was going through trial and error, how we, everyday, always do. The consciousness just wanted to grow, to do, to be, it needed to replenish it's energy through eating whatever else it had created, it needed to reproduce so as to continue, and it needed to die to make room for the new and improved. But this consciousness is always there, always around, flying everywhere.

Other habitants of this universal consciousness has seen our Planet, and they were pleased. Good and Evil wanted to help or destroy.

The weather, and geology, are also still a part of this consciousness, and with their elements and the expanding evolution of the atmosphere and core of the Earth, were able to evolve as well. Other animals came about as a reaction and adapted to the ever changing environment.

Finally, the consciousness that exists in every thing that tells it to move, to change, to do, to be, to create: started having emotions.. Thus, humans were created. We still have that older consciousness of wanting to do, to be, to create, to reproduce. We have viral qualities of latching on to a host and slowly destroying here (Mother Earth), we have plant like and animalistic qualities becuase we have a male and a female that reproduce, we feed, we grow, we protect, we crave the Sun, we crave acceptance. But now we also crave Love. We encompass compassion. We have consciousness, and we KNOW we have consciousness, we not only think and make decision, but we know that we are. Isn't that crazy!? I believe many animals are starting to think this way too..

We embody emotions, the greatest being love. Fear was an emotion for the first creatures on this Earth, it is slowly evolving to Love. Fear made us make more. As bacteria and viruses, we fear deceasing to nonexistence, so we become stronger to keep up with the cures. As plants we feared being over powered by others, so we reached out our limbs and branches to touch closer to the Sun. As animals we fear other animals. As humans, we know what it is to love and be loved.

Some Earthlings know the powers we carry, and of the Mother and Father.
Some give praise to these every day, because we are the children.
Some don't, some have lost what it means to be.

Some have evolved in the opposite intended direction. Which is silly to say because as consciousness' only meaning is to grow, be and do, with this statement, consciousness is going in the 'right' direction. I do not know yet why there is good and evil sides of consciousness. did one come as a result of the other? were they nth part of consciousness at the same time? Can we all agree we need both? (cannot feel pleasure without pain, etc) or can we see what it is like with just good surrounding.. then in that case, who is to say what is good: The child dancing in the rain, watching her garden grow, catching droplet on her tongue, would say the weather is 'good'. The lovers' getting washed away in the flood trying to save each other, would not. But all this is 'the way things are'. Anyways..

to be continued
Ember Bryce Aug 2013
Day dreaming keeping my mind from sleeping. Lack of it is depleting me mentally. Or is it too many zzz keeping my eye from ease and not enough action to please my restless laziness. At home I feel safe to open up and express to explore my minds deepest recess. I don't like what I find half the time, but I must accept the darkness. Harness and caress though the thoughts never rest. What must I do but continue to stew this *** of rotting intentions. Innovation, manifestation, creation. Please become of me so I can of you. So much to give, so much to do. A need, a desire to feed the fire of knowledge and my capabilities. A challenge indeed is what I need. An endeavor, an adventure. An escape. So maybe that is why, I run into my mind.
Ember Bryce Mar 2013
In this race, we might lose the pace as it slips through our widened eyes and spacey minds
there are no posters here, no **** nor beer,
not much to be called my own,
shadows and light are my only friend tonight.
with the exception of my cat, the only air of what once was
i do not feel welcome in my own home
alone. no, lonely perhaps
but isn't that just a state of conscious?
Peel back and reveal a mystery;
meaning to be discovered, uncovered, justified
        Cried to be free!
so be it
Ember Bryce Mar 2013
Bright lights stare
as they whizz down the street in pairs
Judging me, not seeing me

I walk alone, head down.
my feet pass quick and steady as if a river and
Like a curious child I see below the bridge where I stand
Wishing to know the meaning of existence
Yet content with the view
And wanting to jump in.

No one can see me crying
Its too dark
Just to be safe I pretend I have something else on my face every time I wipe it
The fresh tears mix with the aged aqueous
And disappear with those of the past.

Their bodies of steel are cold,
Their eyes are sharp, their words easily glide through my skin like a razor held by a hopeless addict
Their man-made mistakes
Become by most feared and hated.
People with labels and names,
Are but just that

I’m alone within the voices
I push them back with my chair and whip.
Trying to tame the temptress
that seduces my escapist muses
But she growls and snarls and I feel the scratches slowly turn to scars and wounds on my inner most soul

How long can someone keep their chin up
Before they are simply just ignoring reality, ******* up their ‘control’
Should  I tell myself  again, “its’ gonna be okay”, or is it alright if I take time and break down

How many more drawings can be?
with the colors of black and white spilling from me and outside the lines
How many words regurgitated from my mind
Scrambled in a way they might be defined.
How many more patterns of vibrations will I need to resound to match my frequency
How much more art must spew from me that is otherwise calm and quiet
Should I open up and try this thing called talking?
Though I have tried.. I stutter, I get lost, I bore
I move my lips but the blank stares flare a hole in me like the Sun through glass on a scurrying ant.

I know they're not listening

My art listens
But it cannot talk
Just display to me what is inside
Escape that which I have been imagining
Or creating, or thinking.
Though it can speak, profound
Without making a sound

But I would like a voice
Not one of mine, of another
Who will listen
Not just talk

Introvert, shy, stuck-up, I’ve been called all the above because I don’t express easily what  others say so freely.
Nervous, intimidated,  Insecure
Sensitive, what will they think when I say something?

“I’d rather be thought of a Fool , then to open my mouth and remove all doubt”..

but  maybe an open mind cannot be,
without an mouth willing to open.

My arms spread wide for all who need, my heart is displayed.
But please don’t be greedy
Stepped on, used, abused, have I
Been because of my gratitude and compassion
I wish someone would listen to me, as if it were a silent pupil to a master whom only speaks the truth and only when he feels ready

Bright lights, blank stares

Water, moving, flowing, going, nature vs machine
Nature vs man
Spirituality vs reality
Ember Bryce Mar 2013
Healing powers of Love
stealing the pain

Biting my bottom lip, ******* me wet
Come in to me, and I will surrender

Hold up my arms, out, around your body embracing upon mine.

Animals, we are
just cannibals
eating hearts, sharing souls
your strongest hold
leave me free to move as one

Free birds have a reason to sing
I enter and stay, knowing any day, I could fly away

Leave the cage door open, and after my adventures have burned
to your shelter, I will return.

Silent conversations
our eyes speak
our hands ******
The energy produces propagating waves
And I see the colors of the spectrum

Open me up,
and enclose me,
within your symmetry

In pain no longer,
your love heals.
Ember Bryce Mar 2013
On this winding ever last-
a road.
Referred to as Future, Present, and the Past.
Our souls, they journey throughout time.
In spaces they swim, in objects defined.
The present connects, we are all, and we are one.
The future reflects on what once was.
A possibility, a question, a mystery, best left to be unsolved.
The past, evolved.
As if poetry it rhymes but never repeats.
Some seek for answers, some seek to be.
Is it a selfish question to ask Who is me?
No, just micro, for the big picture shows.
It has it all, that you'll ever need.
We could embrace out own existence, ask the why and how but get resistance.
It does not want to be found; it wants to be lived.
One may drowned in the deepest depths they venture to swim.
Try to understand, all you can.
But greed is a fault of the mortal man.
Though, I still, cannot help but wonder
Who are you and who am I?
Mainly, I am along for the ride
It is the flow to which i subside
The answer is, we have a reason to be
known by the other, and just maybe
we're here to help each other.
On this path
of Future, Present, and the Past
Wandering on this winding road
An adventure has been bestowed
and maybe not a pondering question of why
but an action, our quest, will help us find.
For now, I have come to conclude,
it is this present to which i am subdued
and in it, I am happy to share it with you..
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
I do not get this thing called Time
     why does it move with the rhythm of my Rhyme?
I wait
     it slows
I start
    it goes
I do not understand
         it slips
                  it drags
    it bores
            it roars
     you should not Exist
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