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Ember Bryce Jan 2013
there's no where else i'd rather be
than sitting right here, besides this Tree
watching the geese as they flee upon the Lake
covered in a frozen sheet
i feel nothing relatable to obsolete,
with these roots beneath
i feel complete
the Landscape is truly beauty
to be seen
the Air is casting a moment serene
Nature to behold in all it's glory
tells a most profound story
simplicity and grandeur
meet on this design
the Freedom of Flight
is shared with the Sky
The birds in their grace
replace asking why

instead, it is clear
so i release my fear
an reply in the language of Silence
i breathe in as my giant companion breathes out
moving as one though
staying still
Dancing to an unexplainable music
but feel it strongly as i witness it within them
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
Why is your soul so attractive to me?
       I wanted you before I knew you
I made you up
piece    by     piece
                          you came together
   in my past, endeavoring, thoughts
before I knew I had you
       in front of me

From the first moment I knew
   I felt like we've known each other before
                          maybe we have..

It sparked my curiosity
        why are you so intriguing
   it is rather exciting
Cognitively, I put up my security
      and held up my heraldry
But I am slowly seeing, you are not one to be fearing
       Why are you this way?
               Why are you so beautiful
    Perhaps because I am use to the hostile

You must experience darkness to appreciate the light
    I embrace your light and soak it up like the rays of the Sun
                    Of all the questions I have but just one
        to answer me,
please       can we continue to be
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
I wish my mom thought we were more important that the T.V.
I wish my stepdad thought we were more important
than his nightly bing drinking

I wish my stepsisters wouldn't be depressed to come home
or afraid to stay after dinner
instead of fleeing, alone
to their designated shelter

I wish my stepdad was less angry all the time
I wish my mom didn't have to thirst her sorrows with
boxed Franzia Red Wine

I wish she would stop complaining,
and see all the little things worth enjoying

I wish they knew their lives were slowly wasting away
faster than the drinks they put down
and the sarcasm they put out

I wish they knew there was a world outside
because I'd like to experience it with them
and leave some good memories inside

I wish they knew that missing their life
was more important than missing their show
I wish they knew missing their children's lives were too

I wish they could sit down with us
and learn what brilliant family they have
But we are too boring
We are no ****** mystery, crime
sport, beer, or wine

I wish they would be honest with themselves and each other
and admit out loud that
they are unhappy

I with they knew the energy they expelled
the atmosphere they create
makes it a home of one almost hated

They are good guardians, they protect us, feed us, love us
and I know they care
Still lingers this sad, constricting, and distant feeling in the air

I can come and go as I please
but I wish they saw their daughters
had the running away disease

Whether inside themselves, to their room, or a friends,
They should not want to escape their homes in the end

Their children have such inspiring minds
They are beautiful souls,
ambitious, intelligent, kind

I wish they could see
but it's blocked by the T.V.
and all the Netflix movies

I wish they could tell I am an outsider looking In
and I don't even know where to begin

Mainly I wish they would open their eyes
and realize, their lives and their family
are passing them by

We love them so much
we miss them
we know they love us
but I wonder if they miss us

Or if they even know who We are..
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
blank, empty, and lonely this paper
with only lines for company
but no form

subdued in compromise
for I am of the same

I share with this book
a cause, a need
for intrusion
to communicate

What do you have to say journal?
What do you need to relay
to share


but look!
what has happened
what have we done?

Your pages are no longer
they Speak
my Thoughts

so I don't have to..
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
He told me once, he could tell
that I was Afraid.
   I didn't realize till now,
                the extent of my Pain.
            I pushed it away,
   "I'll be okay,
      I'm fine."
But its not what he sees,
                            I was never good at lying

     He wishes for me to let him in,
but first i must know it's Safe
              to give-in

          especially to one who's        
               Eyes Speak Truth
       cleansing words Spill like
           the 'Fountain of Youth'

Maybe it's just hard
      for me to Believe
          that between us,
    is about to conceive,
          become affected by; a feeling:
               think of, dream up, devise, formulate,
          design, develop, create,

     when we are Together,
         the Air is so Clear
             and for him,
I want to
                Surrender my Fear

  I want to shake off my Shield,
          and Free my arms
      spread them like Wings
          Exposing my Heart.

  with his
they Beat,
      like the Rhythm of a Drum
           that has been waiting, patiently,
                   in the Shadows, to Sing to the Sun.

   my Mind comprehends,
        what my eyes See
                            then what is still Constricting me?
     gives power and control,
             to something other
                   than your soul

i'm slowly taking back what is rightfully Mine
           if We can be resigned,
            we'll see with Time
    then there won't be anymore Lies
                     and Love
                            between us
                                    will be Free to Fly
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
I wish I could tell you
                how much I like you
    I can tell you like me back
           by the sound in your voice,
                     your excitement, your choice,
               to be involved
            to come to me asking,
                            to be enthralled.
Yes, yes, I will,
      just tell
  Me where and when?
         I want to see you
                I want to have
       a shared acquaintance
            or companionship
     to me,
         Open Your Soul
      and in turn,
          (who never tells)
                               her secrets
                 for they open acceptance
                                      of Control
                                            for others
                                               to use
But no,
   I cannot
         I know I'm weird,
             I am for real,
         because I Am Me.
  So you be you,
     and what is True,
                 will show
                     within me too.
      I shall not hide,
          please be wise,
              I do not easily
                  show this side.
            They do not listen,
                   they do not see.
so I show Nothing.
    a facade,
       a face,
            a mask, does dotingly,
           to adapt,
                            to become
   If comfortable, I bring what, is me..     out
          enjoy, escape, be
                 that's me
                                    my friends,
                             the close ones,
                                       only ones to see.
But You,
        there's something,
                 I cannot describe
                      A mystical mystery
                             like science
              to be discovered
                         or maybe uncovered
          but that's half the fun.
                            I won't say out loud,
                    you are the One.
                                            I like you a lot.
                         so you are the one I want to show
                                      you are the one I want to see
                                                 will you too, then, show me?
Written after meeting a boy
who had quite an impact on me
for an unexplainable reason.
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
Someone please take this car away from me
before my road rage kills.
Third degree murderer on the high way chasing thrills.
Music from the stereo will be the sounds I hear last.
My mind and this machine are moving too fast
maybe i'm indifferent, maybe I want it to be
but this ******* ride will be the death of me.
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