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 Apr 2013 Em Glass
No longer have I
And what a wish for
                            Light house,
Never to think of

Only dead reckoning.
Where to go...
 Apr 2013 Em Glass
What if?
The scratch of my pen fills the room up with sound.
Silent- they've all left.
And as his blue sweatshirt receded last behind the glass
I heaved a sigh of blissful solitude and desperate relief.
Today is not a day for company.
What if?
I love how every sound in an empty room is loud.
I love how rough and grating my words are
Lent sound they don't possess.
Not meaning but sound, like a rainstorm.
What if?
This morning I woke with a start to muffled birdsong and pale light.
I don't know if I love or hate the morning sun-
It is so unforgiving.
I woke and when I stood up, dazed,
My room was unfamiliar as a crime scene
Full of red and blue splashes and
Bright yellow tape, vivid
But muted like a silent film.
"What if?" I thought,
And I stared at my clothes
Because I'd forgotten what to do with them.
A good long moment passed, holding the cloth,
Thinking that perhaps I was supposed to set it down?
Tie it in knots?
And then instinct kicked in brutal
And I figured it out.
What if?
Now I'm here and Blue Sweatshirt is back.
He is loud and I want to hush him-
It is not a day for speech.
I want to stop the world
Or make it slow like the air is gel,
Dreamy and undemanding.
Distilled, like me, to the skeleton of functionality.
What if?
What if I never see you again?
 Apr 2013 Em Glass
Inching back, wind at my back,
I gave and you advanced.
You asked for a smidgen, a little more lack,
And I stumbled as we danced.

I thought, Just an inch and she'll be satisfied,
And back again I crept,
Ignoring the hollowly howling tide
From over the ledge where the angry sea slept.

I dared not look back, for it frightened me so,
And anyway I could already feel
That a few feet behind lay the edge and below
A searing cold sea of hot steel.

The wind bit at my back and you snarled for a smile
And so my lips complied.
I asked could I maybe just rest for a while?
With cold sweetness you kindly replied:

"But it's only an inch, all I want is an inch!
I need my room to grow.
I can't breathe with you near, all I need is an inch,
It's so selfish of you, you know."

And you dangled the bait- knew I couldn't stand hate-
I folded and fell in my head,
Collapsed like a house of cards, crying, "Wait! Wait!"
Your threats weighing my veins down like lead.

I gave you a foot to repent at your feet,
For my terror of falling was matched
By my heart's crying need for a reason to beat
And my cold soul your sunlight to catch.

And by and by when I rose, weak, on trembling knees
And snatched a glance behind,
I saw not packed earth but a roiling sea-
I was fast running out of time.

I could feel the vast drop with a sense more than sight,
Like cat whiskers ***** in the dark.
I felt every moment the hunger of night,
And the break neck fall thundered my heart.

I said, "Darling, I'm scared and I've come unprepared
For a fall like the one right behind me.
I'm begging you, please, let's go back over there,
Where the sting of the cold cannot find me."

"You're kidding," you said, "Are you out of your head?
Look at all of the damage you've done!
You're selfish and sad, and whatever we had is dead-
I've a mind to just run!"

And then you stepped forth with another demand,
The inch that would make my decision.
But I cowered and crumbled at your biting command
As bitter rain and cold light blurred my vision.

"I'm sorry," I said, as I clutched the edge,
"You'd better be." you then replied.
And a hair's length from plummeting right off the ledge,
You demanded an inch and I cried.

Fingernails clutched the cold stone as I wept,
And I couldn't hold out any longer.
As you blindly demanded another last step,
Drops stung down from the slate grey sky, somber.

Tears mingled with rain, and then, only then,
Did I realize it's never enough.
Never would be or could be or will or has been,
For this is your real goal, my love.

As I peer up into your lovely cold eyes,
I finally know it's not me.
The moment I loved you I was marked to die,
And even when I have gone you won't see

That you backed me, my love, drove me right off a cliff,
Demanding an inch at a time.
And I fought for each one, not a second to miss-
Before I'd lose you and leave life behind.

And now in my moments of choice and of death,
I'm asking you, please, to believe me:
I've given my sanity, life, and last breath
To beseech you, my love, not to leave me.

Forgive me if tiny things mean far too much,
But I'm living in inches, you see.
And they've been eroded and taken and touched
Until this is the only one left me.

Slowly frittered away, inch by inch, day by day,
I have given up all that you gave me.
You have taken it back, please just give me today:
It's all I want, knowing nothing can save me.
 Apr 2013 Em Glass
Jess Page
 Apr 2013 Em Glass
Jess Page
Master words play on your mind.
They affect you like a different kind.
How can letters create such scars?
For the answer you look to the stars,
but no can tell.

Raindrops imitate your tears.
Funny how they can't wash away your fears.
When did the rain become so weak?
You'll forget about it all next week.
But then it'll all come back again,
to haunt you, now and then.
"I'll fight it another day" you say,
but how close is that day?

I'm no good with words as you can tell, but I hope that these mean very well.
Love is patient, love is kind and I can't get you off my mind.
What I'm trying to say is this, I don't know how hard it is.
But if I did I'd let you know that I will never let you go.

Either way, that's still the truth and I will always be your roof
for when the rain come pouring down
and if I have to I will drown.
Just so that you can see, you mean everything to me.

So here it is, this is my song.
I hope that one day you'll sing along.
But if you can't well that's just fine, I can make it all mine.
To sing to you when you're feeling down,
to get you off the breaking ground.

And when it does then I will see, just how hard it is
And when I do I'll hold you tight and not let go
for the rest of the night.
More of a song, for someone you love who is hurt of being bullied
 Apr 2013 Em Glass
And it floods,
without reason or care,
without rhythm or sense,
without rhyme.

And here I am
left in the downpour,
picking up the pieces
that never should have fell,
that never should have broke,
that never should have been.
 Apr 2013 Em Glass
your eyes are
like the ocean
full of mysteries
that'll never be solved
and beauty
that'll never be seen
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