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 Oct 2014 Eliza
The Noose
 Oct 2014 Eliza
The Noose
In the company of undiluted sadness
She vomits verses upon verses
Swathes emotion
In amassed bundles of metaphor
Chokes on truth
Squeezes out the blood
For the sake of creation
Perhaps a cure
For the feeling

Silent screaming
Traversing the precarious
Corridors of her mind
The ricochet of sound
Awakening the repressed
Opening the floodgates of
The repugnant murk
The face of her darkness
She knows not its name
Or how it found her.
 Oct 2014 Eliza
Rachel Cloud
The bad die young too

there's just no one
to miss them
 Oct 2014 Eliza
Rachel Cloud
For there is an antagonist in everyone
but don't hold out hope for a hero

— The End —