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Elizabeth Thorn Jan 2014
This pain I feel
Not my own
The welkin low and grey
The tears of the sky
Cascade forth from my eyes
Stealing the sorrow from the heavens
Such a gloom hovers
Inhaling into tar-struck lungs
The trees veiled in the gray
This shadow conceals me
In my infinite
Not all that is eternal is right
A cold stone heart
Still forever
That being eternal
A frost sinks in
The chill felt through my veins
An endless winter
An eternal torment
Can you see the beauty?
The grace of death
My one true friend
We are forever apart
How I long for you
Dark clouds sink
Giving way to more frost
A cold transparent
Elizabeth Thorn Jan 2014
We all have corrupt minds
No matter how we deny it
Through time they are tainted
What dictates how
Each person comes to be
Is how they come to pass
Through the corruption
Through the outside voices
That muddle each choice
The truly good are those
Who manage through the pollution
Who see past the litter
Those who can differ the true from the ****
That live gives
It is a sight discovered
Not taught
It is a sense of mind developed
Not cheated
It is clarity
Elizabeth Thorn Jan 2014
This, this emotion
Some form of disillusion
And they question why
Questioning me
As they question themselves
I embrace the fog
The same one that holds it all
My past
My present
And the end
The one that is my future
I have little time left
That little I hold dear
Each word with precision
I have learned to hate
This time
The time I have left
Spent only with those
Too familiar with my end
Or to unknowing
To have some semblance of a care  
They came to drive me toward this
This wanting
This longing for death
Suicide is no longer there
That option I had
It would only be pity now
In the eyes of the strangers
I draw back my words now
Regress into silence
Take my tears
Take my breath
Take my soul
This longing
The sooner it grows near
The less my voice rings
The less I am heard
I am transparent
Save me from this
This digressing host
This uninhabitable being
Free me from myself
Elizabeth Thorn Jan 2014
How am I to keep quiet
With emotion raging inside like a riot?
Don't tell me not to take offence
At all this hate you call nonsense
You said her shirt was one size too loose
That night she went and tied her noose
That boy you laughed at for being too thin
He purges each night, leaning on a toilet rim
That girl you called a huge ****
She goes home each day with intent to cut
That boy who is ridiculed for all his scars
He plans to throw himself in front of cars

Each day there are those who turn to suicide
There are already too many who have have succeeded and died
If you think it's alright to inflict this pain
Making someone consider a bullet to the brain
Then you might want to think
Next time you try to push someone to the brink
This abuse is not alright
We all have our own fight
Elizabeth Thorn Dec 2013
There you stand

There you go

Can't you see I've fallen?

No one hears me

I'm no longer in that body
I'm no longer with that mind
I'm no longer in that bed
I'm now what you can't find

Brain dead
Tears shed

Yet my spirit lingers
Holding onto you
My eyes, they stare ahead
They only see right through

Let me go
Let the pulse fade
Let me go from here
The deal is made

You won't stop
Elizabeth Thorn Dec 2013
I clear my eyes with tears
Cleaning away the emotion that once filled them
You can't tell me I'm wrong
You can't tell me anything
Don't pretend this isn't what you wanted
To play me
To control me
You saw the dark side
The unforgiving sinner
The bleeding saint
You weren't all you said
A demon in disguise
Now I have my clarity
To see what you are
Reflecting what I've found
Don't pretend these weren't your intentions
Your lies are burning up
What will you turn to now?
Don't pretend
I found you out
You must be proud
You broke me
You gave me my clarity
Acted as though I was your toy
Did you actually believe
You could come out on top
You fooled me
I fooled you right back
Not so strong
Not so tough now
As you bleed
As I bled
See how it feels?
See how it hurts?
This pain
You'll hold it with you
In these last seconds
You're clock is running out
Do you regret it now?
Now that I hold your life in my hands
Your soul
Your heart will grow as cold as your intentions
Slipping away
The time slipping through your fingers
Don't turn to me
Don't bother to plead
The only thing you'll find
Is your own eyes staring back
It's getting dark now
Just in your eyes
All the light gone
Time to sleep
Time to go
You best repent
Before the Devil comes knocking
Thank you, my love
You've given me clarity
And I gave you peace
Tell me who came out on top?
Elizabeth Thorn Dec 2013
It's been a decade
Maybe two
Maybe three
I took what I lived for
And made it into me

My skin fades into parchment
My blood boils into ink
The words I speak
Print across the plains of me
How careful I became
Speaking only what I must

Each word counting to my last
Soon enough no skin will be left
I will fall eternally silent
Or perhaps I'll die
Such restrictions
It's difficult to live
With a tongue in chains
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