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Feb 22 · 890
Magnetic Poetry
Feb 16 · 48
When I…
When I long for more
I pause
Reconnect and touch base
with my body and soul
Where is this restlessness
stemming from?
What is at the root
-this desire
What do I desire most?
Long for
Truly long for
It may be ever changing
or perhaps it simply
it’s essence remaining
Awaiting my return
to my senses
to my true essence
to my undeniable
When I read about grief, I begin to think about the things I’ve losses and the things I’m scared to lose.

I have so much love to give and so much to share with others, but I’m also scared of the process and the naysayers.

I feel like I should’ve be, yet I am.

I don’t want to feel and be so constricted, but then when I have space I don’t necessarily know what to do with it.

I haven’t been dancing and I’ve been avoiding past tools.

It’s like I no longer feel comfortable or drawn to use them.

I’m grieving a stage of my life that I enjoyed and a part of me that felt free.
Feb 16 · 128
When the moon falls down
When the moon falls down
the tides change
the air shifts
things are changing

From rupture comes
The in-between hurts
The shift is uncomfortable

I need to change
to shift my ways
to make way for my
new way of being

I am angry with the way
Change appears to
attack me
Necessitating action
Not in my own
comfortable timing
Instead in its own

I want these new changes
I’m also scared of
this shift
I need help

Dear moon,
Why are you shifting
in this manner?
I’m scared and I need
I’m vulnerable like
I know I can do this
I don’t know if I can
maintain this
I don’t really want
to commit to this
Not in this manner
When I feel I have no
Please help me to release
Release the fear
Reclaim my power
Control only my own
I need help
I feel like I’m meant for more
I miss my wild
My succulent nature
My rebellious don’t give a ****
My colorful aura
My dance anywhere
My bare feet strolls
My true nature
Feb 16 · 50
Sometimes I feel stuck in a moment like I cannot move forward or backwards or in between

Sometimes I overwhelm myself with my own thoughts which want to be organized but then just freeze

Sometimes I curl up in fetal position from the sheer overbearingness and exhaustion stemming from wanting to do everything and nothing at the same time

Sometimes I feel guilty for not connecting with people who have been in my life for a long time

Sometimes I overthink each and every little small detail and scenario

Sometimes I have moments of resisting joy and pleasure in life

Sometimes I want to spend the day dreaming instead of doing

Sometimes I’m tired and need more time to do nothing

Sometimes I’m overwhelmed with life

Sometimes I’m just human
“I have something to say”

He is seated across from me
We are at the kitchen table
This intense look on his face

He has this way of
preluding his thoughts

Almost as if he’s
working up the courage
to be vulnerable

“I need you”

I feel this bubble inside
my heart

“I need you too” I reply

He asks to not discuss
it further

Rather, he simply
wants it known

His intensity draws me

I agree
I smile

“I need you”
“I as well”
Feb 16 · 41
Two Shadows Dancing
I’m staring at the reflection
Of two shadows dancing
Moving towards and away
Playing and teasing
In and out of existence
Moving in a circle
Existing in their aliveness
Breathing life
Into the mundane
Feb 16 · 40
I see myself
I see myself
Lost in your arms
Enveloped in the warmth
That is your embrace
Feeling your heartbeat
In sync with mine
My head against your chest
Taking in the love
Emanating from your heart
Returning to you
Through touch and laughter
I sense your caring
I hear your words
I taste your lips
I feel you
You are mine
I feel at peace in this moment
Watching the little moments
Dancing in the living room
Taking it all in
Each and every precious

Feeling your skin against mine
Our bodies intermingling
Inside and connected
Fully present
Shaking in ecstasy
Lips together
Tasting each other in this moment
This true connection is
Beauty, aliveness
Sensual, ****
Laying in your arms
Relaxing and cuddling
Being and feeling held
Laughter and relaxed silence
Being in the moment
Taking in and solidifying
Each beautiful memory
Knowing there’s more to come

I appreciate you
I appreciate us
I appreciate this life
Thank you
Feb 16 · 43
All that is
All that is light bearing to me
Lies in the simplicity of life
The stars
The moon
The sun
The light
That brings the warmth
Which calms me
The scents of nature
Flowers and trees
Energy of life
Surrounding me
The art and beauty
Of all that’s unique
Feels peaceful to me
The vibrations and sound
My cat’s purr and warmth
The steam from tea
An amazing book
The laughter that bursts
From my whole body thru
I loosen and feel
Hugs that bring me
Affection so dear
I pause and hope
They last forever
The moments I cherish
When connections are made
I hold those close
To remember
To share my gifts
To see others smile
To spread love and kindness
All this is worthwhile
It brings me light
It brings me joy
To smile and to be
Feb 16 · 24
To ease my fears
To ease my fears
I write
To give them a home
To let them know they are

I get scared of the future
The unknown
Consequences of decisions
Not yet made

How will this affect my future?
My life?

I get scared of my present
The things I’m unsatisfied with

What if nothing changes?
What if I stay the same?

I get scared of the past
Coming back to haunt me

What if this affects everything?
Can it happen again?

I get stuck in a spiral
That feels never ending

Why am I still here?
Has nothing changed?

I see patterns
Longing to repeat themselves

I’m doing that thing again
Why, when it ended badly?

I put blame on myself
For enabling the hold
That the patterns and cycles
Entrance me with
They are bold

Should I run?
Should I hide?
Should I lay down and cry?
Believing that nothing will change?

I feel into my body
While my mind runs the show
With my thoughts overwhelming
They ******* and show
All my faults bright and clear
Enlightening that fear
My heart starts to tremble
My body caves near
To save itself firstly
From the fear within

Wait, my body soften murmurs
Let’s have a sip of tea

Slowly enjoying
The attention and the steam
We begin to move our bodies
To loosen and to shake
Our emotion peaks it’s head out
To join the party too
Soon tears are on the table
Bodies start to move
The fear understands
It can join in too

We all join together
We all are seen and heard
We know the best is yet to come
As our journey unfolds

We embrace the ups and downs
We yell, we scream, we laugh
We cry, we sob, we giggle
Knowing all is love

When we embrace
Each and every part
Of who we always are
We know we’re art
We know we’re love
We know life’s a journey
We know it can be tough

We also know
That tea exists
Coming together
To be and exist

Flowers smell lovely
The sun shining down
Butterflies flying
As change comes around

We can be human
We can be magic
Perspectives can shift
Just like new gadgets

I will choose to live
I will choose to love
My choice will bring me
The journey that shifts

I can trust in the guidance
Despite all I fear
For I see nature shifting
Each and every year

I see abundance surrounding
This Earth and all it’s glory

I acknowledge the faults
I embrace the music
I notice the community
I dance with the magic
Feb 16 · 29
In the middle of the rain
I feel it fall upon my shoulders
Soaking into my hair
Enveloping my body
Cooling and warming simultaneously
As I stand there
Being in the presence
Of the present the Earth is presenting
Tears form
Laughter bubbles out
I start to skip, jump, move
My body jolting to and from
Puddles and looking up I close my
Eyes as I take in the wetness
The joy that moves up and through my body
My soul and heart lightening
Warming up as I begin to sing
Singing and crying and
Living fully in the moment
Simply allowing whatever wants to arise
I strip naked and bear my soul
My emotions and vulnerability wild and raw
Open for all to see I allow
I take the risk and allow
I trust in my wild and allow
I believe in my process and allow
The beauty that unfolds
Crosses the threshold of my energy
Lightening strikes as I scream aloud
Primal and wild and true and raw
Yes I will allow
Yes I can allow
Yes I am here
I open up my heart to my primal being
I let her lead the way
Surrendering to the cycle of primal raw truth
Surrendering to the love surrounding me
Love is wild
Love is true
Love is here
Love is me
I am no longer alone
The Earth is my partner
The wild is my sister
The primal is me
Oct 2022 · 209
Coursing through me
Making marks on my identity
You are wrong
You are bad
You should be aSHAMEd
Why do you **** me?
Interfering with my life
Defiling my positive nature
Triggering my inadequacies
My inner child is scared
She feels this shame
Not quite understanding
Definitely feeling
Jan 2022 · 222
magnetic fridge poetry
surprise my peach woman
breathe her warmth
whisper comfort
believe vibration
almost jump
Sep 2021 · 413
Don’t Shame Me
Don’t shame me
For your words
And opinions
Are powerful

I know my limits
My boundaries
My pleasure

Don’t shame me
As I know what
I’m looking for
And that may not align with your values

For I am exploring
My pleasure
Is my

Don’t shame me
For your perception
Is yours alone
Only I know my truth

My intuition speaks to me
And I listen daily
For she knows
As I know

Don’t shame me
For the Universe will work
Regardless of your
Point of view

I trust in all events
I trust the Universe
I trust my intuition
I trust and value myself
Sep 2021 · 298
Light Between The Trees
The light between the trees
Glistens and glows
Creating symmetry
Moving in its stillness
Strong and wild
Grounded and expansive
Far away
Yet the warmth is seemingly close
Thank you
Mother Earth
Sep 2021 · 177
The connection of
My hands on my
Heart and

Breathing in
Breathing out

I feel myself
I feel myself

Emotions bubble up
And I allow them
The tears a release
Tending to my garden

For I
Am blossoming
For I
Am growth
Sep 2021 · 151
Thriving to me is
Feeling so in touch
With my intuition
That my life flows
Like a river knowing it’s path

Trusting my instincts
Trusting my
**** yes and **** no
Knowing my Intuitive signs
Trusting my butterflies to affirm me

Feeling balanced
In tune with my body’s needs

­For when I trust my body
I trust my intuition
I trust the Universe
I see my butterflies
I feel safe

For I know my signs
I know my truth
I know myself
And that is thriving
Sep 2021 · 185
Purple Python
After running a bath
I mount you
And ride
To bliss
Sep 2021 · 138
Sexual Energy
My ****** energy
Pulsates throughout my body
She moves through me
Turning me on
Lighting up my senses
I feel
I witness
I allow
I thank her
For she holds space
For my emotions
She curates
My creativity
She expands
My mind
While she blows
My mind
I can choose to tap into her
And she comes alive
For she trusts me
And I trust her
For I trust me
Sep 2021 · 494
I feel alive
I feel grounded
I feel excited
I feel hopeful

I am exploring
I am opening
I am allowing
I am manifesting

I give myself permission
To fully trust myself

Sep 2021 · 118
Just looking at you
Makes me smile
You remind me to be sassy
You’re soft
And I love listening to and feeling
Your motor run
You understand
When I invite you to cuddle
You trust me fully
And I’ll never take your trust for granted
We play
We nap
You talk to me
And follow me
Wait for me to come home
You’re adorable
And I appreciate your love
I love you so much
My precious cat
Sep 2021 · 105
I feel wounded
Your words and actions
They hurt me and haunt me

I could ask why
But why doesn’t lead anywhere
So why even bother

I both understand
And don’t understand

What is friendship
When it can be simultaneously

Ecstatic and
As we all evolve

What is a foundation of friendship
Built upon
When it seems to no longer exist

My inner child
Cries out

She feels hurt
Feels wounded
Feels tired

There’s such a feeling of
It’s overwhelming

Sometimes I numb out
Protecting myself from the hurt

Holistically I know
That to feel
Is to heal

But feeling hurts
It’s hurting me
To lean into

Those feelings
Of hurt
Of frustration

Of feeling like
What the **** happened
And why am I constantly misunderstood

It’s out
I’m misunderstood

I’m unique
I’m loving
I try to be kind

And yet
My words don’t resonate
My conversation doesn’t flow

My passions
Are separate
From those around me

Maybe I should just
Let myself be

**** the misunderstandings
I can just express myself
And be me

But can I
Am I capable of that
And what if I’m judged

Hm but then the question is
Would I rather hold myself back
In fear of people’s judgements

Or fully express myself
And feel

The wounding will come
The wounding will go
I will be here

I hug myself
Sit in nature
Process the feels

I am a beautiful being
I am worthy of being loved
I deserve understanding

Yes I am
Yes I do
Sep 2021 · 137
I manifest
I am magical
I manifest


My greatest desires
Come to me

I feel them
Feel how they will make me feel

It’s Magic
They come to me

The Universe knows exactly what I need
Wants to shower me with abundance

My abundance
Comes to me

For I am abundance
I am Magic

I am
I am
Sep 2021 · 124
When my body speaks to me
When my body speaks to me
She says I love you
She speaks in rhythms
She says trust
Love me
Hold me
I know you get confused sometimes
At things that happen
But trust me
Listen to me
I’m constantly sending you signs
Tune into me
Sep 2021 · 112
There’s a fire in my core

Feel it

This feeling of

R a p t u r e

Filling me
Spurring me forward

Feel it

Captivating my senses

Moving inward

Energizing my whole being

Feel it

Traveling thru my Chakras
Opening a channel

Life force


My ***** lights up
Sacral energy igniting

B r e a t h e

M o v e

S o u n d

Sep 2021 · 116
Rest my dear
For you will find
Your heart will open
As will mine

For we are one
As all are one
Together here
Unknown yet known

I love you dear
My love runs strong
Throughout your veins
And into those

Who see you dear
And hear you dear
Let them see
Let them hear

Voice your spirit
Voice your heart
Voice your love
Voice your thoughts

You’re meant to be heard
You’re meant to be seen
Vulnerability is hard
Yet also is key

When you put yourself out there
You may get hurt
Remember though dear
That I am here

Within you
Throughout you
I’ll take the lead
I’ll help them see

I’ll also comfort
And nurture
And soothe
And hold

As well as steady
And ground
While urging

You forward my dear
For you are meant to shine
Shine your light for others
To find their path

For your example
Though hard at times
Will pave the way
For those who are meant

To see you
To hear you
Ah yes
The theme

My dear
Sep 2021 · 134
My heart feels broken
Without you by my side
For I miss the feel
Of our connection

I miss your laugh
Your smile
Your humor
Your mind

Thank you for making me laugh
Making me smile
Holding me close
Making me feel alive

I cherish the memories
And appreciate those moments
The time we had together
Before we drifted apart

We loved each other
And for that I’m thankful
I’m grateful to have met you
And I wish us both the best
Sep 2021 · 126
What seemingly appears dead on the outside
Is simply inner growth

Pruning this orchard
Peeling away the layers of neglect
I spotted green growth

Moving bits and pieces
Relocating the *** to a place where
Given the love it deserves

My hands transmit Reiki energy
To this beautiful orchard
Trusting that it’s growth is happening

I trust my inner growth
Will blossom
To outer empowerment
Sep 2021 · 136
Road Trip
Sometimes I just need to get away
Move locations
Breathe a different air
Feel myself as myself

A new perspective
Translates to new ideas
Allows for new emotions
While holding space for that which still is
For I am multidimensional

As I breathed in the mountain air
I felt myself opening
My heart opening
For this
This is my home away from home

I love this place
I love what it represents
I love how it makes me feel
I love visiting
I love being

As I write this
Laying on my own bed
My cat looking at me sweetly
Until she turns and shows me her sweet ****
I feel gratitude, joy, and love
For my desire was answered
And I begin anew
Sep 2021 · 108
You magnificent being
Look at yourself
Allow yourself to f e e l

My hips sway to the music of rage
Growling and screaming
Beating on the ground
Primal wild beast that I am

My hands move across my body
Fingers lacing through my hair
And landing over my heart and womb
Tears begin to flow
As I honor the grief
Holding space
Hips swaying

Turning it on in front of the mirror
Checking myself out
The smile begins
As my hips sway to the rhythm
The truth hits me

All of me is real
All of me is valid
All of me deserves to be seen
Sep 2021 · 116
I feel tethered
As though I cannot do right by
Those who judge me
And yet
Who are they to judge
My choices
For I make my own choices
I own my freedom of words
Of self expression
I am a beacon
For those who resonate
For my light shines through
Those darkest nights
And my darkness encapsulates
Those emotions for which
We are most shamed
I am angry
I am sad
I am luscious
I am pure joy and love
I am all of these at once
For my emotions span greater than 88 keys
All of which I yearn to play
Let me play
Says my body
Let me play
Says my Empowered Goddess within
I will show you
The truth
Sep 2021 · 173
My senses are stimulated by
The thoughts flowing from your brain
Flowing through my veins
Stimulating my heart
Thumping to the rhythm of
The back and forth
Of our conversation


Lay me down and
Tie me up and
Cover my eyes as you
Kiss me senseless
Kiss my body
My *******, neck, *******
My *****
Eat her
Sense her divinity


Feather me as you
Read me ****** poetry that you
Wrote with me in mind
Teasing my senses
My energetic nature that
Loves the anticipation of
Your touch


For I am wild
I am sensual
I am a Goddess
Unleashed upon this earth to
Howl at the moon and
Dance with the stars and
Give thanks for my security


Take me in your arms and
Twirl me and
Hold me and
Lead me through the tango of our joint desires as we
Dream and
Live and
Travel that space between
The bliss that is
Our reality


For my love language is
Physical touch and
I love the scent of flowers and
I receive your intention as you
Follow through with actions and
Run me a bath for you know
Pleasure is a necessity
And I crave affection


Allow me to
Relax into your trusting arms and
Feel your hands as you
Truly take the time to make me feel
In my body


Let’s co-create and
Manifest and
Allow the Universe to bring us
Apr 2021 · 149
Total Heart Meditation
I am holding,
my baby self.
I love you so much.
You are so precious.
You're sassy.
I love,
how innocent,
you are.
I love,
how you light up the room,
with your smile.
You are such a blessing.
Although you look fragile,
you are strong.
You have everyone wrapped around your finger.
You are intelligent.
You are so loved.
You are held.
I see,
your bright light shining.
I see you,
asking for exactly what you want.
I see you,
soaking up the love,
the joy,
reaching out,
taking it in.
I love your laughter.
I love how it feels,
to hold you in my arms,,
to watch you sleep,
so peaceful.
I love how adorable you are as you stretch.
I love your dimples,
your smile,
your blue eyes.
You're infectious,
in all the good ways.
I love how much you eat.
I love that you go for exactly what you want.
I'm so happy,
that you are mine.

Seeing my young adult self.
You are on fire.
I am so ******* proud of you.
You are giving life your all.
You are having fun.
You are making friends.
You are dealing,
with a chronic disease,
like a ******* boss.
I am so proud of you.
I'm proud of who you are,
who you're becoming.
You are gorgeous.
You are so intelligent.
I love your curiosity.
I love all of the knowledge that you are constantly seeking out and soaking in.
I love that you're a bookworm.
I love,
that you,
have so many amazing goals,
and you are going after them.
I'm proud of you for making tough decisions.
I love you so much.
I love how you just keep going forward,
no matter what.
I love that you do extra credit,
that you ask for help,
that you offer help.
I love how involved you are.
You're doing all of these incredible volunteer opportunities
just because it makes you happy and you want to give back
and that is so beautiful.
I love watching you blossom into the leader that you are.
You have such a beautiful soul.
Such a beautiful soul.
You are such an incredible friend.
Such an incredible sister.
Such an incredible daughter.
Your voice is gorgeously amazing.
You are such an incredible singer,
You have so many dreams and you are going after them.
I love that you are friends with everyone in the choir that you are a part of,
the church choir like,
it's just so much fun,
to witness how you just like,
have such an infectious joy about you.
And how music just really lights you up and brings you out of your shell and you just blossom.
I absolutely love witnessing it.
It's magical.
You are such a magical being.
I love you so much.

And here we are today.
I am so proud of everything that you have accomplished.
You stepped into 30.
Oh man,
this new decade,
has already been so incredible.
You are working your dream job as an academic advisor.
you are a healer and a coach with your own business.
You are so gorgeous,
such a Goddess.
I love it.
I love you so much.
I'm so proud of all of the goals, education, life experiences, personal development, certifications, everything that you've just
gone after,
and just like,
made the most of.
You are such an incredible, intuitive healer.
Letting that Reiki energy flow through you.
You're amazing.
Your ***** is delightful and delicious.
I love how she leads the way in your life.
I love your strip teases,
so gorgeous.
I love how you love being naked.
And I love how free you are.
You are so held.
So, so held.
Oh man,
I am just,
have tears in my eyes,
thinking of everything that we've gone through on this journey,
and look at you,
you're thriving.
I'm proud of all the financial knowledge that you have.
You volunteered for two years,
how incredible is that.
And it's just,
you are so amazing at giving back,
to this world,
to this community.
And also,
look at how much you've embraced your intuition,
your vulnerability.
Look how well you receive.
These are such beautiful things.
You are so loved.
And you have so much love.
And you're so loveable.
I feel it.
I feel it so much.
I feel so blessed that you're here on this journey.
That you've been aligning with your unapologetic self,
living unapologetically,
embracing your Goddess,
letting her out,
letting her lead,
letting your ***** lead.
Oh man,
I love it.
I love your journey.
I love how much you've embraced.
I love your communities.
I love your friends,
like you,
have made such,
and created such,
an incredible life for yourself.
I love you.
And you have a beautiful, **** ***.
Feb 2021 · 155
It creeps up and covers my heart
Disconcerting and uncertain feelings purge my mind
Anxieties and insecurities I’d thought I left behind
They’re back now
Sneaky and determined
They cut through any present happiness
Oozing in
Snatching and sticking
Determined to stay
Why can’t they leave?
Why do they always come back?
I feel like I’m stuck in a ******* cycle that keeps wanting to **** with me
Paralyzed with indecision, judgement, and fear
Where did that risk taker go?
Where did that confident, optimistic woman head off to?
Why do I care so ******* much what others think?
Why do I constantly feel the need to cede control in order to please those around me?
Is this adulthood or simply the cusp of it?
I can’t handle this ****
Or maybe it’s that I don’t want to anymore
It’s time for something new
My bravery to morph into the next phase
I deserve to be consistently happy
Everyone deserves happiness
I will accept and embrace my loneliness
For I know staying present can bring happiness
It is coming
It is here
It is now
Sep 2020 · 111
I am whole
I am whole!

She screams it from the mountain top

Releasing into the stillness and echo

All that is no longer serving her

All that is no longer for her highest good

Look at my radiance!

Her energy beckons her to take a look

Dares her to revel in her own true beauty

Propels her to run her fingers over every single inch of this body

This vessel in which she is gifted to live

Love me!

Her emotions join in this celebration

Inviting remembrance of their gorgeous variety

She moves her hips in slow circles

Fully entering embodiment

Feeling so much joy and light

Her radiance shines through as she remembers

Once again she remembers who she is
Sep 2020 · 110
Dear Body
Dear Body,

I reclaim our radiance!

You are a vessel,

We are a vessel.

We bring life, joy, healing, and light.

I love you.

I love us.

I trust you.

I trust us.

You are safe.

We are safe.

I feel safe.

I reclaim this feeling of safety.

For you.

For us.

For me.
Sep 2020 · 96
Bus Stop
I felt that feeling in my heart
When I left you at the bus stop
That sadness that occurs
When I don’t know when I’ll see you next
It hurts a bit
It feels unsure
It grasps for you
Where you were before
It’s time to leave
I look out the window
See you standing there
Tears well in my eyes
Emotion shows on my face
I hug myself
As it passes
I smile at the memories we made
Resting now
The journey begins
In the future
We’ll meet again
Aug 2020 · 105
I felt like my heart was breaking
When I thought about you

It’s an odd feeling
Since you’re my dad

But there were the tell-tale signs

It’s a nostalgic feeling
Combined with a sadness
And a despairing emotional turn

It’s sad really
Terrifying in some ways
To think that I’m not loved

It isn’t true though

He loves me
He cares about me

I don’t think he likes me though
At least not the majority of the time

He thinks I don’t listen
That I’m ungrateful

I think he’s wrong
That he doesn’t hear me

I’ve been living here
In this environment
For a long time

I feel unwelcome by him

My heart truly breaks for us
For him

I care deeply for my father
I love my father
I don’t know how to express this
While maintaining my authentic self expression

Some days I give up
Hole away in my treehouse room
Lay in bed or distract myself

Other days I try
I speak and smile
I still go up to my treehouse room
It’s my space

I wonder if it will ever change
If our relationship will improve

I hope so
I hope our hearts mend
Our wounds heal
Our emotions open
And we spread joy and contentment
Just as the sun setting and rising spreads beauty and hope
Aug 2020 · 138
Erotic Haiku
Swishing and swirling
Pressure ebbing and flowing
Explosion of force
Aug 2020 · 126
Friendship Haiku
A magical friend
Kind, true, comical and real
I can count on you
Apr 2020 · 135
Lost Girl
I feel like a lost girl
Scared, alone, sad, lonely
I am lonely
I am scared
I am sad
I isolate
I feel raw inside
My heart hurts
I am lost
Very lost
I don’t reach out
I hardly respond
Because I don’t know what
  to say
I don’t really want to talk
I want to be held
Held for an eternity
I have been crying
I will keep crying
Although my words are
  scarce on my tongue
My pen leaves them open
  to read
Hold me
See me
Let me be me
For I am lost
A lost girl
For now that is me
My tears speak louder
  than my words ever could
Oct 2019 · 214
Tree House
My room is a tree house
Up high, towards the sky, amidst the trees
I live surrounded my leaves
To my left they are red
To my right they are green
Different shades
Yellow and starting to fall
In my room there are books
My books speak of my journey
Books have gone
And new ones have come
Butterflies visit outside my window
While birds visit and perch on the roof
Within my tree house
Transformation occurs
Protected by the bubble
Of nature and energy
Jul 2019 · 231
I feel things are changing
I feel things are changing
My heart still loves
Yet my perspective shifts
There is more
  to be had
  to be desired
  to be manifested
I crave something different
Something true to me
Something easier
Something that flows
I will giggle
  with joy and wonder
I will be myself
  without thinking twice about it
I will continue to grow
  to emerge
My Goddess within
  comes out to play
  wild, and untamed
She loves to simply be
She is
Thank you for the wonderful
I’m ready now
  for the unimaginable
I feel my blood coursing through my veins
My body tingles
  with anticipation
Letting go
The grief wells up
  tears fill my eyes
  I can find pleasure within
  pleasure through pain
  pleasure through love
  pleasure through darkness
    through light
    through life
Fearful of change
I process anew
How do I do this?
Is it even possible?
Will I make it through the darkness?
I always do
I always do
For there is always light
  on the horizon
Change is waiting there for me
Waiting for me to take that
  first step
It will not catch me
  for sometimes I need to fall
  to show how I survive
Each and every day
  a change awaits me
Me Goddess peaks out
  she smiles
Oh wait,
  that’s me
I smile
I just
I fly
Dec 2018 · 241
Advising Philosophy
They say it takes a village to raise a child
I believe it takes a community to guide a student

Open Mindedness
Active Listening
Holistic Growth

These are key ingredients to which I adhere while advising students

Authenticity is important
Both for myself
And for those around me

Students are the future
Education is the present

Stay calm

Students graduate
And change the world
Aug 2018 · 226
I Am Sacred
I am sacred
Yes, you are sacred
Being sacred feels like
Acceptance from those I care most about
My family
My tribe
Being sacred tastes like fresh plants
Sweet fruit
Wild veggies
Being sacred sounds like nature
My cats purr
Birds singing
Ocean waves
Light breezes
Being sacred looks like butterflies
Fireflies in the night sky
Being sacred smells like fresh air
Inhaling goodness
Yes, I am sacred
You are sacred
I am sacred
Jul 2018 · 214
I Am A Hell Of A Woman
I am a hell of a woman
I love myself
I love my life
I love my progress
I love my opportunities
I am a Sister Goddess
I am confident
I am ****
I am creative
I am hardworking
I am loyal
I am kind
I am trustworthy
I am a hell of a woman

I have type one diabetes
And I am healthy
These shoes I walk in
They keep taking steps forward
These glasses I wear
They give vision to eyes which see the world
This skin I’m in
It’s the largest ***** in the world which covers and protects the inner workings of a miracle
These ears I have
They hear all the words which both heal and hurt
This heart that’s beating in my chest
It holds the emotions of a feminine badass

This body keeps moving forward
This person keeps moving forward
She rests when she needs to
She processes both the goodness and the pain
She is human
She cares
She loves

No matter the obstacles
I will reach out for help
Accept the support of my community
And keep on going
No matter what

Because I can
Sep 2017 · 344
You are an alcoholic.
It pains me to say it, but it must be said.
I love you.
You are an amazing person.
You, as in, the person you are when you're not drinking.
That other person is the alcohol speaking.
I respect you, when you are you.
I do not respect you as an alcoholic.
I've always heard that, drunk minds speak sober thoughts.
Well, it seems the only time you're able to speak to me is when you are drinking.
I realize this is partly me.
I close myself off to you.
Whenever we speak, unless I am asking for your help with something, we don't seem to connect.
I wish this wasn't the case.
I'm crying now even thinking and writing about it.
The best memory I have of us when I was really young, was when you took me to a park and we watched the bike riders do tricks on the ramp.
Another is on a vacation when you were the only one who would go parasailing with me and go with me so I could swim with dolphins.
I'm honestly not sure what changed.
Maybe I've just grown up.
Maybe your drinking got worse throughout the years.
Could it be both?
I really do love you.
I suppose I don't quite understand what keeps you drinking.
Your father was an alcoholic
Your brother was an alcoholic.
All your other brothers have stopped drinking because they couldn't handle it.
You are the only one left who still drinks.
You also refuse to believe that you have a problem.
There are many reasons that I chose from the beginning to never drink alcohol.
I am very happy that I have stuck to that decision.
I've seen what it does to people.
I am the only one in my family who does not drink.
You seem to connect with my sisters through alcohol the most.
It gives you all a relevant topic to talk about.
Maybe that's why we can't seem to hold a conversation.
Or if we do, it's awkward.
I feel attacked.
I feel that you are not proud of me.
I know in my heart that it's not entirely true, but I still feel that way.
I know I need to move out of this situation.
I know that I could do better, make more of an effort to connect with you.
I just find it really difficult and I feel guilty about that.
I want to have a relationship with you, other than asking for your help.
I'm also fiercely independent at times, and we clash.
We are both very honest people.
I get my honesty from you, I know it.
It's not easy for me to simply let things go sometimes, because I want the truth to come out.
The truth can't come out with you, because it just leads to more clashing and hard feelings.
It's not always bad.
There can be really, really great moments.
It's the bad ones that come to mind though, especially when I have anxiety.
You are critical.
It pushes me, but it also hurts me.
Please stop drinking.
I love you dad.
Aug 2017 · 267
Your Criticism
Your criticism
Pushes me forward and
Holds me back
At the same time
Maybe because I care
I care what you think
I care that you aren't proud of me
Of my accomplishments
You are proud of my sisters
Because they are doing what you want them to do
I will never be that person
I will never do exactly what you want me to do
I am creating my own life
I am finding my own way
Hopefully I will be proud of myself
Be proud of the person I am creating
Without thinking of the person you wish I was
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