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My heart hurts
I miss you

This always happens
I feel good around you
I feel safe around you
You make me feel calm

Then I leave
It's not that far
Yet it's far enough

I miss being around you
Holding hands
Listening to your voice
Giggling together
Watching you smile

You make me smile
You make my heart skip a beat
You give me butterflies

I'm falling for you
The heat rises in her face
as she thinks those forbidden thoughts
by whom?
She lies down and closes her eyes
smiling because only she can see
what lies in the depths of her memory
She places her hand on her body
as images come to light
a movie with certain scenes on repeat
As she touches herself
the feelings resurfacing
her smile turns to yearning
that forbidden yearning
Her other hand joins the first
as the heat in her face
spreads throughout her body
Pulse quickening
Sounds heard
Images flickering
Touch felt
Heat awakening
Spine arching
And finally
She smiles as her face relaxes
those forbidden thoughts
leading her to blissful rest
Hearts broken
Hearts born anew
What is a woman
To do
I could just up and leave
Leave everything behind

Move to a new place
Place with new horizons

Find adventure and joy in small things
Things that fulfill my desire

I've gotten the travel bug

Oh wanderlust
I don't know what I'm feeling
It's a sense of dissatisfaction
Which I shouldn't have
I have more than most people
And I'm not just talking material
Looking out the window
Staring at the trees surrounding me
I yearn for the simplicity
The simplicity of youth
Somehow it got away from me
Despite the fact that I'm still young
I could run away from it all
Start fresh in another dimension
And yet I realize that
If I did just up and leave
I would be leaving so many behind
What is it about
Freedom from others
That entices me
And why is it that
I still crave the security
Of being safe in someone's arms
I fear that I am brooding
I fear that I am more like my dad
That I am prone to brooding
To sadness
To dissatisfaction
To depression
We both stand in front
Of opposite windows
Staring at the trees surrounding us
Wanting more yet
Unsure of how
Of why
This feeling occurs
The snow is pretty
It's glistening
Coming down like a slow motion rain storm
Dancing around the windows
As if to say
Landing on the noses of the young at heart
Causing both laughter and grumbling simultaneously
As the beauty is enjoyed
Yet the warmth is longed for
Oh the feelings evoked
By a winter snow storm in March
the shadow of unwanted love
cuts like a knife
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