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It was sudden and unexpected
When he placed his hands on my waist
It was a friendly gesture
And yet
I realized how much I miss it
I want to write
I just don't know what to say
The attack happened in my sister's
What if she had been there?
What if something had happened to her?
I don't feel safe anymore
Why is all of this happening?
I thought humans were supposed to
learn from their mistakes
Why combat hate with hate?
"All we need is love"
to steal a line from The Beatles
It's true though
I believe in peace
Peace and kindness
We're at war in our own home
Yet no one seems to be listening
People are watching
Vocalizing their need for change
For justice
Is anyone listening though?
Will things change?
Can things change?
Change takes years to happen
Will these acts continue happening
for years?
I want to feel safe
I want others to feel safe
Safe and comforted
This change has to happen
To occur
In order that our next generation
will be safe
Feel safe
Start listening
My life is sirens
  Calling out to those who are hurt
  On the street
When did this happen?
Or has it always been this way?
I don't feel safe anymore.
Stuck on a subway car
Between 34th and 23rd
No service
Time stops for a moment
Allowing time to just breathe
Socialize and speak to those around you
A common yet uncommon action
Lost in the midst of 21st century technology

Here I stand
Listening to music
Headphones in
Journal out
What is it that keeps me from
  being in the moment and
  experiencing the freedom of
  blissful timelessness
I do not know but
I do know that
I feel happy
Happy and calm
To have no control and simply
Let go of needing to live in the future
Just being here in this moment
Despite everything

I haven't written in awhile
Haven't had the time
Or really
Given myself the time to
Just be in the moment
No worries
No appointments
No necessity
And as the claps begin
Power is restored
And life moves forward
  comes from many places
  many people
  many things
A child's smile
The sun as it rises and sets
Words of inspiration
  come from all around
It's just a matter of
  taking a moment to pause and
  the beauty surrounding you
  the people around you
  the love given to you
  the freedom to choose
Written in Bryant Park, New York, NY
Beat, beat, beat my heart
Listen to the rhythm of the stars
Stretching across the universe
Ever expanding their
Breathe for a minute
Breathe in the life that is around you
Just waiting to be lived
Waiting to be loved
Open your heart
Your mind
Step outside the box you have created for yourself and
Pin yourself to the ever changing world while you
Jump off the wheel of other people's expectations
can be your own
Chase after the free-flowing spontaneity and
child-like adventure
You used to call your own
First try at a spoken word piece.
Beautiful expanses of ever-changing green
My heart expands within me
Opening to the possibility
Of all that is newly laid out right in front of me
As this light enters
The shadows slowly retreat into the corners of my mind
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