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Lord, thank You for the wilderness.
That I might learn to seek
Your face.
Thank you for my scars.
That I might know You
as my Healer.
Thank you for showing me
my weaknesses.
That I might learn to rely
on Your strength.
Thank you for the pain of loss.
That I might gain the joy
of Your Presence.
Thank you for the loneliness.
That I might learn to listen
to Your still small voice.
Thank you for the wilderness.
That I might feel Your hand
upon me.
As I mourn face down
in the dust.
And learn to trust.
Inspired by the worship song by Elevation Worship called "Great Things."
I don't wear gloves when I plant my Spring flowers.
I like to feel the soft, warm soil.
I like to feel where the roots go.
Deep, deep below.
I don't mind having dirt under my fingernails.

I like feeling the sunlight on my hair.
And hearing the birds sing in the air.
While I plant beauty in the soft, warm earth.
I don't mind having dirt under my fingernails.

I like to feel the soft, warm soil.
I don't mind having dirt under my fingernails.
Drop by drop.
Her grief falls.
Making circular indentations.
In the dust.
She falls to her face.
In the dust.
From which she came.
And pours out her sorrow.
Her anger.
Her regret...
Before Him.
Her fingers claw the dust.
In her anguish of soul.
Until she touches His feet.
Drop by drop.
The tears fall.
Until her floodgates open.
And she unleashes her grief
upon the One she loves.
Over all she has done.
And not done.
Over all she has lost...
He lifts her face up
between His hands.
And looks into her eyes.
"You are forgiven, dear one.
My treasure. My bride."
She lays her head against
His chest.
Finally at rest.
As the last drop falls.
To the dust.
There is nothing and no one on this earth that can heal the pain of a broken heart like Jesus Christ can.  Receiving His love and forgiveness has truly healed me. "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Psalm 147:3.
He promises her he will be true to her forever.
As they seal their covenant with golden bands.
But he is only a man.
Imperfect and fallible.
Empty words and broken promises.

He promises her he will be her friend forever.
They will write and call and share life together.
She thinks he will always care about her.
But he is only a man.
Imperfect and fallible.
Empty words and broken promises.

He promises her that His love for her
is Eternal and Unchanging.
That she is forgiven,
and His precious gem.
He promises He will never leave
or forsake her.
For she is His child,
and He is her Father.
He is God.
Perfect and Loving.
Who keeps His Word
and fulfills His Promises.
Every second I live,
every breath I breathe,
every moment I exist.
I need You, Lord.

Every face I see,
every voice I hear,
every wounded heart.
Every soul I want to help.
I need You, Lord.

I need You, Lord.
Every minute.
Every hour.
Every day.
Every year.
For my whole life.
I need You, Lord.

I come to You in
my frail humanity.
Shine the Light of Your
face upon me.
For, oh, how I need Thee.
Inspired by the hymn "I Need Thee Every Hour," by Annie Hawks (1872).
A glorious pink and blue sunrise
paints the sky.
And on this new day,
this is where I fix my eyes.
In the light of its beauty,
my troubles seem to shrink in size.
For as I behold glorious colour,
and let go of my woes,
Joy can begin to flow.
Face to face.
I let You love me.
And cast out my every fear.

Face to face.
I let You unlock my heart.
With Your tenderness.

Face to face.
I let You teach me.
Your ways.

Face to face.
I speak to You.
As my closest Friend.
And I hear.
Your tender voice.
Such love!
Such intimacy!
Oh, why have I
spent so much of my life.
Running from You.
Spurning Your affections.
Grieving Your heart.
the Wilderness.

But now...
but now...
Face to face.
You draw me.
Closer and closer.
With cords of Love.
You ravish my heart,
O Lover of my soul!

Face to face.
I give myself to You.
In surrender.
In trust.

Face to face.
My eyes see You.
My heart hears You.
As I submit myself
to Your rod and staff.
In Your Refiner's fire,
You consume.
All my dross.

In the wilderness.
In the grief.
In the darkness.
I behold You.
Face to face.
In intimacy.

My mourning
is turned
into dancing.
As I behold Your
glory, Your wisdom,
Your unending love.
And come away.
With healed wounds.
With fears  calmed.
With renewed purpose.
Having beheld You.
Face to face.
For Jesus Christ, my Shepherd.
Falling away.
Falling away.
The dead leaves and stems,
dried and withered from cold and wind.
Fall to the ground.
Fall to the ground.
Making room for new growth to abound.
Green leaves.
New buds.
Spring forth.
Spring forth.
All that is dead falls away.
To make room for new life.
New life.
New green.
Where death has been.

My old self.
My fleshly ways.
Are falling away.
Falling away.
Being replaced.
By my newness in Christ.

(C) Elizabeth T., 2016
Inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:17, Holy Bible
Is this the last time I have to show you I love you?
Could this be my final chance
to look into your face and show you grace?
If it were thus...
wouldn't I want my parting words to be,
"You are a 9,  and not a 3."
If this were my last opportunity to hold your hand,
wouldn't I want to hold it tender and long?

The opportunities we have
to love...
to bless...
to forgive...
are finite.

Oh, may I love now,
and not when the hour is late.
And death closes in
to seal our fate.

Man is but a breath.
Our life---
but a whisper in time.

May I seize every opportunity,
every moment,
To stop.
To slow down.
To listen.
To love.
As if it were the last time.
I let
the tears
And I learn the pain
of letting
I drown
in the loss.
Of your love.
And all we could have been.
I let the tears flow.
I let
And I learn
the pain
of letting
at last...
I am whole.

Water flowing gently from a hose.
It flows.
Little boy student,
so dear to me.
We watch the water,
him and me.
We watch.
We listen.
We live in the moment.
We live joy in the moment.
Joy and peace.
In the moment.
The only reality
is NOW.
As we stand and gaze...
at water flowing gently
from a hose.
Inspired by Ann Voskamp's book "One Thousand Gifts."
I see birds overhead.
Flying free.
Once again.
So many!
With white-tipped wings.
In the wind.
And I am reminded...
that God is setting me free.
From slavery.
I am flying free.
More every day.
And someday...
I will be free.
No matter how often I wander.
No matter how much I stumble.
Into worldly temptations.
Into my will, instead of Yours.

I keep running back to You.

Back into Your arms.
Where I belong.

No matter how many broken cisterns I hew out.
To try to fill the void.
I end up feeling.
Empty and dissatisfied.
And so...

I keep running back to You.

When will I learn.
To just.

The time.
"For My people have committed two evils: They have abandoned Me, the fountain of living water, And they have carved out their own cisterns, Broken cisterns that cannot hold water."--Jer. 2:13, Holy Bible
I lift up my gaze to the sky.
Where does my help come from...
when I cry?
My help comes from my Lord and my God.
Who will not allow slumber to make His head nod.
He is my Protector.
My Knight in shining armour.
On my weakest side,
where I am most vulnerable.
The sun by day will not burn me,
and the moon will not strike me down.
The Lord will keep me safe
from all evil and harm,
as He watches over my life
and keeps me in the storm.
He will watch over me when I
walk out the door,
and when I come back home.
I lift up my gaze to the sky,
where does my help come from?
From the Lord, the Great and Mighty,
Creator of Heaven and Earth.
He is the reason I can walk free from fear.
For He is my Helper.
Who is ever near.
Based on Psalm 121, Holy Bible.
Give me not beautiful clothes.
And riches to hold.
Just a little.
But not too much.

Give me not success
and the approval of man.
To make me feel good
about who I am.
Just a little.
But not too much.

Give me not worldly pleasures,
and comfort beyond measure.
Just a little.
But not too much.

Give me not.
Everything my heart desires.
Lest I forget You.
Give me not.
That which could make me
think I don't need You.

Oh, Jesus.
Give me.
More of YOU.
Not just a little.
But much.
Jesus is the only One who can truly fill the void in the human heart.  Everything else is temporal, fleeting, and changeable. His Love is unrelenting, forgiving, steadfast, and never changes. (Romans 8:35-39, Holy Bible). I have tried to fill the void in my heart with many different things, and nothing and no one has been able to satisfy the thirst in my soul like Jesus has. His Love is incomprehensible, and He offers His Love and forgiveness to everyone who will receive it and believe He died on the Cross and rose again on their behalf, to save them from sin, death, and hell. (John 3:16).  He offers this free gift of salvation to everyone. But just like a gift needs to opened and received, so His gift must be opened and received for it to benefit the receiver of that gift. To receive His offer is to receive life, love, forgiveness, and eternal life. But He will not force His gift on anyone, He offers it, and then waits for us to open the door of our heart to Him. To choose Him, is to choose Life!
God keep our land.
Glorious and free.

God keep our land.
Free from persecution and enmity.

God keep our land.
Beautiful and preserved.
From sea to sea.

God keep our wonderful Canada.
Our nation of freedom, wide open
spaces, and diversity.
Our nation of nature's bounty,
and folks so friendly.

God keep our land.
A welcoming refuge for peoples

God keep our land.
Glorious and free.
God keep our wonderful Canada.
Oh, what a privilege it is
to be a citizen of thee!
I am filled with gratitude.
To be a dweller of this great country.

God keep our land, O Lord.
A late tribute to Canada's 150th birthday celebration on July 1, 2017.
You come to me.

With healing in Your wings.

Your Love washes over me.

Filling every crack.

Of my broken soul.
"But to you who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall." (Mal. 4:2, Holy Bible, NASB, NKJV)
Tear after tear.

The One who calls her
Catches each one.
In His nail-scarred hands.

He reaches
into her heart.
And heals every wound.
With gentle
Of His
You tell me I am beautiful,
with eyes like a dove.
I can feel Your arms around me,
covering me,
as You hold me in Your love.
I can hear Your tender whisper,
to my broken, frightened heart.
As You remind me to live in this moment,
and let my fears of the future depart.
Your love overwhelms me.
I can feel Your Presence so strongly.
That it makes me weep.
You are my Shepherd and I am Your sheep.
I am a little lamb carried on Your shoulder.
Oh, let me become so accustomed to Your voice
whispering in my ear,
that I might stray from You less, and more often stay near.
You tell me I am beautiful.
You hold me in Your arms of love.
You are in this moment.
My tears become a flood.

(C) Elizabeth T., 2016
Inspired by Song Sol. 4-5, Holy Bible.
He took the scorn that should have been mine.
The crown of thorns which pierced His brow.
Should have been mine to owe.

The beating which marred Him
beyond human recognition.
Should have been my sentence for sin.

He took the nails that should have been mine.
He carried the Cross which I should have borne.
It should have been I
who was...
To die.

But He chose to take my sentence.
My suffering.
My sin.
My shame.
So I could live.
In eternity with Him.
Oh, how great a Love is this!
That He would suffer such great pain.
For such an unworthy sinner as I.

I bow my knee and worship Him.
With tears of gratitude.
For my redemption.
He carried the Cross I should have borne.
No greater Love has ever been shown.

I bow my knee.
And worship Him.
For He took the sentence
that should have been mine.
And made it His own.
No greater Love.
Was ever.
My tears mirror the rain.
One by one,
they leave me.
And I grieve.
I grieve.

There is only One.
Who understands.
My pain.
Who understands.
The searing loss.

One by one.
They left Him.
All His followers.
In His hour of deepest need.
They did leave.
Even His closest friend.
Denied Him.
And Judas...
Betrayed Him.
He was...
Forsaken of men.
A Man of Sorrows.
Acquainted with grief.
Who bore my griefs.
Who carried my sorrows.

One by one.
They left.
And then...
Inner conflict.
The Cross.
His will.
His fear.
His anguish.
And His tears fell.
Not like rain.
But like great drops of Blood.
Upon the ground.
"Let this cup pass from Me!"
And then...
"Not My will, but Yours be done."

He endured.
The deepest torment of soul.
The greatest grief of all.
One which I will never have
to bear.
His Father turned His face away.
"My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
For that tortuous moment.
When the sins of all
weighed heavy upon Him.
My Saviour was utterly alone.
Completely forsaken.
For me.
For love.
Of me.
So I would never be.
Utterly alone.
Completely forsaken.

My tears mirror the rain.
As one by one.
They leave.
And I am left.
With Him.
With the Man of Sorrows.
My Saviour and King.
Who alone can understand.
My pain.
And then...
Beneath the shadow of His wings.
He heals my wounds.
Until I am whole.
Inspired in part by Isaiah 53, Holy Bible.
Cover the garden.
Hiding all that is under them.
I pull.
I tug.
I endure the noise of the machine.
To get rid of every single one.
I labour.
And then.
I uncover.
Green treasure.
Shiny leaves of green.
Soft leaves of juniper.
As two lovely bushes are exposed,
from under their long-endured
weedy cover.
Is this how it is with the trials of life?
The pain.
The rejection.
The anger and sorrow.
Like the weeds that try to cover.
The hope of tomorrow.
The weeds that try to hide.
The hidden treasure.
Of what God wants to teach me through this.

Hidden treasure.
Hidden treasure.
Of knowing He loves me all through the storm.
The hidden treasure of knowing I am His.
And because of this...
I shall see His goodness.
Because of this...
I shall behold...
Hidden Treasure.

(C) Elizabeth T., 2016
He leads me gently.
With His Shepherd's
rod and staff.
Through every mountain
and valley.
Warning me to stay on
His path.
But then...
the Wolf comes.
He lures me.
He entices me.
To desire.
To lust after.
What my eyes see.
To crave the things
which do not satisfy.
To spend my wages
feeding on ashes.
Instead of the Bread
of His Word.
And His Presence.
I buy into the lie.
I stray.
I go my own way.
As my Shepherd looks on...
grieved and righteously angry.
He sorrowfully.
But sternly.
Breaks me with His rod.
To bring me back into the fold.
Back close to His heart.
He disciplines me in
His Love.
To spare me more pain.
Down the road.
To keep me near Him,
and in His arms enfold.
I cry out for mercy.
He hears my humble plea.
Rescues me.
In tears of repentance
and desperation.
I fall on my knees.
His Blood washes over me.
And makes me clean.
I stand to my feet.
With renewed strength.
And lift my hands.
In praise.
In praise of His mercy.
In praise of His Love.
In praise for all He is.
In praise for my redemption.
In praise.
For His Shepherd's
rod and staff.
For He never fails.
To lead this wayward sheep.
Back to His path.
Inspired in part by Isaiah 55, Holy Bible.
He whispered into my soul today,
on this warm Spring day
in January.
To live in the moment.
To enjoy Him in the now.
And not ask questions of the future,
which I do not yet need to know.
My life ahead is in His hands,
and therefore all will be good.
I do not need to see what lies
beyond the bend of this road.

Listen to the birds, He says to me.
Remember that they do not store
for the future or worry.
Feel My Presence in the warm
Winter breeze.
And in the chickadees hopping
within the trees.
Feel the warmth of My love
in the sun upon your face.
Take a deep breath.
Let go.
Live in the moment.
Enjoy Me in the moment,
He gently whispers to my heart.
Walk in step with Me in the present.
Upon the road called Now.
And let My peace and joy
Within you.

He whispered.
Into my soul.
In the spring and in the autumn,
in the calm and in the storm.
I give thanks to You, O Lord.

In my sorrow and in my joy,
in times of bounty and times of uncertainty.
I give thanks to You, O Lord.

In times of darkness.
In times of sickness.
In times of abundance.
In times of youthful vitality.

In times when I do not understand why.

I give thanks to You, O Lord.

In days of rest; and days of stress.
In days of struggle; and days of hopefulness.
I give thanks to You, O Lord.

In every season.
In every season.
I give thanks to You, O Lord.
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord,
unto me. (Thomas Chisholm, 1923)
I give thanks.
To Thee.
Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada.  I am overwhelmed with gratitude over all God has given me.
The pond is a mirror.
Of reflections.
On calm ripples.
Orange, green, blue.
With graceful, long-necked geese.
Floating above.
And feet gliding beneath.
Calm ripples.
Leaves dance down.
One by one.
And land on the surface
of the calm pond.
With calm ripples.
In brushstrokes of
orange, green, blue, black, brown.
The beauty of nature in autumn
sings a symphony of colour and beauty.
There is beauty in autumn's death.
There is indescribable beauty.
Which puts my soul at rest.

White, glittery snow.
Like frosting on branches.
Hung so low.
Beneath the Winter sky of blue.
Shadows of branches
upon the white.
Like an etching upon a page
that's blank.
Blank page.
Newly fallen snow.
New tracks to be made.
In my new life that lies ahead.
I reach a field...
Blank page.
White snow.
I have the urge to run.
Snow splashes up
like cold bath powder over my feet.
As I run with joy
across the big expanse.
Making new tracks.
In newly fallen snow.
Upon a blank page.
I leave footprints so bold.
A flock of doves flies over me.
Lord, I am taking this personally.
As Your message to me.
That I am, at last,
Blank page.
White snow.
New tracks.

Empty rooms.
Once occupied by those I love.
I grieve the loss.
I step in.
To face.
My fear.
Of the empty rooms.
My Saviour,
my King,
the Lover of my soul.
Now embodies.
Now fills.
With His Spirit.
These empty rooms.

I open my hands.
I give Him the loss.
I let go of fear.
I lift my hands.
My voice.
My soul.
In praise.
I fill these empty rooms
with songs of praise.
With fervent prayers.
Where there has been tears of loss.

These empty rooms.
Are no longer empty.
They are filled.
With the Living God.

Here I live.
Here I abide.
With the Lover of my soul.
In rooms once empty.
But now...
Of the Presence.
Of Glory.
The wolf prowls.
After the frightened, vulnerable sheep.
She is alone.
And can be so weak.
He knows where her weaknesses lie.
So he stalks her.
Tempts her.
Lures her.
Towards a path of darkness and danger.
he tricks her.
He lures her.
Further and further away from the Good Shepherd.
He promises her rewards.
"Come with me. Go this way.  Meet this handsome stranger.
You won't be lonely anymore.  You will find love."
He traps her.
He takes advantage of her.
He knows she is easy prey.
But this he fails to see:
The Good Shepherd has never stopped loving her.
He will never fail to keep His eyes ever upon her.
He waits.
Silently He waits.
For her to choose...
the way that is right.
He knows how to rescue her from her own foolish ways.
He knows she is easy prey.
Even though I struggle through the storm,
and waves of sorrow crash over me.
And even though right now I am
a solitary figure upon the shore.
the calm will come.
And there will be joy and rest again.

Even though I ***** my way through the dark valley,
and see no light ahead.
And even though my heart
is filled with regret.
the dawn will break.
And my days will be hopeful and bright.

Even though the path of my life has taken a turn I did not expect,
and I know not what lies ahead.
I will put my trust in my Saviour and Lord.

Even though this trial may be long.
I will burst forth
shouting a new song.

And eventually...
This too.
Shall pass.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me." (Psalm 23:4)
I looked into the eyes of an eagle
on my holiday.
Overwhelmed was I
by his awesome strength and beauty.
So full of power and majesty.

What a magnificent creature
is the bald eagle I see.
On the bare branch before me.
He is so close that it takes my breath away.
Such beauty.
Such power and majesty.
Perched triumphantly on the tall stump
before the mighty mountain.
A glimpse of God's glory.

I looked into the eyes of an eagle
on my holiday.
A lifelong dream has been fulfilled for me.
So full of power and majesty.

And then...
he flies away.
I hear the ****** of his gigantic wings.
Glorious eagle.
Full of power and majesty.
His Truth invades

every crack.
"Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think." Rom. 12:2, Holy Bible
She walks on the path set before her.
Through mountaintop of hardship,
and valley of rest.
Through sunshine of happiness,
and storm of trial.
Through refreshing rain of His Presence,
and bitter cold of grief and loneliness.

She walks on.
She walks on.
In weakness and strength.
Through tears of loss
and joy of gain.
Through fear and uncertainly,
transformed into inexplicable peace.
For beside her on the path.
"Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?" Psalm 139:7, Holy Bible
My breath in icy cloud.
Before my face.
Fingers stinging.
From bitter cold.
Modern carriages at
crawl speed.
On icy road.
Ghostly white
dances in whispers.
Across sidewalks frozen hard.

A flock of humble sparrows
sing joyfully.
As if in gratitude.
And the voice of God.
To my soul is heard.
For He is still here.
In Winter's cold.
There will be a promised land.
There will come my day of
complete freedom.
There will be an end to my tears.
There will come a day when
I have learned to overcome
my fears.
With His Truth, held near.

There will come a time
when I am soaring like an eagle.
Victorious and strong.
There will come a day when I
will take back all that my
Enemy has stolen from me.

There will be a promised land.
A land of healing, restoration,
and rest.
A day when my Shepherd will
redeem the years of my life
that were eaten up by the locust.

A day of joy.
A time of freedom.
A season of victory.
And renewed purpose.

There will be a promised land.
Though it delay.
Though it tarry.
It will come.

A city is burning.
The heat has been rising.
People are evacuating.
Fear everywhere.
Homes threatened.
Lives threatened.
Homes up in flames.
Cars driving between
forests ablaze.
Making their escape.
Smoke in the air.
But I used to live there...

I remember the sled dogs in the Winter.
And the Northern Lights dancing
in the air.
And the green forest across from our lair.
I used to live there.

But now...
the city is burning.
Homes are lost.
Families are displaced.
People are evacuating.
A city is burning.

I used to live there.
Dedicated to the 80,000 citizens of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada who had to evacuate their homes due to wildfires.
My heart goes out to you in this difficult time, and you are in my prayers.
Alone and afraid.
Broken and lost.
She falls on her face
in the dust.
And then she hears His Voice.
Calling to her.
To come and rest.
To come and trust.
She lifts up her eyes from the dust.
She whispers His name, "Jesus."
He comes to her in the dark.
He speaks to her out of a burning bush.
She wrestles with Him each night in the dark...
"I will not let You go until You bless me."
Every anchor has been removed,
that He may be the only One left.
She clings to Him in the dark.
She lets Him hold her in the storm.
Alone and afraid.
Broken and lost.
She journeys through the wilderness.
She stops fighting the wilderness.
She lifts up her face from the dust.
Her eyes behold Him,
and He holds her in His love.
In the wilderness.

He takes hold of her right hand
and says to her: "Fear not."
He journeys with her through her
To the other side.
Where there is a land flowing with milk and honey.
But first,
she must journey through this wilderness.
Until at last.
She has learned.
To trust.
Inspired by a dear friend's writings and encouragement.
Given by God.
In the depths of my soul.
Until it overflows
shouts of praise.
And dancing.
Songs sung loud
in praise to my
My youth renewed
like the eagle's,
as I soar on freedom's wings.
I am sorry I haven't been a more perfect Mom.
A more giving and unselfish one.
But please know that I love you.
Despite my shortcomings.
I may not be all you expect me to be.
And sometimes I don't have a great memory.
But please know that I love you.
And that God is working on me.
I pray someday you'll understand,
that I too, am only human.
I've done the best I could,
with who I am and what my life has been.
Please know that I love you,
and pray God's blessings upon you.
I will never stop being your mother,
even if I don't always get it right.
Please be gracious to me,
my precious, miracle children.
And forgive my weaknesses.
I pray that when you rise up one day,
you will call me blessed. (Prov. 31:28).

(C) Elizabeth T., 2016
For Mary, Andreas, and Annabeth.
Grayed hair.
Upon his head.
From years of hard labour.
Which gave him joy.

For his daughter in need.
He labours in love.
With brush and paint.
Nail and hammer.
Wood and saw.
He fixes what was warped.
And in need of repair.
He longs to fix her wounded heart.
But knows he can't.
So he commits her into the hands
of the Master Builder.
Who fixes broken souls.

He does what he can.
For his daughter in need.

With grayed hair upon his head.
He labours in love.
With brush and paint.
Nail and hammer.
Wood and saw.
With his work-weary.
Wrinkled hands.
With his hands.
Of love.
Dedicated to my loving Dad. Thank you for your labour of love. I love you.
The Lamb of God
wore a crown of thorns.
Pressed down hard upon His brow.
Piercing ****** into His holy brain.
That my mind might be healed by His Word
of Truth.
That I might clearly see.

The Lamb of God
wore striped wounds upon His back.
That the heavy burden of sins I bear.
Might be unloaded at the foot of His Cross.
And left there.

The Lamb of God
was nailed to a tree.
With excruciating wounds to His
hands and feet.
That I might from sin's chains
be forever released.

The Lamb of God
faced fear for me.
Through ****** tears of agony.
The Garden of Gethsemane. (Luke 22:22-24)
That I might be a lamb in His arms.
Who need never fear what may come.

The Lamb of God
was abandoned by all.
Family, friends, and even God His Father.
Left alone to die on a cruel Cross.
With broken heart.
And pain of loss.
That I might never be alone.
That my heart might be healed
of every scar and wound.

The Lamb of God
was pierced in the side.
Laughed at.
Stripped naked.
Made Monstrous. (Isaiah 52:14)
That I might be made beautiful.
That I might be forgiven.
That I might be clothed with Him.

Oh, how deep, how great, how unfathomable
is His Love!
I weep over this...
And my own unworthiness.

The Lamb of God
breathed His last.
"Father, forgive them." (Luke 23:34)
"It is finished." (John 19:30)
He was laid in a new tomb to rest.
While those He loved mourned, and had
their faith put to the test.

The Lamb of God
Oh glory! He rose!
On the third day.
Just as He promised.
"He is not here. He has risen.
Just as He said." (Matt. 28:6)

The Lamb of God
The Risen Christ
My Lord and my God!
Raised to life.
That I might walk new and redeemed.
As forgiven.
And prized.

The Lamb of God.
The Lamb who gave up all for me.
Who gave up all for you.
The Lamb of God.
Who won the victory.
Oh, how I love my Lamb of God!
Who gave up all.
To set us free.
Happy Easter Monday everyone!  Blessings to you all!

Help me

to slow down.

To breathe.


To sway.

Like young trees

in the gentle breeze.

To the rhythm

of life.



Lord, light the fire in my heart for You alone.
Let every other desire in me.
Glow under Your control.
Like a tiny flame.
Until the appointed time.
When it is allowed
to burn free.
I broke a painted *** that was a picture of me.
Then tried to glue it back together.
Piece by piece.
But try as I might,
I could not fix it.
I could not repair myself.
Cracks remained with wide gaps.
A little triangular piece was put in a random spot.
It just didn't fit.
The *** is finished...
but now cracked...
I could not repair it.
I could not fix myself.
But then...
a candle was put inside.
And a beautiful miracle shone
before my eyes.
A lovely, gentle light glowed forth
between the cracks.
Just like the Light of God...
the treasure within...
shines out through my brokenness.
I am a cracked ***,
made even more beautiful,
by God's Light shining through my cracks.
My imperfections.
My brokenness.
I am a vessel...
for His Glory.
A blanket of cold white.
Covers the landscape.
As nature begins.
Her Winter sleep.
Beautiful white.
Clothing everything in sight.
Yet the sun still shines warm.
With light upon white.
Snow lit up.
Brilliant bright.
God above chose to create snow.
The colour white.
For He is good.
And washes my sin away.
Snowy white.
God above who is wrapped in Light.
Created light.
That we might not stumble in darkness.
For He created all things right.

A blanket of cold white.
Covers the landscape.
Beautiful white.
Light upon white.
Proclaiming the goodness of God.
Who does all things right.
Who does all things with Love.
Like Light.
She cries in the dark.
She cries in her heart.
Afraid of the dark.
Afraid of losing her.
Will I have a mother tomorrow?
Will she die soon?
Will I be left alone?
Why does my father work so much?
Are we going to move again?
Will I be the new kid in class?
So alone.
She feels...
Crying in the dark.
Crying in her heart.
Sensitive and small.
Just a little girl.
Wandering the playground.
Always alone.
Does anyone care?
Is there a place for her?
Wounded child.
Feeling abandoned.
Crying in the dark.
Little girl.
So afraid...
that tomorrow she will not have a mother.
Little girl.
Alone and crying.
In her fear.
there is Someone watching over her.
Little girl.
Held and not alone.
Eyes not opened.
To His care.
Of this
scared little girl.
I teach her to paint flowers.
I play cards with her.
I wheel her outside in her wheelchair.
In the warm, sunny air.
I show her I care.
While my dear mother in Heaven
looks down and smiles.
I smile too.
And then.
Shed a tear.
My beloved mother always wanted me to work with the elderly. This poem is for her. I miss you, Mom.
Lord, I give You this day.
Help me to seek Your face,
and walk in Your ways.
Let me ever seek Your guidance,
in every step I take.
And to Your Presence,
let me be fully awake.

When guilt and regret
fill my heart with grief,
and when fears of the future
give me no relief,
Let me find You in the quiet moments.
And find rest of soul.
Remembering that only in You,
can I ever be whole.

Lord, I give You this day.
You are the Potter,
and I am the clay.
I give You myself.
I give You my will.
I give You my heart.
I give you...
my life.
Lord, I give You this day.
There is no Love.
That is divine.
Without a thorn.
We cannot love.
With the love
of the King of Love.
Without the thorn.
Of death.
Death to Self.
Through forgiveness.
Through pain.
Through loss.
Through letting go.
Of one's own gain.
For the sake of the other.
For the sake of their welfare.
Even to the wounding.
Of one's own soul.

There is no Love.
That is divine.
Without a thorn.
Without setting the other free.
To be who the Man of Thorns
created them to be.

There is no Love.
That is divine.
Without a thorn.

The heart breaks in two.
The hands release.
Unclenched fists.
The beloved one.
Into the hands of God.
Knowing this...
They may never come back.
For they were never ours.
To begin with.

There is no Love.
That is divine.
Without a thorn.

The One who wore
the Crown of Thorns.
Teaches this.
To His own.

There is no Love.
A Thorn.
How I love you,
though you do not see.
Though you close the door
of your heart to me.
I have tried to win you over
with my love.
I have tried to melt your heart
with kindness.
To no avail.
Now I see it's time to
let you go.
Into the hands of God,
I surrender you.
That He may have His way
in your life.
I pray that you will come
to your senses.
To embrace all the good
He has for you.
And how dearly He loves you.
As I do.
But now...
I see I must let you go.
Out into the world
with all its pleasures.
Until one day it is no longer
enough for you.
And you feel empty.
And want to come home.
Home to your Father.
Home to my arms.
I wait.
I hope.
I watch for the day when you
will come up the road.
A changed man.
A humbled man.
A repentant man.
Who will be embraced warmly,
with arms of forgiveness and love.
There is love for the prodigal,
from the Father above.
I surrender you into the hands of God.
And wait.
For you.
To come.
Back home.
even if you never come back home.
I will have learned.
How to truly love you.
To show love.
For the prodigal.
Inspired by Luke 15:11-32, Holy Bible.
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