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Every moment in time.
Is a gift from the Divine.
No matter how small each one may seem.
Each moment is filled with beauty.
If I will but stop long enough to see.
Each moment is a snapshot of His love for me.
And there is beauty to be found.
Even in the ugly.
Will I live in gratitude?
And hammer away negativity?
Can I but live in the moment,
and watch my fears flee?
Moments of gifts.
Can I look closely enough to see...
A robin singing in the trees.
A small child laughing with glee.
A raindrop glistening on a green leaf.
Even my laundry piled up in heaps.
tears of grief that soak my sheets.
Beauty in the ugly.
Bringing me closer to the Creator.
Of beauty.

Moments in time.
Slowing time's passage.
With gratitude.
For beauty in the now.
For every moment in time.
For moments of gifts.
Love gifts from the Divine.
Inspired by Ann Voskamp's book "One Thousand Gifts."
Day by day,
He feeds me the manna of His Word.
Piece by piece.
Morsel after morsel.
Until I find I am craving more.
For nothing else can satisfy
my thirsty soul,
like the Bread from Heaven
of His Word.
Each word...
each morsel of light and life...
nourishes me in my inmost being.
Nothing else on this earth
comes close to satisfying.
I cry out "Lord, I want more!
For nothing else can save me, heal me,
deliver me, like Your powerful Word."
He answers, "Come, my child, you are
invited to the Feast,
to feast on Me, feast on My Word,
and find true life."
Empty from the broken cisterns
of the world,
I come to His Feast.
He feeds me the manna of His Word,
piece by piece,
morsel after morsel.
Until I find I am craving more.
Until He has filled up
my empty soul.
Moses ran from Egypt.
Into the wilderness.
Turned aside to see a burning bush.
God's Presence.
Sandals removed.
Holy ground.
The call.
Argued with God.
"Send someone else.
I'm a bad choice.
I'm too scared.
I can't talk.
You don't know
what You're doing, Lord."
God's patience.
By Moses.
But still He was kind.
"I will be with you,
the entire time."
How long was the gap?
While God worked on the heart.
Of Moses.

A trip to Egypt.
A step back in time.
"Let my people go."
But Pharoah's heart was stubborn.
New Moses.
Shows courage.
"Let my people go!"
But Pharaoh says "No!"
Plague after plague.
Until a King's son lies dead.
Pharaoh said "Go!
And please...bless me."

Slaves set free.
But Pharaoh changed his mind.
Egyptian army pursued them.
Red Sea.
Where is God?
Are we going to die?
Moses' staff.
Stabs the sea.
"Behold His mighty hand."
There will be victory!
God's people.
In the middle of the waters.
On dry land.
With a wall of water to the right and left.
At God's command.
Hurry! Hurry!
See Pharoah's army!
God where are you?
Are we going to die?
Safe on the other side.
Egyptian enemies swallowed up.
By the tide.
God has set us free!

Moses the warrior.
Led God's people.
Into the wilderness.
Of God's Promise.
Moses led.
A stiff-necked people.
And talked with God.
Face to face.
In a cloud.
"Please have mercy on Your people,"
He prayed.

Moses, once a weakling,
became a warrior.
For God's hand was upon him.
Every step of the way.
Until his face shone radiant.
With God's glory.

Inspired by selections from the book of Exodus, Holy Bible.
Moving hand upon the wheel.
Moving traffic.
Moving people walking.
Moving branches full of pink blossoms.
In the wind.
All of life is movement.
Time never stands still.
We are racing on towards eternity.
Nothing ever stays the same.
Seasons changing.
Life's seasons changing.
People changing.
Time is like a river flowing.
Racing towards eternity.
How much time do I have left to run my race?
How long is my role upon life's stage?
Ever changing.
With each day comes change.
And hope.
Hope for change.
And then...
Who never changes.
Immovable in His love.
While all around me...
life is moving.
A New Year is dawning.
A blank page is unwritten on.
A new song is yet to be sung.
It is time to move forward.
It is time to make straight paths for my feet,
with my eyes fixed on the Light.
It is time to run the race set before me,
and forget what lies behind.
It is time to shake off the chains that bind.

A New Year is dawning.
A blank page is unwritten on.
A new song is yet to be sung.
It is time to receive forgiveness for the past.
It is time to forgive,
and let go of the loss.
It is time to trust.
It is time to rest.
Time for joy.
Time to move into my purpose.
Time to be strong and courageous.

A New Year is dawning.
A blank page is unwritten on.
A new song is yet to be sung.
A new season of my life with God.
Has begun.

Inspired by Phil. 3:12-14, Holy Bible
Lord, all I can offer You  is a mustard seed of faith.
For I am so full of fear, and doubt, and unbelief.
So addicted to walking by what my eyes see,
I fail to remember that You are the God of impossibilities.
For so many years I've prayed the same prayer,
and it seems as though it remains unanswered.
I falter.
I faint.
I lose heart.
As what little faith I had,
begins to depart.
I fall on my knees in desperation before Thee,
I cry, "Lord, I believe!  Help my unbelief!"(Mark 9:24)
Then You tenderly speak to my soul and remind me of this:
All it takes to move a mountain is a mustard seed of faith.

I hold out my hands to You as I pray,
"Here is my mustard seed of faith, Lord.
Take it, for it is all I can offer Thee.
Lord, have mercy, and grant my request.
Even though all I have left
is a mustard seed
of faith."
You laid on my shoulder,
in my times of sorrow and my days of joy.
I held you when I mourned and when I danced.
I will miss your gentle lizard ways.
I will miss watching you gape in the sunlight,
and lift your spiky head to its rays.
I will miss how you gobbled up lettuce,
and live worms to chase.
I will miss gazing at your beautiful scales,
and looking into your reptile eyes.
I will miss you laying upon our kitty's back.
And how you lifted your tail up in the bath.
I will miss every season with you.
I will cherish every memory of you.
I thank God for the gift of you in my life
for nine precious years.
You were a comfort and a joy to me.
And I will miss you, Tom.
Oh, how I loved you.
My beloved dragon.

---"The lizard you may grasp with the hands, Yet it is in kings' palaces." (Proverbs 30:28)
For "Tom," the bearded dragon. ( who passed away today at the ripe old lizard age of 9 years and 4 months)
If my heart was a cup,
Your love would be the deep blue sea.
You fill me up like wild rivers overflowing.
With springs of Living Water flowing within me.
Flowing within me.
Flowing within me.
Until I am completely lost in Your love.
Overfilling my cup.
Your love like the deep blue sea.
Completely overtaking me.
My father.
The steadfast one.
Through life's storms.
He has endured much.
He has worked hard...
prayed hard...
shown strength and resilience
through whatever comes.

Steadfast in love.
Steadfast in commitment.
Steadfast in faith.
An example to me of integrity,
honesty, hard work,
and stability.
Steadfast and enduring.
Like an oak tree.

Dad, do you know I've always looked up to you?
My father.
The steadfast one.
For my Dad, on his 76th Birthday, August 25.  I love you, Dad.
Lover of my soul.
Eternal Husband.
You are my First and Greatest Love.
I am eternally devoted to You.
You have shown me who I truly am.
I am finished walking down a path of sin.
I choose to avoid the snares of temptation.
And I want nothing to ever come between us again.

Your Love is overwhelming.
Healing all my brokenness.
Healing all my scars.
You are my First and Greatest Love.
You alone hold first place in my heart.
You have my full devotion.
You have my complete adoration.
And I want nothing.
I want no one.
To ever come between us again.
Every other love holds second place to You.
For You alone are my First and Greatest Love.
Who am I?
B­y my Good Good Father.
By my Good Good Father.
This is who I am.
---inspired by Chris Tomlin's new song, "Good Good Father."
She has fought through illness and heart pain.
She has seen tragedies, time and again.
She risked her own life so I could be born.
Not listening to the doctors who said to abort.
She has stood through life's trials,
and has come out stronger.
She is my Mother, the Fighter.

She has questioned God.
But her faith has not faltered.
She has placed herself in His hands,
for however long He gives her.
She is my Mother, the Fighter.

She is gentle-spirited, yet a warrior.
She is quiet, yet bold.
She is my Mother, the Fighter.

And she is still fighting.
She has endured long.
And continues to endure.
Whatever comes.
Her story will be told.
To future generations.
I will tell her story.
Her legacy of faith.
For I am her daughter,
and I love her.
She is my Mother, the Fighter.
With her Faithful God behind her.
---dedicated to my loving mother on this Mother's Day.  I love you, Mom.
Thank you for teaching me to fight the good fight of the faith, and to persevere in prayer and through trial, without giving up. You are truly a blessing to me.
Season after season.
I've gazed upon you
through my window.

I've seen the snow hang low
upon your branches.
With white upon red berries.
I've watched the snow melt away
to reveal new buds,
ever so slowly,
to leaves so green.
In early Spring.

I've watched all the creatures
hop, climb, and fly among
your branches.
I've watched the birds taste
your blood-red berries.
I've seen songbirds...
finches, and chickadees.
Come to the feeders.
That hang from you.
I've seen the squirrels steal
seeds from the birds.
As their little paws unlatch
a little hook.
I've heard the birds sing among your
So sweetly.
I remember when the chickadees
built their nest in you,
and then watched their young fledge.
I remember the year the woodpecker
came knocking at your trunk's door.
As he drilled his beak into you.
And made a hole.
After that.
You were never the same anymore...

I watched your life slowly end.
Another year.
Another season.
More dead branches to be severed.
Fewer buds.
Fewer leaves.
As your story slowly drew to a close.

they chopped down what was left of you.
But I will always remember you.
And I thank the Lord for the joy
of beholding your beauty.
Of watching your story.
You have blessed so many creatures.
Including me.
Beautiful Mountain Ash tree.
The beauty of nature.
God's perfect creation.
Calls to every weary traveller.
Upon life's broken road.
Every man.
Every woman.
Every child.
And rest.
Unburden your heavy load.
And rest.

Nature's call.
Is the Call.
Of God.
"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."--Matt. 11:28, Holy Bible
This is not a poem, but an update for those of you who read my poems and follow me. I have just moved into a new home on Monday and am still unpacking and getting settled. Will resume posting poems shortly. God has blessed me with a lovely condo at a good purchase price. I am beyond grateful for my new home.
Shards of glass lay before me.
Like the pieces of my life.
Of a broken relationship
that I cannot fix.
Perhaps the broken vessel
must be tossed away.
And a brand new vessel
must take its place.
For new wine cannot be poured
into old wineskins.
Lest they burst.
We must begin anew.
We must start afresh.
Can we begin with forgiveness?
And trust the Master Builder
with the rest?
Can we throw away the past?
Throw away the shards of glass?
And drink love new.
Drink new wine in new wineskins.
Me and you.

---Inspired by Matthew 9:17, Holy Bible.
They have no need for make-up.
They have no use for a new hairstyle,
and certainly don't need to colour their hair.
For they are full of brilliant colour.
Beautiful flowers.

They do not need fancy clothes in the latest fashions
to feel good about themselves.
They feel no need to impress.
Yet, look at how pretty they are dressed!
Touch their soft, lovely petals.
Beautiful flowers.

Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them,
the Bible says.
Beautiful flowers.

Oh, that I could be like them!
With no need to impress.
Knowing I am wonderfully made by God.
Oh, that I could see myself
as a beautiful flower.
Loss upon loss.
Threat upon threat.
Until fear envelops me.
Trying to pull me under.
I fight back. I push against it.
By His Spirit within me.
I turn my mind from the darkness,
to His Light.
I turn my eyes from the stormy seas of this life,
to my Anchor Jesus Christ.
I. Will. Not. Be. Shaken.
How I worry.
How I fret.
When only
ONE thing
is needed.
To sit.
At Jesus' feet.
And listen.
To His Word.

---inspired by Luke 10:38-42, Holy Bible.
Is His Love.
Like a jagged rock.
That will break me.
And grieve His own heart.
In order to bring me to His.
In order to bring me into His chamber.
Of Love.
For I am His beloved bride.
And He is my Bridegroom.
He not will endure other lovers.
Luring me away from Him.
He will tear them from my heart.
Even wound me.
That He might have me for His own.
Is His Love.

Is His Love.
So that I grow to despise
every other lover.
Compared to Him.
I stay in the shadow
of His wings.
And behold His face.
Until I am undone.
By His
By His
Playful children.

Beneath playful white clouds.

In blue sky.


Among playful autumn leaves.





On this playful day.
Your powerful hands formed the mighty mountains,
which firmly stand.
How could it be that those powerful hands,
can also hold me so gently?
Hold me through my tears of loneliness and loss.
Hold me in my fear,
as I realize the cost.
Lord, You are power.
You are gentleness.
And in Your care,
I shall rest.
I thank the Lord my God above.
For all the prayers of love.
I thank Him for the faithful souls
who care enough to think of me.
And before the Father bow the knee.
To lift up a request for me.
Some have known You many years,
with hair of grey upon their heads.
While others have just begun,
and are eager to be fed.
Some have walked this journey with me
for a decade plus three or four,
while others I have just met,
and never known before.

I thank the Lord for every soul.
And for prayers of love,
before His Throne.
They are truly gifts from His hand.
Oh may I always remember.
Every day.
To pray.
For them.
Dedicated to all those who love me enough to pray for me. I love you and I thank the Lord for you.
Glorious update!! ---Soul Survivor's Dad had the surgery after all and miraculously came through it amazingly well!
Though the feeders stand empty.
The birds still rejoice.
They do not fly around in frantic fear.
Like I do.
They trust You to feed them.

Though I have no provisions stored.
No wealth saved for tomorrow.
And my coin pouch is empty.
I choose to rejoice and trust You
to provide for my needs.

I lift up my voice and sing to You.
Though there is no cattle in my stall.
And no fruit on my vines.
I cling to Your promise.
Your promise is this:
You will give me all that I need.
As I seek first Your kingdom
and Your righteousness.

Myself and my seed
shall not be begging bread,
even if my coin pouch is empty.
And I have no provisions stored.
I will trust in You, my God.
For You have promised.
To provide.
Based on Hab. 3:17-19, and Matt. 6:25-33,  Holy Bible
I walk through puddles.
Like mirrors.
Beneath my booted feet.
Beholding the beauty.
Of reflections of trees.
Mirror images.
Of the original creation.
Oh may I too,
be a reflection.
Of the beauty of my Lord and King.
May I be.
A mirror image.
Of Him.
2 Corinthians 3:18--"But we all, with unveiled face,
beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory..."
My heart aches for my daughters.
My heart aches for my son.
My soul longs for them to know
how much the Father loves them.
But they will not hear my words,
which fall upon deaf ears.
I must show them His love.
In how I live.
Showing mercy rather than judgement.
Living by faith instead of fear.

My heart aches.
My heart aches for them to know
the Good Shepherd.
Oh, how can I show them His ways?
Sometimes, there must be no words.
Sometimes the best thing I can do
is go into my room
and quietly pray.
Perhaps this is the best way...
Go into my closet.
My secret place.
Before Him.
Where I fall on my knees.
And quietly.
To the God who hears.
And answers.
"But when you pray, go into your most private room, close the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you." --Matt. 6:6, Holy Bible (amp)
Still water.
Like a mirror.
Reflections of wonder.
The colours of fall.
A single leaf drifts down.
Landing on
the quiet reflections.
On quiet pond.
I rest within.
And take in.
From the hand of God.
Green meadows lush and still.
Quiet waters that restore my soul.
Autumn trees blowing in gentle wind.
Calm music of hope to which I can sing.
Winter's snow falling soft and quiet.
Gentle purring beside me on a blanket.
A soft, warm pillow upon my bed.
Where I can rest my weary head.
His still small Voice whispering to my heart,
"Rest now, my beloved, and let your fears depart."
Inspired by the 23rd Psalm, Holy Bible.
Joseph was raised up from a pit,
to a position of respect.
Daniel was rescued from the lion's den,
because he put his trust in Him.
Moses was saved from his enemy Pharaoh,
and led God's people to a brighter tomorrow.
Christ was victorious over sin and death,
even the Cross was not His final breath.
And I too, as one of His,
shall follow in the footsteps of those gone before.
Though I find myself now in a place of
heartache and trouble,
where there are those who oppose me
and want to ***** out Your light in me,
You, O God, will raise me up,
and set my feet upon solid ground.
You will rescue me from those who want to bring me down.
And replace my tears of mourning
with a joyous song.
Ready to begin again.
With my feet planted
on the solid ground
of His Word.
And my soul at one with Him.
Ready to begin.
Be still, O my soul.
There is nothing to fear.
Your God is in control.
And He holds you near.
There is none who can protect thee.
Like the Lord Almighty.
With His angel army.

Be still, O my soul.
There is nothing to fear.
Your God is in control.
Beneath His wings.
You can rest secure.
For He is your refuge.
From all harm and evil.

Be still, O my soul.
There is nothing to fear.
For in His heart.
You are most dear.

Be still, O my soul.
And know.
That He is your God.
Inspired by Psalm 46 and 91, Holy Bible.

"He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may seek refuge." (Ps. 91:4)
"Be still and know that I am God." (Ps. 46:10)
Many rocks.
Small and large.
Rough and smooth.
Sandy and hard.
Multicoloured and plain.
Are spun around for days
inside the revolving bin.
Until all impurities are
worked out of them.
The process is long
but it has a glorious outcome.
For the rocks emerge
polished and shiny.
As treasures they've become.
"The hardest rocks come out the shiniest,"
says the craftsman.
And I think of Christ the Cornerstone.
And His wise discipline.
Like the rocks,
He may turn us with force,
and the process may be long.
With trials threatening to drown.
While He refines His own.
He must use what is necessary,
to cleanse us of our heart's impurities.
Then He polishes us
and turns us into gems of beauty.
And the hardest stones among those that are His,
come out the most beautifully polished.

I fall on my knees as I consider His ways.
And I pray...
"Lord, refine me.  Cleanse me of my impurities.
Polish me. As hard a stone as I can be.  And
turn me into a gem of beauty. For Your glory."

He gently picks me up.
And places me inside the revolving bin...
He buries the pain of her past.

He covers the stain of her sin.

Beneath rose petals.

The colour of Blood.

Beneath rose petals.





my friend.

In the storm.


And within.

Please leave me.

Let me rest.

In my quiet


With no words.

That I might learn

to listen

To Him.
A gust of autumn's wind.
And the leaves dance down.
So many at once.
Like a shower of
glimmering gold coins.
Falling to the earth.
I stare out my window.
At gusts
showers of gold.
And I am

The glory of God's creation always leaves me wonderstruck. :)
Silently cry the birds...

Take your eyes from your screens.
And notice me.
Watch the sky.
See beauty.
Look away from busyness.
Look away from technology.
Which holds you in chains every day.
From noticing beauty.
From seeing God's glory.
In creatures.
In creation.
Take your eyes from your screens.
From your obsession.
And notice me.
Notice beauty.
Look!  There are hundreds of us
flying overhead in the blue summer sky.
Don't you see us?
Will you just stop.
For a moment.
And look up.
To beauty.

Silently cry the birds...
Will we heed their cry,
or pass them by?
Will we wait until it's too late?

Silently cry the birds.
Earlier this week, when I was driving, and then when I arrived home on my street, the sky was full of birds!  I had never seen so many at one time. I hope others noticed besides me, in this age we live in where people are obsessed with their iPhones.  Recently, a nature park we have has been overrun by people playing games on their iPhones, and I wonder, do they even notice the nature around them?  To me, it's just sad.  My opinion, but I hope there are others out there who see my point. Take care.
Do not fear the slippery places.
My Lord whispered unto me.
As you walk upon the road of life,
do not walk around them.
Letting them fill you with terror and strife.
Hold my hand and walk upon them.
For I will surely keep you from falling.
Keep your eyes fixed straight ahead.
Walking with confidence upon the icy path.
Know that I am always with you,
and will guide and protect you.
With my Shepherd's rod and staff.
Do not fear the slippery places
upon life's journey, My child.
For I am ever with you
through every slick and treacherous mile.
Do not fear.
Do not fear.
The slippery places.

Lord, speak to me
when my heart
And I have quieted
my soul.
Speak to me
Your words of Truth.
That I may fear no ill.

Speak to me
when I awaken.
Remind me
that I am not forsaken.
when I lay down to sleep.
Hold me in Your arms
while I weep.
Speak to me,
dear Lord I pray.
Speak to me.
And have Your way.
For Your servant is listening.
In the quiet place.
Of my heart.
Speak to me, O God.
At last...
I'm listening.

Speak to me.
In a quiet whisper.
Speak to me.
In a lion's roar.
Tell me words
that will heal my soul.
Your words heal.
Every wound.

Speak to me, O God.
I'm listening.
Speak my name.
For I am Your own.

Speak to me.
My very life hangs
on every word You say.
Speak to me.
At last...
I'm listening.
Silence every other voice.
Shout loudly to me
above the noise
of the enemy.

Speak into my stormy soul.
And calm the waves of grief,
and the torrents of fear.
That threaten to shut out
Your voice.

Speak, Lord.
For Your servant is listening.
Speak to me.
I'm listening.
At last...
I'm listening.
Speak to me.
Inspired by the Kari Jobe song "Speak To Me."
I am awakened by Spring's morning light.
And songbirds singing in blue sky bright.
How radiant...
is God's perfect creation!
Beauty bright.
Beauty new.
In Spring's magnificent green hues.
My strength is renewed.
My heart is opening.
My hope is awakening.
In Spring's beauty bright.
In spectrums of green hue.
And all.
And all.
Is new.
New leaves burst forth.
In Spring's glorious green.

Blossoms of violet and purest white.
Upon trees standing stately.
In morning light.

Radiant trees announce God's resurrection life.
Flowers of beauty herald the fragrance of Christ.

Winged songbirds.
Frolicking squirrels.
Rabbits now brown.
Every living thing dances with renewed life.

And I dance with them.
In the joy of new healing.
And renewed strength.

I rejoice in the wonder of Spring.
By the greatness of God.
The Living God who created all things.
And fashioned with beauty.
Spring's glorious gems.
Spring's new leaves of brightest green,
shimmer like emeralds in the breeze.
The sky is a brilliant blue,
the backdrop for green trees
Sprouting new.
In the distance I hear a woodpecker
knock, knock, knock.
Upon the wood of the tree top.
From the old birdhouse,
baby birds fledge,
ready to leave home
their wings they spread.
The scent of freshly mown grass
and many blossoms
is in the air.
How I love to sit on my porch
and behold Spring's wonders.
Oh, such a gift is the glory of nature!
The Way out of my fear
is trusting the Good Shepherd.
One step at a time.
Until my eyes are opened
to see I can trust Him.
He woos me with cords of His Love.
Into a place of rest.
A place of trust.

Yet another step.
And more trust comes.

The Way out of my fear
is trusting Jesus.
One step at a time.
Until beyond my fear...
Walking into my fear...
He shows me a blessing.
Hidden there.
He shows me the Gift.
The Glory.
When I face my fear.
One step.
At a time.
Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To come alongside.
In words of comfort.
Words of love.
To the divorced.
Who feel like they've failed.

Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To the mentally ill.
Whose tormenting thoughts are a living hell.

Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To the lost teen caught up in the downward
spiral of addiction.
Where escape from life is so appealing to them.

Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To the homeless man without a dime.
Whose every moment is a struggle to survive.

Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To the child in the classroom who doesn't fit in.
Who needs an aide to settle them.

Will we not even try?
To accept.
To comfort.
To hold out our hand.
And then...
watch God heal.
The broken hearts.
Of the marginalized.
From the pain
Of those who don't fit in.
Link by link,
my chains of ******* fall away.
Brick by brick,
stone upon stone,
the broken down walls of
my soul are being rebuilt.
As His Word gets hammered
into my heart.

Little by little,
I cast into the sea,
every idol
that keeps me from being free.

Piece by piece,
my shattered life is being
put back together.
Recreated into a masterpiece.
By the Master Builder.
Who makes all things beautiful.
Warm, bright summer day.
Blue sky with barely a cloud.
How shall I spend it?
How shall I live in the moment?
All appears so clear and lovely.
On this warm, bright summer day.

Oh no!
What's this?
The dark clouds are rolling in so fast!
This was not in the weather man's forecast!
Such strong gusts!
Where has this storm come from?
All of a sudden?
I need to find shelter,
before I get pelted!
By the hail.
Which comes with this fierce gale.

Without warning.
From a warm, clear sunny day.
A storm has come my way.
Just like in my life.
Skies can be either sunny or grey.
I need to take shelter under God's wing.
Every day.
For I will never know when will come
the sudden storms.
So it is always wisest
to just stay
in His arms.
Do I take for granted the breath I breathe?
When there are some who are breathing their last?
Do I take for granted that my brain sends a message
to my hand,
to open the cupboard and take out a mug?
Or that my arms can move and give a hug?
When there are some who have no limbs,
or are missing one,
or perhaps they cannot feel the warmth of the sun.
Upon their face.
Or hear sweet music when it plays.
Oh how much do I have,
that I sometimes fail to remember.
To be grateful.
For all of God's gifts under the sun.
Even the simple ones.
Like the breath I breathe.
There is a chill in the air.
That wasn't there before.
The flowers have dried up,
as warm days are no more.
Soon will come the season of cold.
And snow will cover the carpet
of leaves so gold.
The biting air nips my ears and nose.
Yet the Autumn day is bright,
as the sun pours forth its light.
I walk on.
Beside the Unseen One.
Who is my Forever Companion.
He leads me to a broad, spacious place.
A  quiet field.
Like a land flowing with milk and honey.
I feel peaceful and free.
With no more chains binding me.
Then He whispers to my soul,
"Take this path,"
And I walk upon a straight white line.
Upon the grass.
He reminds me not to stray.
To the right or to the left.
For the Way to Life
is narrow and straight.
I stay on the path stretched out before me,
for the path of the righteous shines brighter
and brighter until the perfect day.
"I will guide your feet into the peaceful way,"
I hear my loving Saviour say.
And I pray,
"Lord, let me stay near You,
forever and alway.
For You are the Lover of my soul.
And You have set me free from slavery.
To a land flowing with milk and honey."

Inspired by Proverbs 4:18, 26-27, Luke 1:79, and Matthew 7:14, Holy Bible.
Little girl with golden locks.
Little girl with big blue eyes.
Little girl.
So full of woe.
In a church of stained glass windows.
The Church of the Messiah.

Mommy decks the altar with flowers.
Daddy is out and about.
The little girl stares reverently
at the beautiful window.
Sunlight lights up Jesus the Good Shepherd.
A little lamb is in His arms.
Close to His chest.
Close to His heart.
Is He MY Good Shepherd? the little girl whispers.
Am I His little lamb?

The little girl is now alone in the sanctuary.
With the Shepherd's eyes upon her.
Lights streams through the
stained glass aperture.
It falls upon her small face.
Then a Voice speaks into her depths:
"You are My child, and you will belong
to Me for your whole life."
The little girl is struck.
With awe and wonder.
At her Shepherd's voice.
For now she knows,
and will forever know,
that she is
His little lamb.
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