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Dec 2016 · 689
Upon Winter White
The snow blows down.
Softly...but fiercely...
to the ground.
Winter white.
The snow-coloured rabbits
are white-washed from sight.
And Christmas is in my heart tonight.
As I learn the way to life and joy.
Thought gratitude and humility.
As I linger by the manger,
and look upon my Saviour.
Who gave up all.
To save us from the Fall.

The snow blows down.
But in my heart a fire glows.
As I begin to know...
To truly know...
The Light of the world.
Shining down.
Shining bright.
Upon the Winter snow tonight.
Chasing my fears.
Away from sight.
Shining bright.
My heart's delight.
Upon Winter white.
Dec 2016 · 1.5k
Invasion Of Truth
His Truth invades

every crack.
"Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think." Rom. 12:2, Holy Bible
Dec 2016 · 872
Angel Voices
Sweet voices of children
echo through the sanctuary.
Tiny hands shake silver bells,
as the room is full of parents' smiles.
Children singing songs of Christmas cheer.
"Away in a manger."
Is heard loud and clear.
Children's voices,
like the voices of angels.
Float up to God above.
As He smiles down upon them.
For each child He dearly loves.
Sweet voices.
Angel voices.
Of little children.
Echo through the sanctuary.
At Christmastime.
What a gift it is.
To all who hear them.
Angel Voices.
Dec 2016 · 1.1k
A Servant's Crown
From the glorious riches of His Heavenly home.
He came down.
To walk among.
Frail man.
For Love,
He came.
To a dark, cold stable,
He came.
Born among the animals.
Laid in a hay-filled feeding box.
As a wee babe.
He came.
In humility.
In frail humanity.
He lowered Himself.
For Love.
was mocked.
By frail, sinful man.
Nailed to a cruel cross.
A sinner's sentence.
For Love.
He came.
In humility.
In frail humanity.
He lowered Himself.
For Love.
He laid aside His glorious Kingly crown,
and put on the crown of suffering.
The crown of thorns.
The crown...
of a servant.
For Love.
He came.
In humility.
In frail humanity.
He lowered Himself.
For Love.
My soul awakens.
To this life-giving Truth...
It is when I lower myself
and become a servant.
That I resemble Jesus most.
For it is only when I wear
a Servant's Crown,
that true joy can be found.
Inspired by Phil. 2:7-8, Holy Bible
Dec 2016 · 802
Until All I See Is You
Lord Jesus,
let me gaze.
Into Your loving face.
Let me stare.
Into the depths
of Your forgiving eyes.
Full of a greater Love
than I can surmise.
Let me look upon You.
all I see is You.
With nothing left of me.
Then overtake me
with Your glory and grace.
As I gaze.
Into Your loving face.
And from earthly pain.
Nov 2016 · 638
The Tender Heart
Easily crushed.
Easily broken.
Shattered to pieces.
By the pain of rejection.
Bearing scar upon scar.
Yet still...
it goes on loving.
it reaches out.
To embrace the broken.
Even at the risk.
Of its own breaking.
Tenderly it loves.
Easily wounded.
But vast.
In its capacity.
To love.
To break.
To love.
And break.
Again and again.
"Love never fails." (1 Cor. 13, Holy Bible)
Nov 2016 · 1.6k
Gazing At the Sky
I lift up my gaze to the sky.
Where does my help come from...
when I cry?
My help comes from my Lord and my God.
Who will not allow slumber to make His head nod.
He is my Protector.
My Knight in shining armour.
On my weakest side,
where I am most vulnerable.
The sun by day will not burn me,
and the moon will not strike me down.
The Lord will keep me safe
from all evil and harm,
as He watches over my life
and keeps me in the storm.
He will watch over me when I
walk out the door,
and when I come back home.
I lift up my gaze to the sky,
where does my help come from?
From the Lord, the Great and Mighty,
Creator of Heaven and Earth.
He is the reason I can walk free from fear.
For He is my Helper.
Who is ever near.
Based on Psalm 121, Holy Bible.
Nov 2016 · 748
Every Moment
Every second I live,
every breath I breathe,
every moment I exist.
I need You, Lord.

Every face I see,
every voice I hear,
every wounded heart.
Every soul I want to help.
I need You, Lord.

I need You, Lord.
Every minute.
Every hour.
Every day.
Every year.
For my whole life.
I need You, Lord.

I come to You in
my frail humanity.
Shine the Light of Your
face upon me.
For, oh, how I need Thee.
Inspired by the hymn "I Need Thee Every Hour," by Annie Hawks (1872).
Nov 2016 · 463
Darkness becomes Light,
when Christ is within my sight.
Fear is transformed into faith,
when I see He is powerful and great.
Bitterness evaporates,
making way for forgiveness,
when I consider my Lord's words
as He hung on the Cross...
"Father, forgive them..."

Weakness converts to confident strength,
as I abide in His love...
its depth and its length.
Complaint is silenced,
and gratitude is hammered into my soul,
as I see more of the only One
who can make me whole.

You turn my sorrow into joy and singing,
as I realize I am complete in You.
Oh, Lover of my soul,
who is faithful
and true.
Nov 2016 · 4.6k
Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To come alongside.
In words of comfort.
Words of love.
To the divorced.
Who feel like they've failed.

Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To the mentally ill.
Whose tormenting thoughts are a living hell.

Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To the lost teen caught up in the downward
spiral of addiction.
Where escape from life is so appealing to them.

Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To the homeless man without a dime.
Whose every moment is a struggle to survive.

Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To the child in the classroom who doesn't fit in.
Who needs an aide to settle them.

Will we not even try?
To accept.
To comfort.
To hold out our hand.
And then...
watch God heal.
The broken hearts.
Of the marginalized.
From the pain
Of those who don't fit in.
Nov 2016 · 447
Dark Cloud Lifted
The smiles of children.
Brighten my world.
And just for that moment.
My fears are stilled.
And my sorrows drift away.
Unveiling the sun.
Through the smiles of children.
Who brighten my world.

Nov 2016 · 291
I breathe out anger and fear.
The breath of death.

I breathe in rest and freedom.
The breath of Life.

From the Life-giving God.
Who holds it all together.

Who holds.

My every.

Oct 2016 · 257
The Greater Part
I would rather stand at the door in the house of my Lord,
than dwell in a big house full of riches untold.

I would rather sit in the middle of a grassy meadow,
surrounded by the sounds of nature,
than walk around in a shopping mall full of many treasures.

I would rather sit at the feet of my Lord and listen to His every word,
than have the approval of man and the affection of the world.

I would rather lose temporal pleasures,
if it means I might gain an eternal reward.

I would rather stand at the door.
In the House.
Of my Lord.
Inspired by Psalm 84:10, and Luke 10:39.
Oct 2016 · 229
Life-Giving Rhythm

Help me

to slow down.

To breathe.


To sway.

Like young trees

in the gentle breeze.

To the rhythm

of life.



Oct 2016 · 1.3k
The youth
carry the burden of school.
Will I pass or will I fail?

carry the burden of work,
money, and sleep deprivation.

carry the burden of the juggling act
of the super woman.

Old folks
carry the burden of a body
that no longer works for them.

And all---and all---
carry the burden of never
being good enough .

"Come to Me," calls the
Bearer of all burdens.
"I will give you rest.
Give your heavy burden to Me,
and exchange it for the lighter load,
which I give to thee."

She lets the backpack fall from her shoulders.
And walks on.
Carrying a lighter one.
Her striving is done.
A journey toward rest
has begun.
Inspired by Matthew 11:28-30, Holy Bible.
Oct 2016 · 315
Is this the last time I have to show you I love you?
Could this be my final chance
to look into your face and show you grace?
If it were thus...
wouldn't I want my parting words to be,
"You are a 9,  and not a 3."
If this were my last opportunity to hold your hand,
wouldn't I want to hold it tender and long?

The opportunities we have
to love...
to bless...
to forgive...
are finite.

Oh, may I love now,
and not when the hour is late.
And death closes in
to seal our fate.

Man is but a breath.
Our life---
but a whisper in time.

May I seize every opportunity,
every moment,
To stop.
To slow down.
To listen.
To love.
As if it were the last time.
Oct 2016 · 183


my friend.

In the storm.


And within.

Please leave me.

Let me rest.

In my quiet


With no words.

That I might learn

to listen

To Him.
Oct 2016 · 428
I sit and watch them go by.
Walker after walker.
Pushed by elderly folks  
with frail hands and crippled joints.
Slowly they struggle.
Along life's journey.
Does anyone care?
Does anyone see the pain
behind their empty stare?
Or are we too locked up
in our haunting fear?
For someday,
we may be one of them.
Struggling along life's journey.
Pushing a walker.
With frail hands and crippled limbs.

I sit and watch them go by.
Walker after walker.
The uphill climb of pain.
For the elderly.

In a mall full of walkers.

Oct 2016 · 342
I want to go deeper with You,
but I am afraid.
Will You really receive me with love,
when I fall so short of Your glory?
Do I dare to go deeper,
do I dare venture closer,
when You are so mighty and powerful?
When You are so Holy,
and Your eyes flash with fire?
And I am merely a flawed, fearful,
and troubled soul?

I want to go deeper,
but I am afraid.
Too often I stay on the shore,
instead of stepping into the wave.
I turn away from the cloud
of Your Presence,
and go my own way.
But, Lord, I am tired of this timid walk with You.
This fear of going
deeper still.
Oh, take my trembling hand
and be gentle with me, I pray.
Take me deeper into You.
And let me stay.
Show me Your great love for me,
and teach me Your ways.

Take me deeper, Lord.
That Your perfect love
may cast out all my fear.
And then I will stay with You.
Forever near.
Take me

Oct 2016 · 424
The Bright Path
There is a chill in the air.
That wasn't there before.
The flowers have dried up,
as warm days are no more.
Soon will come the season of cold.
And snow will cover the carpet
of leaves so gold.
The biting air nips my ears and nose.
Yet the Autumn day is bright,
as the sun pours forth its light.
I walk on.
Beside the Unseen One.
Who is my Forever Companion.
He leads me to a broad, spacious place.
A  quiet field.
Like a land flowing with milk and honey.
I feel peaceful and free.
With no more chains binding me.
Then He whispers to my soul,
"Take this path,"
And I walk upon a straight white line.
Upon the grass.
He reminds me not to stray.
To the right or to the left.
For the Way to Life
is narrow and straight.
I stay on the path stretched out before me,
for the path of the righteous shines brighter
and brighter until the perfect day.
"I will guide your feet into the peaceful way,"
I hear my loving Saviour say.
And I pray,
"Lord, let me stay near You,
forever and alway.
For You are the Lover of my soul.
And You have set me free from slavery.
To a land flowing with milk and honey."

Inspired by Proverbs 4:18, 26-27, Luke 1:79, and Matthew 7:14, Holy Bible.
Oct 2016 · 1.4k
Quiet Resting Places
Green meadows lush and still.
Quiet waters that restore my soul.
Autumn trees blowing in gentle wind.
Calm music of hope to which I can sing.
Winter's snow falling soft and quiet.
Gentle purring beside me on a blanket.
A soft, warm pillow upon my bed.
Where I can rest my weary head.
His still small Voice whispering to my heart,
"Rest now, my beloved, and let your fears depart."
Inspired by the 23rd Psalm, Holy Bible.
Moses ran from Egypt.
Into the wilderness.
Turned aside to see a burning bush.
God's Presence.
Sandals removed.
Holy ground.
The call.
Argued with God.
"Send someone else.
I'm a bad choice.
I'm too scared.
I can't talk.
You don't know
what You're doing, Lord."
God's patience.
By Moses.
But still He was kind.
"I will be with you,
the entire time."
How long was the gap?
While God worked on the heart.
Of Moses.

A trip to Egypt.
A step back in time.
"Let my people go."
But Pharoah's heart was stubborn.
New Moses.
Shows courage.
"Let my people go!"
But Pharaoh says "No!"
Plague after plague.
Until a King's son lies dead.
Pharaoh said "Go!
And please...bless me."

Slaves set free.
But Pharaoh changed his mind.
Egyptian army pursued them.
Red Sea.
Where is God?
Are we going to die?
Moses' staff.
Stabs the sea.
"Behold His mighty hand."
There will be victory!
God's people.
In the middle of the waters.
On dry land.
With a wall of water to the right and left.
At God's command.
Hurry! Hurry!
See Pharoah's army!
God where are you?
Are we going to die?
Safe on the other side.
Egyptian enemies swallowed up.
By the tide.
God has set us free!

Moses the warrior.
Led God's people.
Into the wilderness.
Of God's Promise.
Moses led.
A stiff-necked people.
And talked with God.
Face to face.
In a cloud.
"Please have mercy on Your people,"
He prayed.

Moses, once a weakling,
became a warrior.
For God's hand was upon him.
Every step of the way.
Until his face shone radiant.
With God's glory.

Inspired by selections from the book of Exodus, Holy Bible.
Oct 2016 · 1.2k
The Song of the Lamb
My song is a song that is rarely sung.
It is not a popular one.
My song is an unfamiliar tune.
Which very few will listen to.
It is a song of Love.
It is my calling from Above.
My song is a song which will revolutionize the world.
And transform the human heart.
My song took Me to a rugged cross.
My song is the song of Sacrifice.
It is not a popular one.
For it is a song of Love.
A song of the rose.
In a world of thorns.
A crown of thorns upon My brow.
I sang My song to rescue all.
From the Fall.
My song is the song of the Lamb.
My song is the song of the great I AM.
My song is a song of Love.
Which very few will listen to.
Will you?
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."--John 3:16.
Sep 2016 · 416
Showers of Gold
A gust of autumn's wind.
And the leaves dance down.
So many at once.
Like a shower of
glimmering gold coins.
Falling to the earth.
I stare out my window.
At gusts
showers of gold.
And I am

The glory of God's creation always leaves me wonderstruck. :)
Sep 2016 · 427
Quiet Reflections
Still water.
Like a mirror.
Reflections of wonder.
The colours of fall.
A single leaf drifts down.
Landing on
the quiet reflections.
On quiet pond.
I rest within.
And take in.
From the hand of God.
Sep 2016 · 493
Death And Beauty
The trees shed their leaves.
Gracefully they fall.
Returning to the earth.
With autumn comes death.
And beauty.
Death and beauty.
Is there beauty even in death?
Death to self.
Death to every way in me that has brought grief.
Death which ends the struggle.
Between dark and light.
Between wrong and right.
With autumn comes death.
And beauty.
Breathtaking beauty.
And death.
Death to self.
Bringing life.
And freedom.
Bringing the promise...
of Spring.
Sep 2016 · 4.6k
Mustard Seed
Lord, all I can offer You  is a mustard seed of faith.
For I am so full of fear, and doubt, and unbelief.
So addicted to walking by what my eyes see,
I fail to remember that You are the God of impossibilities.
For so many years I've prayed the same prayer,
and it seems as though it remains unanswered.
I falter.
I faint.
I lose heart.
As what little faith I had,
begins to depart.
I fall on my knees in desperation before Thee,
I cry, "Lord, I believe!  Help my unbelief!"(Mark 9:24)
Then You tenderly speak to my soul and remind me of this:
All it takes to move a mountain is a mustard seed of faith.

I hold out my hands to You as I pray,
"Here is my mustard seed of faith, Lord.
Take it, for it is all I can offer Thee.
Lord, have mercy, and grant my request.
Even though all I have left
is a mustard seed
of faith."
Sep 2016 · 1.4k
Indescribable Beauty
The pond is a mirror.
Of reflections.
On calm ripples.
Orange, green, blue.
With graceful, long-necked geese.
Floating above.
And feet gliding beneath.
Calm ripples.
Leaves dance down.
One by one.
And land on the surface
of the calm pond.
With calm ripples.
In brushstrokes of
orange, green, blue, black, brown.
The beauty of nature in autumn
sings a symphony of colour and beauty.
There is beauty in autumn's death.
There is indescribable beauty.
Which puts my soul at rest.

Sep 2016 · 266
There Is Beauty In This
Life is a mixture of light and dark.
Of death and life.
And there is beauty in this.
Can I find gratitude in this?

Can I be grateful for the dead places?
Like autumn leaves falling to the earth.
Into decay and death.
Holding in their earth's tomb
the promise of spring's new life?
Just as the parts of me that must die,
fall away to make way for new birth.
For new life.

Autumn leaves are dying and falling.
Falling and dying.
While roses still bloom new life next to them.
Death and life can coexist.
And there is beauty in this.

Can I be grateful for the dark places,
knowing that there is wisdom that only
the dark can teach?
Knowing that it is in the dark places
that the Light of Christ
becomes even more brilliant to me.
So that in the dark is where I truly
begin to see.
Yes, there is beauty in this.

Life is a mixture of light and dark.
Of death and life.
There is beauty in this.
And I can find gratitude.
Sep 2016 · 288
Autumn's Gifts
There is a chill in the air now.
That wasn't there before.
As summer draws to a close,
and signs of autumn appear.
The blossoms drop their petals,
in the colder temperatures.
The rabbit's coat begins to transform,
as white fur replaces brown.
The leaves on the trees are changing
to gold,
ever so slowly...
leaf by leaf.
As summer will soon be beyond our reach.
The morning sun sleeps in later,
and darkness comes earlier in September.
The autumn winds can be chilly,
but the trees arrayed with brilliant colour
are so very pretty.
I curl up now,
wrapped cozy in my blanket,
with a good book and a hot cup of tea.
And I thank the Lord that each season
has good gifts stored within it.
For you and me.
If we would but open our eyes to see.
Sep 2016 · 322
My emotions are a whirlwind.
A swirling mixture of
grief, anger, fear.
grief, anger, fear.
And only by feeling them.
Only by giving them to Him.
Will I ever get out.
Of this whirlwind.
Sep 2016 · 324
Better Latter Days
Just as Job in the Word,
could it be that once
the pain of loss is over...
Once the grief has been
poured out...
In a river of tears,
like an overflowing spout...
my latter days will be better than the former?

Once I have learned from this,
clung to Him,
and come out stronger...
could it be that the latter days of my life
will be happier than the first?

Yes, this is His plan for me.
From the God who loves me.
Full restoration of all that I've lost.
And realizing that in comparison
to knowing Him,
all else is loss.
Inspired by Job 42:12 and Phil. 3: 8-10, Holy Bible.
What more could He have done?
Than to give up His only Son.
To display the depths of His Love
to mother, daughter, father, son.
His Love.
For everyone.
His Love for those who do not seek Him.
His Love for those who wickedly,
deliberately turn against Him.
Time and time again.
For all of us, like sheep, do go astray.
From our Good Shepherd.
And we go our own way.
still He loves us.
Still, He pursues us.
Still, He refuses to be without us.
So He displayed His Love,
His Passion,
in the Highest form.
With the Greatest Sacrifice.
The world has ever known.
With the Sacrifice that grieved
His own heart.
To buy us back,
from Satan
and the Kingdom of the Dark.

What more could He have done?
Than to give up His only Son.
What more could He have done
to show how great is His Love for us,
each and every one?

What more could He have done?
Than to give up His only Son?
What more could He have done?
What more could He have done.
To LOVE us.
Inspired by Isaiah 53, Holy Bible.
Sep 2016 · 1.3k
Lord, I Give You This Day
Lord, I give You this day.
Help me to seek Your face,
and walk in Your ways.
Let me ever seek Your guidance,
in every step I take.
And to Your Presence,
let me be fully awake.

When guilt and regret
fill my heart with grief,
and when fears of the future
give me no relief,
Let me find You in the quiet moments.
And find rest of soul.
Remembering that only in You,
can I ever be whole.

Lord, I give You this day.
You are the Potter,
and I am the clay.
I give You myself.
I give You my will.
I give You my heart.
I give you...
my life.
Lord, I give You this day.
The lizard is alone.
The lizard is small,
looked down upon.
By some.
the lizard is unafraid.
The lizard leaves her comfort zone.
She leaves it all behind.
An enemy comes.
And removes her tail.
She does not struggle
to hold on to it.
She leaves it behind.
The lizard is...
Looked down upon.
But the lizard is unafraid.
She leaves her comfort zone.
And enters the King's palace.
To dwell in the Presence of the King.
She is small and wise,
and lives in the King's palace.

I am like the lizard.
Looked down upon.
By some.
I am afraid.
To leave my comfort zone.
I will,
I must,
leave it all behind.
I will leave the tail
of my past sins and regrets behind.
If that is what it takes.
If that is what it costs me.
To enter the King's palace.
And dwell in the Presence.
Of my King.
Inspired by Proverbs 30:28, Holy Bible
Sep 2016 · 509
The Next Chapter
This is not the end of my story.
It is merely the conclusion of many chapters.
It is the end of part one of an epic.
Which is my life.
The next chapter is not yet written.
The next part is yet blank.
I take God's hand.
As together...
we write...
my new beginning.
Aug 2016 · 1.1k
Freedom Is Calling
I see birds overhead.
Flying free.
Once again.
So many!
With white-tipped wings.
In the wind.
And I am reminded...
that God is setting me free.
From slavery.
I am flying free.
More every day.
And someday...
I will be free.
Aug 2016 · 451
A Lesson In Love
Many lovely birds
congregate on the grass.
So many birds!
Oh, how I love to gaze out my window,
at this birdwatcher's paradise!
Sparrows, chickadees, and nuthatches
peck the lawn.
And then a magpie, two northern flickers,
and a bunch of robins fly in to join them.
Each bird is beautiful and unique
in its own way.
Each created by God,
for us to enjoy.
Some are small, some are large.
Some are quiet, some are loud.
Some are colourful, while others are plain.
But all are His,
just the same.
And I love each and every one.

can I do the same with every person?
Will I love and accept them as beautiful
creations made by Him?
Or will I look down on some,
and favour others?
Will I despise the "magpie" people,
but love the "chickadees"?
I pray, Lord, teach me to love others
with Your love.
Teach me to love as You love.
For without love,
I am nothing. (1 Cor. 13)

My father.
The steadfast one.
Through life's storms.
He has endured much.
He has worked hard...
prayed hard...
shown strength and resilience
through whatever comes.

Steadfast in love.
Steadfast in commitment.
Steadfast in faith.
An example to me of integrity,
honesty, hard work,
and stability.
Steadfast and enduring.
Like an oak tree.

Dad, do you know I've always looked up to you?
My father.
The steadfast one.
For my Dad, on his 76th Birthday, August 25.  I love you, Dad.
Aug 2016 · 299
At Least I Have Loved
I would rather cry.
I would rather feel the pain
of a broken heart.
Than feel nothing at all.
For at least I know
that I have loved.
And it is far greater,
far better,
to have loved
and experience loss,
than never to have loved
at all.
Last line taken from a quote by Alfred Lord Tennyson. 
  I have realized in my present valley that every human relationship ultimately ends in loss, but my relationship with Christ is eternal and unending.  And nothing and no one can separate me from His Love. (Rom. 8:35-39)
Aug 2016 · 383
Lord, how can I come to You...
when I feel so ugly inside?
How can I draw near to Your Throne...
when I keep remembering my sins?
How do I dare approach You
in Your Holiness...
when I feel like such a mess?
Lord, how can I come to You?
When I fall so short of what I ought to be.
How can I---
" dear child.
You can come because it's all been covered.
By Me."
"He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west." (NLT Bible)
Birds sing sweetly
as darkness descends.
A dog barks in the distance,
talking to a friend.
A car engine revs loudly,
as folks are off to a  Summer party.
And then...
And then...
The sounds of a Summer evening grow still.
The moon comes out to glow.
Shining down on the silence.
Of night below.
I sit in the moonlight.
And enjoy the silence.
At rest in my soul.
Aug 2016 · 430
The Lion's Song
Afraid to speak.
Afraid to act.
Afraid sometimes to take a stand.
But then...
But then...
The Eternal One,
Mighty and Strong.
Takes hold of her hand.
And teaches her how to sing His song.
The Song of the Lion.
Phil 4:13 says: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." There was also a song in the late 80's by Pat Benatar called "The Lion's Song."  I've always liked it. :)
Aug 2016 · 776
Silently Cry The Birds
Silently cry the birds...

Take your eyes from your screens.
And notice me.
Watch the sky.
See beauty.
Look away from busyness.
Look away from technology.
Which holds you in chains every day.
From noticing beauty.
From seeing God's glory.
In creatures.
In creation.
Take your eyes from your screens.
From your obsession.
And notice me.
Notice beauty.
Look!  There are hundreds of us
flying overhead in the blue summer sky.
Don't you see us?
Will you just stop.
For a moment.
And look up.
To beauty.

Silently cry the birds...
Will we heed their cry,
or pass them by?
Will we wait until it's too late?

Silently cry the birds.
Earlier this week, when I was driving, and then when I arrived home on my street, the sky was full of birds!  I had never seen so many at one time. I hope others noticed besides me, in this age we live in where people are obsessed with their iPhones.  Recently, a nature park we have has been overrun by people playing games on their iPhones, and I wonder, do they even notice the nature around them?  To me, it's just sad.  My opinion, but I hope there are others out there who see my point. Take care.
Aug 2016 · 180
Sudden Storms
Warm, bright summer day.
Blue sky with barely a cloud.
How shall I spend it?
How shall I live in the moment?
All appears so clear and lovely.
On this warm, bright summer day.

Oh no!
What's this?
The dark clouds are rolling in so fast!
This was not in the weather man's forecast!
Such strong gusts!
Where has this storm come from?
All of a sudden?
I need to find shelter,
before I get pelted!
By the hail.
Which comes with this fierce gale.

Without warning.
From a warm, clear sunny day.
A storm has come my way.
Just like in my life.
Skies can be either sunny or grey.
I need to take shelter under God's wing.
Every day.
For I will never know when will come
the sudden storms.
So it is always wisest
to just stay
in His arms.
Aug 2016 · 2.4k
Walls Crumbling
Walls crumbling.
Eyes opening.
Ears listening.
Words healing.
Arms embracing.
Heart melting.
To love.
And let love in.
Aug 2016 · 478
Moments of Gifts
Every moment in time.
Is a gift from the Divine.
No matter how small each one may seem.
Each moment is filled with beauty.
If I will but stop long enough to see.
Each moment is a snapshot of His love for me.
And there is beauty to be found.
Even in the ugly.
Will I live in gratitude?
And hammer away negativity?
Can I but live in the moment,
and watch my fears flee?
Moments of gifts.
Can I look closely enough to see...
A robin singing in the trees.
A small child laughing with glee.
A raindrop glistening on a green leaf.
Even my laundry piled up in heaps.
tears of grief that soak my sheets.
Beauty in the ugly.
Bringing me closer to the Creator.
Of beauty.

Moments in time.
Slowing time's passage.
With gratitude.
For beauty in the now.
For every moment in time.
For moments of gifts.
Love gifts from the Divine.
Inspired by Ann Voskamp's book "One Thousand Gifts."
Aug 2016 · 971
When I Am Broken
When will I just stop running away from Love?
Running away from Him.
And just climb into His lap,
and be held in His arms.
When I am broken.
Aug 2016 · 1.7k
The Journey To Forgiveness
Alone she stands...
at the bottom of the mountain.
The beginning of her journey.
Her journey to forgiveness.
She looks at the steepness of the climb,
and wonders where is the strength she'll find.
Especially when her backpack is full of rocks...
The painful memories of emotional abuse and verbal attacks.
But, as difficult as this journey will be,
she knows she must take it,
in order to be free.
Then He whispers to her soul,
"Step by step, with Me,
this is the only way to climb
The Journey to Forgiveness."

She begins her journey,
one step at a time.
One foot before the other.
With the heavy burden upon her back,
which she knows she must surrender.
She makes stops along the way.
The memories surface.
Her wounds lay open and bare.
But she chooses to forgive.
To release them of the debt.
And empties some of the rocks
from her backpack.

She continues on.
The journey is tiresome,
and oh, so long.
She is tempted to give up.
Many times.
But He keeps reminding her of the prize.
Another stop.
More rocks dumped.
More forgiveness given.
And another stop.
And another.
Until finally...
her burden grows lighter.
As her soul unloads its bitterness.
She sees the top now.
Oh bliss!
She climbs faster now.
She empties out the last rock.
The biggest rock.
The largest offence.
The one that was hardest to forgive.
The one that bound her in chains.
She releases it now.
Into God's hands.
And hoists herself up to the top.

She stands now in victory!
The burden she has carried so long is empty!
She has completed her journey.
Her Journey to Forgiveness.
And is finally free.
Until tomorrow...
when begins another journey.
To forgiveness.
Inspired in part by a dear friend's writings.
Jul 2016 · 862
The Rope Of Hope

Held out to me
In the form of His Word.

The rope I grab on to
when I'm drowning.
In the sea
of my confusing thoughts
and turbulent emotions.

The rope I hang on to
for dear life.
Lest I despair
and sink into depression's mire.

This rope called hope
is my anchor
in the storms of life.
In the storms
When I cannot see clearly.

I grab on for dear life.
Oh Lord, may I never let go!
For You are the One
who holds my soul.
I thank You
that even if I do.
You will never let go
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