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Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2014
Our freedom will be the outcome of what we are fighting for
You may feel as if we are crawling on this blood stained floor
But we have just a few more steps to take before we can soar
So, stop the tunnel vision, stop this war,

’cause we also have what we believe in now
This imprisonment should end no matter what they allow
Our belief should stomp their efforts against us
We should not let them come between us

We should fight until our last breath
Maybe one day, we can stop
But only when we feel that we’ve done enough
But this should never end with our death
Maybe one day, when we feel that we’ve done enough
For this thought should consist of both hope and love

Hope for an ideal that can change a country
Love for a sense that can only bring unity
Awareness for the fact that we have a common enemy
Hate for the fact they rain upon us in vanity

Their actions have an aftereffect
Ones that not one person can mend
We need, now more than ever, to no longer JUST reflect
But to make this all come to an end

- E. A. F
Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2014
We’ve all lived in that dark dark place
Where no one ever came face to face
I saw everyone’s walls as they rebuilt
I searched for the answer to what we all felt

I felt myself fall and tumble
And watched as my own walls began to crumble
Yet I couldn’t help myself
‘Cause I wasn’t myself

And even though they said it gets better
Why did it feel like I was sleeping on a stretcher
Or the cold concrete floor of lives gutter
‘Cause I couldn’t find my way out of that clutter

Until I was pulled to side
And told it was no time to hide
It was time to stand up
And recognize we were all fed up

Fed up with society
Fed up with our anxiety
Fed up with their priorities
Fed up with most of humanity

So we smashed our walls to dust
We began to learn that the key was trust
Trust that we will never again go down that *****
Trust in one anothers hope

-E. A. F
even when you fall to your hands and knees, STAND UP, dust the dirt away and carry on!
Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2014
I need you far away from me
I want love as vibrant as can be
I need a shelter from the storm
I want a set of arms to keep me warm

Not yours,
No, not yours
I tried my best to please you
But you still shoot your words like bullets
Isn't that true

You shoot me in the heart
But that was only the start
You shoot my pride
You made me want to run and hide

You shoot me in the head
Just with the simple words you said
You shoot me to end it all
But never let me take that final fall

You mistreated me over and over
You abuse me time and again
Your words hit like a stone to glass
Yet your fists stayed quiet
like a student in class

You butcher me
You ended me
So emotionlessly

I took all the of the abuse
I let you hit me for the simplest of bad news
You hit me with your words
Yes you did !!

I would shout every once in a while
"Stop please, I don’t want to fight!"
And you’d just smile
You made me think there was light

But that’s when the belt left your waistline
That’s when you said I had to pay my outdated fine

My fee for standing up
My fee for even looking up
My fee for trying to be free
My fee for attempting to flee

So I felt the sting across my back
I felt the buckle that made contact
I felt the whips, as my soul left me
I felt myself take my last breath while he chocked me.

- E. A. F
The Colour Purple... breaks my heart every time i watch/read it...
Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2014
I want my mirror to steam up
I want my heart to shut the hell up
I want these tears to go to hell
All I want is for you go there as well

See if my mirror steamed up
I wouldn’t see the reflection that’s so ****** up
But If my heart doesn’t stop aching
I think I may end up faking

Faking the smiles and laughs
Pretending I’ve put up glass
Instead of this 10 foot brick wall
So no1 can see my pain at all

I know that I may be more
More than a friend to you
But I feel like you’d kick me to the floor
If she ever came running back to you

So I love you
And I know you love her
so guess I’m just another you
Hoping for a miracle to occur,
Falling in love with someone who won’t love me 2

And I may be mad
I may say you should go to hell
But its ’cause you drive me mad
You make my pain disappear into a well

I don’t know how to deal with this
’cause all it took for me was one simple kiss.
although, even before that night
You fulled my darkness with light.

So I love you
And I know you love her
so guess I’m just another you,
Hoping for a miracle to occur,
Falling in love with someone who won’t love me 2

- E. A. F
heart broken tears cascaded upon these words
Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2014
No distrust my friend,
But I’ve been to the other end.
Where we are unable to breath,
Where we’re seen as just part of a weave.

A thread instead of a person,
A metaphor taken literally,
Only to have our lives worsen,
And no, I’m not talking figuratively.

I’m talking with all my honesty,
’cause they may say that we should be grateful,
But for me to live by my life policy
I will not be regretful.

So I will stand up and scream.
I will speak my thoughts.
I will let freedom and revolt be my life’s new theme,
And I will rewrite these unfair plots

I won’t let you control me,
Because what am I if not free?

- E.A.F
Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2014
I gave your heart away just the other day
I didn’t want you to stay
It felt wrong, yet right
’cause I didn’t want to end your light

You fought with all your might
You thought you’d win this fight
But I said to you baby
You can’t save me

You always thought I was one in a few
And that may have been true
But I’m no light, I’m a darkness, one of a kind
Something that should be left behind

Like these thoughts, so undefined
The ones that make me want to rewind
Back to when I let you slip away
Back to that imperfect day.

- E.A.F
Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2014
We live in a world of consequences
Where freedom and safety are kept in fences
In this world everyone seeks one in the same
But they treat our future like it’s a game

But I don’t want to play ball
I want to fight for it all
I want freedom, fraternity and equality
But not for my generation alone, for an eternity

You see, foreigners may see the buzzing bee’s and the singing sparrows
But we live in the cruelty of the shadows
Where ****, ****** and poverty prevail
Where justice only seems to fail.

But I don’t want to play ball no more
I want to fight for it all
I want safety, choice and an education
Not only for me, but the entire nation

We may not all live to see my vision
But I know that’s never our decision
This just provides an easier choice to make
‘Cause I can’t sit around, I’ll break.
For while I have opportunity,
The rest of my people, my community
Are out there suffering an unjust cruelty

I wont play
I will fight today
They may see me as young, naive and inferior
But all I’ve got to reply is I’ll defeat ya

So stand up and fight with me
‘Cause what would our future be
if we let this be the reason to our defeat
And the unbecoming greet
To our own dooms day
‘Cause if we leave it, it won’t go away.

- E. A. F
i fail to conform, do you?
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