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Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2014
I find myself sitting here
Wondering what’s over there
And the only answer is nothing
When it should be something.

Because I’ve seen lives handed out,
And some being thrown out.
Yet we just sit by waiting for the next one…
Not sure if they’ve lost or won.

’cause to be freed from here,
We know, could be the only cure
A cure to the disease we’ve spread
Its the only thing our planet has been fed

Pollution, greed, destruction and more.
Its plenty more than what we hoped for.
We hoped to recreate this world
But our intentions have be swirled

We fought for our lives
Yet we destroy what is left to revive
We fought for our humanity
Yet we destroy it in pointless vanity

We’ve walked through the moments
But I refuse to ignore these events
Not sensing the countless mishaps
I keep thinking

Perhaps someone will hear this truth
Not take it as a lie but as proof
That we need to change our ways
If not soon, then we’ll say good bye to our yesterdays

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. Its not.”

- E.A.F
we need to start caring
Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2014
Last breaths taken away from them
The end to a journey of knowledge
The final stitching to a dresses hem
The first step to the worlds edge

Clouds are fewer
Rains are fonder
Pastors are newer
And yet I begin to wander

Beep-beep beep-beep
A light flashes repeatedly
Annoying me out of my sleep
I get up eventually

My head aches for silence
It pounds for caffeine
My body readies to balance
As my feet hit the ground in routine

I stretch and close my eyes
Whipping away these flakes of sand
As my head screams out, its cries
My legs refuse to listen to my command

One by one they move forward
They begin to trudge lazily
My mind thinking backward
Thinking about the times that were so giddy

- E.A.F
Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2014
Can sorry be said in a thousand ways?
Can it be accepted in years and days?
Can it be the lullaby I sing to you
Or do you think that this isn’t true?

I know that many have their views
And that what we do shouldn’t be apart of their daily news
But what if I want the world to understand
That I want to put a silver ring on your left hand?

What if I’m over trying to hide who I am?
That if life’s a game, it sure as hell feels like an exam
One where we are told what’s wrong and right
Where we aren’t allowed to chose between dark or light

Because society has moulded us into puppets
Ones that have been hit by one too many bullets
Even so, I guess what we feel has always been a mask
Whether we had the choice to be apart of their task

I think that if one of us ever asked out in worry
I think they’d only reply sorry
But I’m done being moulded into their toy
Its about time that I start fighting for my own joy

- E.A.F
time  to stand for what makes you happy
Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2014
We use to sit and talk every once in a while,
We had moments that consisted of only a smile.
A few secrets were lifted
And feelings seemed to have drifted,

But I still found myself counting stars,
Searching for your favorite cars.
Believing we had it all,
Even knowing we were about to fall.

I knew I was boarding a sinking ship,
But I hoped that was just a false tip.
A jealous remark from an old lover,
Something to separate me from another.

Yet your words still roam my mind,
Thinking how did I ever get this blind?
You knew from the start right?
You knew I wouldn’t be the one to end this fight.

So you sat me down and explained
That you didn’t want to be claimed.
You didn’t want to have to fake.
You didn’t want to cause my heart break.

I watched all your pauses,
I heard you repeat all the causes.
I hoped that it was all a bad dream,
But I guess that’s too main-stream

Because I looked you in the eyes.
I saw no trust, no love, just lies.
I didn’t see the person that I thought I knew
And that’s when I recognized the fake within you…

- E.A.F
to the heartbroken
Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2014
Every second, every day
I wish you never went away
Its been more than a year
Since I saw you near

But my mind still remembers you
It goes back and forth wondering
What if this wasn’t true
What if this was just a way of smothering

A cruel torture added to my life
A pain not caused by any knife
Something to make me doubt
And wonder what they talk about

Maybe its about you and I
How I kept trying to say goodbye

But then I’d be alone
Like someone without a home
Like an inventor in the stone age
Like a rock star without a stage

I’d be alone
With nothing willing me to atone

However, There are no hidden clues
There’s nothing for the hound to sniff
Realities alarm clock seems to have no snooze
And there is no “What if”

But the torture is far too true
Its something many have grown to know
Its the mourning of someone you once knew
A feeling of absolute woe

We have all experienced the lose of love
Whether its from the heart or above

- E. A. F
Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2014
Shattered glass spread across her face,
Her screams reached out with no such grace.
Her hands touched the clothes she wore,
She hoped she wouldn’t have to feel too much more.

Her screams became numb as she did.
Her hands clung to her arms as she hid,
Her fear keeping her nervous and quiet
And that’s when she felt it.

A nudge from nowhere sent her out into the open in a rush.
Her voice barely audible as she was told to hush.
Her mouth blocked by a hand she could no longer see
Her heart begged for him to hear her plea

She moved his hand away and begged in whimper,
“I see no way to make this simpler.
Just be done with me now,
I’m tired of thinking about when and how.
If you’re going to end me,
Then it let it be.”

Surprised captured her as her body was left
She gasped and savoured her last breath
But seconds passed and she turned and froze
For, she saw a man she alone knows.

- E. A. F
know that there is always light, even in the darkest places
Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2014
The day that had me fixed to the ground
The day that made me wake up and look around
The day I felt the true meaning of woe
The day I was forced to watch you go

This day is one engraved forever in my memory
A day that sneaks into my dreams so easily
The unique moment in my life that made me realise
That life is full of both truths and lies

That even when sorrowful death is seen
it doesn’t mean that the living always believed
The fact that I was a child, only fifteen
Created my desperate need to be relieved

I wanted the pain to go away
I Didn’t want you to be gone yet another day
I wanted your cold skin to be warm yet again
I wanted to escape to way back when

Back when I could hear your laughter echo through the mall
Back when the last time I saw you wasn’t in a picture on the wall
Back when I didn’t have to cry about you to the unearthly heavens
Back when you didn’t live among the haloed legends

But back to the now we live in
Back to how this could only be the beginning
For with the breaths were blessed with today
And we shouldn’t let these memories fade away

We should learn to stand together hand in hand
In remembrance of those who left unplanned
And learn to preach life’s wonder and glory
’cause I don’t know about you, but that’s how I’d like them to tell my story

- E.A.F
To those who have lost loved ones...
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