I never thought
I'd appreciate home so much...
The last time I was home
I was packing up for res
and had long hair
and life was normal.
The saddest,
most dramatic thing that happened
thus far was a stupid heartbreak
and I thought the was
the end of the world.
Then I got back to res
and I felt strange
My diagnosis happenened
and life changed completely
after a man
uttered three words into my life
that changed my life
into a series of
hurdles and challenges
and life completely changed
Nothing was normal anymore
Life's focus completely changes
and home is
a far, distant concept
unknown to you.
Home became a bubble
Home becomes a hospital room
I never knew
I missed my own bedroom so much
God, you never appreciate something until it's gone
do you?
You don't appreciate anything
until you hear
"you have cancer"
and your greatest fears come to life
You see your parents beg to God you'll live
You don't want to see them
because you don't want
reality to hit you
Then, you get home
and you have to
come out of this daze
This is real
This is happening
Cancer is so real
and in your face
You can't avoid it anymore
This happened
and you can't stay
in this little positive bubble
for too much longer
The bubble has burst
and reality has hit you
right in the face.
This happened.
But, you're surviving.