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17.8k · Aug 2013
Elizabeth Ann Aug 2013
Goodnight I say
Goodnight, Goodnight
Goodnight I whisper
As I turn off the light
Goodnight to the moon,
The stars, the sun
Goodnight to my family
And that special someone
Goodnight to the books
That cover the shelves
Goodnight to the lovers
Who hate themselves
Goodnight to the people,
The friends of my past,
Goodnight to the present
And the future at last
Goodnight to the children
Who sleep one last time
And goodnight to the parents
Who whisper them rhymes
Goodnight to this world
And the people within
And I whisper goodnight
As I sleep with its sin
16.1k · Oct 2013
Innocence: A Question
Elizabeth Ann Oct 2013
Innocence isn't just a
State of Mind
Lack of Knowledge
Innocence is more
So much more
Than I ever believed it was
Or could be

I grew up
Maybe a little too fast
And all at once
And where I once was
My mind grew
And expanded
And now I know
Of many many things
I wish I didn't
And no longer am I
But I lack the
State of Mind
Lack of Knowledge
That I yearn to have once again
But will never have again
Because once Innocence is lost
It cannot be found
And you are forced
To sit
And see
And observe
The innocence around you
And mourn over
Your very own
Long long
3.8k · Sep 2013
The Pickle Poem
Elizabeth Ann Sep 2013
Pickles for one
Pickles for two
Pickles for some
Pickles for few
Pickles for smiles
Pickles for laughs
Pickles in wholes
Pickles in halves
Pickles for Henry
Pickles for Sue
Pickles for everyone
Pickles for you
3.8k · Feb 2013
If Friends Were Flowers
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
If friends were flowers, I'd pick you.

I would gently pluck you from
The softest of soil.

I would bring you inside and place you
in a vase of glass that best
compliments your petals.

I would place you on the windowsill
So that you could soak up the sun
And watch life as it passes.

And people who pass by and look at you
With their eyes of envy will see
And they will know that this
Beautiful flower belongs to
A very lucky me.

And how lucky I am indeed
To have a flower as a friend.
For my dearest friend, Olivia
3.2k · Nov 2013
Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
I look at my teachers
Who stand in the very front
Of every single class
And teach me how to be
How to grow and learn
And be well rounded

I think of everything they know
All which they have learned
From textbooks
And from life
All of which they share
And that of which they don't

I think of their kindness
Sometimes their hatred
How they smile and joke
Or judge and yell
Why they are who they are
And how they came to be

I think about their days
Every day is spent
Within four walls
With hundreds of teens
Who hardly give a ****
And how they get through it

I think about their thoughts
The knowledge they hold
And if what they're teaching us
Is what really needs to be taught
And if what they have to say
Is really what they need to say

I look at them all
And I wonder
What they could teach
What I could learn
From each and every one of them
If the time and place and opportunity
Were given to us

And it makes me sad
To think that
All of my teachers
And my professors
Are all going to die before me
And I'll never know
I'll never learn
I'll never grow
From what they know
But never told

Because they only talked about
Synonyms or the quadratic equation
Or all the periodic elements
And they never talked about
What is most important in life
So we never know the important things like
And pain
And having your heart broken
And crying for all the right reasons
And why we are the way we are
And how to get where we're going
And having dreams
And participating in life
And telling people that you love them
And understanding death
And understanding life
And how to save lives
And to be open and vulnerable
And knowing that everything is going to be okay
Even if it's not
Because that's what truly matters on life

It makes me sad to think
That people go through life
Without ever knowing
All of the important things about life
Because no one ever told them
And they never experienced them

So what are we doing?
Why do we go to school
To learn about things that matter
But don't really matter
In the end?
Because in the end,
You don't think about
Synonyms or the quadratic equation
Or all the periodic elements
You think about your life
And the the people,
Even the teachers
Who got you through it
And made that difference

You think about those few
Oh, so few
Teachers who taught you
The important things
About life
And how that
Made all the difference
2.6k · Nov 2013
Breathing Underwater
Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
High school is like
Trying to breath underwater

At first you hold your breath
Thinking that you can make it through
But then your lungs begin to burn
And your body starts to ache
So you let out some air
Just to try and
Feel a little better
And before long
You're completely out
And your head is throbbing
And your chest is spasming
And every nerve in your body is screaming
B . R . E . A . T . H .
But you know better
So you shout back
And you swim up
With the last of your energy
With the promise of pure air at the end
But instead
You come across thick glass
And you can see
The sun in the sky
But cannot touch it
The wind in the air
But cannot taste it
The freedom in the sky
But cannot believe it
Because you are pounding on the glass
And at last you gasp
And water pours in to your unsuspecting lungs
And all you're left with is the unbelievable disappointment
For you had the promise of sunshine
Laughing on your face
And the summer breeze
Dancing in your fingers
But you are stuck
Behind that glass wall
Because you are trying
Oh, so hard to
Breath underwater
2.1k · Feb 2013
Where Have You Gone?
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
Where have you gone, lover of mine?
Where have you been, this unending time?

Have you gone on a train, to a place far away,
Where the mountains sing and the sycamores sway?
Have you taken a boat to an island alone,
Where you sit and you think as you toss a cool stone?
Have you leaped on a plane to see new skies,
Where you watch shining stars with tired, worn eyes?
Have you just walked along roads with rotting old signs,
Where the locals count up your hard liquor fines?

Have you met someone new, sweet, and bright,
Who listens to your stories until late at night?
Have you made a friend that lends a hand,
Who will be by your side in the dirt and sand?
Have you whispered in the ear of a young, new girl,
Who holds your hand and wears soft curls?
Have you remembered your love that waits back at home,
Who cries silent tears, tired and alone?

Have you looked to the sky, the clouds and sun,
When you can't quite remember where you're from?
Have you listened to the sounds calling your soul,
When there in your ears is a gentle, calm lull?
Have you felt the pull of the waves in the sea,
When you stop for a moment and think about me?
Have you come home, if for a second, to look,
When you feel the urge to finish this old story book?

Have you thought of my love, spanning across seas,
What it does to my heart to know you left me?
Have you pondered our stars, our memories within,
What we did when we were close, alone with our sin?
Have you remembered the days of smiles and hands,
What you wrote in those letters that traveled vast lands?
Have you forgotten those moments of tears and sorrow,
What we thought was a time when there was no tomorrow?

So I ask you once more, although you've gone far away,
This question, now old, in my mind will stay,

Where have you gone, lover of mine?
Where have you been, this unending time?
1.9k · May 2014
2nd Battle of Ypres
Elizabeth Ann May 2014
Memories of orange afternoon sun
Burning gold rays into mist
Such a sight of beauty beheld
Guns and bombs are hardly missed

There is such a gas that burns the lungs
My ears heard months before
But my body believed not in such hate
Before the burns of war

The roar of engines soared from above
A cry of warning before the storm
I had hardly a moment to breathe
The walls of my trench move, deform

Never before has my imagination torn
The edges of evils like these
And never before could I imagine death
Be carried on such a breeze

The moment I saw the hazy air
I jumped to my feet in shock
And out I surged from my home of mud
Choking, I could not walk

A man knows not panic
Until he cannot breathe
As a man cannot know war
Until bullets he lays underneath

To this day I remain unsure
If it was tears of poison or pain I wept
But I laid and watched my men retreat
In the moments before I slept

Memories of orange afternoon sun
Burning gold rays into mist
Such a sight of beauty beheld
Guns and bombs are hardly missed
The first battle of WWI where the Germans used poison gas successfully in mass against the French. Chlorine gas had been used unsuccessfully once three months prior. This poem is written from a French soldier's point of view.
1.8k · Sep 2013
Elizabeth Ann Sep 2013
One foot
Two foot
Right Foot
Fast foot
All the time
I'm running
Running to you
Away from another
Running to pain
And away from horror
Running through hearts
And minds and souls
Running across tongues
Of liars and mockers
Running to hands
And away from arms
Running to clouds
Buried in the ground
Running to run
So I don't have to walk
Running to run
I can no longer walk
I just keep
With nowhere
To go
1.6k · Feb 2013
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
"Unlovable" is harsh,
But love is scarce,
When you live in this world of mine

People judge your hope,
But you can only cope,
Because it started from the beginning of time

They see what they hate,
And peace is too late,
For it begins another war

Humans beg and cry,
And on the streets they die,
And yet, we ask for more

We tend to be sick and wrong,
But in our minds we stand strong,
Alone against the world

Because of our hate,
And of the lives we take,
We wouldn't feel love if we could

So around and 'round,
We're beat to the ground,
In this circle of blood and gore

By our familys and friends,
And anyone with hands,
Until we shout, "No more"

We're pushed to the limit
Until we take the ticket
For a train to get out of town

But the only place to go,
And of this we know,
Is to be those six feet down
1.6k · Apr 2013
Countdown to Elimination
Elizabeth Ann Apr 2013
10 Years of Discretion
9 Months of Persecution
8 Semesters of Imitation
7 Weeks of Affliction
6 Days of Temptation
5 Hours of drug Consumption
4 Minutes of thought Malfunction
3 Moments of Desperation
2 Seconds until Eradication
1 Life of Lacrimation
1.5k · Feb 2013
Empty Hallways
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
Empty Hallways
Empty Doors
Empty Desks
Empty Floors
Empty Chairs
Empty Books
Empty Words
Empty Looks
Empty Teachers
Empty Kids
All This Empty
I Will Miss
For the emptiness of school
1.4k · Jun 2013
One-Sided Conversations
Elizabeth Ann Jun 2013
One, Two

How do you do?

Three, Four

Come through the door.

Five, Six

Come and sit.

Seven, Eight

You've come so late!

Nine, Ten

What is it then?

Ten, Nine

I hope you're fine.

Eight, Seven

Oh, bless my heavens!

Six, Five

I almost died!

Four, Three

I'll leave you be.

Two, One

Goodbye, son!
Or "Talking to Mother"
1.4k · Sep 2013
Elizabeth Ann
Elizabeth Ann Sep 2013
Good morning Elizabeth,
Elizabeth two
Hello, hello
How do you do
Elizabeth Ann
You've grown quite tall
You used to be
Oh, so so small
Just a name
Upon a screen
Just a poem
Rarely seen
But now you're a girl
With a lovely name
With pain in your chest
But love just the same
You're a girl with words
That speak of life
A girl with words
Sharp as a knife
Elizabeth Ann,
Elizabeth two
You used to be me
But now you're a you
1.3k · Feb 2013
Of Sugar-Coated Dreams
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
To touch these dreams
Of broken seams
Unwind a harmful truth
That day after day
I dig deeper my grave
That holds me as a youth

I am scared to say
That in my bed as I lay
Pondering of days not to be
I often come accross
A thought once lost
But now urgent to stay next to me

But where do you turn
When you wish not to learn
How to become a better you
Because the cuts feel good
They make you free like a bird
But freedom is gone too soon

I don't want to be touched
And I won't speak as much
If I'm mad and raging with fear
But your gentle sigh
Of a sweet lulleby
Is something that I hold dear

My arms beg for embrace
As along my cheeks your hands trace
To touch these tears of shard
And you reach past my chest
In hopes of the best
To find a racing heart

But now you can see
There's nothing in me
But a heart that whispers death
So in this grave I will lie
Until that day that I die
And of me - - nothing be left
1.2k · Jan 2014
New Years Kiss
Elizabeth Ann Jan 2014
A new years kiss
Is cheesy, it's true
But I must admit
I'm glad it was you
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
This girl was magic, something special,
My only love in the world
She danced with flowers and sang with  the wind
And traveled across lands like a bird

Her smile was moonlight cast across lakes
And her eyes shone like the seas
Her cheeks were velvet and softer than sand
And her skin was as pure as could be

Her voice as peaceful as the silence of night
And her spirit shone like the day
She braided starlight into her hair
And the strands by her ears would sway

But my love to be is my love no more
She is cast across the skies
I speak to her most every day
A never ending goodbye
1.2k · Nov 2013
A Good Man Has Rules
Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
A man is a Good Man
Because he has himself some rules
Rules to follow
Rules to watch
He has so many rules

I have rules for myself
Rules for love and war
I keep them close
I keep them safe
Locked behind a door

But now of recent
I have my worries
For I watch them
But ignore them
And forget them in a hurry

I have my fear
I am a Good Man no more
For I have broken
And long forgotten
My rules of love and war
1.1k · Nov 2013
Hello, Mr. Stranger
Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
Hello Mr. Stranger
I think I'm in love...

With that smile
Those freckles
That look in your eyes
You're happy
You're cute
And you look good in ties
You're a faraway stranger
We've never talked once
But when you walk by
My heart skips a bounce
My cheeks turn to blush
When I think of your name
I know you not at all
But like you just the same...

Oh, Mr. Stranger,
I swear I'm no liar
It's only your voice
And your hand I desire
Kaity, if you read this, I'm so sorry. Haha!
1.1k · Feb 2013
Whispers Lost In Wind
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
She was a girl so young and sweet
And eyes that sparkled blue
Who whispered her wish into the wind,
Her love to find her soon

She wrote him letters
Late in the night
With questions of who?
When? and just what might?

She sealed each letter with a kiss
And was sure to put the date
She prayed to God far up above
That her love won't make her wait

She lived each day with a settle hope,
And slept each night with a yearning dream
Her muscles ached to feel his touch,
Her heart bursting at its seems

So in love with a boy
This girl has never met
She whispers to him through the wind
Her heart on him is set
For Olivia, the girl who waits
1.1k · Feb 2013
Dreams are Flowers
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
A dream is a flower,
A dream is a seed
A dream gives you hope,
But a dream has its needs

So you plant it with love
And sprinkle with sweat
You tell it to grow,
Just a little more left

You jump with joy
At a wonder so new,
From a seed to a bud
To a flower in bloom

Take a look around the garden,
Take in the sad sight
You worked hard for your flower,
But others, not quite

Their seed lays cold,
Asleep on the ground
They listen for a heartbeat,
Or any sort of sound

For a dream to become
You must work, use your head,
For a dream that is left,
Becomes a dream that is dead
1.1k · Jun 2013
The Book
Elizabeth Ann Jun 2013
"Listen to the Book!" they say,
"Listen to the Book!
It tells you all the answers,
So go and have a look!"

So I went to see the Book,
The mystic creature of old
And all I found was dust and stone
And pages lying cold

I asked the book a question then
Its only answer silence
I looked for the switch to turn it on
In hopes to find some guidance

"How will I live,
How will I die?
Will I be rich,
Or poor and high?"

"How many things
Will I get this year?
How many women
Will I buy a beer?"

"Will I have kids,
or several wives?
Will I live a long
And happy life?"

The Book just sat
Speechless then
It had no answers
I lost my grin

"This thing is stupid"
I thought aloud,
"It has no answers!
That man was a clown."

I walked away from the Book that day
The book of knowledge and thoughts
I walked with anger at this silly Book
But my imagination it had caught

I wondered about that Book
And the answers it had kept
I could think of nothing else,
My curiosity it had swept

When I was old and humble
My mind still filled with Book
I decided one more time
To go and have a look

I approached it slowly,
This time unsure
It seemed different this time,
Its knowledge did lure

I peeked around
Its rotting bind
In hopes it bring me
A peaceful mind

But all I saw were words and words
Words on pages, not there before!

But weren't they there?
So long ago?
Did I even look?
Was I ignorant so?

I read through the pages,
All slowly, but at once!
It was glorious and terrible,
How could I have been so dunce?

I found them all,
All the answers I need!
Not to the questions before,
But to the questions I need!

I must go, and tell a young soul
This is glorious and awesome,
They all must know!

"Listen to the Book!" I say,
"Listen to the Book!
It tells you all the answers,
So go and have a look!"
1.0k · Aug 2013
A Happy Birthday Indeed
Elizabeth Ann Aug 2013
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
To Me
One Year Older
Another Day Colder
Happy Birthday
To Me
998 · Apr 2014
Elizabeth Ann Apr 2014
Ambien is a drug
A pill which makes you sleep
And all I can say
Is that it's very reassuring
That I will sleep tonight
Even if it means
That I cannot dream
Because who needs night dreams
When you have day thoughts
Like mine
995 · Feb 2013
The Path Untaken
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
I trudge my sled on through the snow,
I pull it another mile
This journey takes a day and forever,
I'm only just a child

I began this long ago,
But the end is nowhere near
So much hope I've come across,
But not as much as fear

I come to find a crossroad,
Not the only one today,
The roads stretch for miles on,
And on the pavement my choices lay

I know once I choose,
There is no going back
And good judgment, God help,
Is something that I lack

So I throw the dice,
And hope for the best
And leave it to the Devil
To decide the rest

So, on I go,
Down this new road
And on my back,
A brand new load

Of hopes and worries
And things to desire
Of haters and lovers
And a world full of liars

But I can't help but wonder
About the path untaken
If it's forever gone,
And then my thoughts awaken

If I had taken that road
That is so long gone
Could it have taken me
To a beautiful dawn

Or would it lead me
To a forest of thorns
With great, tall beasts
With blood-soaked horns

Or maybe to a place
That's never been found
A place without color,
A place without sound

I suppose I'll never know
Where that barren path led
So I'll keep along this one,
To the horizon, I'll tread

Until I come across a ditch,
Or another fork in the path
I know this journey is long
And I won't get out unscathed
981 · Nov 2013
When I Wear This Dress
Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
I have a confession,
But more of an obsession;
I don't wear this dress
Just to impress.

Yes, I like to dance
And sing and prance
But I feel most happiest
When you're most sappiest

And we can be crazy
Although we're lazy
And I don't feel like a mess
With you and this dress
Not my best, I must admit. But it's what I wanted to write.
941 · Aug 2013
Truth in Silence
Elizabeth Ann Aug 2013
Hush now, listen,
Do you hear that sound?
It's the sound of weeping people
But it isn't very loud

Our world is full of noise,
Technology, laughter, anger
Music booming in our ears
Politics that scream of danger!
But if you listen very close
Listen past the disturbance
You'll find the noise is all a fake
The truth is found in silence

The truth of people wandering like ghosts
Lost in this world of conformity
As they cry out for a hand to touch
Only finding our world of deformity
933 · Sep 2013
I Want to Save the World
Elizabeth Ann Sep 2013
I want to hold the world
Just a marble in my hand
I want to save the world
If you let me then I can

I'll put it in my pocket
The one that's by my heart
I'll put it in a locket
So it won't break apart

I'll hold it close and dear
In hopes that it won't shatter
I'll always keep it near
So war and hate won't matter

They won't destroy my world
The one which I have saved
For nothing in my world
Will ever need be saved
921 · Apr 2013
You Scare Me
Elizabeth Ann Apr 2013
You look with those cold cold eyes
Deep into my soul of black
Black hair
Black eyes
Black nails
Nails that blead from teeth
Teeth that bite the hand
Your hand that touches me until I'm
                                   ­   Sad
And very, very alone in a coldness that spreads
Spreads like my hair
As I drown in this abyss of fear
Fear of death
Fear of life
Fear of emptiness
Fear of me
Fear of you



900 · Nov 2013
I'm Watching You Closely
Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
You wanted me
But now you have her
I'm only concerned
Because you flirt
With every girl

I broke your heart
Three times before
But if you break hers
Or take her innocence
You'll be dead by four

So *******.
847 · Mar 2014
A Summer Poem
Elizabeth Ann Mar 2014
I miss you old friend
Where have you gone?
The sun has come out
And brought the breeze with it along
I giggle in my yellow dress
The bugs tickle on my skin
It's time to play outside
With our trees and river again
We can go sit on the steps
Or play pirates on the swing
Pick flowers in the garden
At least the flowers left by spring
And if it starts to rain
I will laugh at your wet hair
You'll laugh at the mud on my face
And I'll laugh too, I just don't care
Because we are best friends
Who play with the sun
And at night we talk to the moon
With him we become one
But now summer begins
And I turn with a frown
Because your tan fingers
Are nowhere to be found
And I can't help but wonder
As the chrysanthemums yawn
Where my freckled summer friend
Could possibly have gone
A summer poem.
Because the sun is waking up.
830 · Nov 2013
Angels Walk on Clouds
Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
What if angels walked on clouds
They skipped and hopped and
Laughed out loud

What if those angels sang us songs
Whispers of wind and
Rhymes of wrongs

What if those angels looked above
And saw not clouds
Buts mountains and doves

What if those angels fell to the ground
Lost their wings and
In humanity drowned

What if those angels walk with you now
Holding your heart and
Your hand with a vow

What if those angels never did know
Of the hurt and the troubles
In the oceans below

What if those angels forgot to look
For you're slowly dying
Immersed in a book

What if those angels no longer care
For they no longer watch
You bleed and swear

What if angels walked on clouds
They sit and think
Their thoughts too loud
828 · Jul 2013
Some Days I Am the Ocean
Elizabeth Ann Jul 2013
Some Days
I am the Storm
I am Angry
Loud and Raging

Some Days
I am the Ocean
I am Free
Dancing and Flexible

Some Days
I am the Shore
I am Calm
Sitting and Resting

Some Days
I am the Starfish
I am lonely
Alone and Dying
Inspired by the Starfish Poem
806 · Jul 2013
Why You Don't Feel Loved
Elizabeth Ann Jul 2013
Stress in my eyes
Stress in my head
Stress in my hands
Stress in my chest

You do not know the stress you bring
When you text me a text
Or ring me a ring

You don't understand the stress you carry
When you look at me
And say, "Don't worry."

When the pain in your life transfers to mine
The love in my heart
Is stretched and confined

I love you much, I love you so,
But the stress in my chest
Stops the love from its flow
For she who has stopped feeling my love, the love I want to give so badly, and doesn't understand why.
762 · Apr 2014
Some Days
Elizabeth Ann Apr 2014
Some days
I am the cactus
On the windowsill
Sitting stiff
Ready for a fight
But all that I really want
Is some sunshine
And a friend
To share my day with
A poem for Prickly Pete.
752 · Sep 2013
Today I Sat
Elizabeth Ann Sep 2013
Today I sat
All by myself
By the wall
A book on a shelf
I sat and pondered
About many a things
I sat and wondered
Of trees and things
I sat and watched
The faces of you
I sat and looked
At your scribbles of Q's
I sat and listened
To gossip and chatter
I sat and heard
Why it didn't matter
I sat and tasted
Bitter bitter words
I sat and mumbled
Phrases absurd
I thought and sat
Down on the floor
Why don't I sit
Just a little bit more?
Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
And then she realized
With a sudden burst of longing
That she only wanted to be
Somebody's girl
Listening to
"Come To Me"
-The Goo Goo Dolls
739 · Feb 2013
He Wished Not to Stay
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
There once was a child, lonely and scared
Who knew not how to talk, so his sharp teeth he bared
He played by himself, alone by the fence
He day-dreamed in class, not much made sense
He would punish himself for being this way
He wanted to die, he wished not to stay

There once was a boy, outcast and alone
He didn't say much, mostly just groan
He wouldn't look into those judgmental eyes
He just slept in class, passing time with sighs
He would punish his wrists for being this way
He wanted to die, he wished not to stay

There once was a man, who knew not a friend
He never spoke kind in letters he'd send
He worked by himself, alone by the wall
He sat there and stared waiting for calls
He would punish his liver for being this way
He wanted to die, he wished not to stay

There once was a man, old and grey
He never said a word, he had nothing to say
So he sat in a chair, away from the fire
He did nothing at all, his eyes too tired
He would punish his mind for being this way
He wanted to die, he wished not to stay

So on a night that he laid in bed
He passed away, not a tear was shed
739 · Apr 2014
Promise Me
Elizabeth Ann Apr 2014
Promise me
That you will not
Make empty promises
Without meaning
Or sincerity
I don't know
If I can handle
Broken heart
732 · Jan 2014
I Say, "No".
Elizabeth Ann Jan 2014
Weak before,
I stood naked, shaking
Before you
But now I say NO

To your lies

To their eyes

To the people
Who say the bullet should fly

To hate

To my weight

To the anger
Which lies behind this gate

To the dread

I'm not mislead

To the voices
Inside of my head

Because I am tired
Of your ****
And being told
Just how to be
And so I shout NO
With my fist in the air
Because no longer,
I just don't care
Because I'm going to be me now
And I'll leave you all just standing
Alone with your
Thoughts in your
702 · Apr 2013
I Am...
Elizabeth Ann Apr 2013
A flower so pretty stands so tall
It grows and grows arms up the wall

A rock so hard, no windows, no door
A perfect home for one -- no more

A tender snail, so calm, so slow
Knows much too much than a snail should know

A ***** quilt upon a bed
warms and calms who lays his head

A single tear from a cloud above
Who has not been shown enough sweet love

A tree in the woods, hidden away
Grows alone in a crowd, the wind it obeys

An old man in a chair in a big, empty house
Remembers, in silence, his long gone spouse

A flower whose arms strangle a rock,
A small knowing snail who forgets you not,
A quilt wet with tears dreams of stars and sun,
A tree with a dream to sing and run,

All of these things, I am like them all
Even the man who seems very small
700 · Apr 2014
Empty Eyes
Elizabeth Ann Apr 2014
"Your eyes look empty"
I thought to myself

I know the look well
I've worn it myself
699 · Jul 2013
Best Friend
Elizabeth Ann Jul 2013
You and me
Different as can be
We sit together here
Thinking of things
Like old, rusty swings
And memories
That shed happy tears
675 · Aug 2013
Little Girl Meets the World
Elizabeth Ann Aug 2013
There once was a girl
Who knew not a soul
Who lied or cursed
Or drunk or swore
She lived very happy
In her innocent life
Tucked in warm hands
That bore no knife
But as she grew
Marks up the wall
Her knowledge of the world
Was surprisingly small
She looked in wonder
At the people around
And wondered aloud
Why she was so safe and sound
Everyone seemed dangerous
With lies and a past
That swore to haunt them
'Till the days of their last
This little girl
So confused and blind
Opened her arms,
Her heart, her mind
But the world was cruel
It smirked with disgust
To teach her a lesson
This world, it must
Her arms became ******
Bruised with cuts
Her heart broke in two
Her mind left to rust
So this innocent girl
Who cared so much
Turned her back on the world
For she had cared too much
670 · Dec 2013
Kinda, Sorta, Maybe
Elizabeth Ann Dec 2013
Hey there cutie,
I think that I
Like you a lot
And I
Wanna kiss you

A lot

656 · Apr 2014
Butterfly Thoughts
Elizabeth Ann Apr 2014
The butterflies dance in my thoughts
Braiding my mysteries along
With the frost in the air
Hoping that you might be just fine
I wrote this poem using only words that autocorrect presented to me.
652 · Apr 2014
It's Hard to Write
Elizabeth Ann Apr 2014
It's hard to write poetry
When your mind stops
Tracing the words
Of your day dreams
And your heart starts
Pumping the emotion
Of night thoughts
644 · Feb 2013
The Sword and the Heart
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
This sword that pierces through my heart,
Held by a hand so brave,
Is made of word and feeling so strong,
It's sure to make my grave

Gently, it slides across my bone,
To touch this heart of rock
It reaches with its death-cold hands
Upon the door to knock

I open slowly, so unsure,
Of what lies outside these walls
Words rush inside like winter wind,
Playing with feelings like dolls

Everything inside held hostage,
Hopes and dreams behind bars
And as for those on the outside,
Nothing's left but ****** scars
631 · Oct 2013
School Is . . . NOT
Elizabeth Ann Oct 2013
School is...
A place of laughing
A place of love
A place of smiles
A place of hugs

School is...
A place for sitting
A place for learning
A place for writing
A place for earning

School is...
A place that hopes
A place that cares
A place that's safe
A place that shares

School is...
A place to go
A place to be
A place to hear
A place to see

School is...
None of these things.
Not a single one.
So go **** school
'Cause it's ****** you, son.
Elizabeth Ann Dec 2013
You were lost
In darkness and drugs
When we became friends
And you learned I don't judge
Now you call me your angel
A light in the dark
Because while we were friends
I rescued your heart

But that was just a coincidence

When you and I grew apart
Friend of fourteen years
We still were friends
But we knew not our fears
But when I got myself in trouble
With boys and love and kissing
You told me to slow down
Because there was a lot I was missing
Our friendship had dissolved
And almost gone away
And I was attempting to fill your space
But now you meet me halfway

But that was just a coincidence

I was sitting on my bed
Entranced in my book
When I picked up my phone
And gave it a look
So I texted you up
To make sure you were okay
But you said you were cutting
And wanted to die where you lay
I came over that night
To lay by your side
"Please don't be alone"
I wanted to cry

But that was just a coincidence

I don't believe in coincidences anymore
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