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Sep 2013 · 475
forever is my friendship.
Elise Sep 2013
I wish i knew you then,
where have you been, my friend,
i'll carry you in my pocket,
closest to my heart,
you'll never be forgotten,
i want you with me always,
keep you safe and warm,
no other can be of harm to you,
i love you truly, honest.
my name is yours to keep,
hold it against me if need be,
love, you're mine,
i'll give you all of me in time,
i never want me back,
i trust you fully,
my heart's for you.
Sep 2013 · 684
Elise Sep 2013
Not fighting it,
letting it happen,
letting the darkness of the water fill your lungs,
letting the weight push you down,
sinking slow at first, faster as you lose consciousness,
no pain, just numbness,
thoughts being erased,
your soul escapes your body,
now you are free.
Sep 2013 · 466
Elise Sep 2013
cut cut cut cut.
bite bite bite.
blood. so much blood.
water-filled lungs.
sinking fast.
no air.
no gasping.
giving up.
no use.
Sep 2013 · 544
My somebody.
Elise Sep 2013
You don't need to be
the brightest star in the sky
to be someone, my dear.

Everything you do in life
will matter, please don't fear.

The love you share,
the words you say,
the dresses that you make,

a smile on his face,
a laugh from her lips,
the confidence gained
from the dress that fits.

You don't have to be
the brightest star in the sky
to be someone, my dear.

Every breath you take,
every word, every stitch,
every step you make,

effects another,
one change at a time,
making you somebody,
stitching together you.
Sep 2013 · 313
Elise Sep 2013
I missed saying your
      name to you,
I missed how you say mine,
      always with such
you always take your time.

I missed the way you talk
      to me, your words,
they make me blind, so
      completely sure of
my darkness turns to light,
       now that you're back
             in my life.
Sep 2013 · 219
Now that you're back...
Elise Sep 2013
Never leave me,
never again,
your words are mine,
memories in my head.
Sep 2013 · 358
Elise Sep 2013
I want to keep you that long,
                 until the day I die.
Sep 2013 · 342
Stay warm.
Elise Sep 2013
It's cold,
the blankets aren't enough.
You stir, your hand strokes
my arm.
Chills run through me,
I take you in my arms;
no intention of letting go.
Sep 2013 · 328
Elise Sep 2013
My love burns
like the letters
I've taken a
match to, the
ones I wrote to
you but couldn't
send, the love
masked with
friendship, my
love burns hot.
Elise Sep 2013
All I wanna do is make you smile,
whatever it takes,
i'll stay with you forever,
i'll be your shoulder,
i'll be your sunshine.
Sep 2013 · 1.5k
Sweater Weather
Elise Sep 2013
I met you outside
on a cold autumn day; your
gaze kept me warm, love.
Sep 2013 · 328
Poetic blood.
Elise Sep 2013
I wish I could write forever,
I wish my thoughts
          never stopped thinking in rhymes,
          never stopped counting syllables,
          never stopped making metaphors.
I want to be the poem,
I want to be the art.
Sep 2013 · 802
Elise Sep 2013
Reading in the grass,
my head resting on your chest,
one hand in my hair,
my head rises and falls,
as your lungs take in my scent.

You put the book down,
roll us over on our side,
I pull the grass out of your hair,
your hand falls down the length
of my spine.

No distractions,
just me and you,
my body against yours,
we've nothing better to do.

Your hand wanders under my shirt,
now it finds my breast,
my face buried in your neck
and I lose my breath.

I'm under you now,
your eyes wild,
hair's a mess,
I can feel your heart beat with mine,
like they will jump right out of their chest.

The heat of the sun keeps
our bare bodies warm,
and your teasing lips leave
me begging for more.

The scent of the flowers
(or is it just you?),
sends me to the most euphoric places
I never before knew.

Now i'm in control,
couldn't wait any longer,
you deserve to be pleasured,
lay you gently on your back,
now you're all mine to forever treasure.

Kissing the parts of you that you despise most,
letting you know just how beautiful
you truly are,
wordlessly caressing your soft skin,
my lips moving down,
your heart caving in.

You let out a sigh,
a breath of fresh air,
I know you want more,
your muscles tense,
now i'm sure.

As far down as I'll go,
I look up for approval,
your eyes look longing,
your body's agreeing.

I lower my head to your sweetest scent,
i'm hungry, my heart's been starving,
you're feeding my love.

Your body, it shakes,
reacting under mine,
your muscles releasing the darkness,
allowing the light.

My lips find yours,
a breathless, 'I love you'
comes in through my teeth,

nothing left but the fluttering
of butterfly wings in our ears
and the hum of two heartbeats
releasing lovers' fears.
Sep 2013 · 225
September sixth.
Elise Sep 2013
I am strong
                                     I will get through this
        I lost my friend
                                          but that won't break me.
               Lessons are learned,
                                    if that's all I can take,
               from this friendship
                                            that can no longer remain.
Sep 2013 · 695
Elise Sep 2013
no sleep at night
      with you breathing
slowly by my side,

I have to leave the bed
      to control myself and
steady the thoughts in my head.

5:32 a.m; walk outside
      to the mist consumed

thinking i'm alone,
      you sneak up behind me,
taking my hand;
      our fingers now sealed.

your hair catches in the breeze,
      my face brushed with your scent,
everything your presence brings
      puts me at ease.

your hand moving up,
      you pull my face in,
my lips on yours;

      first kiss with this dawn's
      mist as our only witness.
Sep 2013 · 383
September the Fifth
Elise Sep 2013
look through the mirror,
     into my soul, not
just a body,
     not just a mold.
                 inside is the universe,
                 the stars in the sky,
                 only beauty can come
                 from your dark mind.

your heart may be broken,
     mine may be too,
together we'll conquer,
     our demons will lose.
                   take my hand, darling,
          fate brought us here today,
     to fight the same battles
before it's too late.
i was writing this for myself, but my beautiful soul sister and i have had so many parallels lately that it morphed into a lovely little poem about how we can fight together. i'm with you 'til the end, baby girl, let's keep on fighting. promise. forever and always, i love you.
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
Elise Sep 2013
don't leave me in
           the morning,
stay forever.
           you are my everything.
my world,
           my universe.
Sep 2013 · 285
you are the stars.
Elise Sep 2013
i cannot see the stars in the city,
and it reminds me that like the stars,
you are also gone.
Sep 2013 · 358
Elise Sep 2013
when i think of you
i think of the stars.
10 w
Elise Sep 2013
How could I have showed you what you meant to me?
Do you know how many times I would've caught a train to be with you?
I had to think of your parents, they would've loved that.
How many times I wished you were at school so I could be there to take care of you.
Endless thoughts running through my head of the day i'd be able to sit with you,
just be with you, make you feel loved, let you know someone was there,
let you cry in my arms, let you know that someone cared.
The ceaseless worrying over you,
you think i'd intentionally hurt you?
I could never, I can't even think of it,
what I said, those words weren't from me,
you need to understand,
I need you to understand.
I'm being selfish, but I deserve to be,
you don't know how much you mean to me.
It's all so crazy,
I was there for you never asking for anything,
but now,
I just want you back.
I want our friendship back.
I need you to understand me like I understood you.
I need you to forgive me.
I need you to trust me
because I would be there for you always.
Sep 2013 · 516
Ana is here to play.
Elise Sep 2013
I binge all day, no
end in sight, but then for days
i'll starve myself right.
Sep 2013 · 279
why won't you look back?
Elise Sep 2013
love conquers all, right?
then tell me, why have I loved
you without a glance?
Sep 2013 · 477
redrum. you've killed me.
Elise Sep 2013
feel my heart bleeding
crimson tears from beautiful
lies, I trusted you.
Sep 2013 · 231
you have another.
Elise Sep 2013
asleep in your arms,
a smile from your lips, a smile
from hers, and i'm here.
Elise Sep 2013
slender fingers run
down the length of my long spine.
i wake, a nightmare.
Sep 2013 · 290
Tears on my pillow.
Elise Sep 2013
left alone for good,
I'll cry myself to sleep now,
you've left me hopeless.
Elise Sep 2013
Heart pounding,
blood pumping,
muscles tense,
It's gonna beat right out of my empty chest.

Tears pouring,
eyes burning,
lashes fall,
did you ever really care at all?

Mind racing,
head aching,
jaws tight,
when you left you took all of my light.

Body shaking,
hands quaking,
arms outstretched,
thinking you'll come back is so far-fetched.
Elise Aug 2013
Although you didn't say goodbye,
you walked away without a care in the world,
but I won't forget you,
you are on my mind,
I will give you your time,
and I will have mine,
just know i'm coming back for you,
we were meant to be in each others lives.

Meant to be. Meant to stay.
Aug 2013 · 342
Proof of Passion
Elise Aug 2013
Through the fights,
and the rage,
and the love,
on each page
of our book,
when you give me that look,
the one that says it all,
it proves our passion,
who could resist,
just never give me that very last kiss,
your lips would be mine to forever miss.

What love is worth the time,
if there is no fight?
Aug 2013 · 386
Elise Aug 2013
Rolled this one right,
pulled in the smoke,
the monsters are out,
as I start screaming
they start to bite.

I scream out your name,
of course, no reply.
Aug 2013 · 959
Red String of Fate
Elise Aug 2013
My trust in you is beyond words,
I hope it's not in vain,
I hope your trust in me is just the same.

My love for you is out of this world,
you kept me sane when I needed you,
I hope your love for me will shine right through.

My generosity towards you is genuine,
no strings attached, nothing to win,
I hope you realize it's not a sin.

My lack of fame shows it all,
without yours would you be here to see me fall?
Your fame wasn't needed,

*to meet was our fate, no other explanation is needed to recall.
for you.
Aug 2013 · 933
Elise Aug 2013
...and your hair falls softly across my skin,
my body is filled with light
coursing through my veins,
shivers down my spine,
I look into your eyes,
you glance quickly away,
my fingers pull your face back into place,
your brow furrows but a smile reaches your lips,
you know you can't resist.

My lips find your neck,
so soft and warm,
you let out a giggle as my teeth make their mark,
your body reacts and curls into mine,
my hands find yours,
now let's savor the time.
Aug 2013 · 378
Who are you?
Elise Aug 2013
...and I remember the first day I saw you,
our first adventure together,
you pulled out a Cheshire cat,
you knew my favorite everything,
our first adventure,
our last.
Aug 2013 · 356
My apologies, dear.
Elise Aug 2013
Rumor has it
I was wrong,
it was me who ****** up,
you were right all along.

I couldn't help it though,
you should've known,
those words weren't from me,
I was lost and alone.

I cried no tears,
they wouldn't come out,
just shook and screamed,
did you hear me shout?

I know it's too late
for you to want to understand,
but maybe in the future
you'll take back my hand.
Aug 2013 · 317
Find you, do you.
Elise Aug 2013
I lost you,
just like that,
in my life one day,
out the next.

I'll let you walk away,
if that's what you think will make you happy,
you can keep my love,
I don't want it back,
I gave it to you,
hold onto it real tight
when you realize what you lost
and memories are no longer black.

My words were sincere,
my heart's intentions were clear,
you couldn't face yourself,
you're so full of fear.

I hope one day,
you can face what's true,
but not too late,
you need to be you.
Aug 2013 · 367
Elise Aug 2013
No one watched me fall apart,
left alone in the darkest dark,
no light left here, no one near,
only the ghost of me writhing in fear.

I stayed by the side of everyone I love,
each left me abandoned,
no hope from above.

Emptied I became,
body, soul, mind,
no love left to give,
leaving everything behind.

I loved you with everything that I had,
I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you,
but there's no longer reason to be sad.

This will be my final goodbye,
I apologize for my crimes,
I thank you for your time.
Elise Aug 2013
I thought i'd be better
without you,
but it's just getting harder
as the days pass by,
the clock ticking fast,
my heartbeats racing past,
your face burning in my mind,
the time is making me blind.

I thought i'd be better
without you,
your soul burning bright,
sends me shivering in the night,
as I rock back and forth,
praying for your words to reach me,
wishing that you'll want to keep me.

I thought i'd be better
without you,
my lungs cease to breathe,
my eyes in searing pain
as my mascara tears fall.

I thought i'd be better
without you,
feelings growing strong,
knowing I can live without you
makes me want to never be,
makes me want to stay,
but not the way that you want me.

I will have to remain without you,
will I fair? *I will have to try.
Aug 2013 · 408
For you.
Elise Aug 2013
I told you that I wanted more
and you left me here
on this cold, hard floor,
said you needed time to think,
she's in the picture now,
can't push her to the brink.

But what about you,
you are sad and broken down,
you need someone there
to listen to you scream and shout.

Do you feel safe enough with her
to tell her your woes?
Because I know, without you telling me,
that it's not her scent that lingers on your clothes.

Maybe i'm wrong,
I don't know ****,
but when you're ready
for me i'll be here,
don't forget.

I'm here for you no matter what,
through thick and thin,
doesn't matter to me,
it's only important that
you find yourself within.

You'll be just fine,
you are stronger than you think,
listen to your intuition,
write it down in ink.

**** this poem it *****.
Elise Aug 2013
To be able to tell you all the things I am thinking,
all the ways I want to heal you,
to listen to the stories of how each scar
has been etched into your soul,
this would mean the world to me,
I want to hear, I want to know.

Lying on your side,
your eyes focused right on mine,
I would search the depths,
I would look through the golden brown,
to find that place that you keep hidden,
to see your darkness,
and to fill it with my light.

Soft hands on your cheek,
as I wipe away the salty tears
that fall slowly.
I say, "if you want salt water,
let me take you to the ocean".
Would you let me or would
you walk away?

If only I could tell you,
if only you would let me
show you the love I have for you,
would you understand,
but instead i beg,
"let me hear, let me know".
Aug 2013 · 273
Thoughts left in limbo.
Elise Aug 2013
I don't know what is right,
I don't know what is wrong,
how much should I fight,
should I stretch it out long?

You left me here,
out on this limb,
all full of fear,
my walls are closing in.

Do you want me to fight,
is that what you need,
because I will with all my might,
or will you pay me no heed?
Aug 2013 · 707
Encircle me.
Elise Aug 2013
It is as if someone has taken every
single one of my poems about you
and plastered them all over the walls
in my room.

Every which way I turn I see my words,
my feelings, on display for anyone
who cares to see.

I want to tear them down, but they are stuck,
they are forever, they were real feelings,
they were put into words,
by my own two hands.

I feel as if I have betrayed you,
I didn't mean to,
I want the best for you,
but now I am so afraid to lose you.

Stay in my life,
I will find a way to get these poems
off the walls,
I will find a way to make the feelings

Let me stay,
I want you near,
everything is wrong,
you misunderstood,
I couldn't help it,
my heart felt too quick.

The poems are bleeding,
the ink is evaporating,
you're breathing it in,
it's a poison.

I have betrayed you,
make it stop,
i'm losing control,
I can't stop the words from melting,
your words are cold as ice.

Let me stay,
it can change,
we will find a way.

There may be no fire,
but that doesn't mean
there is no substance.
Jul 2013 · 427
Dancing without pain.
Elise Jul 2013
Why can't I feel this pain?
I know it is there but I cannot feel it,
you have taken that from me,
and now she has hurt me like you did
and I cannot feel the pain.

I long for that pain,
I want to ache from this.

Instead I dance.
Elise Jul 2013
What's really ****** up is that
you know how you have been
treating me and now you just
are not going to talk to me because
running is obviously the only option.

What's really sad is you know
that you feel this way too,
you know that I would actually
be there, unlike everyone else.

Why are you so scared to let someone
actually see you for who you are?

I don't even think I want it anymore.
I don't even know if it is worth it.
Jul 2013 · 461
You like your girls insane.
Elise Jul 2013
Do you know I like to be called crazy?
Do you know what you do to me?
Are you trying to make me your baby?
Jul 2013 · 352
Tomorrow brings courage.
Elise Jul 2013
I have no idea what tomorrow will bring,
but I know that I must tell you how I
feel before it's too late, before you
choose someone else without even
thinking of me in consideration.

I knew this fear had a reason for building
itself back up, I knew my nerves were not
for nothing, so now I must act, I must tell you.

There is no moment like the present, and
I cannot sit back and watch someone else
steal you away again. At least not without
you knowing what you mean to me.

I am scared. I am finally scared as hell.
This better be worth it. I don't want to
find the pain again. I don't want my
soul to escape me.
Jul 2013 · 378
How did this happen?
Elise Jul 2013
I don't know what to do,
as I wade helplessly through
these murky waters,
because I fear that you have
once again slipped through the
cracks of my foolish fingers,
and the darkness of the swamp
has returned as I am left
grabbing the muggy air
where I know I will not find you.
Jul 2013 · 502
Elise Jul 2013
Sometimes I catch myself
sighing your name to the
nothing that surrounds me.

It lingers in the air,
as I wait for a soft response,
but all I receive is the harsh
silence and a reminder
of your absence.
Elise Jul 2013
Fear has taken over my body.
The fear that nothing will happen.
The fear that I will be nothing.
The fear of what will come after.
And as crazy as it sounds, the fear of
being forgotten altogether.
I didn't think I was scared anymore,
have I been lying to myself again?
Elise Jul 2013
I am completely in love
and I cannot get myself out of love.

It is like I am swimming in a pool of Jell-O,
floating, no effort,
but stuck, never moving,
forever and ever and ever.
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
The MET.
Elise Jul 2013
You came to see me
on a unplanned visit
so I took you to the only
interesting place I could
think of.

I dragged you through subways,
and crowds of interesting people,
to get to our destination,
our final stop in the Brooklyn station.

You doubted my directions,
as I had only gone once before,
but you trusted me enough
to get you to the right store.

You looked at me as we walked in,
doubting me once more,
it was a place full of junk,
you must've thought that I was drunk.

You stepped in through the door,
and right on the floor,
you found an old typewriter
that you wanted forevermore.

Your eyes, they lit up
like none I had ever seen,
as you began to press each key,
and your smile, it gleamed.

At that moment in time,
I knew I had done well,
as you took right off
like you were under a spell.

You ran though the aisles,
taking in each thing,
seeing the beauty behind
the dust and water rings.

You picked up the glassware,
each little piece,
you told me you loved them,
your excitement didn't cease.

We looked through the art,
and the old records too,
you pulled out a few,
and I had out some Motown for you.

It was the perfect day,
that one random trip,
the day that changed it,
the day I made the slip.

I let myself fall
so hard and so fast,
I forgot that china dolls,
are made of such fragile glass.
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