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262 · Mar 2017
Elihu Barachel Mar 2017
What will be the pain? What will cost?
50 million will be killed, 50 million will be lost

Does it matter over here? It sure as Hell does not
Soon, very soon, the War Game will go hot

No one cares no one cares, a **** we do not give
About Korea of the North…if they die of live

The Powers that now be, a WAR they really want
So the’ll go to North Korea, and Kim Jong-un the’ll taunt
255 · Oct 2016
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
One Hour it will last, I speak of WW3 [1]
One Hour of DESTRUCTION, without sympathy

This Hour brings Destruction, Ciaos Death and Doom
Agony Remorse, Anguish Pain and Gloom [2]

Don't say you weren't warned, you read this and you mock
The world will watch you burn, ALL will at you gawk

[1] Rev 18:17&19
[2] Jer 50:40
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
There's going to be a WAR, if you can't see this then your blind
The last one of three planned, could be the death of all mankind
All the players are in place, just waiting for the queue
From God Almighty it will come, to the many to the few
The Script was written long ago, by a Prophet on an isle
The island's name was Patmos, Damnation was the style
The Prophet's name was John, he wrote what did see
To Seven Churches this was sent, this will shortly come to be
This is published in a Book, for all the world to read
Have this you ever pondered? Pay one **** bit of heed?
You think that this is myth, so skip along your merry way
Pretend it isn't so, with your soul you're going to pay
253 · Mar 2017
Elihu Barachel Mar 2017
Where’s it going to start? Soon we will find out
I speak of WW3, this without a doubt

It could be North Korea, and day now any hour
The War “Game” will go hot, with enormity of dour

A US ship gets sunk, a False Flag maybe so
It really doesn’t matter, to WAR this world will go
252 · Jan 2015
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
A sign from God Almighty, the bow up in the sky
A promise from the Lord, by water you'll not die
The Wicked all were drowned, those of Noah's day
Only eight inside the Ark, God didn't take away
Drowning is an easy, an easy way to die
God's Judgment comes again...this time in FIRE YOU WILL FRY!
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
The world situation, teeters on the brink
There is a Cup there is a Cup, from this Cup you'll surly drink [1]

The United States will be atomic fire burn
The warnings from the Lord, you did only spurn

By the Prophet Jeremiah, this has been foretold [2][3]
Read and heed with fear, this Prophecy of Old

Go ahead and scoff, ridicule and mock
Death is at the door, for you he will not knock

[1] Rev 14:10
[2] Jer 50&51
[3] Google: "America Babylon"
237 · Oct 2016
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
A Prophecy of old, is about to be fulfilled
From the Book of Revelation, millions millions will be killed

Chapter nine times two, John pens "one hour" thrice
Ignore this if you will, with your soul you'll pay the price

Only days remain...pretend it isn't so
Skip along your merry way, to Hell you're going to go
A saying attributed to Vladimir Putin: "If you know that conflict is inevitable, strike first and strike hard"
234 · Feb 2017
Elihu Barachel Feb 2017
Some poems I write are stupid, and sarcastic as can be
It all depends what mood I’m in…behold and you’ll now see

Levity is fun, and at mocking I’m a Pro
This time I will be serious, and from my pen will flow…

From my pen will flow, words of Doom and Dread
Why oh why is this? It’s what’s about to break upon our heads

Soon to break upon our heads, in the Bible this is told
The Book that is the last, this is about to all unfold

It will start with WW3, the United States will be destroyed
In the Bible this is too, all Atomic Bombs will be employed

It’s in the Book of Jeremiah, chapters 50-51
“Babylon” will burn, for the SINS that she has done
232 · Jan 2015
How Much Sand?
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
The sand is almost gone, see the hour glass
Destruction is at hand, Doom will come to pass
The warnings are so clear, but they are all ignored [1]
Death and Bane and Woe, upon this earth will soon be poured
The Wrath of God shall come, the Wicked will all die
The Righteous will rejoice, when they watch the Wicked fry
The Wicked fry in Hell, FOREVER there to burn
If you are The Righteous, the TRUTH you will then learn [2]
Read the Book of Daniel, read chapter number twelve
With the Wisdom of the Wise...into this Book now delve
Don't you understand? I'll tell you why that's so
Because you are The Wicked, now to Hell you're going to go

[1] Luke 16:29~31
[2] Dan 12:10
227 · Oct 2016
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
Corruption Greed and Graft, Hallmarks of the trade
millions Millions MILLIONS, from rotten donors paid

Senators and Congressmen, Presidents as well
Glory in your LUST, you're on your way to Hell

Look across the Gulf, Lazars behold [1]
A drop of water he will give, when Hell will be ice cold

[1] Luke 16:23
223 · Oct 2016
Only 30 min
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
Ignorance is bliss, a proverb for today
The impending World WAR, is not too far away

No warning will be given, a warning you'll not near
A warning to take cover...your death is drawing near

From the time the button's pushed, 'till the missile lands upon your head
Is only 30 minutes...very soon you will be dead
220 · Jan 2015
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
The world takes another turn, the world spins around
And I stop to ponder, something so profound
Where is this world going? It's going straight to Hell!
Doesn't anybody care? Can't you hear dreadful the knell?
As in the days of Noah, so it is today
We scurry to and fro...never stop to pray
God Almighty saved eight souls, they were safe inside the Ark
Only Noah and his sons, to God's warning did they hark
By water was the Wrath of God, poured on Noah's world
Upon that wicked generation, those waters ever swirled
That was then and this is now, God used water just one time
God's Wrath is turning hot...comes destruction so sublime
FIRE! God will use, to destroy the world that's now
Lying, hate and lust and greed, God will not allow
The elements will melt, melt with fervent heat [1]
Seven years it takes, 'fore God's Judgment is complete

[1] 2nd Peter 3:10~12
219 · Oct 2016
NOT by Water - by FIRE
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
A Foreboding fills the air, a sense of Doom and Dread
A genuine concern, that very soon you will be dead

Evil oozes from the it on TV
Everyplace and everywhere, so plane to hear and see

Corruption is the norm...hypocrisy and lies
Dignity and Truth, these are both despised                          

A Cleansing is to come, this time by Burning FIRE
The USA will be destroyed...burnt upon a Pyre
216 · Aug 2015
Today? Maybe
Elihu Barachel Aug 2015
There will come a day, when you will breathe your last
The day of your demise, is coming coming fast
How are you going to die? Will you leave this world in peace?
World War Three is how you'll die, you'll be killed and be deceased
Any day now any day, the mushroom clouds will rise
In atomic fire you'll burn, ignored will be your cries
Not just only you, the entire USA
Vengeance from a Holy God, in ruins you will now lay
209 · Jan 2015
First Seal
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
There is a Scroll with Seven Seals, first one’s about to break  
Rider on a White Horse, your soul he wants to take  
Whole world follows him, why oh why is this?  
He does signs and lying wonders, to lead your soul amiss  
Who is this you ask in awe, his power you can’t deny  
Take a closer look, he is blind in his right eye  
Bow down and worship him, if you don’t he’ll have your head  
The hows and whys are in a Book, a Book you should have read  
A secret’s in this Book, the secret of his name  
Calculate his number, while he sets the world aflame  
Twenty's only one score, multiplied by three  
Add six hundred more, you just might find the key  
One more six to add, triple digits do you appear  
Take this Mark and burn in Hell, heed this with great fear
208 · Dec 2014
Man of Sin
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Greet the Man of Sin, he is blind in his right eye
Go and take his Mark, if you don’t you’re going to die
He’s the rider on the white horse, his bow does shine around
Worship him and take his Mark, the whole world he’ll astound
For three years and a half, he will have his way
Bow unto his image, or you he’s going to slay
A companion he does have, the High Priest now in Rome
His companion does now pray, beneath his golden dome
Sings and wonders he does show, most people will believe
God’s Elect will not…them he can’t deceive
To Jerusalem they’ll move, they’ll be on the Temple Mount
In the Temple they will be, but God’s wrath they’ll not surmount
Two Witnesses in sackcloth, will irk the Man of Sin
He will have them killed, his doom will then begin
Forty mounts plus two, God's wrath will be poured out
Survive unto the end, this man you then will rout
205 · Dec 2014
Breaking News
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
There is a golden dome, a building so sublime
It’s on the Temple Mount, it’s been there quite some time
There's a plan to blow it up, this will cause some strife
Temple number three they’ll build, but the hatred will be rife
There will appear two men, sackcloth is their garb
They’ll condemn the Man of Sin, in his side they’ll be a barb
They will continue for a time, two times more and then a half
The Man of Sin will have them killed, all the people laugh
They won’t be put in graves, a sight the world will see
For three days and a half, the world will have such glee
But behold they do arise! And then they fly away!
The Judgment of the ****** will start without delay
205 · Aug 2016
Today? Tomorrow? - Soon
Elihu Barachel Aug 2016
THE DAY** is drawing near, The Day is drawing nigh
THE DAY of Death and Bane, The Day that you will die

Read the last book of the Bible, this was written long ago
The WRATH of GOD poured out, The Day Death and Woe

***** and Gomorrah, to a cinder they were burned
A lesson for today, but a lesson never learned

Soon, very soon, The Lamb will break the Seal
Then seven years of PAIN, God's WRATH you're going to feel

— The End —