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Apr 2017 · 430
The 3rd Secret
Elihu Barachel Apr 2017
One hour it will last, I speak of WW3
The United States destroyed, what will be will be

This was Prophesied of old, Jeremiah wrote of this
Chapters 50 - 51, gone will be all bliss

Then comes a World Leader, blind in his right eye
The whole world bows to him…take his Mark or die

Seven years seven years, appointed is the time
The Wrath of God poured out, His vengeance so sublime

Will this start May 1st? In a little while we will see
Destruction Doom and Death…this most vividly

Then there’s May 13th, Ashtaroth appears
The Ever ****** *****, along with all her peers
Mar 2017 · 342
Elihu Barachel Mar 2017
People scurry to and fro, oblivious of Doom
You were warned you were warned...death most certainly does loom

World War 1 is history, 37 million dead
World War 2 was somewhat more, 60 million bled

Another World War, the last one of 3 planned
Is coming soon is coming soon! The flames of War are fanned

Atomic Bombs and Poison Gas, the Wrath of God poured out
Millions millions die, this without a doubt

Pretend it isn't so, keep your head stuck in the sand
You'll be killed and sent to Hell, not the Promise Land
Mar 2017 · 288
Elihu Barachel Mar 2017
What will be the pain? What will cost?
50 million will be killed, 50 million will be lost

Does it matter over here? It sure as Hell does not
Soon, very soon, the War Game will go hot

No one cares no one cares, a **** we do not give
About Korea of the North…if they die of live

The Powers that now be, a WAR they really want
So the’ll go to North Korea, and Kim Jong-un the’ll taunt
Mar 2017 · 277
Elihu Barachel Mar 2017
Where’s it going to start? Soon we will find out
I speak of WW3, this without a doubt

It could be North Korea, and day now any hour
The War “Game” will go hot, with enormity of dour

A US ship gets sunk, a False Flag maybe so
It really doesn’t matter, to WAR this world will go
Mar 2017 · 334
Elihu Barachel Mar 2017
Forever this will not go on, the end approaches fast
Could be the start of WW3, the troops are now amassed

North Korea is the place, where a spark could set this off
With a couple atom bombs (more like 500), and a cocktail Molotov

Do you think, really think, that China will sit by?
Ha! You should think again, WW3 is drawing nigh
Mar 2017 · 469
1st Thessalonians Chapter 5
Elihu Barachel Mar 2017
Of the times and of the seasons, of these I need to write
For ye know not one iota, what it is that I do cite

I cite the Word of God, the King James Version to be sure
The only Book that does exist, that is Holy and is Pure

There’s coming a Day soon, as a thief that’s in the night
In dark foreboding gloom, then gone will be all Light

When “peace and safety” they shall say, then Destruction is abrupt
From which there’s no escape, and you cannot interrupt

Why is this you may ask?…you are appointed unto WRATH!
Ignore this if you will, and skip along your merry path
Feb 2017 · 355
Not by Water…by FIRE
Elihu Barachel Feb 2017
Day by day, hour by hour, extirpation draweth neigh
No one sees, no one cares, Destruction from On High

As is in days of Noah, so it is today
Oblivious oblivious, to the coming Judgement Day

People scurry to and fro, ignore the Writing on the Wall
It is too late it is too late, soon you’ll weep and wail and wrawl

Foretold this all has been, by the Prophecies of Old
Destruction Doom Damnation, these three will now unfold

Read The Book of Revelation, chapter ten plus ten
Number fifteen the verse…the Judgement of all men
Feb 2017 · 620
Sarcastic or Not?
Elihu Barachel Feb 2017
War with North Korea, has been smoldering awhile
They’re going to test another Bomb, this game they play with guile

The game is “Brinksmanship”, the USA they hate
As long as they exist, this emotion never will abate

There’s only one solution - exist they will no more
Nuclear Annihilation! On this nation pour

This frees up 37,000 troops, to somewhere else they will deploy
Where are they going go? And someone else annoy

It’s not to hard to figure out, it’s not to hard to see the plan
The strategy is World Conquest, they’re going to…Iran

From the BBC:

The US Defence Secretary James Mattis has said any use of nuclear weapons by North Korea would be met with an "effective and overwhelming" response.
Feb 2017 · 627
A Problem and a Solution
Elihu Barachel Feb 2017
A Problem has arisen, that our President will solve
But what is the solution? WAR it will involve

The problem’s North Korea, another BOMB they’re going to test
And our President has promised, this he will arrest

How’s he going to do this? What action will he take?
At the UN stomp his feet? Ha!…them he will forsake

What’s about to happen, is North Korea won’t exist
And 50 million people gone…do you get my gist?

A reaction this will cause, from Russia China and Iran
What goes around will come around…this has always been the plan

So Hail Hail WW3, this is the spark that sets it off
Why is it you’re not laughing? Why is it you don’t scoff?
Feb 2017 · 252
Elihu Barachel Feb 2017
Some poems I write are stupid, and sarcastic as can be
It all depends what mood I’m in…behold and you’ll now see

Levity is fun, and at mocking I’m a Pro
This time I will be serious, and from my pen will flow…

From my pen will flow, words of Doom and Dread
Why oh why is this? It’s what’s about to break upon our heads

Soon to break upon our heads, in the Bible this is told
The Book that is the last, this is about to all unfold

It will start with WW3, the United States will be destroyed
In the Bible this is too, all Atomic Bombs will be employed

It’s in the Book of Jeremiah, chapters 50-51
“Babylon” will burn, for the SINS that she has done
Oct 2016 · 281
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
One Hour it will last, I speak of WW3 [1]
One Hour of DESTRUCTION, without sympathy

This Hour brings Destruction, Ciaos Death and Doom
Agony Remorse, Anguish Pain and Gloom [2]

Don't say you weren't warned, you read this and you mock
The world will watch you burn, ALL will at you gawk

[1] Rev 18:17&19
[2] Jer 50:40
Oct 2016 · 349
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
Enjoy life while you can, Doom is drawing neigh
WAR is in the air, DESTRUCTION from On High

The United States will burn, Damnation she has earned
Righteousness and Truth, she has only spurned

The land of Hedonistic Gluttony of Wanton Greed and Sin
Priests of Molek and of Baal, of  Satan's Kith and Kin

***** and Gomorrah, in comparison they pale
God will not be mocked, very soon you're going to wail
When? Oct 12th would be a good day...why? Figure it out (hint it's 10 Tishrei, 5777) (Lev 23:27)
Oct 2016 · 500
Hurricane Mathew
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
"Fanners" is a word, it's in the Bible just one time [1]
This Fanner brings Destruction, Destruction so sublime

This is just a preview, a warning of God's WRATH
In the Bible you can read, read the aftermath [2]

You'll be blown away, by wind and also FIRE [3]
You were warned but you ignored, ignored the warnings dire

Now it's too **** late, you'll be killed and sent to Hell
Damnation for earned it oh so well

[1] Jer 51:2
[2] Book of Revelation
[3] WW3
This hurricane is forecast to loop around and hit Florida AGAIN
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
Pootnick says to Berry: Oh you **** me off!
Barry says to Pootnick: Ha! at your *** I scoff

Pootnick says oh yea! your *** I'm going to kick
Knock it in the dirt, and beat with a stick

Berry runs away, and tells his buddy Joe
Says Joey Joey help me, that Pootnick is our foe

Joey looks confused, just like he always does
Says go call up Juan Fairy...that Pootnick is a skuzz
I should write more on the lighter side
Oct 2016 · 252
Only 30 min
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
Ignorance is bliss, a proverb for today
The impending World WAR, is not too far away

No warning will be given, a warning you'll not near
A warning to take cover...your death is drawing near

From the time the button's pushed, 'till the missile lands upon your head
Is only 30 minutes...very soon you will be dead
Oct 2016 · 503
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
The imminence of WAR, is the Writing on the wall
Death Destruction Anguish Pain, will be upon us all

As in the days of Noah, so it is again
The warnings have been written, from John the Revelator's pen

But Alas Alas! No one is taking heed
Keep your heads stuck in the sand...your guts are going to bleed
Oct 2016 · 256
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
A Prophecy of old, is about to be fulfilled
From the Book of Revelation, millions millions will be killed

Chapter nine times two, John pens "one hour" thrice
Ignore this if you will, with your soul you'll pay the price

Only days remain...pretend it isn't so
Skip along your merry way, to Hell you're going to go
A saying attributed to Vladimir Putin: "If you know that conflict is inevitable, strike first and strike hard"
Oct 2016 · 303
The 2nd Seal
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
India and Pakistan, are gunna have a war
Who you gunna root for?...go send in the Peace Corps

Nobody over here, cares 'bout Rag-Head *****
Reduce the population, and do it with Big Nukes!

Just a couple hundred million, will get blown away
Tisk-tisk oh ain't that sad, gone will be Bombay
I'm good at sarcasm; now something NOT sarcastic ~ Rev 6:3&4 India and Pakistan aren't the only two countries that will go to war. So; if the above reference is to the 2nd Seal, how close is the breaking of the 1st Seal?
Oct 2016 · 252
NOT by Water - by FIRE
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
A Foreboding fills the air, a sense of Doom and Dread
A genuine concern, that very soon you will be dead

Evil oozes from the it on TV
Everyplace and everywhere, so plane to hear and see

Corruption is the norm...hypocrisy and lies
Dignity and Truth, these are both despised                          

A Cleansing is to come, this time by Burning FIRE
The USA will be destroyed...burnt upon a Pyre
Oct 2016 · 249
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
Corruption Greed and Graft, Hallmarks of the trade
millions Millions MILLIONS, from rotten donors paid

Senators and Congressmen, Presidents as well
Glory in your LUST, you're on your way to Hell

Look across the Gulf, Lazars behold [1]
A drop of water he will give, when Hell will be ice cold

[1] Luke 16:23
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
The world situation, teeters on the brink
There is a Cup there is a Cup, from this Cup you'll surly drink [1]

The United States will be atomic fire burn
The warnings from the Lord, you did only spurn

By the Prophet Jeremiah, this has been foretold [2][3]
Read and heed with fear, this Prophecy of Old

Go ahead and scoff, ridicule and mock
Death is at the door, for you he will not knock

[1] Rev 14:10
[2] Jer 50&51
[3] Google: "America Babylon"
Oct 2016 · 331
Doom Approaches
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
To whom it may concern, this poem is addressed
I write it to the ******, I write to the Blessed

The last Book in the Bible, speaks of seven years
Seven years of Judgment, seven years of Tears

The seven years will start, with the breaking of a Seal
The first seal upon a Scroll, God's WRATH you then will feel

Seven years of Torment, seven years of Pain
Seven years of Judgment, seven years of Bane

Chances are not good, that you'll survive unto the end
By John the Revelator, on Patmos this was penned
Elihu Barachel Sep 2016
To the Church in Corinth, two letters Paul did send
Words from the risen Lord [1], by this Apostle penned

Believers should take heed, of the first letter of the two
it is written to the Gentiles, it is written for the Jew

Behold the chapter ten plus five, verses one through four
This is the Gospel for today...salvation at its core

Take note unto a phrase, Paul wrote this phrase down twice
"According to the scriptures"...this is more than Paul's advice!

According to the scriptures! Can you site them please?
Site the chapters and the verses, to Salvation they're the keys

THE CHAPTERS AND THE VERSES! Do you know them? Is that so?
Your Salvation on this rests, or to Hell you're going to go

[1] 1st Cor 14:17
So; you're a "Grace Believer"? Then there are a couple of details you should know; like the chapters and verses for the last 4 words of 1st Cor 15:3&4
Aug 2016 · 238
Today? Tomorrow? - Soon
Elihu Barachel Aug 2016
THE DAY** is drawing near, The Day is drawing nigh
THE DAY of Death and Bane, The Day that you will die

Read the last book of the Bible, this was written long ago
The WRATH of GOD poured out, The Day Death and Woe

***** and Gomorrah, to a cinder they were burned
A lesson for today, but a lesson never learned

Soon, very soon, The Lamb will break the Seal
Then seven years of PAIN, God's WRATH you're going to feel
May 2016 · 406
They Breath Fire!
Elihu Barachel May 2016
Sackcloth is the garb, of two men shortly to appear
They’ll be on the Temple Mount, watch them with great fear

Forty months plus two, they preach both day and night
A Gospel like no other, condemn sinners for their plight

The Little Horn of Denial, this so aggravates
What they say and preach, he really really hates

Do not attempt to stop them, they have a warning dire
Go ahead and try! On you they will breath fire
May 2016 · 447
Elihu Barachel May 2016
Ekk! Ekk! Con-oh-me
Is so bad it makes me ***

All those trillions gone to waste
Print some more and with great haste

Fifty billion trillion Euros
Not enough to buy new clothes

All the whole world is going broke
Everyone lie down and croak

Tax the poor and save the rich
Yellen makes me itch and twitch

For a rainy day you saved
Not enough to dig your grave
May 2016 · 592
Luke 21:26
Elihu Barachel May 2016
Fireballs! Fireballs! Falling from the sky
Fireballs! Fireballs! Doom is drawing neigh

Fearful sights and signs, in the Heavens now behold
Catastrophe! Calamity! This Doom has been foretold

Men's hearts failing them for fear, for what is coming on the Earth
The "Time of Jacob's Troubles", are in the pangs of birth
May 2016 · 655
Elihu Barachel May 2016
The San Andres Fault, that crocked crack along the coast
Along with New Madrid, the other crack that's feared the most

Both are overdue, for a Richter Scale 10
Then Yellowstone will blow, and blow and blow again

Oh such cheery news! But not to worry not to fret
Skip along your merry way, all the warning signs forget

An Asteroid will get you!...Land right on your head!
So eat and drink be merry, very soon you will be dead
May 2016 · 429
Destruction Death and Woe
Elihu Barachel May 2016
I see the signs so clear, the signs of WW3
Destruction Death and Woe, this will shortly come to be

The population by and large, ignores the signs of Doom
They scurry to and fro, without a hint of gloom

What is it that holds back? that restrains the coming War? [1]
'Till "He" is taken from the way, just a little blood and gore

Very shortly he'll be gone...taken from the way
The Man of Sin revealed, no longer held at bay

What will follow next, was written long ago
Seven years seven years, of Destruction Death and Woe [2]

You were warned you were warned, did you pay an ounce of heed!?
You'll be sent to Hell to'll scream and cry and plead

[1] 2nd Thess 2:4
[2] The last Book in the Bible
Apr 2016 · 875
12.0 on the Richter Scale
Elihu Barachel Apr 2016
Earthquakes every day, earthquakes every hour
A 12.0 in California...with fear you will now cower

Then there's New Madrid, but not to worry not to fret
Yellowstone will blow! And everything you can forget

But it ain't over 'till it's over, and it ain't over yet!
An asteroid will get you twitch and sweat?

Everyone relax! Be happy with much glee
Our Government will save us...if it survives from WW3
Apr 2016 · 408
Elihu Barachel Apr 2016
Predation has a son, he's called the "man of sin"
He's waiting in the wings, along with all his kin

When "he who does now let", is taken from the way
The "little horn of Daniel" he will now flay

His identity I know...the one who's name is 666
Soon he will arrive, from back across the river Styx

The deadly wound is healed, and he is now alive
The whole world worships Rome he will connive

The United States is gone, destroyed in WW3
7 years will now commence, of Death and Agony
Elihu Barachel Apr 2016
A "Preacher" that I knew, an "Evangelist" no less
Richard Edward Rhoades, him I will not bless
Why pray tell oh why? Listen closely and I'll tell
The "gOSPEL" that he preached, will send you straight to Hell
Doctrine-Doctrine-Doctrine! King Farce preached oh so loud
He founded a Society [1], with "gRACE" they were endowed
The gOSPEL that he preached, was from Corinthians the first
Chapter ten plus five...but what he preached brought on a curse
Verses three and four, note the last four words of each
Never Never Never, did Dusty Rhoades these teach
"According to the scriptures", Rhoades's Toads all took to mean
The Letters of St. Paul, and ONLY Paul's cuisine
Dusty Rhoades now burns in Hell, upon him is Paul's CURSE [2]
Richard Edward Rhoades...his gOSPEL was perverse

[1] The Maranatha Bible Society
[2] 2nd Cor 11:4
Google: "Maranatha Bible Society"
Google: "Richard E Rhoades"
Apr 2016 · 424
Elihu Barachel Apr 2016
The 19th day of April, a day of Death and Woe and Bane
An unholy celebration, from the line of Cain
Calamity Catastrophe, Desolation Death and Pain
The day that EVIL Triumphs, is coming as a blain
Mark this day and mark it well, the celebration hatched in Hell
The Sacrifice unto the Beast...the hOLY day of  Bel
From the 19th day of April, another 13 mark
The ******* Symbol worship...Satan you will hark
Elihu Barachel Mar 2016
Dale Koller rots with cancer, Ken Brandt has ills severe
The Wrath of God Almighty, is upon them so austere
One thing that MY God HATES, it's a Stinking Lying FARCE
Like Richard Edward Rhoades, with his limp and broken tarse
In Unrighteousness he held, the Gospel of God's Grace [1]
He died and went to Hell, his "doctrine" a disgrace
He NEVER sited chapter, NEVER sited verse...
For the "gospel" that he preached...upon him is Paul's curse [2]
Ken and Dale carry on, for at least a little while
Two of Rhoades's Toads, THE Gospel they defile [3]
BarJesus called Elymas, corrupted Holy Writ [4]
Perverted Holy Scripture, so his doctrine it would fit
And so did Dusty Rhoades, and so does Ken and Dale
They corrupt the Word of God...Satan they do hail!

[1] Rom 1:18
[2] Gal 1:9
[3] 1st Cor 15: 3&4
[4] Acts 13:8
Mar 2016 · 390
Queen of Heaven
Elihu Barachel Mar 2016
A poem I will write, a rhyme of Doom and Dread
The Apocalypse of John, is about to break upon your head
Three plus three plus one, are the number of the years
Coming very soon...Death and Bane and Tears
"The Man of Sin" will soon be known, for you he has a Mark
Take his Mark or die, to him you're going to hark
Your religion doesn't matter, all inventions of mere men
Even Lovey-Dovey christians, the same thing goes for Zen
Go and pray the Rosary [1], to the Queen of Heaven cry [2]
Your prayers are so much ****! Pray them while you die

[1] Matt 6:7
[2] Jer 7:18, Jer 44:17~25
Mar 2016 · 341
Elihu Barachel Mar 2016
Do you feel a little knot, in the bottom of your gut?
Do you wonder why, the spring is taken from your strut?
Are you sleeping well? The knot is getting worse?
Will a Doctor tell you, the effects are from a curse?
No you don't believe, that a Force is brought to bear
"Science" has an explanation, you can do without a prayer
You have a PhD, such things are nonsense in your mind
But your blood is running cold, to you this Force will not be kind
Mar 2016 · 363
Hell Awaits
Elihu Barachel Mar 2016
In the not too distant future, Anguish you awaits
A Demon for your soul, Torment that not abates
Sleep will  flee from you, rest you will not know
Why oh why pray tell? Because to Hell you're going to go
Your bowels you'll not control, your appetite will fail
Demons drag you to a shaft, you they will impale
You'll suffer Agony, and why you know **** well
For your arrogance and pride, and then you'll burn in Hell
For 1000 years you'll burn, before you stand before THE Throne
The White Throne of God Almighty, you He will disown
For you sins you will be judged, then be cast alive
Into The Lake of Fire...your Damnation has arrived!
Mar 2016 · 337
Weep and Cry
Elihu Barachel Mar 2016
Four Riders mount their horses, them you soon will hail
One white, one red, one back, one pail
They have been ordained, for a time a day and hour
That time approaches fast, with fear you're going to cower
When the First Seal breaks, the white horse is the steed
Of the Man of Sin, he's coming with his creed
His "creed" is going to be, take his Mark or die
It's in the Book of it, weep and cry
Go ahead and take his Mark, a little longer you might live
The SIN you just committed, God will not forgive
If it happens that you live, for another seven years
Another Rider on a horse, will **** you without tears
You'll be killed and sent to Hell, forever there you'll burn
The Rider on the True White Horse, you did only spurn
Mar 2016 · 342
Elihu Barachel Mar 2016
I should be in politics, I'd tell a buncha lies
I'd lie my *** right off, I'd win the Nobel Prize
I'll count the votes before you vote, so I'm sure I'll win
All my campaign promises, forget they'd ever been
As soon as I'm in office, my cronies I'll shoe in
I'll ban all graft and greed, except for me and all my kin
Feb 2016 · 356
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
It's incredible to watch, to behold what's coming down
The signs are crystal clear, the signs are all around
But do the people see? Absolutely not!
The perception of a Sheep, in Destruction they'll be caught
Even if they're warned, they stick their heads deep in the sand
When their ***** are on fire, maybe then they'll understand
Feb 2016 · 618
The King of Babylon
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
Belshazzar saw some fingers, write upon the wall
MINI MINI TEKEL...from an Angel came this scrawl
Your Kingdom has been numbered, tonight you're going to die
Almighty God has found you TEKEL! Your WHOLE LIFE was but a LIE
That was then and this is now, but the message is the same
If you're the King of Babylon, upon you will be this shame
Who is the King of Babylon? The "Babylon" today
There is a road that goes around it, they call it the Beltway
Feb 2016 · 612
Go Ahead and Mock
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
Some poems that I write, are stupid and are dumb
This poem is not the case, I'll write of what's to come
What is coming on this earth, is Devastation Gloom and Pain
Suffering and Anguish, Death and Tears and Bane
So read this rhyme and mock, they mocked at Noah too
Until the rain came down, there mocking was then through
And so it is today, 'bout the warnings that I write
They are ridiculed and mocked, held in contempt and spite
In 2nd Thessalonians, words of comfort Paul did write
These I take to heart, while I fight the Fight
Start at chapter one, read verse seven to the end
To very very few, and to me this has been penned
Less I could not care, about your mocking and your jest
God's Wrath will be poured out...and I will be at rest
Feb 2016 · 486
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
Close the  Dardanelles and Bosporus, guarantees there will be WAR
Putin will not stand for this, the Russian Bear is going to roar
This is not a trifling matter, VERY serious indeed!
Many many people, will be killed and die and bleed
This will lead to WW3, where it starts it matters not
What our leaders tell us, is not worth diddly squat
Feb 2016 · 410
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
Whom I bless are blessed, and whom I curse are cursed
Just like one person in the Bible, in which I am well versed
There are people that I've cursed, there are people that I've blessed
One person in particular, he thought this was just jest
He used to send me insults, no more does he them send
My Curse is hard upon him, and it he can't transcend
He's a Doctor of Psychology, a Professor PhD
He thought my Curse was ludicrous...I will not hear his plea
Things there are that can't, that cannot be undone
Such as my Curse upon his head, his misery now begun
A detail of my Curse: in WW3 he will not die
Because at this he mocked, with it he will now via
Feb 2016 · 501
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
Ergy says to Pootnick: Oh you **** me off!
Pootnick says to Ergy: Ha! at your *** I scoff
Ergy says well well, I'll shoot down your planes
Pootnick says oh yea! I'll lick your *** with flames
So Ergy stomps off in a huff, calls Berry on the phone
Says that baddy baddy Pootnick, won't leave my *** alone
Berry says Ah-ha! I know what to do
We'll start WW3, then this whole mess will be through
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
From Allan Lewicki
Sub: WW3**

In just a little while, your stupid *** [1] is going to see
The Wrath of God Almighty, this most vividly

You'll see the Clouds of Death, rise into the sky
Mushroom clouds from Atom Bombs, and you'll wonder why

I will tell you why, since your too **** dumb to learn
This is the Vengeance from a God, A God that you did spurn

You thought you were so good, you thought you were so pure
You'll be Dung upon the ground [2], of this you can be sure

You're Religious ****! [3] Just like Dusty Rhoades
With him you'll burn in Hell, and all his Stinking Toads

[1] Hypocritical Stupid ***
[2] Jer 9:22, Jer 16:4, Jer 25:33
Feb 2016 · 591
Three Score Plus Ten
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
There is a number for-ordained, from an Angel this is known
To the Prophet Daniel, has this Angle flown [1]
Three score plus ten, of days by 4+3 [2]
A prophecy of Doom, very shortly you will see
Three score plus nine, are gone and history
One yet to be fulfilled...and fulfilled most bitterly [3]
This "week" is 7 days, seven days of years
This will be the week, of Death and Pain and Tears
When will this week start? No one knows the day and hour [4]
The First Seal will soon be broken, by a Lamb with Might and Power [5]
The First Seal upon the Scroll, in the hand of God upon His throne
Six more are yet to break, then seven Trumpets will be blown
Then seven vials of WRATH, will be poured upon your head
Just wait 'till vial number five, you'll wish you could be dead [6]

[1] Dan 9:21
[2] Dan 9:24
[3] The Book of Revelation
[4] Matt 24:36
[5] Rev 6:1
[6] Rev 16:10

Feb 2016 · 545
The Cure
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
Are you despondent and forlorn? About you no one cares
Do you mope and pout? Does your brain need some repairs?
All day you sulk and sob, you wine and cry and moan
No one says hello...don't call you on the phone
Woe is me you only cry, such a tragedy you are
All the time you get beat up, for you that's right on par
But you're stupid and you're ugly! And your breath stinks really bad
You're a Dorkwad Geek! How very very sad
You need to see a Doktor! A Dorkwadoloigest real quick
He'll fix your stupid ***, he'll beat it with a stick
Feb 2016 · 437
Thank You
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
Expect this I did not, surprised I really am
My followers I thank, so I'll write this epigram
This just started recently, writing poetry I mean
Learn this I did not, I just must have the gene
It's all spontaneous, at my keyboard I peck-peck
Out a poem pops, I say what the heck!
If I'm a good mood, my rhymes are silly and they're dumb
If I'm a bad mood, gloom and doom does come
So followers I thank you, for you I wrote this rhyme
I will keep on writing, it keeps me in my prime

(I have 17 followers)
Feb 2016 · 834
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
To whom it may concern, this poem is addressed
I write it to the cursed, I write it to the blessed
The last Book of the Bible, is about to fulfilled
It's called the'll probably be killed
If you are the cursed, you'll be killed and sent to Hell
If you are the blessed, you'll be killed as well [1]
Only 12 x 12 x 10, times one hundred more [2]
will live to see the end, and the burning of the *****
THE ***** of BABYLON! your Doom is drawing neigh
In God's flaming fire you'll burn, and in Hell you're going to fry [3]
Who is the ***** of Babylon? This question you may ask
She "sits on many waters" [4], and in glory she does bask [5]
In "one hour" her Doom will come, pain and death and woe [6]
She'll fall and she'll not rise [7], to Hell she's going to go
Do you live in Babylon? The Babylon today
You were warned that you should flee, this is the USA [8]

[1] Rev 6:9
[2] Rev 7:3~8
[3] Rev 17: whole chapter
[4] Rev 17:1
[5] Rev 18:1
[6] Rev 18:10, 18:17, 18:19
[7] Rev 18:21
[8] Rev 18:4
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