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Rina Feb 2017
Dogs are happy and excited to see us even when we're not eager to see ourselves
Rina Nov 2016
I understand that it's completely normal to not get along with all of your family members but this specifically hurt me the most. It's unfortunate and really quite sad that I now see you in a completely different way. I know you're supposed to love family unconditionally and I obviously do still love you but it's not the same at all.

With the world the way that it is now, I strongly refuse to accept anyone in my life that isn't kind, warm, or just doesn't treat others with basic human decency. There's enough ugliness in the world I do not need to purposely surround myself with it. Life is so much more beautiful when you center your surroundings with loving and giving people/situations.

Not everyday will be a great one, but I know that by removing the ugliness and coldness from my life, I am already able to guarantee myself brighter days.
Rina Jun 2016
i was born with the strength of a lion, and the grace of a dove.
Rina Mar 2016
I've always wanted to make changes in my life,

I've wanted to change how I eat, how I exercise, how I dress, how I work, how I sleep, just everything

There's nothing wrong with starting fresh and there's no better feeling than seeing a new you come to life.
Rina Jun 2016
we were just two people that were hurting at the same time
Rina Feb 2016
I'm nearly twenty years old and I'm finally starting to realize something, that is that life is too short and too precious to have any regrets.

So take the time everyday to say "I love you", and take the time to hug your parents because life really isn't  that long.
Push yourself to run for that extra mile, and push yourself to lift the extra weight because life is too short to not be the best you, you can be.

And please, leave your comfort zone. Say hello to strangers, go to concerts, sing louder songs, meet new people, build more relationships, love as hard as you can because life just isn't that long.
Rina Sep 2016
It's truly terrifying how wrong you can be about a person.

It's so strange to think that at one point in my life not so long ago, merely a year actually..that I thought you were one of the most trustworthy and real people I had ever met. I was naive and foolish to convince my heart that you would never do anything to make me feel small. I believed this rather fast because in my eyes you proved yourself to be a flower in a field of drying grass within such a short amount of time. Within weeks I was falling in love with your words your ambition, and your hands that would gently grasp the bottom of my chin, and the smile that would pierce my eyes. It's so strange, as fast as my heart became enamored with your presence it quickly became cautious of any voice even mouthing your name. The lips that once grazed yours suddenly grew tired and sick of the taste. How foolish I was to believe that anything real could ever last. Hell..I'm still discovering the early stages of my twenties. What the hell did I know?
Rina Dec 2016
2016 was the equivalent of sleeping through your alarm and being late for work.
Rina Feb 2016
You'll never regret working on yourself and making yourself a better person, nothing but positivity and growth can come from that.
Rina Mar 2016
Realizing now that I'm not okay, and that's okay
Rina Apr 2016
I didn't mean to pass you by

and I never wanted to be passed by
Rina Apr 2016
When I listen to certain music my mind goes to certain places, depending on the type of music.

I have my sad playlist made when I need a good cry..
it has almost as many songs as my "I'm having a beautiful day and I feel like dancing playlist." I like to keep that one full, always adding new melodies to the bunch.

Music makes you open minded, it makes a person free, it lets a person feel accepted without feeling like a burden.

Music, for me, holds more power than my words written ever could.

The best part of it all? There's so many songs that have yet to be listened to, which means there's an infinity of journeys I have yet to take.
Rina Jan 2017
Rina Feb 2016
The key to true happiness and content is to fall in love with yourself, as corny as that sounds.

Because the second you become fully dependent on another person whether that be financially or emotionally that's when you set yourself up in your own trap.

and ultimately self love and self fulfillment while it is one of the hardest things to master it's still one of those things that will never fall through the cracks once it's finally in your reach. The first step, in my opinion, is to always remind yourself that if you're not being treated the way you would want to be treated it's okay to step back, it doesn't make you in any way selfish to want more for makes you a human being.
Rina Dec 2016
I know I'll be okay
I know I'll be okay
I know I'll be okay
I know I'll be okay
I know I'll be okay
I know
Rina Jun 2016
What a difference a year makes

-a year ago today I was so immensely in love with you.
a year ago I was planning a weekend trip for us.
a year ago I was thinking about what birthday present would be both sweet, and creative.

What a difference a year makes  
-one year later, I'm spending my money on myself.
one year later I'm traveling to my favorite cities with a new group of people.
one year later, I learned that before you I was living just fine..and that lively spark that I believed you gave me was there all along.

Before you,
I was breathing just fine.
I was leading my own way.
I was living.

After you,
The sight of you driving away from my house as we said our last goodbyes will never succeed in leaving a permanent mark on my life.
After you..I will not just continue living, rather I will burst through my old shell and create a new.
Rina Jun 2016
it was as if I saw my own self being pulled away slowly by strong ocean waves, but I didn't call out for help, and I didn't use every ounce of inner strength to save myself because what was the point?
Rina Feb 2016
You should always try to make your loved ones proud.
For example, make your mother proud and your dad, even your grandparents.

But never forget to make yourself proud.
Rina Jun 2016
It's funny,

i went from having absolutely everything I thought I needed, to just a shell of bones left to wander around aimlessly
Rina Jan 2017
If you feel like telling someone you love them, please do it

If you feel like visiting a friend, please do it

If you feel like calling your mom or dad, please do it

Never wait for an opportunity, find them, because reality is we never have tomorrow.
Rina Jun 2016
a year without you allowed my mind to become more open than happy months spent with you ever could.
Rina Nov 2016
You taught me how to be brave, you also taught me how to be confident and walk with poise. You taught me that it's never wrong to want to accomplish and do things for myself. You taught me that i CAN do whatever the **** I want. You taught me that I don't ever have to do things just because everyone else is doing them. You taught me that it's okay to be on my own, independent, and most importantly you taught me how to think for myself, and I will always thank you for that. You taught me how to love myself. You gave me the confidence to feel like I finally belong to something that I love, you make me feel welcomed, warm, and loved.

I wish I could tell you, you've done so much for me. I wish I could tell you and explain to you the confidence and inspiration you give me. You motivate me to never give up, you taught me everything I need to know to find my wings. I love you forever.
Rina Feb 2017
I've started writing down my ideas and I couldn't be more happy or excited :-)

My creativity hits its peak at night, I'm not going to ignore it any longer I'm ready to blossom
Rina Feb 2017
All we ever were
Rina Jan 2017
It hurts me that I'll always have this soft spot for you, I'm mad at myself for letting it go that far.

However, I'm more upset at you for knowing that and taking advantage.
Rina Aug 2016
When someone keeps pushing you down and challenging you at what point do you stop pushing because I'm starting to feel tired
Rina Oct 2016
I am so happy that I live in a home where Spanish is spoken everyday
Rina Dec 2016
I'm too young to be this sad, ****
Rina Nov 2016
Be friends with your family members, it's the most special bond you can have.
Rina Nov 2016
If you love someone tell them;

If you love yourself, say that as well.
Rina May 2016
I need to visit the beach soon..something about the sound of the waves and the chill of the breeze has a way of silently telling me that everything I am worried about right now just isn't that important.
Rina Oct 2016
Had my first anxiety attack tonight in almost three years, I wish I knew my trigger but I honestly have no inclination of what it could be.
Rina Mar 2016
Why do some people have to be so persistent

if someone is showing they're not interested then back away and leave them alone



Rina Mar 2016
I'm finally seeing Coldplay live and I couldn't be more excited
Rina Mar 2016
A woman's education or daily routine should never have to be compromised because someone doesn't understand the word no
Rina Jan 2016
It's so sad to see people that are so angry with themselves that they have to make other people feel bad about themselves. Try holding up a mirror once in awhile.
Rina Mar 2016
It's amazing how our bodies just know when someone isn't right for us, it knows before we do.
Rina Feb 2016
Trying to explain your anxiety to someone who has never experienced it has got to be one of the most challenging, and difficult things to do.

Anxiety is real, and it is a day to day obstacle.
Rina Oct 2016
Nothing makes me feel more alive than music
Rina Apr 2016
Let the end of things come when it's meant to
Rina Jan 2016
There's nothing sweeter than a dog lifting your hand with their nose so you can pet them
Rina Jan 2016
"Oh I'll be free. just like that bluebird. Oh I'll be free. ain't that just like me." -David Bowie
Restinpeaceangel thankyouforeverything
Rina Jan 2016
everything I could ever need is all I have
Rina Mar 2016
I love being single..I have so much money for concert tickets
Rina Jan 2016
a man who truly values you will never cause you to be doubtful
Rina Dec 2016
School makes me so happy,

Planning out my classes, thinking about all that I'm gonna absorb..

just being at school all day is going to be so refreshing and uplifting, I can hardly wait.
Rina Mar 2016
"Take a hug and pass it on"
Rina Aug 2016
I don't know what's wrong with me

I always think I know what I want then once I get it I suddenly don't want it anymore..
I wish I knew why I was like this
Rina Jun 2016
What beautiful air to breath
Rina Mar 2016
A lot of the time I'm okay,

i can go days and weeks without feeling anything for you

Most of the time I'm okay,

i can easily remind myself of all the reasons why we weren't good together

why it makes perfect sense for us to go our separate ways and to live our own lives apart

Because yeah, reality is that we weren't perfect together,

my family was nothing but warm to you, inviting you in whatever room in our house with open arms and smiles, while you're family treated my face like your average come and go fling.

Most of the time I'm okay,
but sometimes i do remember how you would serve me apples with peanut butter and how you would perfectly take the skin off the apples and cut them all into perfect slices.

or how you would always brush the hair out of my face behind my ear so you could see my eyes.

Most of the time I'm okay, but sometimes every single memory we shared will hit me all at once, I only hope that I'm not the only one reminiscing.
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