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A parent has so many ways to love.
The best is being unselfish.
A lover has so many ways to love.
Except, they must be centered on one.

A quality that we all posses within our heart.
Seems to constantly be over looked.
Until you find someone to connect too.

A child has so many ways to love.
Simply by understanding ways to give.
Their hearts are very giving and unselfish.
Notice, how quickly they tries to help.
 Sep 2012 Elaine M Smith
 Sep 2012 Elaine M Smith
What do you do when you need to cry??
Hide in a corner??
Or be brave and cry in front of a crowd??
Or do you hide in your basement (scariest place)
And hope that the monsters/ creeps who scared you, can scare away who you hate the most??
Or do you want the world to come to a halt??
And cry till your done??

I don't know

But I do know crying let's out my emotions.
So learn to cry, sometimes it's good!!
I wish it would all go away.
the pain
the hurt
the sorrow

This life has enough of the
and sorrow

More gets added and you don't know how to deal with
the pain
and the sorrow

Is the love (friendship) real or is it just my imagination
the pain
and sorrow

A connection so strong like no other
the pain
and sorrow

When will it all go away when will it stop
the pain
and sorrow

I just want the love, the friendship and everything that goes with it
even the pain
the hurt
and the sorrow

Just as long as I have you in my life I'll take it all and then some
even the pain
the hurt
and the sorrow

And I'll always be there for you no matter what
through the pain
the hurt
and the sorrow.
 Sep 2012 Elaine M Smith
I come before you, my soul naked. Only you can see the cracks and the crevices, the scars and the tears, the corners that I hide in, as you wait patiently for me to emerge.

Without asking, you know the things that I am not brave enough to utter, my hopes and dreams I dare not speak for fear they will only become disappointments in the wind ……you know.  

I pray Dear Lord that you armor me with strength to fight the demons inside and soften the hard edges from scars so that I may open myself to others without fear of the consequences, remembering you will be there when they are too difficult to bear.

I pray you might fill my heart with love to overflowing so it might spill out everywhere I go and share what others seem to have lost, or never felt before.

I pray you will fill my eyes with light and a smile so bright it will light the darkened alleys of others lives……..including, my own.
There is enough hate
And pain in the world
We need to start
A little more
About love
How to spread it
How to let love
Fill and guide you
Until hate and pain
Become a distant memory
i couldnt see the way, the tunel as dark as night
and the lamp posts within were brocken to the core.
the life i could have led dissapeared from my reach
the walls of my consience closing
and the presure maddening

the darkness were like walls closing around me,
my world is turned to dust before my eyes
because you wernt there beside me ,
to show me that i could to any thing.
you were my confidence
my one and only friend but now your gone
and its to much to bear
i read my books over and over,
i took you for granted
i thought id lost you
but then i found you
and then i lost you all over again

if i could see you smile just one more time all the pain in the world could not stop me from finding you once more
Til now I've tried to be a big girl
I tried not to cry
But now every time that you call me
I can't help. But notice why
And tears spring to my eyes
As I see your tired happy smiling faces
Talking to me from I mile away

I tried to be a big girl,
And I tried not to cry
But now everything you call me
Tears spring to my eyes

I feel so alone
I feel so sad
I know that you miss me
But I miss you twice as bad

I know that your tired
I know that your sad
I know that you think of me
And see me at home all alone

Though I know it's hard and that you travel far
I wish I could go with you
Though I'd look past the moon
And reach past the moon

No need for long goodbyes
Or extra long hellos
I can see all your smiling faces
A you travel round the globe
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