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Remember Me when I'm gone
Remember Me when you are all alone
Remember Me when your dreams go home
Remember Me when lights break out
Remember Me when love is lost
Not many are like me
Not many are so brave
Not many keep up till the day break
Not many follow what i say
Not many know when to say
All Can Lie
All i Can play Trust me with whatever i say
I put my heart all out, I know the rules But i don't know how to play, they say.
Remember Me, Remember Me Is all i pray
Remember the staring?
Tense, but not unpleasant.
Remember the silence?
awkward, and shy.
Remember the laughing?
bubbly, and surprised.
Remember the shock?
at our growing relation.
I do.
Almost perfectly
As perfectly as we were
*so really not at all.
Could I have found the one?
Could you be mine?
Could this work?
Could we be what we were looking for?
I guess we'll find out
Why do you want for me to feel like this
Please don't taunt me with those perfect lips
Don't give me that look that sticks in my mind
Won't give in to that hook because you're not mine
Really wish that I could pull away from you
Now I feel like a fool because either way I loose
Red flashing lights going off in my head
Still tonight I want you here instead
How do I escape these feelings that are so bad
When I am not willing to give up what I can't have
I need a solution so help me please
My strength is fading and I need my energy
I wish you could see what you are putting me through
I need to get away but somehow you keep pulling me back to you
God here it comes again,
sneaking up on me
like a snake-*******
just waiting for
my bare, unshaved
ankles to make
their ashen presence
It coils around
my neck and
my eyes pop
out of my head
one at a time.
It's done with-
his arms are
outstretched and
he's climbing the floor
for the gun
his hands still
rest on.
I turn to run down
the stairs like
I'm in the pitch black
field, running from
a monster who died
a long time ago.
What else is there to do
but fall to your knees
and ***** all the
butterflies and
chicken nuggets you can
That's where I'm left.
I'm getting off my knees,
slowly but surely,
so there's that.
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