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I never really cared
what you think of me.
I never really need
what you have to say.
I never really asked
for you to stay.
I never knew,
I'd be needing you
in my way
I'd be wanting
to see you
I'd be wanting
to be loved by you
in every way.
How to fix my wires?
How to oil these gears?
I am a humble Jack
who can't come out of the box.

What joy can I bring?
What sound can I ring?
When I'm as sad as this box
covered in darkness and dust.

When can I see the light?
When can I burst and shout?
I can't seem to fathom
thoughts everywhere they bloom.

Where is everybody when I need them?
Where are the faces I long have seen?
On this four sides of my sorrow
they never take part nor show.

Why's my fate has lead to this?
Why am I stuck and left in a bliss?
Someday, somehow I'll get out of this
until someone, somehow, manage to take risk.
I still have questions that's never answered.

— The End —