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 Sep 2013 eke
Really like the title
Poem's not worked out
If it does I promise
I'll give y'all a shout
Alternative title-  The best poem in the world (ever) so put it on the daily email please.
Small brown envelopes of cash are available by negotiation.
Copyright martin. All rights reserved
including mine to live in the fantasy world of my choice, in which having written the best poem in the world, I am asked to write ditties for the Queen, and invited on holiday by Sir Richard Branson to his private island. Of course I refuse, far too ******, all that money. (Not the Queen you understand, I would not refuse her, within reason).
The wife says I'm in a funny mood today. Don't know what she means.
 Sep 2013 eke
Megan Grace
because my lungs are
becoming your most
common punching bag
without you being
aware. I don't think
you're as much in this
as you originally
wanted to be.
 Sep 2013 eke
Nebulous the Poet
Voices from the past spoken by ghosts are
booked with stories, stories till gone untold.
Tombstone whisperers with breathless lisps
Caress your mind with misty mystery
Beginning stories "once upon a time"
and ending them with the two words "The End."

We find ourselves wishing to hear stories
told by the living before they die but,
Only after they die do we listen
because everything they wanted to say
can now only be said with one word, dead.
 Sep 2013 eke
Cigarettes and Sex
 Sep 2013 eke
I want to whisper my secrets to you
In a silent smoke filled room
I want to kiss your neck
And watch as you
Inhale that ******* cigarette
 Sep 2013 eke
Richard Jones
Some days I think I need nothing
more in life than a spoon.
With a spoon I can eat oatmeal,
or take the medicine doctors prescribe.
I can swat a fly sleeping on the sill
or pound the table to get attention.
I can point accusingly at God
or stab the empty air repeatedly.
Looking into the spoon's mirror,
I can study my small face in its shiny bowl,
or cover one eye to make half the world
disappear. With a spoon
I can dig a tunnel to freedom,
spoonful by spoonful of dirt,
or waste life catching moonlight
and flinging it into the blackest night.
 Sep 2013 eke
Richard Jones
During the war, I was in China.
Every night we blew the world to hell.
The sky was purple and yellow
like his favorite shirt.

I was in India once
on the Ganges in a tourist boat.
There were soldiers,
some women with parasols.
A dead body floated  by
going in the opposite direction.
My son likes this story
and requests it each year at Thanksgiving.

When he was twelve,
there was an accident.
He almost went blind.
For three weeks he lay in the hospital,
his eyes bandaged.
He did not like visitors,
but if they came
he'd silently hold their hand as they talked.

Small attentions
are all he requires.
Tell him you never saw anyone
so adept
at parallel parking.

Still, your life will not be easy.
Just look in the drawer where he keeps his socks.
Nothing matches.  And what's the turtle shell
doing there, or the map of the moon,
or the surgeon's plastic model of a take-apart heart?

You must understand --
he doesn't see the world clearly.
Once he screamed, "The woods are on fire!"
when it was only a blue cloud of insects
lifting from the trees.

But he's a good boy.
He likes to kiss
and be kissed.
I remember mornings
he would wake me, stroking my whiskers
and kissing my hand.

He'll tell you -- and it's true --
he prefers the green of your eyes
to all the green life
of heaven and earth.
 Sep 2013 eke
Circa 1994
This is for the boys that don't get poems written about them.
The ones with bad acne and figurine collections.
Because one day you'll outgrow your acne
and a girl will find you charming instead of awkward.
And she'll want you to kiss her but you'll be too nervous.
But she'll be nervous too.
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