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S Feb 2019
how did i just walk away?
I always looked back though, every time

I miss you
I miss us

I'm numb right now
and all i want to do is run to you
because I know you'll be there for me in every perfect way

you're always there
It's just me that never existed

I always leave without a warning
and come back when you find peace
just to rock your world one last time
S Feb 2019
my favourite part of a movie is when the character who's been through a lot walks through a dimly lit city scene or a park alone just thinking about everything and music is playing in the background and it's kinda sad but at the same time they know everything is going to be okay

when you're just walking around, contemplating in such a busy public place you suddenly find yourself aware of each step you take and each breathe you take.

You can feel the cold air fill your lungs and you kind of smile at the sweet memories and you know that despite everything, those memories will keep you alive.

But the pain you feel is intense, it can blind you and suddenly you can't see where you're going anymore. Life doesn't feel real and before you know it, your heart is on your sleeve for the world to see.
S Jan 2019
i feel so ****** up every time we talk
I don't know if it's a good or bad kind of ****** up
S Jan 2019
I've found so much peace in silence
but inside it tears me apart
I have a voice
I want to use it
but my words stutter and fail
S Jan 2019
I fell out of love with myself
from a manic i can't even look in the mirror
I am my enemy
I am everything I hate

I used to be my world
but i stumbled into this unknown rocky terrain and I guess it just changed me

I am no longer me

Who am I?

I wish I could love Myself
S Jan 2019
Even though I knew all along

After a night of reflection I realised we have different nights and mornings

Polar opposites
we'll never be the same
we'll never see eye to eye
and i never wanted us to be the same
i never wanted to live as equals
but it hurts
it hurts to realise we'll never understand each other
each breath we take near each other is lost in translation
each thought that dares to escape our minds threatens to tear us apart
misunderstanding left us destroyed and in despair
and now all i can do is sit here
and reflect
i couldn't love myself so i tried to find love in you
but i sat
and i reflected
and i realised
we have different nights and mornings
we weren't meant to work
we never were
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