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Eilish Dec 2013
Over the edge,
      into the deep, cold waters.
My ocean.
Is it possible for you to sit aside me?
      Contained and afloat.
Or, if you please, you may swim
Hold my hand.

And let it be, for just awhile.
Eilish Sep 2013
I know of lonely days,
I want my girls back.
Eilish Sep 2013
O! Laugh loved one, for we are not lost
Though eyes are shrouded, our hands we still hold
Eilish Aug 2013
Left on the shore, we are
Cleansed of all mistakes
Of the hate, the hurt

This will wash away
And I will hold you forever
Because I love you, forever.
Eilish Jul 2013
I slipped from the eyelid garden
Falling now
I reached for your hand
but it wasn't there
And when I hit the concrete
leave my innards for the birds
Eilish Jun 2013
For I am the smallest child
I often find that my mind is swamped
Do I deserve to hold your heart?
You have held the hands of beauty queens,
Women in red heels and lips
You have moved them, their hearts swelled for you
And now you chase a plain paper bag
Swept up in the wind
I am dragged empty down the street

She sits upon my shoulder
Whispering devils into my ear
To brood over her memory
*So suffocating I can not bare
Eilish Jun 2013
Unsuspecting you are, an
Innocent soul you have always been
my wee baby blue
You used to be there for me and
I'll hold your hand still too

Like a child your mind wanders
In the sun and mud between your toes
grubs and worms to play
Watch out for the snake in the grass
It slowly creeps, it will bite you one day

Sunken in teeth, so fast
The venom fills your blood
like so many others before
An addiction now you crave so badly
Once it leaves you for something more
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