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Em Aug 2019
Your eyes. So blue.
Almost as blue as the water im drowning in now.
Em Jun 2019
You are frantically flailing your arms in the sea of “I like you’s” and “You are amazing’s”
Gasping for just.
That's all you wish for.
But no.
You are forced by the mangled hands of the universe to watch in utter despair as the one you love loses interest.
Day after day, seeing the replies get shorter and shorter.
That deep, dark, flawless affection slowly slugging down those white walls of purity.
Knowing you’ve played this **** game before.
But you still drag your limp, broken heart away with the same result.
Same feeling.
Your wide-eyed self trusting this time will be different,
but realizing you were wrong.
The thinking back and forth,
the not knowing anything but the fact that your thoughts are your absolute worst enemy.
How about wondering if there was something you could still do to save
But with the struggles of life all around you,
already suffocating you beyond limits,
you can’t find the energy to sound the words.
You sit back and stare at the sight of your shattered body scrambling for one sight of light.
Watching as the soft and gentle waves of pure anxiety lapse over your expressionless face,
Resembling the tiny pieces of snow that fall to the ground causing you to hear the last crack.
Not being able to look away at the sight of your entire existence crumbling into an avalanche like state as if it never existed in the first place.
Feeling the last layers of your hearts walls peel away,
freeing themselves
from self inflicted hurt. At least they are free.
Em Jul 2019
Taking deep breaths doesn't help me.
Replacing you with meaningless people doesn't help.
Distracting myself with friends doesn't make all of our memories disappear.
Missing you doesn't go away.
Em Dec 2020
Em Aug 2019
I stare at my tired reflection in the mirror.
It being broken. Shattered if you will.
Belonging to no one.

I smile.
I flash that charming grin. Trying to convince myself i'm okay.

But then, my face falls.
Tears overlapping my eyes.
Making them look like those of an untouched doll.

The power. Oh the power you have on me right now.
You don't even know.
Em Sep 2019
it'll run through you.
maybe even out of your ears, out the ends of your finger tips.
every single inch. every pore that surfaces your broken body.

it'll drain you out like a wet washcloth.
watching you twist and turn resulting in all life flowing out of you.

don't worry. you can't run from it. it will always catch up.

it will always win.
Em May 2020
i must stop and think,
have i found love?
my burdening self belonging to a beauty,
and having that in return?
what is love? i do not know
i pursued that path before,
but the ground broke away beneath my clinging feet
perhaps i may try again to decipher the darkness
but who really knows what lies there anyway?
Em Nov 2019
Change is inevitable.
I tried to avoid it, to make sure we never crossed paths.
But I remember how innocent I was back then, not an ounce of sadness in my body. How did I become this? When did I change into this bitter, pessimistic thing. I tried so hard to light my way through the darkness but I forgot to bring extra matches.

         I think I have ended up so depressed because I was so happy.
Em Sep 2019
i just saw a post of you kissing another girl.
that shoved a knife into my broken heart.
the one you broke.
Em Jul 2019
Do you ever wonder how much someone cares?
How many strides they would take to get to you?
How many people they would go over,
How many oceans they would swim.

Do you ever wonder why they stop?
Stop thinking that the suffering is leading them to something worthwhile?
Stop trekking across the flaming sands,
Stop wandering through the never ending forests.

Were there too many oceans?
Was the water too dark?
Was the sand too hot?
Were the forests too confusing?

I am a map.
And no one seems to be able.
To be able to grasp just how confusing that is.

Am I just not worthwhile?
Em Nov 2019
isn't it sad when you think you've hit the bottom.
that it could not possibly get any worse.
but it turns out there was no bottom.
Em Aug 2019
after a while the caffeine grows weaker, the cold splash of water grows warmer, and the sunlight grows darker.
things change for the worse all the time.
and one day I realized that I was no exception.
Em Nov 2019
it ***** you up.
trust me.
there is a moment.
when you finally realize that you will never be extraordinary.
you will never be the person you hoped you would become.
it ***** you up.
trust me.
Em Jul 2019
It's fine.
Get over it.
Forget looking into his cold blue eyes.
Turning and him looking at you with a stupid smile.
Forget how he made you feel.
Noticing things about you no one else took the time to look at.
Forget the trust.
The faith you had in him.
Forget it all.
It wasn't there for long anyway.
Em Jul 2019
I'm silent.
But i'm screaming.
Screaming to scare the madness away.
Screaming to warn my past self not to make the same mistake.
No one hears it. Not even me.
Em Jun 2019
we are so centralized on what we look like through the eyes of others, that we forget to look through our own **** eyes for a change.
Em Sep 2019
how are you the one that gets to be happy?
the one that made me feel unlovable for my weaknesses?
how is that fair.
Em Nov 2019
I am disgusted with myself.
How could I ever tell someone I love them when they are the reason I am broken on the inside.
Em Jan 2020
I am the sun. Perhaps I warm the surfaces of the rooms I walk into. I bring happiness to people who don't think about me much. But come too close to me, and I will burn you to your core. From far away, I am sobering, a reassurance to most. From far away, you will think everything is okay. But i warn you. Don't look directly at me. Otherwise you will see who I really am. You will suffer endless pain and regret the decision for the rest of your existence. I am the sun. Don't come too close.
Em Oct 2019
I don't know why, but I don't trust you. You've never given me a reason to feel this way, you've never hurt me, lied to me, or anything of that sort. I guess this is what happens when you've been let down so many times that you realize one day, people are never who they seem to be at first glance. I've learned to not trust anyone. I wish it didn't apply to you, but these things are out of my control.
Em Sep 2019
I pray this is not real.
I pray that my life won't be like this forever...
Em Dec 2020
i cheated.
and it wasn't until i lost the love of my life that i realized it was wrong.
Em Apr 2020
i knew it was over as soon as i didn't trust a word that left your lips.
Em Dec 2019
I finally cut myself free from you. And it's the worst feeling in the world.
Em Jul 2019
There is no air.
I am trapped.
I am trapped in an ocean.

Water begging to be let in.
My screaming lungs on the other side refusing with all their might.

Cold cement walls on every side.
Millions of tiny cold pieces of rock
for every time I think about you.

Dark forest at every turn.
All the trees look the same.
And no one will hear me for eternity.
Wailing with such weak desperation.

The feeling is close to a thousand wolves ripping me apart.
Claws digging into my selfless blood.

Blades of regret ripping through my broken heart.
Wishing i'd kept it to myself.

It was a mistake.
I am a mistake.
Em Nov 2019
I don't want to run anymore.
                                            I think maybe
Maybe it's time to lay down.
                                            My legs are tired.
Em Jul 2019
I never knew the pain
that such happiness could cause me.
I was awaiting my doom
wasn't I?

Thinking of it as
every minute of happiness
I must now withstand an equal amount of hurt.

I don't want to live my life.
Make new memories.
Accomplish things.
without you.

But we never get what we want
now do we.
We seem to continuously throw our hands in the air in submission
Saying we learned our lesson for next time.

But what if I don't want a next time?
Em Oct 2019
Isolation is what sealed my fate.
Em Jul 2019
It's funny.
How I sit here in this chamber of frost.
Complete frigidness.
Nothing left.

It's funny.
How my grieving mind
Is struggling over all of our happy memories.
How foolish I was.

It's funny.
How the one person I ever truly loved
slaughtered the mended piece of me.
Not once.
But again.
Because watching me inhale the suffocating.
destructing waters
that is heartbreak is so amusing.

It's funny.
How "I could never hate you"
I once said with confidence,
I now say the opposite.
Who knew that was even possible.

It's funny.
How for a moment
What the oblivious call life
Dissolves into nothingness as I remember.
What once was.
And what will never be.

It's funny.
How the tears creep around the edge of my lower eyelid.
Threatening to burst out.
Letting out all of my secrets and emotions with a weak roar.

It's funny.
How this is where I end up again.
The eternal love you once saw.
Into less than powder.

It's funny.
How I wonder how the sun even dares to rise again.
Appalled at the rest of the world moving on without me.
Watching how I was once a part of them.
But happiness leaves behind the ones
That are incapable of feeling it anymore.

It's funny.
Because he said he would never be able to get over you,
Because he said he would love you forever.
Because he said you would be the one to move on first.

It's funny.
Because 3 weeks later.
He has a replacement.
A new memory generator.

It's funny.
How I lay restless at night.
While he laughs with someone else.
Probably someone who isn't as ****** up as I am.
Someone who is worthy of being loved by someone as.
Someone as cruel. Someone as wicked as he is.

It's funny.
How it isn't.
Em Nov 2019
tell me.
tell me why i am like this please.
all i need is an explanation! please!
is this how it's supposed to be?
am i going to make it?
i need a sign.
please. please.
Em Nov 2019
as i'm washing the knives, i stop and listen to their pleas.
their pleas to kiss the soft ridges of my wrists once more.

just once more.
Em Jul 2019
"I fell when I was a little child and a broken glass bottle cut my wrist."
But I knew better.
Em Nov 2019
this has happened before.
i was in this same identical spot.
and wished death upon myself.
i somehow moved on from it.
but i am back.
hello dear friend! i haven't missed you.
will this time be the one that terminates my existence?
Em Nov 2019
i wish i didn't care.
that your words could float right through me, without hurting me,
that i could shrug it off carelessly.
but honestly you are the one who has torn me all up,
the one who made sure i never strayed too far,
you are the one who destroyed me.
and i'm expected to love you?
Em Nov 2019
The stitches broke.
I tried to fix myself. To heal what others tore apart.
I tried to save myself countless times.
The stitches broke.
I looked up in defeat.
Nothing left to give. Everything drained.
The stitches broke.
My wounds were so **** close to being healed.
But another person always comes along to prevent it.
The Stitches broke.
And honestly this time i'm too tired to sew myself back together.
Em May 2020
no one cares. they lie.
Em Nov 2019
i am alone in my own world. my own life.
the only one who can save me is myself.
but i would never dare put that in the hands of me.
Em Jul 2019
Oh the things i'd do to be wrapped in your sobering arms just once more.
Em Apr 2020
I can't get out.
I need to get out.
I need to be me. To find me.
Please. Let me. Out.
Em Dec 2020
please take me back. i need you. i need to breathe you, i need to see you, i need you to live. you're my blood, you're my life, my sun and my earth. please, i'm so ******* sorry. i'm so messed up i don't deserve you. i don't know why i did it. please. i need you to love me. i ******* need you. please forgive me. you're the love of my life.
Em Jun 2020
i need to be needed.
i need to be loved. to be craved.
but i run. i am a runner.
Em Oct 2019
You say I'm yours but are you mine? How many other girls have you said this to?
Do I really satisfy you enough?
Why would you even like someone like me?
You're probably just using me.
Maybe playing me like a game, making me a placeholder for someone better. Someone prettier. Someone hotter.
I'm not good enough for you.
Em Sep 2019
She told people she blamed him,
but she really blamed herself.
Em Aug 2019
"I am tired" is such an optimistic way of describing the state in which we really are.
"I am done for, narcoleptic, internally shattered, and terminally discarded." is the closest way of painting the pain on a canvas of meaningless words.
But there really is no way of expressing the true feeling. Of being simply tired.
Em Sep 2019
depression is the slow killer.
slow and steady wins the race.

and it wasn't until I reached such a state of sadness, that I read that idiom with such logic.
Em Mar 2020
Death is weird. What is it really?
A whole entire living person is there. breathing. laughing. existing.
And from one moment to the next, they disappear forever.
Never to feel their warmth again.
All those memories they felt. their deepest regrets.
all those tears they cried in secret.
are locked away for eternity.
Never to be able to look them in the eye again, how does that make sense?
I can't understand it.
My brain refuses to comprehend it no matter how hard i try.
They're with you. Then they're not.
Death is weird. What is it really?
Em Aug 2019
do I care?
do I want to?
Em Jul 2019
I don't like going to bed.
Because I lay there thinking about you instead.

I feel haunted by your memory to be honest.
I must tell you that these nights are the longest.

I would do anything for you to have never left me.
But now you only exist in my memory.

I Just want you back.
You are the one person that I lack.
Em Apr 2020
i dont know what love is. i say that i love you but i have no clue. perhaps this is what love is, if so, im not too sure i'd care to feel it again.
Em Jun 2020
I'm not a player, because I run the game.
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