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Suddenly my thoughts run deeper
and become folded
inside the scent of the air
until they pull on my heart-strings
and watch
my tears cry tears of their  own.  
And I laugh and smile,
pretend to be happy
as if I don't remember
you're gone.

However, sorrow brings truth
as it closes in
to unravel the seconds
of each sleepless night
I have held for years unknown.  
And I realize,
it's time to move forward,
stop letting my tears
cry tears
of their own.
Copyright *Neva Flores @2013
Look into my eyes and tell me that you don't love me
Tell me you really want to break up our happy home
Then and only then, will I leave you alone
was going to add more to this but that pretty much says it all
 Mar 2013 Edward Searson
Holly W
I breathe people in like the necessity of air
and even though I know I need to exhale
I wish I could hold it in for a second more
and forget
I have embraced my dark side
because I know it's not all that is seen
My light shines brightly enough
in all the spaces in between

For even in the darkest of places
light can still be found
It is where the light shines brightest
As the shadows cast on the walls all around
We have this powerful connection
One that can never be denied
You have left your mark on me
Never to be erased only grows deeper and wide

So I give to you my physical love letter
Communication void of any words
A deeper way of connecting just not heard
Messages through my eyes and kisses with my lips
and the gentle touches from my hands and fingertips
My mouth will form all the vowels on parts of you
without hardly making any sound
Then with the next breath I will erupt into a song
as the pleasure swirls all around

I surrender to you, and only you, because you look after my needs
Others pulled me along in their own selfish greed
You are what I yearn for and thirst
I surrender to you, and only you, because you surrendered to me first
Seemed only fitting to add this to the classics collection when looking at the is exactly from four years ago today!!
If you knew me at all you would know that chocolates or flowers are not required...
What I require is just a moment of your time to feel appreciated and loved
Regardless of what you think I am actually very easy to please
Watching the sunset with you and a few beers in hand
Would make me feel like the queen of all the land.
For just that moment I could fantasize that I am at the top of your to do list :)
I would try and hide from the horrors
and try to hide from the pain
but no matter how deep it is buried
the fact is the remains
The pain is still there every day
sometimes it is just hidden further away

I had to learn how to hide and how to retreat inside
Tried so many things to fill the emptiness the hole
So much hatred for a thief who stole so many innocent souls
Even though there are no scars on the outside to see
does not mean it did not happen to my sisters and me

thought I was to young to have a voice
to young to have a choice

Where there is darkness there is also light
Maybe some goodness can come of this after all
We can learn together how to come around that darkened wall
Our pain can produce a voice for all to hear
Make a stand.... speak up and listen with our ears
Eyes that undress me and devour
and look upon me as a delicate flower

Lips that softly kiss and taste
greedily savoring my sweetness leaving not a trace

Hands that need no prompting or words
they just read my body and thoughts not heard

Arms wrapped tightly around me, skin on skin
making me feel loved on the outside as well as within
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